Maiamm ormoreinsertions 1reYou Horne Hunting THE HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY loUNcsMENTs sTrtï¬s wiumso At no pl Vlctoris Hos list 13s is iui sin hoberl Wilkinson RR Burris ert Anthony 11 Victoria lies itsl Barrie an andy Seo tun ll II Inc Mi nd Mon deli on colon in urts gnisr Wendy Lucia mmrs IIPODTANT Chm In BID or you oh should in ml plum and nthrs will want to Know your choice Name your child nkkly as possiblc and us It uplaulnnl llrfll Baumr you all our cumso oa puts ms to mu domain is llflh and will pnh anrl henna on on this Cilnflhd Sonic ENGAGEMENTS WATme LIVINOITONbir and Mrs Harold WIIIIIII Bllrls lflflullne til engagement Bl IhOIr Clulhllr rota Dllnnl to lien in resr mil lion son at Mr sns Mrs lax vingston outline Elis xiii ltll It no in Central Llllted Church IN MEMORIAM TAKINGIn loving memory dnr hulblnd an lltilll Rob art iL Lsking who psmd away Sept 20 1950 Thu loidsn set two mn lait unspoken Two years With Iarswa You quickly slipped away nod knew that you won weary lhs hills were hard to climb lie ssntly took youby the hush And whimd Taste in thinl We who IIle known Ind land on who Dasslnl has brought and pine III wnl cherish your memory always rhroush to passing yens Lovlng remembered by wits rimm and lsually COMING awan I0DE RUMMAGE SALE Trinity Parish Hall FRIDAY SEPT 22 till pm AUSPI IMPERIAL ORDER THE DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE NR PICKUP PHONE PA 84421 OR PA 5171 GREAT NORTHERN EXHIBITION COLLINGWOOD Sept 23 Preparation Day Fair Dates Sept 29th and soul Lucky Draw $100 Fri and Sat LINDSAY CENTRAL EXHIBITION SEPT 19 To 23 ITS ON NOWI MEAFORD FALL FAIR SEPT 22 23 EVERYONE WELCOME YULETIDE PLAZA WED NOV 15 AFTERNOON and EVENING Collier Street United Church Allsle WOMANE Assoc Cookstown Fall Fair SEPT 22 28 REALESTATE rnorann FOB sons HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER mm PHONE PA 37 EAST END mamtn Iovely residential area Three bcdroom ranch brick bungalow with ailsched garage on land scaped 86 lot Beautiiui bloods Hanover kitchen with builtIn ovenand counter top range Many extras Six per cent NRA tends immediate possesnioll i1 desired For appointment call Rita Scandrett 82 ROSE ST Iust ons year old Owner trans erred so oliers Immediate poo session on this threebedroom ranch brick home Mahogany finished kitchen with nice est lng area Popular Lshaped IIv log and dining room $3000 down and one NHA mortgage Cali Rita Scandrett INCOME PROPERTY Four apartments with stoves and reirigerators renting at $255 monthly Goodth andtl location Phone Percy For CENTRAL LOCATION This besutllul nineroom home Is close to schools and down town laver landscaped lot with builtIn garage 11 you are Inter led In tlualitlhseatllisï¬I hom Large down payment required Telephone Percy Ford zvmlnos CALL 3er scmnm PA was rzncs roan IA sTm DIDISPN SWAIN Flt Msmhdr of Birth and District and Cntlrlo REII nut Bonds OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 20R ERENTWO0D AREA Threebedroom home Conven iences garage oil heating Lot 80x165 Paved road For quick sale $6500 51000 down and $05 monthly Three acres double house now rented Small store and store equipment Close to school wash down payment and easy terms STAYNER AREA 250 acres in one block Brick house Barn 80x70 All work able Goad wheat and clover land Asking $00 per acre Terms For Iurther lniorma tlon contact this stiles Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates CARSON REAITOR Paved road Asking $8500 Rea REAL ESTATE ROGERS mihht CONNELL LESS First to Eurm Home SliceForemost In Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmGS cans Imlth CamphIILPA 57389 DUNLOP ST Open house at 29 Pratt Road to II and on weekends Jos