ADDITIO NAL spatn Cats Still Unbeaten ill iind Collect Cash tank threefoot birdie DimI the first plsyoli bole to break threeway tie Sunday sod win the Greater Seattle $15300 open golf tournament Mart Jacky Cupit and vet eran Bob Roeburg were dead locked at 62515 under parat urin mm Veteran Dodgers By THE ASSOCIATED PRES Cincinnatis National League ind dwindled to its games Sua day as the Reds were shut out 1an Cinci Lead safe when relief pitcher Don McMahon mulled Bob Aspror montes high bouncer for an er ror Hodges beat out bunt and Snider broke it up with malignanunsmwyis capture Cdn Net $1191 TORONTO CPI Whine Reed who floats the best train ing rules upset Mike Sangstar of Torquay England 30 00 Sunday to win the Caa oadian mens singles tennis championship The 29 at old univcrolty student from Alameda Calif walked sleepls Into the locker room to change for the match HrbymeIIIdelphla Phllllcs while Lon Angels Dad ers awed Milwaukee In II and ill Hodges chipped in to help the Dodgers Snider singled to drive in the tying run in the ninth and sun ugan or many It In the llth with another single snd Al Balding of Iomnlotisd liloHod 51 n1 hil 000m with Howie Johnson and Jerry Barber for llth place at bum Inih after an all night party started to celebrate Sunda victory almost as soon as the ndï¬otrthrrsgoistionn bolas Msrr earned 500 bouncing sin is down ht field line Try Sask Roughies of kin real good arm good lnvnlvln swa cutoff second George Dixon went over icit taskle four yards for touch down and Thompkins one yard Bill Bewiey converted two of them Bouncing Ottawll Iullback Roane Stewart coun uni roonvertedioiiaweitouchdowmr llhlbï¬low PutTheyeach both In the second quarter 75 Punch Is Happy With His Rookies By ma CANADIAN PRESS with Toronto St Michaels Ms Toroniowhtapie Leais took their second heating In three 1957 playoff National Hockey League exhibi Toronto quarterback Tobln tlnn games when they lost Role used the pass almost to tho toNerYorrRangers In Kitch exclusion of the ground game cner Sunday but there were no He completcdnoleaihrowsfor signs of gloom In the Leafs 153 yards Including Itstquar camp The three games were ter touchdown loss to flanker flcscrlhwmanager Mach Jim Rountrce that covered 33 Punch lmlach asmercly rolt yards connlssance in force for his Torontos other points came rookies on singles by Cookie Gilchrist The rookies erformed well In Iv and Bill Mitchell both on Leafs 32 doc sion over Boston missed ficid gonLaLiempls BrttInsSa gar1mm Don Getty scored the Edmon borough and also In the teams ion touchdown and Jackie Por 42 defeat by the Bruins In Ni 107 irsmuflrler loud drop he kers convert lied the score again Fl Friday hind 17410 at the half then hllrst Wit in iourlh sum Efld 9mm Mill Wed ahead 2517 in the third quarter Vic Chapman kicked single in MIME 5W Vilmlfl Bul me Tiger cm roared the ï¬rst quarter where Bernie Boom Boom back we mm Argos lost defensive halfback Geoiirlon made on ebullient np muchdawns Gcrry Phle Iarlhescasnn when nearunce But coach Toe Blak shocker by Gem wanna he suffered broken left arm 35 liable Winn ml when he flowered and end Moan Schrlgwer or Goofirinn had signed contract Dun and dmhed 0v um cal mare um week when he Eur In other exhibitions the Bru iine Don Sutherins cunverthbe cred med gammm Ins dangled ml 0mm ca nadlens 5d at Hull ue Sun came the eventual margin of NEW QUARTER STAR dny night and Chicang Black victory when Caissris George Gerry Thompklns lath Hawks played tie in Buf gglisncn orange lingual 153M371 qualrterbncist progesied by Monl sin withIhlrBlsorIs their res since am to overrys dcv American Leo is form team Stamps had in settle for Sin pariure spurred the Alouelies In both their Peteroilrou 89 Ck to their victory throwing two and Kitchener games the perils McDougall scored two Iouch touchdown passes and scoring were