oéks Minister Tells Commons OTTAWA CPI House ooo emulent Iuppiiea at mortgage atruction will increaac preci ably thin year com with tween demand and supply he told the Comment in ion mtement in National Housing Act operationai other construction is down or the first seven months oi the year he raid The interest rate oi 61 per cent on National Housin Act mortgages 71o id betoucredu10tiï¬hithe gov ilmda Mr Walker also aaid that third by the ency Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation probably will bemade in the neat tew months to encourue second ary market in mortaaKee There waa growinx interest and we now hinw that num ber of loans purchased inJune have since been resold to Ca nadlnn pension tunmda 7591719 oi Wthhjtad no preViously in ernmentcanmte WITKW without discouraging Ceding legislation which will Provide another tor National Holith Ant loam huggnaw the total to $3000000 Add another mommaor total W00i70m1mder the act as loan to municipalitlu installing or hnprovinz male treatmenLnlantIri Add another mommalo t100000000under the act or new univerelty atudent reetd um Provide another 55000000 or total at 10000300 or federal leadership in ruearch plant oithe tree enterpriae system has take overirom the private sector in honae limb Ingt Merry Menagerie on how to build better home moraeheaplyvMeug Garland the Liber dezrne 37 Bee ï¬lialmll wonderml mil Farmer Holds Police At Bay HAEKDALE Provin cial police arrested Grey County iarmer hionday liter he had atondthemoiiht rifle point ior live houre The man was taken to Jail at 0wenSound 15 mile northwest at here but there we no im mediate word on what charger were laid Police llld they wait to the arm nine miles east oi here in connection with an incident three weeka an Euphrnala iownahip uleseor George Sea brnoit was struck aan letolv alizts were iier at car Ina Senth county mu Icr Stewart Howey when they attempted to make propem ausan police said police roadblock waa net up Monday in an attempt to inter ceptthamenon hlareturn rem nelahbare harvesting but no lioe aid the iarmer crashed the roadblock and ed homeJ Seven provincial noilce oiilcl era armed with maelunezuna and tear gar zrenadal coni verxed on the house and new tiath tor the man to lurrender qnietiy narcema Luzon in Mordahlre Ena and straw hate in 250 THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT no im Ask Protection For Red Cross In Katanga BRUSSEIS APtrPrince Alt her oi Belgium he naked the urgent intervention oi the inter national Red Oren tor the pro tection of all Red Cross aerv lces in embattled Katnu run Genevarzaninttmntimt Red Crone committee woke mun Mid the committee haa instructed in delegate at he pot land un dertake all measure to enaure EXTRA llfllll STAMPS With Coupon mm diginf INSTANT OOFFEE W1 Coupon hp Sept S77 EXTRAJolill STAMPS With Coupon Purehaxe TWO 01 TIMI SPAM wu Coupon he Sept EXTRA STAMPS lwm Canon Purdue iDVrOZ JAR em Illekwall Branston Pickle Wit coneen he Sent 11 um till 5mm Awna Cuupon Purchase aLI no 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