aisle for SALE wooéwuz IitESH MEATS nlurrnd white complete ORILLIA SCHOOL OF NEWSPAPER MATS lam to items has urnsa ate all ll onus Illlll rt sumans ourlo FILL YOUR FREEZER I1LB ll anus and BLUI MEA i5 ETC 100 Guaranteed Qnsub 000 and an Complain no of AT THE LOWEST PRICES an auussla to than who wish DWI hair ordlrl dull at your KLEERPAKi FOODSTORE us rims Emmi BARRIE PHONE PA moi Free Delivery Open Mal till °Isiili is 331 84139 uncl aunnsc hrs call or wood in good condltlo Prl um pnon muss IAMOUI Golden Gilda Vacuum Induced to also singer Cont ll Dishing Strut Tll hon PA IM MADIC Vacuum Cleanrs In so Dunlap Strut Walt To an PA SINO LOANSS300 at I11 Is In In Tel hone PA us font not an onion St mannama or all house medium sire III dillon Reasonable offer activi aha PA Hm slAcl IrlATllt or all Quail with fan and two nil drums Iao gallon capacity Telephone PA HIBI for Iurthar Information sPAcl lllArer Ior le Med iulrs airs load condition Iela PA mil for further In orIn on BRAND NEW Singer Portable or onlyd 950 50 down all mama Mltlrlal sssh Doors for Cement Block Idol Halt Apply at Essa Road CLEARANCE all used vacuum ciasnrrs All In first clsn am 315 and up Apply Honvor SI es and Service Dulop st East PA Hots ARTICLES for SALE FRUIT VEGETABLES MAYO In II No Grads TLIB Bu IN ClIl It In Centre Em Adm Hamisck nu BAIOAIN grui mura ma Dslcrsll am an Johnson Ilaior saxpanda PA mil ILNOI CIDAR BIND lull pill is up minrudo lofan also hp Martin stator onionsls Trailer All In good condition Tal aphnas PA so ARTICLES FOR RENT RENTALS Public Adds Systems is nlns Prolacrars tensions Record Pinon leslgcrator Novlnl Trucks McFADDEN Appliance Penetang at St Vincent PA 89289 ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED Unusual cc thin miss glluwah Cl buttons tell lut prices at Midhursr Ant ques PA 82810 old latter lprteolr plid wnI no Ill rm Ont WE WILL PAY CAIE or and ed failure or any used Individual or control Iota PA was of TANK Wanted 100 gallon CID sclty must be in load condition In Quebec Holler wanfld Tob ephono PA solos WAmnrurnituro su rectoliars rnom sturdy rocking chair flalsonlbly prlcld PA OCH mammal nIed not than no Must in In good eon dition Would lrsds motor or ratoIlll PA Sllbil oLn rAsIrIorIED lllgh Brass bla Lamb China or colored Ilm old copoar brass old carnar cuppa or town furniture Sisia psrilcu lsrs lu rcply Write Box so lur ril mlmlner 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK IIOLasIsIN betterarugula to months old duo on tho Ilth Sap tambcr Toldphonn Elmvalo 117R Is after and Irossram holfars iwa due mi One Holstein hullll cow lam years old duo on Thompson RR Strdud Tale phone sorta HEREFORD nuu cALl Iar ula also Charl Herrford Crass Heifers in call due December ll Will Elmvlll phon ssAsMEIIs MARKET FARM MACHINERY ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS STROU New Management rilst snoop mm AUTOMOTIVE moron MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN l1 GDWAN STREET PA We WHO ELSE WANTS ANEW CARv Buy It Now With LowCon ulrlnlurld BCOTIA PLAN LOAN in MN Ac Ill mksavarpsynrsnrs1ollphano PA cam ma Almost Deluxe four door luliy Equlgpld with our sin soil or ts over symen To 1th BC was lllslon less AUSTIN All or ssla in good running ord Rasson or uir cannot gat admit April in glory stre batwa an and pm CAREER MINDED diriérï¬ï¬rï¬stiiï¬EJWGUNGMEN iEnthusiastic young man with 03 sans syllable sawed THE BANK OI NOVA SCOIIA Io IJIEILP WANTED MALI HELP 2iao YEARS sound sales scan will find ex ceptional career opportunities moans FINN CORPORATION LIMITED Definite advancement based an ability and tha desira to sun coed If you are bright and anxious to mature with one of Canadas fastest growing industries acme to Traders office at DUNIDP STREET EAST BARRIE Monday Dismay Wednesday or Thursday evenings of this week between tits hours at 4mrand707pm 0R Telephone PA 06515 and ra thsst an intarviow ring the do TRADERS FINANCE CORPORATION LTD its snillanAKlus lour daor complaion