Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Wool Aux Tele phone PA MAIL The telephone number to call for the Busqu or Editorili Dept ta PA 04531 til YupNo 2i ls BABY CHAMPION liT ELMVIILE lliIR VVho the seems to be the expression on the face of Timmy Sexton son of Mr and Mrs Dennis Sexton of Phelpston after he was chos en the winner of the sweep judges to be the best in the stake trophy at Elmvale Fair The trohpy donated by The Elmvale Lance is presented to the baby considered by US High Church DETROIT AP crucial test neared today on monu mental proposal for uniting four major Christian denominations into single church truly ca tholic truly reformed and truly evangelical The house of bishops at the general convention of the Epis copal Angiicant Church set full day of sessions for action on the matter Were in for considerable de bate on it said Bishop Henry Louttit of Orlando Flt1 chair man of the houses committee dispatch of business Before the churchgoverning conclavc is recommendation by its unit commission to ap prove merger negotiations with the United Presbyterians Me thodists and the United Church Merger tlnl principle concerning the churchs sacraments and histo ric succession Episcopalians trace the ordln ation of their bishops and clergy back to the apostles through the laying on the hands from one generation to another and stress Christs real spiritual presence in the Lords Supper These are Catholic qualities not characteristic of Protestant ism generally But Episcopal ians also hold to Protestant traditions such as democratic church government and the Bt ble as thmlc of faith litany Episcopal eluding the presiding bishop Rt ftev Llchtcnberger has urged launching of the merger negotiations expressing hope the difficulties could be overcome leaders show The baby sweepstakes is an annual attraction at the fair See story on pages two and fivet Gorsmomc T0 CELEBRATE BUFFALO AP Gus Gressel didnt have party to celebrate his 84th birth dayho took so mile bicycle ride instead GresselLrode his 40year old bike to Niagara Falls and back over the same route he had walked on50 previous birthdays Thelcan fit looking former track star and bicy cle racer says he rides at least five miles day walks as much as possible and takes care neighbors gardens GreekrIlarliament Dissolv By King ATHENSRauters The art parliament was dissolved toda and newelectlons Altogether thiflavo nearly 20000000 members Moves also were afoot to in clude the Polish National Cathn lie Church it may be the Lords will for large portion of his church says Rt Rev Leland Stark of Newark NJ It might make for the healing of division in Christendom on ad for Oct 29 The order was issued by King Poul after Prime Minister Con stantine Caremanlis over the resignation of his cab inet ELI19 Berri Ontario Canada Wednesday Sept 10 1901 UllAWA tcPlVery sharp JonsewuLanndevels were recorded in central and eastern Canada the weekend of Sept 1317 Health Minister Mon DilAWA CF Reliable sources say the Canadian Army is unhappy about the govern ments plan to train 100000 mi lltiamen this winter on six weekcivlkdefoncecoursu They say the army has no quarrel with the oblectiva it needs and wantslmcn trained for national survivalbut it dis agrees with the method The informants list theseob Sections The militiamen will be paid tract the type of men the army wants The government rejected the armys proposal that men enlisting for the sixweek course be guaranteed reinstatement in their civilian jobs Recruits will he enlisted with the lowest known army medical ratings For instance recruit with hearing HAJtfourth classunable to hear totes phone will be admitted The army contends such men will be difficult to train The mllitlamenwlll be out fitted with Second World War uniforms and fittings will be far from custommade ByJHIEGANADlANPRESS Army Disagrees With Method Used To Train Survival Force 73 monttratorlittlstootamywants itsrescue person in coarser ano rssrran cannon Levels Of Radiation Show Sharp Increase telth reported today to the Com mans reading of 410 disintegra tions per minute per cubic metre of air was recorded at Toronto the highest ever re The winter training pro gram for the regular army and militia will be seriously dis rupted because nearly all in structors will be teaching the national survival courses The present 42000rmember militia will be turned topsy turvy by use of their armorles for training Because recruits will have to live at home they will be drawn mainly from the chief target cities in Canada The net