Lori lln PA 6477 amt Shainall are 2910 CORBY Phone PA 81419 Mann MAMHALLrA Miro HAVE YO Graydon KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER lla DUNLOP si nAal PA H252 GENERAL STORE lag Good living accommodation Ample equipment Large stock of merchandise Records avail able showing business being done Everything tabs sold en 1N6 PURSE EE RACE AND FRifligéfl sinus COME ONE COME ALL noLLAanz Filmavoiid girdt do lilsn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are Inserted at the rate at to per word or insertion or one and two s1ac per word or three tally or five times and Zinc per word tor 10 addi tional marge if not paid within 10 days TIE MINIMUM COST rFOR ANY CLASSIFIED AI VERTISEMENT IS 90c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR Mr WORDS iF CHARGED PERVSINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisln are reminded that all Apho in rtl Amr Nextdoor to thslmplflli 45A DUNLOP ST ï¬trs PA 66481 Member at Elrria and District Rssl mats Board MOVINGgt Dont lflrlll to Elm your INSURANCE Ind all need In an or any ad SEE STEVENSONS PA seam ONE ONLY contemporarr dwellins rooms Ilrs liv sm kitchen dining ares mastor bedroom oermic tiled bathroom with colored sir turn and vanity Lots or cup rds storms and screens Ilrgo loaded lot good location corner MeiroseDuckworth Phona owners builds ALLEN rs soul 5roomed bungalow onrpaved road 12 miles to Barrie min utes walk from beach on good largedryietnlls is bar gain spasm Terms arrang ed Contact Harry Baycrolt RR Stroud Alcona Beach phone 81ml or George ll Cague Real Estate Alliston New NHA blwkï¬rimmflHmr $1000 DOWN Twostorey brick hams with garage Eleven acres of choice garden land For immediate sale Total price $3050 Call Bill flown Elmvale 811131 nvmmos can GRAYDON KOHL PA 846 MILLIE eons PA arm HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR ea BAYFIELD 51 PA 60458 BEAUTY PARLOR BUSINESS This business Is located down town Well equipped lor two operators All equipment only year and halt oldParIIlr very nicely decorated Modern all the way Only $800 down pay ment Rent 575 min month with IensekCail Joe Palmer MUST SELL Sevenroomyhause on Steel St Living room kitchen tour bed rooms and utility room House two years old Lot 05lt160 Across the raudliom city lim its All conveniences Pressure Howard Norris PRATT LTD COnstructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us Fermi GOODIOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 50283 on PA Hm Excellent turnover Brick build4 WMDALEI Three rooms unfur CLIFF BROWN REALTOR as man swam BARRIE PHONES PA 647w PA 6024 lrembm or th sarils nnl lusts Deald ms Lens tam Inns GarveyPA IMI Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER Shelswell on sooal pa 33742 rmsr nonseller nmns Annuals1 son or VALuzNo rm mob all St Vincent Street every evening Evenlngs call 1er Willson PA 84611 No is Shells HM REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlap St COREYPA HOBO owm Jonasoh pun UR HOME rieUSTeMBUItTIOYOURHKTN BARRI VIEW Barries Newest Subdivision Otters ALL SERVICES SUPPLIED AND PAID FOR BY THE BUILDER GORD HOME DéELOPMENT LTD 003D SPRINGPA m7 DOUG HOMERPA 048 REAL BEA BROKER mm STREET BARR CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 number or Ilia Dams and District Bssi Irish Board ans orromumms LOCKER PLANT FOR RENT mlookerWusbulhnorager Fully equipped butcher shop and self serve groceteria Only locker plant in rapidly expand ing city Situatedon two main northern highways Sub Post Office Gross turnover $75500 Ample parking facilities APPLY TO BOX 40 BARBIE EXAMINER with references MORTGAGE LOANS NOT BONUS To payoilaMyortgage Combine lot and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhiis purpose You pay Balance Borrowr Monthlyjrlsyrs $1600 3769 nit $2000 4712 1111 $2500 5989 2111 Lower monthly payments avail able iidesired with up taï¬ years to repay For lost cour teous service ammb ENTERPRISES Letiti To payort all yoTlT Bills sso Mollnnlv split level heated REAL ESTATE sionruaosyr MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation ol Bills Bonn repairs sic N0 BONUS Usd $3544 at 90 Me In Uptotomp sndeomnlh to rep DISCOUNI l4 Dunlap St PA 66477 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS ASK FORA MINI LOANr CRESCENT 26 DUNLOP ST WEST sax ron aim SIMMS PA 50203 RENTALS ms nauseaso am ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake 0m Ind two bedroom lrtmlnts cannidanvitlLsta sa rstri ml lleli Agsrtrnant rornlsh inn optional rlvlto entrlnc Tsirphorll PA trill or PA um days No poLI please runmsiisn hestcs ren ons bloc untrsncu on phone PA 1n mmsnzn Apartmsnt two rooms with electric Ito and reo Irllantor Suit colwin Avlilahia at once Apply 12 Burton Avenu or tolsphons PA was anlno Aparimant Large 11th room bedroom din its modern kitchen with nova all returns film BtrsTneu Cot pro nms Tslaphooo PA us TWO BEDROOM winterized ilhl Irorit cottage or rent Inside can vsnlenses Located at Minats Point res monthly Available now Telephone PA sues Two lIBDROOM Apartment or rent upper floor completely pri vsle Central location Hot water hestad Gangs Handy to school Avallablo immediately Telephon PA am alter pm EMA Location vary spacious apartment orient Privatd snts rancl and bath heated Stan and mlrtgerstar optional are month Toiaphnns PA new or PA Hoes evenings GROUND ILOOR Threezoom heated apartment zlvsto bath Ind entrance Hell gsrslor and stays supplied Closa to bus stop schools and storas Apply at Tillils Street or telephone PA was TWO noolvl Furnished artmenl Heat hydro water ineuded in rent Neat Ind clean Close to downtown suitable as cauie Telephone PA 81013 or sort er Informltlon mmsnzD or uniurnlshad apsri mont heated Bedroom kitchen and xliving room Convenifliscelvfï¬ para Lance on ago Edgar Adult only Apply Box s1 Barrie Examlulr mnn noDM modern Iosrimcnt unsumished Also three room lur ntshed apartment and bachelor apartment All are cantrsiiy ioel 211 and hosted Telephone PA as arimant to TWO unnnooM House with threa leoo bsi All large rooms Near Irrid Good play ylid or children monUtly Apply to Strut Teilphano PA nishad artmaut suitable or new Did Wit small child 191 month includes but and hydro Telephone TASS or apply at moms Illnu MODERN two bedroom apartment in now trivia our Hawkestona oil Hithwly 11 IV pliunong optional Lllu Iivllll room spsolous grounds nos 71 Burris Exlmlnor no one bedroom aplltment or rant Hut Wlter rslrigrratordsnd stgve Pllrllltillnm one an Inn ry so as October Teluphonl PA runmslsen two mm nouns floor bachelor apartment rom pletaly it cantllned Heat ny tire and water supplied Fireplace and lsm closet Available1hr mediately Telephone rA sons for mrther Intormstlnn FURNIsnnDthrerroomed spart mant ground floor rivets eno rsncr Very contr located Privite hath All services included 10 monthly ideal of couple only Telephone PA Moss 19 On RENTALS Am HOUSES roam man In and mu roan srtmaals to not uni solid hydro Included Dunlap It West Tsisahon PA 171 mm ROOM Apartmznl Hut star stove and reirixarstor sup ol washer Ind drilr II to shopping 1s pbnns PA on AND two bedroom or meals rasrlssrslor Janitor Inga unï¬t lacing ï¬ret monthly how PA $1670 smsmvs three room ult mtsinad spartmsnl Blule ruse boards His and hardwood noon and Adults relohm racbms tor flirter pprtleulsrs mass 003 unmrnishld ri msnt with stays and nlrlgsr or included Btu Ito It door Avallsbis immsdis sly laphcns PA 61 soon srtmnt or contllne