rocdndltinued Silvar my on par month with no down 10M comm our door Sadn In good candltlun radio Priecd ras sonlbly for quick nlo Tolophunl PA 55 lass CHEVROLET our door cus tom rsdin IuIl wheel also and salt aovrn Al thruushnut Now gm Telphone PA 751 aftsr prn CABS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES Vslm CARS TRADE uP oh uwN WE WILL LEND YOU IONEY ON YOUR PRESENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 04271 CASH humans for lost or less model Lu reasonably good candi ilon Tolepllono PA SIMD altar pIn TRUCKS TRAILERS mynaant CWT city Motors telephone smi IXCBPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Ara you between ll slnbitlousand bsva dum lron Are you inter ostsd ill people lnd willing ta ardl An you interested in Wllh unlimited opportun III II your answer to test questions Is Yul hlpl ynura mall WI are looking for Va are prepared In lnvut cousidorsbia money In Ilia flth ml so If you intruled Ill earning haltll lhlll lvlllll incaln write in Box and Ir rsnn or an Interview MALE OR FEMALE EXPERIENCED qulrdd mall or huslnfllflnln RtnLV llcltionl Ind Illa 91 Blrrla Exam llAmnnBssan rcqulrod lulll or female cxpcrlenced for madam nlan full or parttime dxooiInt wsu Call Mrs nlllar Bradford PR HIBV III hint PR 51110 ENRLOYMENT WANTED lIOUhBWORK wanted by Wu wt man hours AllllldsloEarsia district Avallahla Toieaho PA um wrapu TYPINO of any ducrln inan ner immediately coo la gsuga shotgun Naval urad Alsa two poxs oI shells 51a Also Rumlngtnn nor alas trlel so cycle 11 volts lio Tll uphane PA Mm nAllI CARRIAGE an lilh for sale in axcaiient cenditon Apply wolllnstan Strut Toispnols PA ours SAVING up to 50 The build llsl Is sold Ill slack must to by soptembar do Get In on the big alvlnlli Ray Livingstona Drug Stan BlyAeld Street next to Lablsws ATTENTION sum and coin collision All your needs supplied at tho nw stamp II Coin Store at 11 Bayfllld Strce Barrio Ont Opan It present Pr hill and Ill day Saturday almost ass for all extension table and our chair red Ind ray can uxceï¬rmman 4flu5l7eeiiflStmFmaQ Sailing reasonably Telephone PA WW FALL scam The Famous Sln gr StyleOMatlc zigZag sawing lrhlna now $16950 See than to dly at your Singer Sowing Cen tn is Dunlap street Wort PA 81960 BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES war ARRIVED Anarnor lord of American bred Saddle Horses Palomtnns sdrnls PInIar it hands to it hands Tciophans PA aim YonItsIuria homes and Gills sarvlnalhls ale irons RoP sows scoring up to sired by Lynn bleon Monarch IIBN Average scora to Herd on certified herd plan ll Campbell straud FARM MACHINERY CHARLES causes FARM SUPPLIES Es SERVICE can Now Holland David ardwn auiiy Farm Equipment 176 EURIOB AVE PA 82313 Harvesters Case New Hol land Dione Gebl 1957 Chevrolet Aton Pickup with long box and stock racks CASH TRADE TERMS SERVICE TORY By Month or Your PA szsis gt PMNTINGANn PAPEEHANGING TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all ma I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6ltI I42 DIAPER SERVICE ssnhms rmasr DIAPER SERVICE is Mm it Imiiiv PA H551 Lu than pack of tipratios dll DRAIN CONSTRUCTION BILL GETHONS CONCRETE AND DRAIN CONSTRUCTION lie rim mqu buds in ta ad repairdd oncrs trenching excavatlnl THORNTON our PA 83618 DRIVING SCHOOLS SAFE DRIVING islNca ms FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GHAVEL ilP Still SEPTIC TANKS PUMJED narrating and Gradual WIMI Daiivary Crushed stuns Hall Yard Backhoe or Mr DENNIS MORAN no Slrlll PA snow MASONRY CHIMNEYS LT gt AND REPAIRED ii nowsnn SMITH AND son Bunting and or Hanging Spray ntlnz Ssrvicu Since 1920 RR Banla PA um sanscarry DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMALii Ill FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PAlItWhy $3517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE ssosi DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses JDLhOXLunmvad For fast service PHONE BARRIE Pd 87751 aIaslrfor ZENITHsllatl COLLECT so hours day7 