7a be Cowper ram MR AND MR5 GARFIELD WHITNEY LAWSON Bethel Penticoslnl Church Bar rie was the setting for the wad ding of Miss Sharon Erica Ri cky Hilts and Garfield Whit ney Lawson iiev Stephen 111 ley officiated at the evening ceremony Sept The bride is the daughter of Mrs Eric Hilts and the late Mr Hilts Boys Street Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Harry Lawson of Angus Given in marriage by her grandfather Brown the bride wore floor length brid al gown of organza over silk The gown was fashioned with lace bodice sweetheart neckline and petal point sleeves Flow ers of rhinestonesenhanced the bouffant skirt of the gown rhinestone tiara heldgheryniLoL tulle illusion The bridal bouquet was cascade of red sweet heart roses and stepbanotls Bridal attendants were Miss Pamela Hilts sister of the bride as maid of honor Miss Jean Craft was bridesmaid the flower girl was Miss Laura Brown cousin of the bride Tha maid of honor and brides maid were dressed alike in gowns of rose nylon over lace with white accessories They carried bouquets of white cam ations and baby mums lOUR HEALTH Miss Sharon Hilts September Bride The flower girl wore frock of blue nylon with white acces sories She carried aAbounuetioii ipink camatiodï¬ Walter Howell Orillla brother of the bridabroom was grooms man Ivet Brown of Macticr un cle of the bride and Kaivin Van Horn Toronto were ush ers Master Tommy Brown cou ain of the bride was ring bear er accompanied the soloist Miss Carol Bowman The reception was held at the Canadian Legion Hall Col lier Street Receiving the guests the brides mother was attired in foliage green laca gown with beige accessories Her cor sage was at yellow sweetheart roses Assistingtha bridegroom mother were dress of blue flowered silk with matching ac cessories Her corsage was of pink roses For the wedding trip to Man itoulin Island the bride chose navyblue and white suit with matching accessories On their return the couple will reside at 294 Dunlop Street West Barrie Guests were present from To ronto MactierI Oriilia and Bracebridge Sties May Have Numerous Causes By BURTON H1FERN MD WITH THE prom only few days off red bulging sty bricko out on Dchbys lower eyelt What caused it And how could she make it go away External sites begin when gsrma trlikemtaphyloroccuf creep into oil orsweat glands around the roots of eyelashes Internal sties start when infec tion penetrates deep into spec ial glands that open on the edge of eyelids Fingers often carry germs from minor skin infections to vulnerable eyelids When you need new glasses or are suffering from eyestrain hllulï¬cejtilniity incneases Sickness poor diet and over fatigue always leave you wide open to infection RIGHT LIGHTS IRRITATE Fiery external sties bulge tenderly around lashes Unless treated they soon swell to head break open and ooze Painilhrinks as the aty fadesi Internal stiee hurt more Their red tender inflammation bulgesrlnwardsrlherstydooks like small the lid The surgeon usually has to open internal sties when they are ready to drain These in fections often return again and again Debbys doctor prescribed eye pea trapped inside Woman Celebrates 108th Birthday UXBEIDGE tCPiMrs Celia Baker celebrates her With birth day today bedridden in her home here as result at Irelt cent foil Born ncar Newmuikét in loss Mrs Baker was one oi 12 chil dren of pioneer family Only she and her sister Emily Den hle 91 of Toronto are living drops containing germ killer and cortisonelike medl ï¬lm that melts red inflamma on amiarcmc caravans To guarantee speedy recov ery Debby had to gulp down giant antibiotic capsules every few hours Cold soaks could have sooth ed her pain But Debby preter red warm applications for ten minutes four times day to increase blood flow and hast en recovery Preverit new stlesi Treat min or skin infections before they spread to the eye Eat and sleep well to keep resistance UP TEST VISION Arrange to have your vision tested New glasses can correct old eyestralni Did Debby get to her prom Oh yesi And she was the belle of the ball with cute new eye glasses EXTENSION PHONES Vs war and tearcoma In col ours models Call the BELL Businln onionor ask the man In our green suck Mrs Stephen iiliey organist PEOPLE AND PLACES PhoneEileenDlxmorAudMyCoulsonPAW Note an blended to com the generfl social of the ctzmond Wbmwfldlll llflav¢l Jmï¬ the birthdays coming of use urtlee visit and Ira vellen an all items of batch Nthilleomenr 10 this page Your help in supplying this news will he greatly appreciated