without nine players who downs both In the last quarter third hlmselI against the iniury will probably start the season End Paul Dekker caught two weakened Rough Riders with the team standouhin touchdown passes and halfback Montreal coach Perry Moss both games was onliree er Garney Henley sprinted 52 said after teh game that Thompr Jerry Chcavels longer junlor EATON yards for another Sulhsrin fourconvsr nrflelii leoo sndh goal quarterback Rookie half Ed Buchanarmompkma cut by Ottawa scored two Calgary touchdowns uriier this season made Gene Fillpsltl and quarterback steady ground game pay off Eagle Day one each Hansen He threw 11 passes complet kicked two field goals four con lag four and losing three on In rats and the single Fiilpski motions But 63yard pas also counted 7n single naan pin to Don Clark broughton missed field goal touchdown and 37yard play minute before the final gun fistswinging melee which at Iractcd from both benches erupted Calgarys Al sch Lo Ed OBradovlch Why Harris and John McMuh try and McDougall and Sutherin were elected ATTRACT RECORD CROWD At Edmonton crowdof 510 broke Clarke Stadiums at tendance record of 20600 set at By THE CANADIAN PRESS couple at urnblcmislted rec ordsone good and one bad iiwfliï¬elested tonight as the western phase oI the Canadian Football Leagues partial Inter lockingschodule winds up for 1861 on two fronts Hamilton IigenCats only un defeated team In the ClLallcr hairraising 3745 victory over Calgary Stampeders Saturday night it be Irying to stretch their Winning streak to seven games when they face Saskat chewan Roughridcrs at Regina At Vancouver the winless British Columbia Lions will he battling for their first victory when they meet Toronto Ar gonauts The Argos withstood late rally by Edmonton Eskl mos Saturday night In escape with an as tie at Edmonton in Saturdays other game an Eastern Conference clash Montreal Alouettes earned their first win of the season by do testing Ottawa Rough Riders 2612 at Montreal Tonights games arethe last of 10 appearances by Eastern Conference teams in Western Conference cities this year GAVE TICATS SCARE 15875 Kills watched the Stampedcrs lake Ann Ha don of Birmingham England efeatcd Ann Barclay of Tomato for the womens lllIt gles lttie do Sangster 21 blasted Into thr final part Francois Godbout of Water Qus 64 64 64 Sat urday Reed made the final by defcating Bob Bederd of Len naxvillc 0119 Hi 62 75 54 killed the Canadians hopes for fourth championship ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY InVSalurdnyle ay St Lolds dawned Pittsburgh ea Cincin nati edged Philadelphia San Francisco defeated Chicago ta and Lo Aageies edgcdthlwau it 87 Art Mahaifay of the Phlis struck out nine and shut out the Reds for eight innings In the top of the ninth he was hit on the head by ball thrown by Eddio Kasko as he moved from first to second and was carried oil the field Iran Ivan preserved the shutout Hospital officials said Mahal foy had suffered concussion on triple by Tony Gonzalez that Jerry Lynch misiudged In the tours leading money win nor finished with and for fourth place and earned 500 TIIOVItItlislrvictory over the Itch was only their third In 22 meetings of the twolclubs 1t re ducod Cincin margin over Los Angeles to two games in the loss column The Reds have played three more games then the Dodgers Cincinnati as only nine games to play to the Dodgers The Reds are Idle today while Los Angelu hopes to ist ten up against Chicago Cubs Stan lilusisl celebrated his 20th anniversary in the major leagues all with St Louis by hitting his itlh hom tramy Ic son ut out Pittsburgh with five hits Felipe Alou went on tear against Chicago with tour hits including his lath homer and four runs batted In as San Francisco rolled to an decision over the Cubs FOOTBALL By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Football