dayla emu NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139C431 CONSTANT REMINDER MEANS EXTRA BUSINESS Phone now about our low business Service Rates PA 82414 ADVERTISE in THE BARRIE HALFTON Danl tiuhal ror Isl after pan Dllllli Interns eut nilr Call is Panstuns st In awn hum studn not specialty Vcry reasonbis Will glvckoup arid dollser PhatIa PA mo MTON hlaricunY Truck or sale if and tires and good Signing condition relphone PA LsJ roN Truck Ior good running condition Talsphonl lls Milt Angus or further In formation YOUNG MAN luliy oxpnrianced in the motI Isbricntlng indurtry In his following capacities Pun chsslnl Material Control Produc lion Pl runs and Plant suparin tendenl unions to lactn In this II bio lrnlnedlataly Box 10 Barrio Exlnllcr MOBILE HOMES furnished wired cub anl nil in Mr Runs Avlnua Barrie PERSONALS FORTUNE TELLINtFDa you want aur io Tel AP urtan zzxsmmm far it LEGAL NOTICES l2 TENDER ammo SPORTSFIELD ONTARIO ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP CAMP LONGFORD MILLS ONT SEALED FIXED SUM TEND ERS properly endorsed on forms supplied by the Depart TenTTWIII be received by tho Tenders Secretory Room 0630 East Block Parliament Build ontoaromarlaruatii l0 pm iEDIl on TUESDA OCIOBER lldï¬iï¬l for the construction of an letlc field which includes grabbing out of trees brush etc tba removal and piling of top sail the grading of tbs site replacement air top soil seed ing etc and also the ccastruo tion of cinder track at tbs Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp Mustard Mill Ontario Plan Specifications lander forms Tender snvslopes and Contract Requirements may be obtained from or viewed at Room 6521 Department of Pub lic Works East Block Parila mcnt Buildings Toronto 0n tarIo and may also be viewed at the Bulldors Exchange at Barrio and Orlllla 3100000Bld Bond and 100 Performance Bond will be required as specified Tooders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works Ontario In accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein The lowest or any tondcr not necessarily accepted Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario September 15th 1961 MILLAR Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario DEPARTMWI OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED swarms Iddros to Sacratary Departmollt of Pu Works Roam aw sir Gin nlppsr Building Riverside Ottawa and ondomd TENDER ma iIArInotm iMPROVEMDlIs iMOthtNG STATIONS commo wooo 0NT will be received until mo nu inn wanna ocro nnr ll DBL rIns speciï¬cations and forms or tender can be seen or can be obtained on deposit of guns of moo in tha form of cmnrrm bank chequa to the order of In nncnlvcn WAD or CAN ADA through Chief shunEr liuom cud Sir Charles supper Building Riverside Drive Ottaws Dislt trirt in near 22 arvis St Toronto Ind can he soon at the Post Offices at Calllnlw arid Barrie out deposit will be relelsad on return of the documents In load condition within month min the drtrur ruminramndm If not returned within thltJaariod tho deposit will be forfeit In considered Ilch tandor ha Emmanus by also of the alternative securities called for In In lender docu manll Mbo made on th printed forms supplied by the as psrtmeht lllfl In cordon with the condition Ist torth therein The lowost or my tehdar not necessarily nmpird nonmr ranrum cniu of Administratlv and Secratlly TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL ervllcl TI BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ll CIll WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF TYPHOONS RITE CHINA MOSCOthAP lThouslnds of acres of rice land wrre dlm aged and communications lines torn up by recent bonus in south Grins dispat ea from Peking reported today Soviet newspaper said the first Iy phoon hitKwangiung province Aug so and the second Sept DUB FREIGHTER COLLIDE ISTANBUL APlTnc Turk Ish submarine Pirl Reis was damagedioa small Greek freighter In the DIrdllleIlCl Strait Monday night There were no casualties