Oil outing location Avsilsbls octo Tellphans PA W57 rwo LAImn liooms mrnisbtd kitchsa Ind bedroom rig tor and nngsita included to located Adults Tsilphanl 4066 rsvl to Point winterized Apply to ictoria strut or tsllphonu PA noun n00 tn lsn spartmaottllr tor hardwood duty stove rs loan Avsuabls immediatsly Kurder Apply Armstrong rtmlnt not lumlshsd downtew le tlon PH vats antrsnco Laundry sscliiues HI Ed and king plcl Talb ph PA dsy PA um mantis Eedsitilng room and kitchenette nrl ht clean and warm In the ospltli vicinity sblo Immediately Apply to on Strut Teiaphoue PA sur CONTAINED live room apartment Ail convenlencesl DII hosting rIva miles north or nsrris on No 11 lughwsy 1m mediate possession Taephans Oro 210 ROOMS TO LET niuoilr lslrnlshed housekeeping room for uni stove and file erstor Telephone PA spool Two FURNISHED Rooms or rent one with TV unskissl included Telephone PA Hm or apply to Mmrï¬trut CLEAN smallr mm linens push on bur route parklnl able use kitchen ll dulled Telephone PA solso pummelinn bedroomtosat lntkmsIIprelerred central in downtown phone PA 53m ROOM dc BOARD SINGLE ROOM and Bond avail able in prlvsie home in General Electric vicinity Lunches packed laundry Tsiephona PA noose ROOM AND BOARD in good homo or elderly lady Home riv lielll Close in hill stop cry central Apply to Box 1s Barrie Examiner APTS HOUSES WTD obsdroomlowarr apartment with private entrants by young business man with small ismIIy Centrll location Rel sonahle rent Apply to Box 7i Ellrill Examiner srel Tcis WANTED ro BENTli GARAGE WANTED to rent near 244 nrsdiord street or months Apply to Box 71 Barrie Examiner SUMMER RESORTS corneas son some man BEDROOM winterized cob tags or sale three years old on conveniences hot water Melted nnr Strand Reslonlbls Tele phand PA MM 8530 Imd3ll pm ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old rrstockrifl tr COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per ftect condition but have are me TEEEPHONE PA 51277 Check The Real Estate Columns ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE Incslit two Inks only brand FILLVOURT FREEZER Ilth lBI dnlll am sad am MEATS ETC ousnstus Quality IMII run so mm Consist no or FRESH MEATS AT THE Lowmrmcm In suiisblo to those so wish topurensaattulrordsrsdatty Him KLEERPAK FOOD STORE runs IIREX lARKLI PHONE PA to Free Dellvary Opals hidsy till on RETREADS ma smiqu DRIVING DOMINIAON TIRE STORE lio smnrono or BARBIE Used TV from 1800 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG smear PA some CHRISTMAS TREES The Department ol Lands and Forests is altering several blocks ol Scots Pins Christmas Trees or sale by tender Clos lng date tor sale is Oct For particulars contact the District Forester Department olLanda and Forests Maple 0nt or the Zone Forester Da partment of Lands and Forests Angus Ont DULLDDZING and ï¬nding rent Row and Stumps removud Tsi ephone Les Hsrt PA Miss smau GRAND Plano or sale in Alliston rslsphons slur plrl nemle sates ROLWMAEIC Vacuum Cleaners inn solo site gong sailors aw as ea rs one no WosLTlilphunl PA evssTl cAsn LOANsuoo at or month Telephone MM Mopsir er West cnuiszn isst or sale Will lit lossls Ford or Mataor Can be seen at Canadian Tin Dunlop Street West SPACE Am or Ill QtllXOl with In and two on drums lot gallon capseit Isiepllons PA sum or hurt or lnlormation sPAcn lleTnn or ium lixs Rood eondlt Tl hens PA Hall or Inrtilar tn orlnstion APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE ANDWSERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DIAPER sanvsoa BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE wares sordlv PAd3551 Lug than ol eillnttsl DRIVING SCHOOLS JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL NOW OPEN For