Loin Eastern Conference Ill 173 12 left field Wilmilloh Rangers goal Sunday went to Ottawa Jean Ralellc newcomer from the Junior Guelph Royals and Gu Gendrolt both with two on Earl lngerfield with single Leafs scorers were John Mchillan DickDulI and Bob Nevin 122414115 016415512 501091016 01331464 TI Ham humy Ruum Milwaukee rode along with George Konlk from University 30 and behind Clll WWW l0 nm and WW MTT°1£ling to the eighth when the Dod gffgph 13 lo 3° gers got their Ilrst run on Wil T°r°nl° Edmunlana Iays wild pitch with the bases pefmgfmmgï¬ï¬‚g ngï¬ï¬ï¬ Tonights Games loaded Norm Larkers double scared or Lent Saturday John Hamilton at Saskatchewan and Snider single tied it in the Bucyk and urn 0m Toronto BC nllltllrm Shcrr cried the llth counted for the Bruins Saturdays Games Wm yndp Montreal at Hamilton we LATE SURGE WINS 80 at Calgary Boston scored four times In the final period at Hull Loo mm mm BAVCIIY UPIIOLSTEIIING Boivin shot the opening goal for Sflï¬dflll Game Bruins in the second period OllBWB ill Toronto ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Don McKenncy scored again In Saturdays Result the third but Jim Roberts liar Amerchn Conference round the margin for Canadians Masillon Sarnia 49 Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY belora Bucyk McKcnnoy and American League Terry Gray Ilred in three more Denver 17 Hum 45 PHONE PA Fl BARBIE for Bruins At qun Murray Hail 031 lflllfmcdll scored for tho Bisons and Jerry Million 37 Nlfldflia ll Oakvllle is East York It women BusinessNot Just Sideline Meinyk for Chicago ORFU Junior es Bradford St Montreals outing In Victoria Sunday was lust legstretcher Windsor 20 Sarnin 20 KitchenerWaterloo St Tho Winnipeg The win was the second on 553k the exhibition trail for Rangers Cflllaii who were helped by impressive 5C play by rookie defencemcn THE BUILDING ls SOLD we MUST VACATE or 5591 30 so GET IN ON THE BIG SAVINGS ON ALL ITEMS IN tllltï¬ml BAYFIELD 31 Next to Loblewll BARRIE The so mnn squad gets down to serious business today muss amount sussnav Check the outstanding values on this page Shop Eatiiy from this wide variety all saving priced at 149 wt Orders DOOR CLOSER Replace merit closer for all screen and aluminum doors Rustresistant aluminum lacquer finish Each PUMP OILER Steel con struction with Brass pump and gexihle spout lam capacity ac POWER AUGER BIT SETS 49 For use with electric drii Includes git Ss 7A and Item Firs Quality Please No be very Telephone 600 or Mail LIGHTING FIXTURES Miaaons Plain she glass turn Set of earth mirrors about 10 36 With enware plates In Peach Labur zLlGlll CEILING FIXTURES Masonite back clips and han 49 nutn Almond or Lupin f0 12 decorative frosted glass gers Each shade Frosted glass 12 square PLATES ear TOSS CUSHIONS KaptzltLv filled Rayon satin cover in fattuWMed enamel braekgt lthenwaroA hatesi In attach hite PinkncBlue Le Bul urnum mon or or £5 Gold Turquoise Moss Green Coral Lilac Pink Beige or MECHANICAL TRAIN SETS Authentic Black locomotive wi 9re cars plus car go accessol es Breakresistant plastic Wind it watch it goi Set INl SEWING AND MAKE UP KITS Consists of wool plastic needlesu scissors cos metlccontnillers combs brush etc Piiablo plastic basket about Bx5xsSot UTILITY BAG WITH PURSE Popular utility bag with 10 gilt zipper top opening reinfomed callying handles purse attached About 11 Plaid materieIrEach 49 49 Each CHESALSAUCERS Set OUTSIDE WALL BRACKETS men Square or omgonnï¬ 49 olsrnstching earthenware cups llighi ï¬xture with deaf Each and saucersln Peach Labor glass hobnail patterned shade gt mm Almond or mpg Black metal bracket Less PAINT BRUSHES bulb Each Sturdy nylon paint brush In the 149 149 ROOM BRACKETS popular width Each 149 for TECOMASTER BROOMS Firm corn brooms with wooden handles Each GRASS SHEARS 418 over all length with cutting