located 20 to 100 milesfrom target citiies Recruits may require lot of medical and dental care and man could join up for six weeks just to get his teeth fixed One army informant said the government has calculated that the scheme may help avold paymont of about 320000000 unemployment insurance bene fits this winter The army has noted that the militia payabout $40 week is about $4 week more than ment insurance benefit courses will start Nov CoastCtLBesidénts Flee New Storm is incomplete concerning high the maximumweekiyunemplfiyA 5h atria gifixaminrr LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy with sunny intervals to morrow Winds light bow to ight 60 High Thursday 75 For ull lamina Wanderers two NetMere Than per CopyIO Pogo corded sincethe health depart ment began its fallout sampling program in August 1959 Mr lifonicith said knowledge levels of radiation from short livcd fission products They might constitute health hazard if continuing for sufficient period of time The high readings were made last weekend at Fredericton Montreal Ottawa Toronto and Windsor The international commission on radiological protection has set the safe permissible radio activity level at 66 disintegra tions minute per cubic metres but this figure is based on con tinuous exposure throughout lifetime Mr Monteithsaid more reli able information can be ob tained fronrmllk powder and bone samplings than that based on air samples it was too early to anticipate what lavelswould be recorded in these tests The minister said final values have been obtained for the week ending Sept to at western sam pling stations The highest fig ure recorded at Vancouver was 20 disintegrations minute per cubic metre Issue injunction Against Presrdent economic ary injunction neth Smith national president of the international Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Work ers indl from holding hearing or form of trial was granted here Tuesday The injunction expires atlt atm Sept 27 Don Giltis presi dent of rebellious Sudbury Local 593 and 15 local EXPmum ONHERE But whether the plan actu ally gets under way hinged heavily on action by the Epis copal Church which clings to ancient Catholic concepts not found in other strictly Protest ant bodies Anglican have mounted fullscale as sault on the plan saying it would mean fsacritleeht essen sin REJECTS SUNDAY MOVIES VANCOUVER Cl City council Tuesday night unani mously rejected proposal for plebiscite on Sunday moviies The Lords Day Alliance at lacked the pfiiposal and several aldermen said there appeared to be no demand for Sunday mov iea¥ NUTSHELL Will Ship IOut Conspirators HAVANA GP from APReuters Cuban Prime Minister Castro said here Tuesday night that any priests whether Cuban or foreign who are accused in future of conspiring against the government would be shipped out to Spain Switzerland To Buy Grain WINNIPEG or Switzerland is expected to buy more Canadian wheat this year because of reduceddommic own group of Swiss miliers said E25 lesion Rocks Aslfisios hQTQJPHEdBfii Firm MONTREAL OP An explosion which police believe was deliberately set racked the strikebound Atlas Asbestos Com pany early today Six squad cars and two ambulanceswere dispatched to the scene but there were no injuries and dam age was confined to the di vfillingpump in the yard Man Dies 0i Injuries HULL Que tCP Albert Jeanette 54 of Ogdensburg NY died in hospital today of injuries suffered Tuesday when he was struck by car while crossing street in Hull Advise WithdrawalFrom Empire JEIYLDELHUReutEXaiélheJndi ass Indias big gest circulation newspaper today urges India to leave the Commonwealth because of Britains attempted sabotage of the UN operation in Katanga Toronto Man Dies PARRTSOUND CF here Tuesday when his car and on Highway 69 9YearOld Killed In Collrsron Toronto man was killed near tractortrailer truck collided In Accident SPANISH OP NineyearoldKimberleyFolster was ac cidentally shot and killed Tuesday night at Waliord seven miles west of Spanish The accident occurred in the yard of the Landriault farm about ran miles gun held by Emile Landriault 17 dkchargedaccldent say aliy east of Soult Ste Marie Police uebec To Open Office In London LONDON OP Premier Jean Laage of Quebec seeking new deal With Euro ef said today his provincewillopen London office early 1962 Caramaniis fouryear term of office does not expire until next May Political sourccs said he decided to callthe election earl ier in orderto have govern ment with fresh mandate from the people to face up to the tense international