children0mm THE FAIR MEANS 00D TO THESE YOUIilGSTIRScnman Hey mom hurry up with lthe hot dogs implore Heather Nelson and brother Wilfred Heather and Wilfrcd are parked in tlrelr wagon in rent at the Latter Day Saints booth PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 56581 Notes are Intended to cover the general social or the oly and district Wedding niversarles bridge par ties birthdays coming oi age worries visliI end tra vellers are all Items of inter est to the women or this page Your help In supplying this news win be really appreciated LONDON VISITOR Miss Elsie Robb oi St Johns Wood London England is vis iting in Canada and is the guest of Major and Mrs Way Melruse Avenue ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Stanley Show of Hawkestone spent their 40th wedding anniversary at the home of Mr and Mrs Russell Partridge oi Mlneslng on Sept RESUME MEETINGS Thurman Womensulnstitute will resume meetings or the fail and winter season on Thursday This meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Jennett Vis itors will be welcome ATVVISIENSIN Mr and Mrs Herb Drury and son Allen Wellington Street West motored to Madison Wis consin last week Graduate of Barrie District Central Colle late Alien Druryihnsicpfli the PreMed course at the University of Wisconsin Frank Taylor has returned from Montreal where be eat the past week visiting his me or off to school again fliltaiph Jr Tim at Ashhury College Ottawa Lynn at Lakesbaro Teachers College New Toronto and Elizabeth at Havergal College Toronto They are Snelgrove Therese Street IO McGILL UNIVERSITY Dmndï¬nrArEnsrTmnbull and son Andrew motored to Montreal at the weekend to visit Burris North Collegiate has an rolled at McGill Univarllty his inthers almn mater Mr and Mrs John Saso re turned from their honeymoon last week and alter short visit with their parents Mr and Mrs Anthony Sean and Dr and Mrs Alfred Crossiand left for London to continue their studies at the University at Western Ontario Miss Jeanne McKenzie daugh tor of Mr and Mrs Si Me Kensie Wellington Street West and Miss Mary Sinci teioi Mr andMrs Sin clair Blake Street have return ed to their courses at Univer sity of Western Ontario Mat dun Stroud Women Hold Meeting The Womens Missionary Soci ety of the Stroud Presbyterian Church met on Wednesday even ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson Cell to worship lowlhuxrnn and pray er by the president Mrs Mayer it was decided to order the study book for the coming year Minutes were read and approv ed Oifering was followed by ipgryer of dedicatan by Mrs Frank Cowan The study boolr was taken by Mrs Campr and Mrs John Cowan Together we provide Chris tian literature The Bible is Tnkenwberevennl res go Churches go into all the world wvitlrtheBible each year coliee tions go to provide Bibles in many languages Twentynine million are taught to read each year but manyslip back he Aeauseeoimathlng to read one person taught number oi oth ers and because at it they learned to it about health Scriptlil Why Mrs Watson and Mrs John Cowan Prsyer was taken by Mrs relatives Andyh graduate of Campbell at the Barrie Fail Fair and mother has just bought two Juicy hot dogs to satisfytheir angry appetites Mrs lifBelli Speaks lit Meet CREEMORE Special The September meeting of the WMS and WA of St Johns Church was held at the home oi Miss Lawrence and Mrs McKenzie la the absence of the president Mrs McArthur tho vicepres ident Mrs Thomson conducted the meeting Mrs Hayward had charge of the devotional and Mrs Marion Priddle sang solo The roll call was answered by 25 mem bers and one visitor The oiier ing was received and dedicated AlLxopnrts were giventhank you notes read and the Com munity Friendship reported on calls made by the members Committees for the October meeting are as follows Devo tional Mrs Renwiek and Miss Lawrence programs Mrs Thomson and Mrs Montgomery lunch Mrs Carlon and Mrs Carter Mrs Bell from Barrie was the guest speaker She spoke on the new organization at the United Church Mrs Day very graciously thanked Mrs Bell for her wonderful talk and Mrs ihomsonnlso voiced her appreciation There is to he joint school for leaders at tho WMS and WA