HEB IA names MONDAY remnant ll William Salter Was PUC Head William Millet Salter mana ger oi Barrles Public Utilities Commission died Sunday morn ing at Royal Victoria Hospital alter short illnes Mr Salter was born at ï¬rst wherc be also re public and high iocalcmling Club Gets Club Licence TORONTO UP suspen aions oi licen were an nounced MAY by the Ontario Honor licence Board The board approved club ll ccncel for the Barrie hitting Club It Barrie and the Brant Curling Club at Srentiord IJoenoe oi the Russell liiii Ho id Medora Township was sus pended six weeks for permitting the sale and service oi beer on Sunlays iJcence ot the Ledo Hotel Sudbury was suspended Aone weekjp permitting drunk school education He entered canes and service heell6 lhcemployvoi theï¬nnkoiNovr intoxicated perlsons ervl Ch them cutieStSteflienGm bellton before R$111131 Rappoilgned mana ger at ver Stock Market Alter terrn in the Toronto head otiice he accepted per Shows Losses Trading Light ition with Murray Robertson and Ciilverb Winnipeg in oil ice merger in charge 0th vestrnents 19101915 TORONTO CF bosses to by index stocks droppedthe stock market into lower ground gasing light morning trading to He cameto Barrie aa treas urer ottha barrio Tanning Co Ltd where he was employed Romtwotodmrrollowed by live years in the insurance but lness Gains actually outnumbered losses on the industrial board but the 20 stock industrial indi cï¬llor abmrbcdmstht the de index stocks such as CPR Ca in March 1955 be was ap pointed secreterytrcaaurer and nadlan Cclonese BA Oil Al goma Steel interprovlncial Flpe manager of the Public Utilities Line and Consolidated Paper Commission dropped in range at irom INNISFII NOTES Results Satisfy Fairs Exhibitors Dy H63 FROST AilENDS DINNER Vets Of 157th 177th Hold AnnualyRefluriiéaii Third annual reunion oi the 157m and im Battalions For asters Association was held Sat urday night at Barrie Armorics Veterans oi the 71mins 177th battalions galherchi dinner to rememberialiencornrades and to hear their iormer colonel of On tartar Prior to the dinner or ath was laid at the cenoinpb in memory of tallen comrades Jami or Pulnnqcns the veterans ate dinner to the accompaniment of the ekirl oi the pibrcchs bagpipes provided by the Barrie Pipe Band which marched and played throughout the meal Alter dinner the veterans were welcomed to the City at Barrie by Alderman Mor row acting for Mayor Willard xinrie toast to The Queen was proposed by Col Newton Young QC and toast to alien comrades was oitered by Motor Koriright Two minutes of silence pre ceded Response to Fallen Comrades by Colonel Frost RECALL ACTIVITIES During the dinner the premier was greeted by many of those good game with the excitement lasting until the top at the ninth The roads that led to the Barrie Exhibition were titled with vehicles early Saturday afternoon The grounds were tilled and the street bad no vparltinrepaces leit real aiternoon ior Having promised errReeve lockhart we would be at his Battalion reunion we hustled back to Egrrieto Join him in coming th who came from near and or to in the Wawtaikadwto adashi om exhibitorsand ioun ey well satisï¬ed with the results oi their showing especially those who had to go back to their prospects and get ord We have iota iood ï¬ects and will have busy year weoniysetra portion at those who are requiring the satement oi John Webster who sells church and home org ana This was the way most oi th we talked to responded ENNISFIL PRODUCERS The Copaco dispr oi bacon included innlsii producers Among the top elder oi port brothers the Rev Salter wrmmm Bmhl tenham iirst prise Eugene memï¬d Smith Utopia Cilii Cerscadden Sane on millennial kaandHWWellace one sister Mrs KMac Sim Schely Thorn Naughton at Toronto lie was rm Dam wbb audio Sproule Stroud Keith Drury predeceased by two brothers 55 Montreal and Tottenham These carcasses WiLLlAM SALTER Cilia and Millet Salter oi Bar lie is also survived by three innsing hisvrtermrwwitlpthe PUC Mr Salter began many new projocu two being his payasyougo policy and out door meters He also pioneered in the control of elfpeak pow who served under him and his dinner speech recalled the ac tivities oi the regiment in Cana da and overseas Today as we marched to the oenotaph Colonel Frost said hered the marching we did is years ago and the men