No damage was reported to tile Grubfraighterodessls INTENSITY CAMPAIGN NEW YORK IAFUS Af IornoyRobert lilorgeIIthau says the government is intensifying its campaign against stock swin diers whom he calls money suching leeches hforgonthsu said Monday he has information that underworld figures have moved Into the Iecurities busi ness 10835 SLOT MACHINES SOUTHAMPTON AP Siot machines were stripped from the transatlantic liner Queen Mary todaybecause the passen gers werent interested The 20 machines had been installed as an experiment WINS TV AWARD PISA Italy AIMAn Amer Ican TV documentary with com mentary by the late movie actor Gary Cooper Monday night won the ltaila TV top prize for TV documentaries The True West directed by Donald lsilattL was given tho 2000000 lira 2200 prize In close competi tion with Chicago documen tnry on the Amcrican midwest ern metropolis by Britains Den ls Mitchell FRACTURES TOE LONDON Reuters Prince lllichnoi isyaaraid cousin of the Queen has fractured too singtonlaisca home said today pilots sought an announcement from his Ken lhs are slipped and struck his foot FILMS SEEK ASYLUM SEOUL South Korea AP The military junta said today two Chinese Communist civilian political asylum hero alter crashlsliding their light transport plane near Chciu Island Friday night ANAHEIM Calif APlDan lei Calvin hliliigan ls charged with assault with deadly weapona snake Palico ray hiilligao l9 admittedidropplng venomous Russells viper into outsids vent of tho aircondi tionlng system at the apartment oi his Iormorwife Miss Bannls Johnston is Sept The make four feet long and three inches in diameter was found th day by analhcr tena Th Reporter Arrested On Libel Charge QUEBEC CPIGilles Pratio reporter for hionfreai Ll Presse clal police Monday on charge oi defamatory libel arising from an article that appeared in the daily newspaper Sept ii warrant for th arrest was Issued at the request of Ray mond lllaher to of Qurbgc one of all candidates for the Union Nationals party leadership at convention hero this week Pratta faces trial Sept 25 on similar charge by hfaher ran suiting from an article In La Presse Sept He was Efreedronitloorrbsll alter the first arrest and on an additional $100 alter the second Pratto was arrested Sept as result of an article that dealt with press conicrcnce given by hfaher the previous day IIIESEpL ll story dealt with was in cloth bag Indcate Stormv his arrest on tho first charge Weather Ahead for annual Legislation OTTAWA CPIThe govern ments legislative boat enloyed some smooth sailing in tho Commons Monday Although the opposition indicated there are stormy wafers ahead for least one bill bill to give Manitoba Sas katchewan and Alberta full con trol over school land and school land funds within their borders sailcd through all legislative stages to final approval The only ripple on the other wise sarciiu surface came at this night sitting with second rend ms of the Fine Point railway AlthoIgh the measure finally was endorsed in principla 93 to in recorded vote Liberal and CCF speakers complained they hadnt been given enough information about the project on his left foot while chopping wood during his ltallan holiday To Shift QUEBEC CPI Sessions Court Judge Achiia Pcttigrew Monday selected defence at tempt to shift the blame for al leged use of the now defunct Quebec Liquor Police as au eiectlon campaign lllslrlimenl from former Quebec district di rector Rosario Le re to the UfllonNï¬llï¬ï¬iIeleglme Lemile 73 was ordered to make voluntary statement Sept 26 an the third 51 six charges in vaiving his time on the force He specifically was charged with ordering or permitting sub ordinates to take part in election campaigns while being paid by the force through false expense accounts Voluntary statement is stage in Quebec is gnl procedure where an accused can present on an PAWany time tADmsI If you naad how foun Italian garmcnt try Charla rll used to your III in your horrid Phuna for appointment