CALIFORNIA HOLIDA Mr and Mrs Brennan Eugenia 5Ircei accompanied their marialaw and daughter Mr and am Leo Rondou of Sudbury on motor trip to Cal ifornia The foursome were mm of Mr and Mrs Jack Balzar Les Angclcs during the Tldehï¬llthhï¬Tnd Mn Bauer are also thewnlrrllw and daugbar of Mr and Mrs Brennan WEDDING GUESTS Among the Barrie guests at th itiedelMarIbali wedding at Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church Thronto were Mr and Mrs IlIdrlhlll William Street grandparents of the bride Miss Marshall Park Street Mr and Mrs Earl Mon shall daughters Judy and Susan Burton Avenue William Mar shalerth Marshall William The bride Miss Carole Ann Marshall the daughter of Mr and Mr Archie Marshall Toronio Th bridegroom is Harold Riedcl The reception was held at tho Seaway Hotel Lakeshore Drlvr ENE0L5 AT COLLEGE Miss Hclcn Hammond grod uate oi Loretta Abbey and St Marys Public School Barrie has entered the University of Toronto where she is enrolled in an Honors Arts course at St Michaels Collage VISITORS Miss Florence Webb and her sister Mrs Blythe McCoultey were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Johnston oi Blackstock WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs William Wal lace nth concession lnnlefil celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sept 10 pa house was held during the aft eFnoonand evening for friends and relativesand buffet cups iper for the immediate family Pouring tea at the event were Mrs Howard Broad Oshawa sister of the bride Mrs Dixon Willowdaie Dix on Bellavilic Mrs Dixon Toronto all sistersinlaw oivthe bride Mrs Robert Green Innis iii Tea assistants were Mrs Kenneth Wallace Orillia Mrs Wallace Toronto daughterein law of the celebronts Mrs John Stevenson Bay Road daughter of Mr and Mrs Wal lace Misses Peggy and Anne Stevenson Shanty Bay Miss in Wallace Stroud granddaughters oi tha couple Assisting at the door werezMiss Wallace Orillla and Miss Lynn Wallace Stroud tiny grairdd3 aughters of the celeb ran other grandchildren attending the event were Howard and Bruce Wallace Drillia Gordon ï¬d lemes Stevenson Shanty Bay Road Steven Wallace Stroud Sandra David and Don glas Wallace Toronto Mr and Mrs Wallace were married in Lakefieid Methodist Church by the father of the bride the late Rev Di on of Lakofield The parents of the bridegroom were the late Mr and Mrs George WallacL of Bellevilie SOUTHERN VISITOR VANCOUVER CPiArbeetle with long quivering antenna found in suburban Surrey has been identified by the Univer sity of British Columbia as California laurel treeborer which breeds here in dead or dying willow and alder trees Ladies For THE TOUCH THAT MEANS so mucu In Hair Styling Contact Wicks Beauty Salon 45 Dunlop St PA 82980 Don Wallace Stroud Mrs Grant OIIAWA VISITORS Mr and Mn Fred Council Rose Streetbave returned to We weeks vacao iien in Ottawa mil to the St Lawrch Seaway project at Cornwall and Eisenhower locks at Manual New York were highlights of the motor tour mm AI WESTERN Miss Joy Nina daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward ANrs Toronto Street is enrolled as first ymraludent at University ptWeliirn Hilario undon IIMAGAMI HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs AxSparham Theresa Street have returned to the city from two weeks vacation in Tlmegaml UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Bob Christie son of Mr and Mrs Charles Christie Parkslda Drive has returned to Univers ity of Western Ontario Mr Christie is studying for Mas ter of Arts degree in Geography Ian Maxwell can of Mrs Frank Maxwell Burton Avenue is attending Univers ity of Western Ontario HOLIDAY IN MAILITIIlIES Mr and Mrs Warren Wiigar and sonJim Peal Street have returned from three weeks holiday to the Maritime Provinlt can The Wiigar family motored to New Brunswick Nova Scots la Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton the latter by way of the Cabot Trail Prior to the motorboliday Mr and Mrs Wiigar attended the Canada Life Assurance Co convention held at Manor Richelieu Quebec SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs James Exeii Codrington Street celebrated the 15th anniversary of their wed ding Sept 12 with open house for friends and relatives Pres iding at the tea table were Miss Emily Bowman William Street Mrs Betty Chces William Street Mrs Ray Grant Essa Road sisters of the bride Mrs Ken Fraser Agnes Street niece of Mrs Exeil Mrs Exell was the fonner label Bowman daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Bow man Mr Exell is