situa ion ReachAgreement On New Contract DETROIT APtGeneral Mo tors and the United Auto Work ers reached agreement today on threeyear contract covering GMs 350000 hourly ratedem ployees The contract will be submit ted to the unions national Gen tergl Motors council for approval ay Settlement came after 27 hour marathon bargaining ses sion on local plant issues Ne gotiators had worked over de tailsofthemgreementforsf days OTTAWA CHThird and fi nal reading was scheduled to be given today in the Commons to new Civil Service Act alfec ing some 135000 federal em ployeesacross Canada The act representing the first major overhaul of civil servee legislation since 1938 sa through clau eiause study Tuesday night in committee of the Whole House It had at ready been given second road ingapproval in principle Tuesdays sitting also saw the Commons pass amendments to the national housing act provid ing more loan money for hous ing sewage projects and uni versity residences and put the final stamp of approval on bill setting up the machinery for planning Canadian centen nial celebrations in 1067 Committee approval of the new Civil Service Act followed The metropolitan areas of the girded today for battering by wind and floods brought on by hurricane Esther Thousands al ready have fled coastal areas in the path of the storm Only part of the vicious hur ricane is expected to hit the Maritime Provinces and Cana dian weather officials were not alarmed it was not expected to reach the Maritimes until late hlday heastern Ontario area which may get the fringe of light precipitation late forecast indicated that if Esther continues her direc tion her destructive liomile anhour winds would point di really at New Jersey and New York with the Virginia and Maryland coastlines likely to be kit also Esther stopped the North Car olina coast with 33 foot waves plodded on course that could THIRDREADIth In HOUSE Civil Service Aict First Overhaul Since 11933 amendments Iproposed by the Liberal Oppos tion dealing with each Lag bargaLnlpL rights for civil servants veter ans preferences in job compe titions and whether bilingual persons should be given an ad vantage over other candidates for federal positions CCF BACKS CCF members backed most of the Liberal amendments which were snowed under by the top heavy government majority However when the COP pro posed an amendment calculated to water down ban onpolit lcal activity by civil servants it was opposed by the Liberals as well as the Conservatives George Mcllraith tL0ttawa West said the prohibition pro tecta civil servants against pol iitical pressures Frank CCF Bkeena sponsor of the amend defeat of Fig seriesof ment said retention of theban northeastern United States rher Tuna 5275 expected Wit whammyarms ndheHnland nywherHrom the Virginia coast on up Regardless of where she lands ea punc he most densely populated area in the US appears certain to take beating City civil defence and mill furyofficiaisintheNewrorlrr New JerseyConnecticut metro politan area of some 16000000 people urged citizens to prepare for possible emergency New York citys Mayor Rob ert Wagner called an emer gency meeting of host ofcity agencies today Civil defence officials in the city had cots blankets and food In readiness and 35 schools were1esignatedastemporary shelters New York city in the midst of the hurricane watch zone had this warning from the weather bureau Winds up to 40 miles an hour and stronger than that late todayrain today becoming heavy tonightrtides one to three feet above normal today and higher late in the gay with some flooding at high Gets makes politicalamoeba out of civil servants The Commons Lining asked to condone apathy by statut nations biggest employees The vote was 53 to against the amendment with only CCF members voting in favor Another brisk debate took place an an amendment pro posed by Alexis Caron LHutil which would have given extra marks to bilingual candidates in civil service job competitions Richard Bell PCCarle ton parliamentary assistant to Finance Minister Fleming arr gued in posing thetamendv ment that problem was one for administrative rather than legislative actio in legisla tive action it might well be that you create strait jacket which will not achieve the lon constitution by promoting which the member for losses to have in mud urposs fill pro asked for the restraining order Smith had ordered Gillls to attend meeting Friday on claims that be violated the un his local secession from the national body nction granted by Mr Justice Morand also restralns