PA 84137 WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY snot coldw ay cartindd hairdresser horns Phone narnl as or PA Hm LOST tr rouuo anions Loss at Elma Fair on Saturday Septembor is brand new Reward offered chophonu Barbsrs Lloyd at PA alou SPORTS lAcm White with horrid chla hmtatmllsDIII l7 Finder piano to 09645 or writs if burst l0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP YOUNG WOMAN for work wanted nllhtl craft ea ark Sspl pha PA Brow urnt ll or Telnrlmne on WAITRBBBES wanted Apply chat ter Box Rostlurlnt Coukltowl TeluphflnLCflnkslnwan rcluiAlvnNr housokaopor rs uir ed for widower and sour ac not are chlldrcn Liva in Camp Borden lass EXPERIENCED Burroughs Billing Machlns Opcrntor required for Thomas Electric lar nppnlntmcnt tolephonn Mlsl low at PA QWll RELIABLE LADY required to cm or somilnvllld woman to llva III while daughtar works Telephone PA 8710 any time RELIABLE Haulekaapes rlqulrall to cars for three children while foibles wï¬rkll and lilo lilhtdhtzusa oop ng us can an ond Jillian Raply ltatin we as exputod to box o7 Telephon rlnltr EARN MONEY with fascinating hobby lvirlra besuillul owsllery at hom Elly to do Sell to your friend Eltccllent prams erta for free wholesale cola ed cab slogue lilurgstroyd ca nept 60 Agincourt Ont SALESLADY forPharmacy Ear parlnuccdlxcellcnt hours arr and working conditians Appl in writing giving lull qualldcltIurll and enclosing photograph Toronto MALE HELP MAN nadvmnn ta cement base mcut flour Talaphona PA soars between mu PINBEHEIKB wanted for Kemp vlsw howl on Blako straat Call Mr Cohan at 2A MilI71 after mm Llcachn body and fender Inu Mquired71mmediitifly OZ working conditions soil antilayup CEMENT AND ELOCK WORK REASONABLE EXAMINER bohafits Apply to Mal Smith Dlnlurlicld Motors III Bradford St Telephonn PA 55010 flmejrtanrthrtha following Osborno Ltd 294 wear at West DIM SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER ANILBY VIRTUE OF an Execution Against Lands herein issued out of The First Division Court of the County of Simcoo to mcdirectndagninst Ilia lands and ï¬tenementr of Dorothy George Defendant at the suit of Wilson Ltd Plaintiff have seized and taken in execution all the right title Interest and equity of re demption of the said Dorothy All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and be ing in the City of Barrie in the County of Simone and being composed ofall of Lot 20 and the Easterly Fortyrfour feet 44 of Lot 21 on the south side of Cumberland Street Plan 483 municipaily known as 104 Cumberland Street Upon the said premises is said to be erectadra twoatareyLbrlc house and garage ALL OF WHICH said right title interest and equity of rslt domptian of thersaid DarnthL George in and to the ads and tenements will offer for sale by public auction ratmy office in die Court House Bar rie an Wednesda the nth day of October 1961 at the hour of 100 oclock in the afternoon DATED at the City of Barrio in the County of cos this 13th day of June AD AWEHUGHES Sheriff Gounty of Simcoe LOOK rm YOUR ATTIC CELLAR on GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for cash Hundreds of people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use CLASSIFIED WANT ADS vA 82414 TENDERS FOR CARSON VILLAGE DRAINAGE SCHEME SEALED TENDERS will be 11 ceived by the undersigned un til 00 pm DST MONDAY OCTOBER 1961 for the construction of 2400 Iln yds of drainage dltdi with sp proximawa 14000 cu yds of excavation and the placing of 178 lift ft of 70 car rugated metal pipe arch Copies of plans specifications and tender forms may be ob taincd at the office of the Con suiting Engineersfor the sum oi Ten Dollars $1000 This sum will not be refunded Lowest or any tender not noc essarlly accepted GROH Acting Clark Innisfil Township Olfice Strand Ontari WILDMAN AND RHODES AND ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 570 First Street cm 13 AUCTION SALES AUCIION$ALL TUESDAY SEPT 19 1961 730 PM AT BARRIE AUCTION ROOMS and Second Hand Stors 