workers on Oct and in Burton Ave United Church Barrie foot STARS SAY WA good day or making Id vsncnmsnt in Ill worthwhile Io tivities in trying to achieve goals however dont force is sues Youll accomplish great on more via the diplamItlc mu MI in BIRTHDAY it whome is limo thingy your roscope ca as It while the next two and half months may seem somewhat slow where the advancement oi Job and financial loll is con Mnth mu not become discouraged by ob ltaciqunco you an hurdle MEI IAN W8 MONDAY SEPTEMBER II in CWL Fill Christmas Stockings For Children In Greece Korea little children in Greece Ind Korea will smile at mistrust due to your kindness So said Mrs Smith social Iction oops vener It the September mut ing oi St Marys Catholic We ens to One hundred and Laminated Fabrics Provide Insulation By ELEANOR no few uIsonII tbs rs amlnntes Iï¬rlrliolhs on body Ind strength with laminate and so have additional thirty were filled for the Canadian Save the Ciril dren hand as well cub donation Mrs MacDonald educa tion convenIr announced that Christopher landership Course is being planned for the stud outs of St Josephs High School rnswcoavoner Ilse mentioned that ublie spesising course ober ouid on fine recog nition for lab clients and begin ning with only December your tinsnclsl status will show marked riu trend which Jhouldeontinusjelunhn Social and domestic relation ships should prove stimulating during the next two months also in December and January For those in creative lines niece of exceptionally good late December or early ery should get you off derfuiwstertriathensw your Norma Adamson Weds Fred Priest oi Fred Priest at an alteran ceremony Rev Lighthourn oiiiciated Jhpbridwls the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed Adsmson of Elmvaie The bridegroom is the son 01 Mrs William Priest and ten late Mr Priest oi Anton Mills The bride chose gown of turquoise blue nylon wlh white accessories Her corsago was of white roles with sprigs of heather Her attendant was Miss Jean Bassinger oi Richmond Hill Miss Busslngcr wore street length frock of white floral ny lon with white accessories Her corsoge was oi red roses ltiervyn Todd oi Antsn Mills was the best man reception was held at the home oi the brides parenta Mrs Adamson received guests wearing gown of powder blue nylon will white accessories She was assisted by the mother of the bridegroom Mrs Priest caring frock ai white floral silk with navy blue accessories For travelling the bride wore green silk linen dress with white accessories The newlyweds will reside in Mldhurst country res soon or HOME thomwSylvapinui ma nowend improvement NormsAdnmsothecsmrL IMPROVEMENT PLANS There are do Id plans for Wï¬ï¬gageï¬gnin one In vements Call in for mmgopyWhetbardÂ¥onglla¥°g do the work yours or we it done we lrsrvetegI the pklans and mm designs onwlglvilrteu are ilrmsment like Iisnt agrockets While the laminates engendered much excitement no one was quite sure whether 3m they would be successiul or jould Justliszie and drop out sigh oi near the an swer is wellknown step the established themselves as real stars in the clothing hoov can What exactly is iImlnItoi Very simply it Is fabric with builtin 1asulationprnvided17y waferthin or of polyure thane foam bon ed permanently to the underside of the fabric No bonding methods are used One is the wet method by wiucbrconrenredheslve Joins the two The dry method melts the Iuriace oi the foam for an instant so that the from be comes its own bonding agent MANY TYPES Almost all types ol fibers and fabrics can be laminated Among the most popular are knits either oi natural or syn thetic Iibers woven cottons in cluding corduroy wool and wool blends You are liable to spot the laminate tag on anything and everything from rainwoar to sportswear irom hats to loves and even shoes What in tsrestlng is that such fabrics ll lightweight cottons somewhat impractical for outerwear take tteorgo Davies concentration are name names Whether building complete new home or just making any small repairs we can supply the materials We will be happy to advise you on any building or repair problem you may have Free estimates gladly given of course You will find the