the son of Mrs Stan Exeii and the late Mr Exeli all of Barrie The celebrants were married In Trinity Anglican Church Bar rie by Rev Clarence Moulw ion The couple have two dau ghters Mrs Gordon Crocirford St Vincent Street and Miss Lenora Exoll at home family reunion to celebrate this happy event waaheld at SprintingPark Sept 110 The September meeting of the Womans Association of Collier Street United Church was held on Wednesday evening in the ladies arior Inst Mn Kearney welcomed there atteodln and opened the meeting vi the WA them SOHKJIidJHRI Mn Steele conducted the devotional period She reviewed briefly the theme Jesus the light of the world leading up to the September devotional man can serve two masterXi Scripture read from Matthew was followed by hymn Minutes of the May meeting were read by the us rotary Mrs William Evan and were approved Mrs Kearsey drew attent to the newly decorated ladles parlor lilrs Johnston who was in charge of the decorating re ported on the new drapes she suggested that large rug and rubber underpad coffee table Sunnidale Holds Meeting gt The WA of the Anglican Church of Messiah Sunnldale met at the borne of Mn Don Knlscly Wednesday evanin The meeting opened wit hymn Mcmbcrs Prayer and the Lords Prayer Scripture was read by Mrs Nevils taken from St John chapter Mrs Arnold read chapter on Africa from the study Book Ten members and oniel visitor homered the roll ca Mrs Novils read the re port of the last meeting Mrs Glipin closed the meeting after which the hostesses serv ed luncheon CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious woman visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists rog day Friday evenings For pro fessional scrvicel call PA 8466 Homefimpiroyement Loan Maybe loose shingle started it Or wornout weather stripping Or gnawing hand of termites Whateverit was plugging leak properly can be expensiveand of course the longer its left the more costly repair beeom This goes for peeling paintrcrumblingrccncrete and missing mortar too Yes keeping house in shape sometimes costs lot of money and occasionally it may cost more Virthanyouihave on hanerhaLthen The answer may be Sootiabank Home Improvement Loan monsy you can borrow at low interest for repairs or for extra bedrooms garage carport modern heating new and uptodate plumbingthings that maintain or improve your home as an invest ment Just call at your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia See the manager He will welcome the opportunity to discuss how Scotiahank Home Improvdment loan can help you Wearing THE BHNK OF NOVH SCOT Atmwomr Mm ACROSC NADA AND ROAD uiarly Open luesdaylburI CTEE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER Collier UnitedWA Opens Fall Season and two chairs in maple to match the other furniture be purchased to make the room complete lt was agreed to have thus purchasesmode Mrs Kearney also had re uest from Johnson for three one red tulip bulbs for the plantar at the parsonage it was agreed to have this done Report was given by Mrs ens financial secretary Treasurers report was read by Mrs ett in the absence of ME The correspondence which in cluded several thank you notes was read by Mas Newton corresponding seuetery Christian Fellowship and via itation oonvcner reported 00 calls Social convener Mrs Ste phens reported on the congre gational supper to be held Oct 14 Mn Steele bazaar chair man called bazaar committee meeting to be hold Thursday Sept 21 Group reports were given Mrs Cook Mrs Chisholm Mrs Haslet Mrs Johnston Mrs illiam Evans The meeting closed with hymn PLAN OCTOBER WEDDINGS II ENGAGEMENT been snncuncedoriiiH loin Lorene Cudmare left to Ger rit Van Wageniagcn of Mid land Tha brideelect is the daughter of Mr and re Wallace Cudmore Barrie lier fiances parents are Mr and Mrs Van Wageningen of Holland Northllde Bible Chap ei will he the setting for the popular demand aitcrnoon ceremony Oct Mr and Mrs Wilfred Th fry of Orangeville have no nouncod the engagement of their daughter Joyce Marge ret to Robert Bnice lbompv eon son of Mr and Mrs Bruce Thompson Barrie The wedding will take place Oct 14 in Westminster United church Orangovills MORE DISNEYKINS ID COMPLETE VOUR SEI Man you need CANADA GINGER AL when yours really Sparkling cane Dry singer Ale is the answer So fTeéthdtaW long cool bottle of Ginger Ate makes you feel new all over That cool clean taste sees great ermine anyplace With everybody Try it todayi Enioy it often ManufactvrogLELGLlnifl of Canada Dry Limited consonant nonuuo claimant no