55 DUNLOP ST WEST quantity of good furniture and household itoms some of which willbesold under the Warehousemans Lien Act Auction Room parking at rear of 55 Dunlap off Mary St Isnny COUGIILIN AUCTIONEER Chancellor Retires Board Announces LONDON Ont cplsienna meat of Ivsy as chancel lorlai this University of Western Ontario Was announced Monday by Col Weldon chairman of the university boardof gov ernors and Dr Hall chairman of the senate Bath Col Weldon and Dr Hall expressed fkeeri regret at the retirement made hecesssryby the University of Western Onta rio Act which limits the term of office to six years The elcctorai board will mcet Sept 26 molest successor trial Lcmire one of three men charged with defrauding the government and public of more than $5u0000 during an eight year period has already been and suggested perhaps the gov ernment wasnt as sure of tho Rejects Attempt Blame enabled his stepson Dell Ray Lafarest to draw $01829 in sal ary and expenses as special agent on the QLP and that members of the force were paid with false expenses to do con struclianwork on his home Laforcst and former QLP in spector Leopold Perrault are The other men charged Defence lawyer RenaLctarfe Monday called for dismissal of tho eiectianeering charge against Lcmile on the grounds that he was operating under or dcrs from Union Nationals cab inet ministers legislature mem bers and tho attorneyganerals department He said conspiracy charges should be laid against these persons Crown prosecutor Gerard Le constltution gave Lemire full authority in the matter and he was therefore responsible for the actions of his subordinates If there aro any accom plices they will be arrested in ilzes success as itprctcndcd to The railway would run 398 miles north from Grimshaw Alta to Hay River on the south shore ai Grcot Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories t0mila spur would be built east to Pine Point Mirics Limited developing vast IEBEIZIIIC de posit COSTS Slim000 Trrnsport Min tcr Balcer sold the line will cost at least 375000000 The bill would pro vide the publicly owned CNR with this amount pius $11500 000 for contingencies for total of $58500000 Pine Points parent company Consolidated Mining and Smelt ihg would agree to conirihuta up to $20000000 paid over 10 years Ore would be shipped to Comincos smelter at Trail RC Mr Baicor assured the House that the lino will operate at profit But two opposition MPs asked why the privatelyowned CPR which controls Cominco wasnt building the line itself if profit was so certain Herrldgo COPRoote hay Westt said it is strange that the CPR refuses to build road to its own mine This was one of certain uncertain ties about the proposed lino Lionel rlcr transport minister in the former Liberal government demanded that the government produce the draft agreement with Cominco Mr Baicer said earlier that the agreement would be made available during committee studl the bills next stage IF Back Acne TRYA KIImIniI HolisscLEAMmo Do manila hum men driencLbdombdnkuntwluquwpUedthapthaQLPm imrnrdi certain Imutui ugh Ron to to Work to so as roliavlng a5 Ildlmigtifluu it helm pruned sent to trial on charges that he due course he said tooy ml mm Inf yoeoplé laacbsfoulrlmulhigmtsadw ohm Tobago or their lionyum the quiet charm of this mils hind lIsd dmn limledgnlilavscatlonm from WMWWMI giast films were nude against the lush backdrop of its brssthtskirig scenery IlliI movie stars mum to it again and an Noll mmIlalINllflX not is slimmer Illa Motif iiiclimququ pl amoroumunasmnam 11 he kno go to swallowed sky the subtle mum mun bands slid tile linguiliiig music of Italian not their new old tits youism My my miles from gsy Waghinidad Toom lmIIImlivehoursliyingiimelioiniiawlorkSvmmsrisisa mradpedandsamltuuhsoiiloiots mnm hammer nd Wanna maritimvwmmnww mm IOII use LHEIMWIRE mm IIBIIMIG in for lost nim linAtMghIflmM ï¬bago WWW mu mmmrwmmmymawnwmmmamm EBARVRI OZ DunlapS ETRAVEL For Your Resorvhlian CALL ERVICE rA S6414