most com plete stock of the finest building materialsirr thk part of the Con laminates be laundered HIppily polyurethane foam is psrfIctly Imsnebls to ludsy co water whether the washing is done hIndvor by mschiaI So if routerfsbrlc of par ticular garment is wlshshio you can rest assured that the entire lece will launder Inc The ban tag or label should provide tion Dont urchsso laminated gsrment thou mohairlions tlon Because at the ve nature oi laminates ve lit eii any ironing is nee ed Foam back ing tends to restore the smooth 7penrance oi the outer fabric tar washing Should some touchup ironing seem dosirsbis do it on the fab rlc side with an iron set for low heat only UIIIER ADVANTAGES Other advantages of laminates include warmth without weight dimensional stability which means virtual freedom from shrinkage stretching or logging and brenthnbilityn feature which allows perspiration to evaporate naturally Those responsible for brinflng laminates to the public but ovo that we are just beginning to realize the potentialities of this revolutionary process For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALI SMIIII SIIIDIO Dunlap St PA M178 Over Hunts necessary informn ll be hold The president Mrs Jerry ughiln reminded members about the Northern Region CW1 Ellen Praises Work 0f CWL HAMILNN CWImmine tion Minister Fslrciough Friday praised the work of the CIthollc Women league in hei ingaew come ettie in Gene as the leagues Ontario council pro psred for its annual convention cant overestimate the ve lue oi the assistance you have given Mrs Fslrciough sold in telegram to the convention The government would be hard put to it to finance the neces sary work done by volunteer mups EXYINSION PHONES II v4st and iulcoms In cot un models Cell in em uslnus Omener ask the men in our lrIIn truck meetingto be held in Guardian gigolo Church Orilila on Sept Hospital coavener Mrs Donovan reported 179 visits made during the summer months Mrs Corbett stated that there were 20 home visits made recently hire Ciyns CWL rcpresenb ative to the Mental Health As sociation requested volunteers for the Ontario Hospital It Perk slang One of the recent unden takings was ball game be tween patients and visitors This typoo therapy is most encours aging and helpful to the psuents ore runs for our Christmas iea Nov 12 most interesting pmgrsm was provided by blr and Mrs Clifton who showed slides taken during their recent trip shroud lhe magniiicentrpleod or of Rome was well portrayed in the numerous pictures oi the Vatican Catacombs fruit mar kets and the ruins of the forum rnv assumes rum in snows on sun CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair stylists reg ularly Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday svsnings For pro wagons services call PA IllTheIinesiilluuliiy For Building OrVRontodolling Wm Pollock Son Always Carry For Your Every Need Ask About Our LowCost Gonvonienr consists smut Masons Limo Lumber Sash Frames Doors Molding Trim Wellboard Turpentine Putty Brink Rooting Weather Stripping Insuiotlon Point Brushes Hardware Nails Cement Tile Flooran Hardwood Flooring weltnu Points Vsrnishes HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN Inquire about our easy payment Home Improve ing your home or construction of barns Be sure to mentle for the building of cottages or renovat drop in so Wm Pollock lb Son tomorrowesndrsee how easy It will bato have modern new living quarters on budget plan us For THE limo or rnrsnntv ranssnvrcs runs Inns sour our TLBEPllTllTION Sure OI IreIllusion QualityInslsljlsul Your Builder Usosilsmstssm Bros Dredge GUARANTEED Igrnuspcenrlrrcnrrst oissuedinamormintromisloodpwuï¬ yeaflybycheque 19 Government authorized investments 7LIMITEB PAINTS for Canadian Inauran Executor wwwcï¬mï¬ih your tire nothing but this coalthe coat that is blue colour marked so you canbe sure of safe dependable viewcost heating its awarrn experience Complete Stock of low MONEY DOUBLES SELF IN I4 YEARS caowrr Want to tinirhotl your attic or horomont reï¬nish your floors or do 1001 other prelects Rent the tools you need and euli cove time money and labor wants saws worms SAW andlnumot rs lotloom on Lil IMIry stunn1 on em