payment TICLES for SALE AUTOMOTIVE 0103 CAM F03 10 HELP WANTED noun me TOY NOD uh Tull mu nlu nlnntha ale hanl PA INu or turn ll erasnon EXCHANGE WILL nan IDINIIIIII In good In never In mllar tondltlan Telwhen PA Ludo ARTICLES WANTED moo lurnltnn or my road nu Hutu Infllvldull or Gaul leiL lnena PA I401 recreltlou room liurdy rocklnl GIIIII nauo hly priced on PA He llMOTILLII Want III 39 Hull bl In dllion Would ma Ind dinlnl room will Also rur Tiephens PA mm SFARMERS MARKET uvzsrocx IIOLITIIN Pant 01 lrursns and Cowl pick no Lialed and Aply William glut Tm ante Tllsphona old one can mpaon an annual one mu rel5 Anuvaniiulolner load of cm um Saddle llama mlnu somn Plntoa ll mod to II bands TelDianna PA WATSON MOTORS STAYNER ECHEYRQLET comm CARia commons SERVICE rAm beam OLDSMOBILE NO GWCKB new Housm In no AND 1981 CHEVROLET BELAIR cylinder nedan with automatic maustausedcarprice lulu Lewhummi an la very clean both inside newtuu 1957 PONTIAC AL CHIEFS Wallll Beach TllfNo WlllllElacï¬ CARE WTD To BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS nmins Ntwml CAD 1m URGENTLY REQUIRE usm CARS TRADE UP on DOWN WI WLu LDID You MONEY ON YOUR mum CART PHONE IA 84272 TRUCKS TRAILERS FEED SEED GRAIN QUANTITY lunar lol ulI lilo sum on straw Cln dallvar Apply to ma mannay Lot manual lnnlull POULTRY CHICKS DEKALE PULLITB or month old ll Inl Apply Donald 01 on RE Ban III or tellphnnl PA 575 FARM MACHINERY mman FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE New Holilnd David Brown Beatty Firm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82873 Fall eclals on Forage Harves ers Case Now Hoi land Dione Gehl 1957 Chevrolet IIIton Pickup with lung box and stock racks OASH TnADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES Cr SERVICE Milkers wml Tanll Vacuum Pumpa lilo WIIOr Pumpl and all Rubber Pam or Ill mIlkcr IIANK BROWN BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS 180 AMP slssloo COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Managemenk PHONE STROUD 10R AUTOMOTIVE VIAU Morons RAMBLER HILLth AND LAND novnn 10 DOWN 17 VGOWAN STREET PA 66488 TIAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH shaman mangane nomn to All Makes DML and IIAL Towing Scrvlco 7s BAYFIELD 51 HARM PA 84185 HERES ONE 1957 Ford automatic IWDJAIIL ranch wagon New motor snow tires radio and window wseh era This vehicleismechonlcal ly perlect and guaranteed Full price $850 Require $250 down May be linanced DAYS PA $6981 EVENINGS PA ï¬lm 1351 roNnAcsln dawn and take over plymentll Telephone PA new METEOR Deluxe our door uliy equl pad with sxtru Must sell or over XI mantl enhane HE M352 II stun won AUSTIN Mu Iaie In nod runninl order Raalon or llll cannot let hermit III glory sum between Ind pm 1937 sruoanAlrElI roul door ly IlGOnflmflflflflJIIILIL anth wlth novdown 11 Chuck roll Ba Mata telephone BJN IBM CONIUL lnur door Eedln In Hood candltion rml Pricld roar bllgsgoI qulck Telephone ï¬lms WTD To BUY FOE your car LIIIII DlId WI trade or down Alr ml le Melon am no PA com Eflmlflu Want LTD Tel ml INTERNATIONAL Pickup pitact molar and tIlII heavy duty Ionnlll TIinhonI PA Mm ml IIALrloN panel Intelnu Iinnal or nia ant nflar Call altar pan to Plllltln EL Ellrim mo MTDN MERCURY Truck or Ilia cm Rood tires and load ill23P condition Telephone PA ALPION Truck or flood TunIIIn condition HE Hut null or lumbar In lormauon MOBILE HOMES msz mAILm or nnt Icel or huntan or wukendl to ur dlyl Telphan PA 35748 or pmleulm 22 FOOT TRAILER or mullnae wired Cllh uni our to llIr Km numu Avanue Barrie mAVEL TRAle 1o loot mm llctory built aood mndluun mo TI non PA Meet Iol run PERSONALS 10311le TELLINGDu you want your onune told by can Tel lphonl PA WW lily than LAmzsI 11 you due nsw lolm dauon lament try allm luau uud to your size In your home Phona or appointmlnt PA 54717 womans OOLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol nnw In this aovsmnunt JhmmUJnIIIELIILIIIJT of beauty cultflrl For Inlormltlon write DIRWIN HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL IO COLLIER STREET OR PHONE PA 34961 luau error Culdwlval etc by certiï¬ed nuroremr in your own homer Phone Earnch It PA LOST FOUND Ile LOST It Blrfll llIl on Saturdly Eaplemhar brand new Reward altered Telephone Barbara Lloyd or PA lIoll IPORTI JACKET Whltu an Wlth Ballle Lellon Hockey Great Lon l6 Anzul Elli Pull in HHndQHIenetele new or write Brown Mld hurl PM TIHELP WANTED work wanted III out time Telephone Ora 17¢ WAImEnans wanted Annly clut tor aux Rutaunnl Telephone Clanktown Isamm PERMANENThoulaha IIII ed or widower and our to uni In children Live in Telephone Camp Bordsn luv EXPERIENCED nurrouans Billing Machine Operator requlred 101 Thoma Electric For lDPDIntmant telephone Mill flow If PA SMII RELtAnLn LADY required to care nï¬milnvaliqoman to llv In mm PA 81101 my ulna RELIABLE Houaeltoeper required to care or III children while mnlhet work Ind do um honIA keenlnllolu be clean Ind and or children Reply Itatinl wales ï¬ne on to Box 51 Earns Exam er EARN MONEY WEI bobby Mlke heaufllul awe 817 home Elly Io dol Eel to our lfloudl Excellent pull the or wholealle coiound ult IL Mllr troyfl Co an AM Allncoufl Ontl MALE OR FEMALE OFFICE MANAGER FOR FURNITURE STORE AMust be able to take complete chnrge of olllcs collection ac counts credit sanctioning plus allowup APPLY BOX 71 allan EXAMINER MIN 03 WOMEN Ilart your own Wltklnl bulinulll Full or laxI tlme INu Ix crience nocolluy erto Gau er 350 SL Roch amen mumr lb mum 77175 BRADFORD STREEIA chartered school wow you In an or PA Mun Cookatnwll unr drive and mom radio beauti iully liniahed In beige 11th dloioe otterlnx ha been drlven Il than 5000 miles and it Is your mommityjaacqulna prantlully MALE HELP new to melt blu mat floor Tallphunl PA um between DR MALEOBFEMALE Emilll net11nd male YOUNG KAN with Jon Pith IlaII in Mull are would col BIII or Danna lxulilnl older In at work can tip Null Call In Puller lradlerd and do mum Appll PR RI In evlnInlI PR 52110 llflll umber mm Cu mm to one at Io 85114 II new man sum mm aomxwon venue by ten it ma noun Allanalrflame emum Avalla Tellylm PA lumen mail tnuL Own Inmpoflatlm wm datalla to on Eml EMPLOYMENT WANTED 10W INN Duh annular mu on mm wul alao Egum hula mhl um IE on VIII slou And mamn radio end has Just been titted 1980 hEnvgg Small only Mm Thule lindereoonomyenr an en van V7 mnï¬mmmlcwymAnu Ioodbuy 1958 CHEVROLET BELAIR +dooraedanwifl1atandardtrlmmlulonbelufllullyllnuodh beige IhIa ia clean and thorwzhly dependable car 4DOOR SEDAN with etandard lraaemlaeion and melom radlo Youll like It cmart appearance In ila new um blue Iianh We also have the present time nice ssluJon ol lose and 1961 can in various maker which we oordlslly invite you to inrpect mum BILL FULLENN Wlalla Belch TOL NH WIIllI IIIIII aALne Lori quN 5mm ml aTAYNmTIL No 10 L7 HELP WANTED MALE HELP CAREER MINDED 2I 30 YEARS Enthusiastic younl min with sound sales sense will llnd ceptionsi career opportunities at TRADERS FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Good starting Ialar1 1nd tho ough mining in auured Deiinlte advancement based on ability and the desire to we coed It you are bright and anxious to mature with one of Canadll Intent prowlnu lndultriel come to Trader OIIIce at 89 DUNLOP STREET EAST BARRIE Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday evenings at doll week between the hours of pm and ii plm OR Telephone PA H3614 and rr quest an Interview durinl the day TRADERS FINANCE TIMEIltEEPER WYQUNGAMENA CORPORATIOer PORI RIB PORTION TENDERLOIN Jams Am Damonmm on nonm Wufluto CHOP Bishops Expulsion Disturbs Catholics VATICAN CITY APILOs urvstore Romano uld Iuesda