edges Wooden handles Each AUTO acerssomss TROUBLE LIGHTS Plugs into cigarette lighter Red plas tic about long or 12 volt Esch WHITEWALL TIRE DISCS Butyi rubber In lg 15 or 18 sizes Pair ITICEITSVEFBBTMES Chrom iumplated About lati Pair LITTERG0 Plastic waste basket for cars assorted col rours About ll Each CAR MATS Einelubber about 17 Fits all cars front or back Black Green Blue or Red Pair W4 ti ith nlLshe metallic trim shall 105t Each zl ht fixture with is curved HOUSEWARES glas shade Ivory coloured less bulbs Each beek plate SPONGE MOPS Cellulose sponge with varnished wooden 49 shad Yellow Pink or White Lass bulb EaCh INSIDE FROSTED LIGHT BULBS ChDOSe 40 0160 watt sizes to for HOME DECOR anRooM MATS Fringed cotton bedroomrmaLsJijreen Bed Nutria or BOXING GLOVES Kiddies size 4oz boxing gloves Sturdy leather Pair 149 pawn unmet Choose 49 SPORTING GOODS V9 lg handlean FOOTBALLSTan simulated 49 mm MACHWE modern Gold coloured wire back ch AU plates Less bulb Each ran nun covaa sass mm mm GUN Batteryï¬pï¬lalgltlumgc For ironing boards Vapourfoam MENS BOWLING SHOE BAGS gt ine gun Turra con BED LAMPS Glass mm ti around giving off Gresnish Blu pail wtth silicone treated cot Navy or Brown Vlny pas 149 ZWmfl 149 assassin Each cm eluded Each THES BASKETS Arn Pie size plastic baskets In Tutu 49 ggggswsmggggï¬gd 2313 1m WOODEN puu 10y or NWTEMh in Bladkwatch or Royal Stow Two Tmldledum and MITT till1018 Liutguoï¬g art tartan Zipper closing Each zniï¬elgmï¬al ems abbeu Br co nuie co ton yarn as 149 ovat ROASTERS Haï¬dy CamploiaE with grommets at 149 in the kite en Buo ename corners ac roaster Each 149 HARDWARE GARDEN aosa me diam gï¬hï¬lï¬ï¬‚ dailLElrsglsAtEL 49 1349 gerl Biaciérgquo plastic hose ong AN RNS tcoll la BRIQUETSHMIbm cm tLern Tvgllï¬RSHe nan lllllgker TOOL CARRIERS Gray 149 light Batteries not included 149 painted steel with wood carry Each ing handle For small hardware MARBLE TILES lnlaid linoleum tiles in Light Blue Grey Green Beige White Mui IivColnured or Charcoal Stand coal briquets Fastreveniheatr ingIIag silalvlroo KITS Easy ard gauge 16 tiles for REVERSIBLE WASH MAT All nylon reversible wash mat drleslike towel Rainbow striped slzdis 30 Each PLASTIC DRAPES Attrac tive floral patterns IVlNDOW nurses Vo wide It cotton organdy Elasticized to cxtcnii to 13 Red Blue Green or Gold colour Pair TAILORED PANELS Crisp While rayon marquisetie panels about 00 it til Pail 149 14 Enjoy the things Glamur rug shampoo and ap pliar Kit SERVING TRAYS So handy for parties Plastic trays for FLORALS Hand paint China Ilorals Each EARTHENWARE MUGS Set of four heavy earthenware mugs for TUMBLER sass Set of ii shellbottom amboo dealgn glass tumblers 12 for PLATES Four earthen ware plates in Peach Lohur num Almond or Lupin for 1149 149 17149 149 you steed oddy BADMINTON SETS eludes rackets bir not and rule book Sat HUNTING KNIFE SETS Two knives in sheath Set BASEBALL AND GLOVE SETS includes baseball and junior size glove Set rovs CHECKER AND DDMINO SETS Jumbo also pliable polyethylene plastic checkers and dominos Checkers meter dominoes 3V Pius large playing surface Set 149 149 tools garden tools etc About 16 86 Each WOOD LEVEL Sugar Pine construction with lumb and level vial About 34 long Each ruauoauuamn HAM MERS 1601 head with composition rubber grip Each SCREWDRIVER SETS 562 contains slotted Robertson and Phillips typo screwdriv ers Slotted and Phillips typos Eh SAW HORSE BRACKETS Fits atollde The to milk saw horse Each plastic handles 10ltPiece trill UNI vrsonivtmnons Fold awaytypeabonrflflxa Gray enamel frame Each AUTO CUSHIONS Leather etta wedgetype cushions about 14 is Pair wash nausuas Plastic bristles 10 aluminum handle with rubber grip Water shut off Ha ab Each SEAT oova Clear plas tic lhro for solid front seats SPRAYONCAII PROTECTION RustGuard sprayon car tectionlooz can each BRANCH STORES 14 149