with whom we enjoyed compan ionshlp We trained with wooden rifles the premier recalled Overseas ammunition was ra tioned and there was lnsullicient to go round We fought in some of the worst battles and endured terrible punishment from the hordes of Germans but we kept them back and relieved British REV SHERRING who led the Foresters in prayer at the cenotaph on Saturday diets with Col the lion Les lie Frost Premier oi 0n tario Mr Frost veteran and allow of the Slmcoe For esters Association laid wreath at the cenotapb and spoke at the dinner reunion for the reunion in the years to his leadership and encourage iollow Haber Smith QC MP spoke and pointed out that once again Canadians wars living under the if war should come he said Canada would certainly be involved because of threat of war her geographic position Mr Smith said that in light oi the present situation it was necessary for every Canadian to ment at such organizations Head table guests induded Master of Ceremonies Cliiiord iackbart Alderman Morrow Heber Smith Colonel Newton President William Bradley Treasurer Ed Partridge Malor George Rodgers Cecil Robert son Jobn Whitton Clltf Graham Young the Hon Leslie Melaash toï¬t US Ford bed the biggest in dividual lose down one point at 103 Loblaw was all and Stedman Brothers at Dominion Glass had the best gain ahead iour points at 71 on good turnover Western oils weremoving slowly Canadian Chieis 0t Urge Fulton Disallow Ford Co PORT ELGIN CP Cana dian leaders at the United Auto support to the iullest the pro Hm Bum Workers CLC called on GL He was progressive an visory engineer or the PUC Mr Veto merit Service aitlce requ willing to experiment with new technical developments com merited ll Murth super Salter was married to lrene Aliward oi Barrie in 1921 and had two children Marie ere Woods of Tor in Oakville had received an or der from the National Emmy Seller of Oconomowec Wisconsin lie was member of Collier Street United Church Kerr Ma sonic Lodge Yacht Club Barrie Lodge of Pericction and Spry Giapter Rose Crolx Scottish Rite post member oi the Kiwanis Club Mr Salter was chairman oi several wer bond drives during tile Second World War president oi the Navy League Cub Master ior 10 Jamaal All aging director at the Barrie Arena He was instrumental in the beginning at the annual Skating Club Carnival and the annual Barrie Regatta ll which hung in the exhibition building showed the top pro ducers oi pork as oi the week oi the fair They were killed and dressed by Copaco at Ben rie adn exemplilied the type oi pork that is processed in the local plant KNOCK WINS We leit the fair at pm in order to altend the ball game in which our lnnisiil team oi Knock players were meeting team irom Wyoming Ontario manSamlor iorra return game to decide who would be the inn ior champions oi Ontario We arrived at the end oi the iourth inning and iound the local team Victor Hownrth has been appointed the Bell Telephone Companys marketing rcpre santatlve in Barrie Tth Le new position here which the Bell announcement said has become necessary to enable the commit to supply the additional communications required by the rapid industrial expansion in the Barrie area Mr Howarth who is so years old and who has been with the Bell for the past six years has held marketing posts in Oshawa and St Catharines bolero com ing to Barrie three runs behind The teams battalions in conclusion the premier aaidthat it had been pleasure to meet his old comrades and that he wanted to be on hand The body will rest at the Pcthlclt Funeral Home until Tuesday noon Funeral service will be held at Collier Street United Church at 230 pm with burial at Bar Forestera extended thanks to the Barrie Pipe Band The Bar rie Examiner Barrie Legion No 147 and the Ladies Orange lien avolent Association 22 Are Killed In Province In Weekend Traffic Lakes By sin ceNsniKï¬ mass Five provinces were free of grants oi civil defence the survival programs of the mil itia and the Emergency Mea sures Organization iie praised Premier Frost for Ware evenly matched but in the top at the eighth inning the via itors allowed the locals to get ahead by series at three errors which meant win change of pitcher did not prevent Knock from scoring the men they had on bases it was Justice hillnister Fulton during the weekend to disallow what the