complete information and appointments nsss mama stier nl lop strut Wm PA ems CLIAIANCI rte us Ind Jervis cut is Poisonous PA an as Ask Plan star arsdlord at nmommrons ti demo reduced Dunlap Strut West coon Ill trtr blast mod or Mina listh or MRI so month Dnb of all and Ali in Illst class Anol Dun share and Hoover It hit smau llnur nuch Peri still on not by the aim nu ma m1 how his l0 lib sired stllClllll nullsi rxnhl at our Real Try an Buy In P1X 54995 It Marlin It rd 1mm IPA yams Id all shot is Also two bossIuM Also Rsmlnlton rudr Ii 60 suit 11 volts I0 To led than on who PA 51581 IA sale in sxrsuant rendlt bill PA names at All Svaliloston Isa 31 annualno lab or and white bin mm sIelwm lit in pots and pa Re nmcy risctrin rry brsnd now past all atssptv Dd Telephonl PA M11 IrAcn linArzB Coil III Ito at ellIr 1y avy only our chestrosin and tabla All In good condition Ap Furniturs i2 Bly rslspom IA um ATTENTION Stamp and collaators All yourns supp at tho new Stun Cain Ste 11 naysiald stro Barrio Dot at present It night and III dly saturdsy ALL lPlCIALI The SIylWMltic 21 winsI 13 cs new aloud your Slnler Cam FRUIT Gt VEGETABLES rMAross or 7511 has We as Cdntrl Sirs ll RADIO TV IIIFl 55 NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLSI Guy New Set Now With Much ulrlnsursd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA soars minus 11 nAnaAsN rim naicrsrt Baa Ina 4019190 sal in and tor Tsiephom PA Mail motor In sa hp 1957 model sisatrie good condition and leillnl rem aonsbly Telephona PA mm 15001 CEDAR Stril Bolt plus Tlswh id hp Evtnmde Motor lilo Martin Motor Homamldl Trailer All In good condition Tole npllana PA H150 oAs old In tro Otlco Tolwhens PA BUSINESSSERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 IR IOPOOT Plywood wind olding convertible to ilrlson motor remote con slsvy cflttad gIltlltulflliésé or atop on C46 io is PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING WARD SMITH AND 50 Painting and Plpar Hlng Spray Pl nun Service Since lszo Barrio PA was SANITARY DISPOSAL We DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT have been licensed to email your dead and CH llfl Elm nulr under the lbgvpl Anl DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT HARRIET FAIRWAY B4017 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRI LICENSE osccl Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE EARRIE Er 84751 or ask for basement artnienl private ant niece two rdxnnlns large double closets laundry laciLitiel hot ws tar Available October ram evenings Ont Many other listings to choose from Blnll sld snaggucasil operator and no soil canoes Dillard all Eliol ll TA 10 ZENITHJIIIILLCOLLECT 14 hours day7 em work NICKSDEAD STOCK REGULAR PRICE system Owner has invested in FROM 12c to 20 another business This is the reason for selling Reasonably ORILLIASGHOOEOF SAFE DRIVING Idta 77 7w Lnreggtriiigortiolbln order thél om on an rug ortsLhuom nSrdeik some in 7mman be notiï¬ed at 1a harria Exam It Is for only an incorrect um portion or so riut Ezra dreamed house ior sale caes areund on paved road only 11 miles to Barrie This Is dry weilrtreed lot and large house only mile to school and one mile to be Goodhasement fileaIFargaln 4orhandyrmlnAskln prlce $6000 with terms Contactrliar priced with low downipayment Call any member Iisted below Mumhnr Barrie and District Real Estate Marni EVENINGG CALL monrsmum PA W16 PAW Avmll NDRAH RAIKFE on HAROLD FORBTER PA 465 Ml bar of Ont liar Bronxs Associltinn Eh MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE 1mmcdlately to consolidate debts fly QXIJtIflE inoréng horns rovnments etc allor up PA WI Marts Rifldiggnh sun as us over son ears ounlop street SPACIOUS six roomed IPartment large