narrows Min Phyiiia Wrixht of Belle vilis spent the weekend with her parents here Mr and Mrs Bob coulron Toronto wars weekend visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Art Wright Mr and Mrsi Eric Wright on tertalned the Bradford Mixed Bowling League sta corn and wiener roast Fifty one were UTOPIR Mr and lllrs Glenn McCalrn and dilughter mien of Delhi spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs WA McCalrn iwmvim nmmJaiuwmmsde for liy ditilnns harvesting is proceeding we Elwood Miller spent the week end with Mrsnd Mrs Jack ilirons Scarborough 1111ti TO WIN BOOBY Paris Jns Gibson 10 proved to be the happiest laser at the Vancouver Pork Boards an nual fishing derby in Stanley Park this summer His four lnch flounder won him the booby prize More than 700 chlldren took part in the der by and the top catch was an laidounce perch CF Photo iRCAF Beats Problem OiiAWAricPliiihoiiCAi Fella it has licked the noise pro boot for the public snd tassoeiated with the Introduction into service oi high speed jet planes The problem will be beaten in two ways By use oi engine silencers during ground runups iand by working out with the transport department new flight patterns which will quickly take the planes away from builtup areas The two jet pianos involved are the CFioiB Voodoo inter ceptor for home Air Defence Command and tho CFioa for the RCAF AirJLvisiron in Europe Canadian locations Involved include Ottawa and North Bay Therele be noise the air crate without making noise But it will be kept to levels which do not cause annoyance or dam age FUNDS HOLDINGS LOW ternntional Monetary Fund is oonsidering plans to borrow extra money from member countries Fund President Per Jaeobsson of Sweden disclosed here Monday Intense activity over the past year be said has slashed the funds holdings oi eertain currencies to low level despite recent sale of gold TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 130 Junior Roundup ain Huckxsnarr Hound Mo News tita lines James Bros of Minoan Farm iuarkoi Repuru Don Jamieaan News Weather Sports Loretta Young nacnoior Father Disordered mind My Three Sana Kralt Theatre The Superior sax Explorations C£CTVNews The Weatherman Today In Sports Communi News Not For ra muasoav summon 115 Test attem Movie Womn Devotion summerama Newl Sports interviews Gnu pr Cartoons Mush Junior Roundup RuJosm News Headlines Th stnosu Farm Market Report nun Yarnieson Net Weather Sparta TBA The Rebel CFTO CHANNE WEDN AY SEPTEMBER 20 Leo ï¬ssurs Hideaway lyntrta RIGHT HONDURABLE JOHN DIEFENBAKER CKvaTv CHANNEL am too 10110 1vo 1100 111 Checkmate Tho Dersndara country Junction eater Gunn OBGTV Nrwa The Weatherman Today in sports Community News 1135 ina Alarlraaa ntDAY nanmoan as us Test Fattlfll 130 Movie ianes racaa Wart 300 Summerama Nows and Sports Interviews Cartoons Most Caravan Cannonball News Headlines invisible Monitor Farm Market Report Don Jamlnson News Weather Sport Father Knows am Love Lucy Red aivar samnsru gar st ommy our role Show kernrrimn mo Ti htro mm News 1115 The Weatherman Today in spam Communiw News Movie Captain niry TORONTO 223 ale Momentl Ln Bfll 45 News Weather 35 Brothers Brannasan 71 Sunset strip Stage Before Dla Niehiatnu Fame News We our sports Better Lat News ar lamb iionia munsoarssmsinusaui News rm and my Channel Nina Th be And Baby Make Three on Wills birds if 0111th News wmnei Best or the P011 Loebllp megrs cs abut The napalm Man and The Chllieilll Lots Asass Show News Weather Sports tars N25 1117 tan rss tun Epilogu FRIDAY airmeninn as Nam Free and Ea Channel um The Greens rs News Professors Bidaway iybtrsa Stmrla Mam Mnmania in sports ews Weather Big Four Playback Leave it To var Theatre At mat Ten Wanted Man Country Style FEESw erases999$ 2233 2225133233 as force swerorair ioreeeanopf YiENNA1ReutersiJhain MITCHELL some McCuaig attended the wedding of his niece Catherine Ann McCuslg in Toronto on Friday On Saturday he attend ed his regimental reunion in Barrie Tho Womens institute met at this home of Mrs William Mau Mrs Storey spoke on the historical sites she saw on her trip to the West Coast Mrsr Scott conducted quiz Lunch was served by the hostesses Congratulations to Mrs irwin and her pupils at 55 No for winning honors at Oro Soho 01 Fair William Mayretumed home from the West Mlrlnd Mrsritrnubesirsnd son Whitby spent the weekend with Mrs Dubenus parents Mr and Mrs Rice Mr and Mrs Scarlett and family Nobolto visited Mr and Mrs Currie Mr and Mrs Allan Cranston and tamin have returned from threeweek trip to New Brunswick where they visited IMrs Crsnstuns parents Mrs Lancaster attended BY JAY North dealer Both sides vulnerable nonm as VQQG oaxqss +A84 nanr KHHB vxsoas one son Mo CASS +K10m12 Thebidding North Eat souia West Pass 24 Pass 39 Pass WEST lQnoa our 1063 aqso 0pening leadi spades One thing tthat distinguishes the