union described as Ford Motor Company veto on ape ciei tnrlii regulations on auto motive parts The demand came from the tinman Canadian UAW council representing the unions 05000 Canadian members which met in quarterly session here statement issued by Cana dian director George Burt said inasmuch alsocproteated to Labor Minister Starr about an order from the National Em thom to apply for jobs at the Wotherepoon plant there UAW members have been on etrlke at the Wothcrapoon plant Ill iulg 21 ik St is eegrama arr to rescind the order ri uni cemmw Mr Burt told hfllmarï¬liigfli last years revie on or Act had leit conciliation pro cesses as useless and as time consuming as ever He cited two cases at Barrie By Tm CANADIAN ansg new area for the union in oneoi which the union waited TanninPflfflVBlMB 71ml winner of an award in 1049 months iora conciliation rc pdrt and in the other was still irom It Royal Horticultural PHONE NUMBERS ron EMERGENCY City Police PA 85586 Provincial Police PA 08484 moms MOST NNVENIBNI 000 Icons and miles with tab shower radio Ind 11 son FICAF lrantonrandr Dominion killed Sunday in head on collision south at trol on highway was of lake Simcoe Lillian McCormick la oi the highway deaths this weekend but the traffic category re maincdethehi to Canadas accidental death toll survey conducted by The Canadian Press between pm local times and Sunday mid night EDi showed an overall total of so accidental deaths 24 oi them the result of traffic accidents There were to drown ings one death by fire two as result of hunting accidents and nine through miscellaneous causes Ontario topped the list with 22 deaths12 traffic tive drown ing and five unclassified Al Monkland district who died Fri day alter being struck by car at Monkland about eight miles north of Cornwall William Hunka 75 of 05th awn struck by car Friday when he attemptedto crossf highway 401 just east of Osh two Two month old Elizabeth Thrap who died of asphyxiation in Toronto Saturday Larry Jackson was towing 10 of the Brampton area killed Saturday near Cooksville just west of for from tractor to the wagon it Trenton about 10 miles west of Eclieviile Wilfred Forest 36 asphyxi ated in his unokeiillcd Tim mins hotel room Sunday when his mattress caught fire Bruce Estie 28 of Port Perry who died in hospital Sunday after his can went out oi control and crashed into telegraph pole about miles north oi Oshawa Genia Pajke who died Slin day after being struck by car near her west Toronto home night in dynamite explosion in the cab ot car near Killaloo FradSicbigrwrkilledSundaye ploymcnt Service in Oakville The council in telegram to Mr Fulton asked the justice minister to plug loophole it said Ford has iound in the tar iff laws by setting up purchas ing niiice in Jamaica The coun cil said Ford is bringing in 2690 diiierent pastmodel serv ice parts from 836 United Sales suppliers through the Jamaica office thus escaping ï¬ller cent dumping duty which the Canadian government put on such parts in the toll of 1060 APPEAL T0 STARR Analegroan the council said laidoff union members at the Duplate plant mmetunchanged ted awaiting report aiter asking for conciliation Jan 16 The council unanimously en dorsed motion that UAW lo cals aiiiliata with the New Dame ocrntlc Party They also voted $200 donation to Royal York Hotel strikers in Toronto PRODUCE rononro CP churning cream and butter print prices The egg market was stea withoilerlnglightJoLLiight Social bridll es Aseinlboia MamHarry Mor gun 62MnyorofAseiiliboia at heart seizure Jide thfllnndiln Pslmp linearDancing no cover no minimum Ample tree overnight puking Fine Convention Faciiltlrs Family Plan Fire Department PA H131 Royai Victoria Hospital PA 35951 in England for his hy CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP Effective July 1931 sold my pharmacies known as Cusdens Pharmacy to Mr Jimmy Wray an employee of mine for 15 years would like to thank you for your past business relations and on behalf of Jim ask your continued patronage telephone Etiplts illllielir Mill in MONTREAL telephone Wiverrlry eeeet MW Yours truiy Ross Hergott 15 of Waterloo demand berta followed with 10 includ ing seven traffic deaths and Quebec was third with atntal of nine ewioundland Prince Edi ward island and British Colum Dal Ed Im way bin Manitoba and Nova Scotia him 19 