that Cubas expulsion hop and ROmen prIesta cause most pm Ionow in the Catholic worl 1° HELP mom WANTED Ill EAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 19 III ï¬gh The Vatican newrpaper de scribed the Cuban actionia the latest of many very mve ma nlfutaiinns and said that It revealed the reality of the churchs Iltullion in Cuba Vaticanplourcelvjald om those responsible for the expul smn may have Incurred auto moth ucommunicallon cum and COMPARE CENTRE curs Nobody has as many low meat prices as APl lunarRight All Meal Brown II luv RIB HALE LIAN IHOULDII GROUND cIIucK CORNISH ROCK HENS PRIME RIB ROAST 14m man PIOKLID MILD Gull VAO FAQ 143 49 67° LOIN lb 47c TENDERIOIII IIAlF l0IIIl63¢ 49 euh79¢ lb 59¢ 57s Fancy Gulllly III Thinly Blind Van Fae Jellicd Park IIEAII CHEESE Ilicad EM BOLOGNA Pure Pork SAUSAGE PITTIES PORK LIVER an pllg 1529 COOKED HAM mm 49 live pIuIIl cent 140ka 31 SAUSAGE MEAT 39 CHICKEN alumnus save on Canned FoOds at AGP More Savings Of AGP ALP New Paok fanny ï¬llIN tIII EoIAVI We TOMATO JUIGE Tomwot OAaabr Erma our IAVI lle my Pack OIIoioe taumu +AppE£€HEs CAI OF MTINI IAVI Rae uoOAVE lo Mom 99c New envymy Whola IFECIALI Ali KEnNEL CORN on OAII OF TINI 96 Clarke 4n Tamale Iauw nEOIALl ilrgently required for local manufacturing company Fiva4 day week Generous holiday and vacation pay Apply to DE VILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE CANADIAN ARMY TRADE OPPORTUNITIES Immediate vacancies tor llrn ited number of skilled trades men with the allowqu qualm cations ELECTRICIANS TELETYPE OPERATORS RADIO AND TELEGRAPH OPERATORS TRANSPORT OPERATORS VEHICLE MECHANICS If you are 17 to 23 and einzle you can obtain Iuil details by calilng or mailinl this coupOn toyoul local Army Recruiting Station Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre St Clair Ave East 10th Floor Toronto Ontario Telephone WA 47345 Please send me full details on vacancies ï¬dumen Name Address CityTown Province hone Last school grade successfï¬lly completed m0 MENwto work 120 III or or wet Box 30 Hardly Exlmlnerl up amenruns wanted fll Km vtow Bowl on Blake ltraet Cal Ml Cohan ll PA OEWT ll mm mm nxcnman on lol hourl Eer weak Apply to max 29 am xamlner LxcaNcno lmey mums Imma anal man mI lyu Baud warkln conditio buncfltll to Mai smtnl Danllrflcldv man 233 Bradlorfl Billet TlllphlmolgA OM15 Ind employs in OAII Olï¬ TINI pOIIK COME SEE YOULL SAVE on FRESH FRUITS and PE CHEST PRUNE jPlIIMS nunus Wv Wealthy Ixeeilant Inflow AP sl out onto me OnhIIo drawn No4 Grade flulflnul Iii Whoad my gt pawnops mm 99 in animal WAVE me CHEEnrv WASHIS wtllllst DIIHWAININII MAGIC JOY PsasONAL sus Ivory soap ONE DAR me wtrH roux mm nu M35183 Be Bank OIIIIE III 40 It SPICK SPAN 715 MR CLEAN Armour CORNED BEEF KiaIt Rapullr PARKAY MAIIgAIuNE Harry Narn IIOUIoeIIAv NIVNEDAY PCKLES REGULAR PRIOE iIANE PARKER LAIIGI ANGEL Lara indie MILK0 Iona mun IFmï¬iaaflI GRAPE JAM quuld Wax IailEoliahlnn JOHNSONS KLEAR Colour nulak 29 on om MARGAIIINE uue Eravo Maearonl and SPAGHETTI Blue Label Vllaminiaad CM APPLE JUICE mam amen allyCm PIE cnusT MIX sue100 VEGETABLES lam NIAGARA GROWN YELLOW FREESTONI VVARIETIII AND ELDERTAS NO ORA Kr Iklm Milk Pade OlaeAva NATIVE GENUINI FRIESTONE NO Cm lradlord Mmh Wutud CARROTS mm Bradlard March Paaéal Jumbo II He end lTELERYSTKEKS Native Frnh OreII NO Grade BIIussns SPROUTS VISIT OUR GARDEN DEPARTMM New In FuII Sup Peel More Vigoyo Eta Jun Arrived From Holland Tulip Bulbs AII Variation DONOIIIII TIS Tar€99 HoIAVJ MI In in MMIAVI 1h 31qu 99E ImusHuith sown2mm In the Jutland9 flu VI to erIr GlLLO ml 21 9t ILB CELLO IAe KRAFT FOODSé PRICED tow AT Asp CHEIIIIHIL 4549 sANDWI Kim Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE IaIt SALAD Mlml wnlp CH SPREAD TEE Uozisr DRESSING tom 27czpkfls3IEW WFm TH ADBUARANTEED THROUGH 3A RDAY SEPTEMBERJIId 190