llengroom with ravine dining room kitchen bedrooms Indihlth Ample storsl all contained very central Ava Ibio November 95 monthly Telo phona PA M014 MODERN two bedroom Iylrtmcnt Lsrge living room kitchen and tbree pleta bath Front and back entrance Laundry room in bus Clearing al 9c ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner SINCE 1m FOR APPOINTMENT VCALLWPATGtlï¬ï¬‚ nxpajama REL GRAVEL TOP Still SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED halvatifll son droning water Rh Foxmead Ontario License No 139061 erwaLL DIGGING SWELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Phone 66537 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNDOP 51 WEST PHONE PA um NEWSPAPER MATS sisss taxis Ideal rar unth asl holisas attics garages poisect Insulator 15¢ PER DOZEN Apply rhs Barrio eraulnar Burris Ontsrin ICED REFRIGERATOR dtova Ind Wslllinl Machinl Al condition To ssoo insulate own neuron own pp smi Apt 1y Boycrolt Rh Strand Alcona Beach Phone 31ml or George McCague Deal Esa tale AIilaton Out APARTMENT nuiLnlNu modern fontflliyu ionlied all apartments sc as man one an on tam 65pm Largo parking lot is Also ad olulos iotsvsilhlr sslred us another apart rnsnt building could he built This Funding Is sclllnl below cost due illnc 01 Delivery crushed nous aals Yard asskhos ror airs DENNISMORANh 19 Anna Strut Elms PA sum INSULATION INSULATION with No hockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD ammo 1N Commie METAL nouns WINDOWS AWNINGS DY A1800 FREE ETIMATFS GUARANTEED WORK SCOli MUIR MNESING 211 Alarm INSULATION her Masolmr CHIMNEYS surm 82414 Its wonderful the W5 AND REPAIRED nmm Am 3mg won Classified Ads bet relt amour mans imgllï¬zfl sultslvPhongPA 8244 merit One or two children wei coma Apply 11 asyoeld Street or telephone PA Mm MODEILNLY Pulmislinll Coupland Drilling an annals 7645 CONSTANT REMINDER MEANS EXTRA BUSINESS Phone noyv about our low business Service Rafe Fund Coming Events 6c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam Na tIcus $150 It verso used duper word extra BLIND LETTER REPLIES Inlormsllon rasardlng advertisers yslmi Blllndbdlttf Iiillxuflumhï¬al so as are con IIIIIn 11s Ills Latte Box inlarma tmrtb hono RAFOGINZII will In had col in an mr 11rd vandalism SIX BOOM Eunlnlow bah0211 living and dining room Irplace alum arms screens oll saga Reï¬ldenlillnlllrcatrl 50 not to age us so csvn PA MORTGAGESLots and bought said one arrange commercial and residential glossed nil extstlnl mortgs arrio Mort All Brohrl MM heavy duty equipped three rooln sell contained sxnrtment clean stor age lplcu ested parking so or garage Availbis lmmedil eiy Dawliitovm location Tsiephona PA IryAn Examiner Want YEW MODERN unfurnished soil can tlned heated dye room sport lnant three bedrooms ilvlrls room kitchen bathroom Parking Iaciii ties tenors yam East end Avail €351 immediately relsphuns PA lnlallding the Farrnys western Command Oct it was an nounced Tuesday Gen Rochaghom who has WAWA op MMGM headed Quebec Command for John RockylRocltingham flgrliï¬nfliï¬ï¬fgez Vgll flak C0 50 first commander oi the Ca Walsh who becomuncmer of radizglllnï¬ntrl brigade whlch the Hganadlsn general staliflfl ll sycceascnatflontra to be announcsdshortllf isrr Iasslilcd advertisements and notices or those pages must in reaslved by 5pmday pre ceding publication with the ex 16de may Ianshl Teller will be id some must br 12m noon memos dav ERNST TRIM mgdsrm sled Oil rcersmis tiled bath noon on rim loo man LARGE bedrooms lsrga living room hill stone lirdplaoe and atom wsll dining arcs overlooks Kempenlelt sly very modern kitlt chen with hilt in stove and ovsn Lots pt upholrd our piers bsthfcsrport also drypromn Private swimming bastionVs haul nA Any yi