Id vanm Bur fireportcdnotrafficdenths 7355 23 an of wmdmr Ns The survey does not include and Austin vmaine Dykensï¬ 22 industrial accidents natural ESESZYMSLE lag Ns 1kg car deaths known smeldas Norfolk county road about 10 Ontario dead miles south of Brantiord and Ironre Wayne proud as and crashed into tree grittï¬asgansr Banirtlsgild boihhnof Ronalld Clements 23 01 Peter PW LBJJJ orou Jtill swtmmlngun Rideau Lake about inlaid the car in which he was ri 1emiles northwest Brock skidded and went over ram CrimflkolCom foot embankment near the vil Cdflt Brewerth George Stonadee 50 of Jack in of CPR an Pom kins Saturday arsaw about 10 miles Cum Cm northeast of Peterborough Cm Chemical when his car went out of con Malcolm Lawrence McPher WEATHER FORECAST Con Paper CIIL Consumers Gas Dis Seal Synopsis Skies are clear in Kitchener gflim southern and central regions of Wingham cm mm Ontario where southerly oir Hamilton Efieiiï¬in ciliatlon will cause continua St Catharines WWW tron oi the trend for rising tem Toronto Gm mim peratures Some child has Peterboraugh spread into northern regions Trenton Lake St Clair Lake Erie 3109 Laketinron Lake Ontario Ni Mum agara Georgian Bay Halibur 11 Bay ton Regions Windsor London 5th loronto Hamilton Sunny and Earn warm today and Tuesday KBWSkBFmE Winds light increasingto south Willie Rm 1y 15 17755 Marie Algoma Timagami regions irrr ortlrBw Sndhuryr Mainly sunny and rwarm today and ggesday Winds southwest 20 to White River Cochrane re glans partly cloudy it warm wrth few showers ay and guesday Winds southwest 15to etamus 6mm TORONTO Country dealers are quoted by TODAYS srocg pmcgs misdiagnosed Compiled by Flynn 93 mrpwmmaiihiéï¬ï¬alï¬dï¬ieihi 41 small 26 and grades mumnu no market Easier mm Em Canada Truly as Canadlan as its name Dona Found PICK Pull grade Ontario tenderablentii Dom sum is nontendsrable tillr62 in litht trading western 62V nominal Pem Pipe Qua gt line NOONDOLI ti ExquisltlFJid Royal Bank MAKERS MONTREAL CPlTlia 7115 Famous Ploy Gt Lakes cit Pow Hllflee Farina Horne Pit Home can leAllbm zsi diagnosewe Sllndl snlrrlu Sim sons st ord Steal of our dollar was at premium of iï¬gfl at Hz per cent in terms of Cana dian iunds near noon today Fri day the noon rate was 3108 Pound sterling 5290 up 110 NEW YORK CWCanadians idollerunchanged at in terms imp Tobacco imp on Tram Cln Pipe irana Mt Pipe of funds Poundvsterlinz le highe at 1132 killed Sunday when his motor cycle was in collision with car about iii miles east of Kitche ner Asbestos Abltlbi Alloml Steel Alumintum Alberta Craa Atlas Steel tax or Montreal Bank of N5 Bell Tel Brlzillan BrAO RC Power Nor DEL N70 to mtTEO OF 1nd Accept Inllnd MG Tnch is Texaco inter Nickel Union Gar inte NW Pl Juli3 club Walker cow Labatt Mac Powell 31V Manley Furl Nerenda may Quemont Gunner 570 Eomnler Val Sher Gordon oroa clss xemltddlrou 965 steep noel humor 40 United oil 13 WFuru Long Lac wdim Mlilumesfl Normatal 171 035 EMERGENCYMEASURE ORGANIZATION Operates rive lvroar rave arocss Bank of Montreal as ou inland Natl nu Monarch reed steel at can DOWJONEINBW mutMlema Indiumla down 225 Rail down 26 Utiliiias tsp 09 aoaonro slackmamas max industrials em 75 core down as Metals down es Oils up or nivniawo DECLARATIONS gghizronto iron Work Ltd clue 15¢ plyabil Oct LILWIL iNloHLschooL neclsraariou ritunsnAstapremaan so pan Classes will he held on Mondays and Thursdays for an Intensive slit Ailiiii°i° in kk ypewr us co co AllSlab all lit by profesaionel basilica Exarstlnatlons ll beheld for certificates STUDENTS MATREGISTER is holding FIRST AID COURSE under qualiiled St John Ambulance Association instructor Anyone wishing to earn Fliisl MD and ROYAL LilE ssvmc soclary certificate is invited to attend All Emergency Measures organisation Training is Without Cherge Marina forecasts valid until 11 am Tuesday Lakes Ontanlo Er Winds southeast to south 15 knots be coming south to southwest late today and tonight Clear Lake Huron Georgians Winds south t6 southwest male 25 knots today increasing to near 30 knots tonight Clean Forecast Temperatures 1ow tonight Highiucsdayr 75 75 PLACE SiroccoBarrie YEMO Heedouartcre County ASSES EGAN SEPT Stir NEW DAY Building Barrie Welt entrance downetnlre EMERGENCY FIRSTND TIME 800 past one night per week DATE Commencing Tnéday Sepinmber 19thlBGI continuing for alumnae