Smith from appointing an administratoHorthelocal anthemdeclaring Local 598 officials had forfeited title to their offices so urn religion one ter Andrel Gromyko right greets MoafSiim of hmis iii Pest Assembly Elects Mongi Slim To succeed To Presidency UNITED NATIONS tCPl cided on stern approach to the The United Nations General As talks including warning to sembiy quickly elected Tunisian the Soviet government against delegate liiongl Slim as its pres fdenttoeaycbutnoagreemen was in sight on the critical prob iem of choosing successor to the late SecretaryGeneral Dag Hammarskloid Thc moderate North African received all 96 votes cast after lndonesian Ambassador All Sa stroamidjojo had withdrawn He took over the chair from the outgoing president Freder ick if Boiand of ireland Slim is expected to play major role in the efforts now going on to work out tempo rary arrangement to keep the office of secretary general op erating Western diplomats have been pushing move to have him chosen as interim secretary general but he is reported cool to the idea Roland also has been urged to take over the post but he also is said to be reluctant Whatever temporary arrange ment is made diplomats believe probably will have to be done without Soviet support Andrei Gromyko Soviet for eign minister indicated that the Kremlin will settle for nothing less than threeman trolka secretariat to runthe world or ganization The West says such body would paralyze the UN Under the stopgap plan the UN assembly would name an interim secretarygeneral to fill for tlie present the position left by Hammerskiolds death The West and many neu trals rallied to the support of the proposal External Affairs Minister Green who headed the Cana dian delegation at brief open ing of the 15th assembly met Tuesday with US State Secre tary Dean Rusk and Foreign Secretary Lord Home of Britain There was an announcement on what they discussedbut pre sumably among the subjects was the problem of the secre tariat FEAR DEADLOCK Soviet opposition heightened ears en ire ques 0n selec new secretary gen eral would wind up in an East West deadlock leaving the UN administration without leader But the United States servedr notice it will press for adoption of the plan This latest crisisrwas added to the agenda of talks between Rusk and Gromyko who agreed to open conferences Thursday They originally had planned to idliscuss the Berlin crisis primar Ruskiis reported to have de on the floor of the General Assembly yesterday siim is safe candidate ferpresidegdy htidllsAllles believing that the United States momma or frightened in to surrenderling their Berlin rights or their stake in the United Nations The secretary is said to bed lleve that the choice of war or peace over Berlin now is up to Premier Khmshchev and that soft approach to Gromyko cen tred on an appeal for coopera tion in working out the worlds problems might do more harm than good to hopes for peace varnonfi fulsettl London press reports today said that PrimeMinister Mac millan was ready to fly here from London for the UN meet ing if he feels he can save the situation from disaster The Daily Mail reported that before the death of Hamman skjold Macmillan was examé ining the possibility of British initiative to break the East West deadlock News of the Soviet troika stand plunged delegates into gloom as the 99th assem bly got down to business Tues day The assembly met for only four minutes in tribute to Home marskjoid Today it elects Tunislal Mango Slim as president and chooses other officers for the current session The battle lines were drawn Tuesday night When Gromyko told reporters his government would not agree to any one man sewing as secretary general even inan interim capacity Any one person would not be good We must have three seo retariesgenaral workls Launched On Nuclear Plant CHALK RIVER Ont CP Preliminary work has been launched at Canadas atomic en ergy project here on the design of new type of nuclear powm plant cooled by fog Jest Pon of thainuciea engineering branch of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited told symposium on atomic power Tuesday thata fogzcooled power plant may prove to be cheaper to build and operate than sta tions now under construction in thiscountry Canada at present is building an experimental power plant at liolphton Ont 150 miles north west of Ottawa and aiarge scale station ninemjles north of Kincardine Ont on the shore of Lake Huron of the 16th Gehorai Assembly AP weapons

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