good card player irom the mediocre one is his keen sensi tivity to danger Semeï¬mertnedanger is only remote one but the good card player always worries about the possibility and takes whatever steps he can to deal with it For example here is hand played in rubber bridge game where declarer was careless in slam contract and no enof as result West led spade and South won4viththe4ce and started to draw trumps by playingHint to the ace He would have made led the devotional from the LUpperfioomTitfrilmersoa CONTRACT BRIDGE SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS the 50th wedding anniversary at her parents Mr and Mrs liar hell of Inglesids Mr and hire Raol Delano are holidaying in Toronto AFTERNOON WMB The Afternoon WMS oi Tot lenham United Church met at the home at Miss Racbei Sloan with nine members and three visitors present Mrs Crown and Miss Sloan ledJn prayer Roll call was answered no coosininl wor summer The poem Abou BenvAdhem was recited by Mrs Henderson DeLJ whethliu Haiiiday Jonnext missionary to Angola will speak Ths hostess served lunch Sunday morning marked the reopening of Toitenharn United Church which had been rentr voted The pastor Rev Fred Laird was in charge The jun ier choir oi so boys and girls of Alderwood United Church Toronto sang for the occasion Next Sunday will mark tits 66th anniversary Christ Anglican Church Tot tenham heid its annual thanks giving service Sunday last The ministeritev Cathcart was in charg WiimerPaimersndWéiiES Bolton attended the reunion oi the 157ih Battalion in Barrie Saturday Mr and Mrs Smith of Cali fornia have left for home after spending iew days with Mrs Smiths sister Mrs John Lsn JULIETJONES LARRY nutrition ILONDIE ma 3mg DilZY HEIGNTQ MADR easier Mrs Hus of To ronto spent the weekend with their son law and daughter Mr and Mrs Fred Laird Rev and Mrs Burton oi Kettieby attended the reopen ing oi the United Church here Sunday morning Mr Burton the senior pasto PEARSON TO TOUR UiiAWA CF Opposition Leader Pearson will leave at tawa Saturday for it today tour of Western Canada his office announced Tuesday BECKER trumps had been divided 21 which is the normal expectancy but when East showed out is of dia mnndsdiscordinga spade and heart and then led in th diamond and rutTed it HoWe West was shrewd enough not to overrun and the outcome was that South eventually lost heart and club to go down one But if South had made allow ance for the possibility of trump break he would have made the slam Since this was tha only distribution that could defeat him he should have ad justed his play to cater to that one possibility itwas all right to tackle trumps immediately after the from his hand rather than low one to the acefifboih detenti ers followed out he could then lead another trump to assure the contract But when as in the actual case East shows out South air andons the immediate extraetion of trumps liekeeps the ace of clubs in dummy for use as AKQ of diamonds as before and trumps the fourth diamond This time however it makes Jndiilmneo whetherewastover trumps or not South cannot be prevented from entering dummy with trump in time to discard his heartrlossreonithefiith dia nwnd The only trick he loses is trump the contra easily enough the DAILY cnqsswonn AORDW Gash EMMA SLAM flame C1319 spoon amnion of do Franco coins 14 Beginning 10 Sum 15 renuins so A1111de In Email dog on 17Englida manners peer Muirin ruler 22 Clothing 26 Kind of rnuflin amateur onion Own 8Ia am suspend Public nations Group of workers 213mm DIEM 21th ngrRegtoDilullenï¬ï¬‚w Nflgantsanno canal motrow lowly fivespot 28 Nbvica vain lim pence of Russia 26 Re sem Ming wrap 27 Pariah 81 Be corne effort 3Wins rs deptaelo 391mm must sort dandy File 54 Winglika as Motoring charts 881fm Yon Bangor moiuatter News Weather Sport Better Late Friday Nilht Theatre mi Quint Man ciinnian Miss you your carrier has not arrived by p121 please phone 812433w And copy Will Be Delivered To your Home IS NO CHARGE FQRITHIS SERVICE ALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS PA Epilogue 42 Giraflsilka mammal Pants iï¬opé 3Wiid bill p10 or Ml subsequent entry Ha cashes the NALD DUCK you emcee bah ME UP HERE WELL weve we ARRIVED Now GO on Heme THATS TTAS you TH IN 11 GUT YOU WHAT NOW ILLJEI oven AND TELL HEB WAS ONLY KlDDlN HIKITIEN OUR DATES OFFPM GOIN our spade lead but South sh havedonesnhyiesdingthokinzg THINKILL mama sreax ran mum our 5va men WWW VEAH ITWA5 TW SAME WAY GEANDMA YEIJED VESTERDAV mWHEN SHE HITNER FINGER WITH TH $TEAK POUNDS AVE no WOMENAND CHILDREN VEHIND WHILE smart manhunt EliSONG FOR Mn 10 STAVa mil his mttoim uwrcr Youmksitthirrmsawsneirm Eggpiiï¬taggn unorrsrauondconmumsmmo Tar Withiii°hiihi our ItLï¬oto 510 GUERRILLAS Witt NGTIMLEST OK HARM 114 nrrirwrmeuarawuaro WmiDIEWDWNrIHWALIaDF ilhiihtttvtiiiiié ii IDIALLOFWLIMENu ONCE Muses nito SKEETER