Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1961, p. 15

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HELP WANTED to HELP WANTED l2 TENDERS MALE reruns um nunu HIWRIIW Mai to CAREER MINDED 2130 YEARS Enthusiastic young man with sound sales sense will ilnd ex ceptional career opportunities at TRADERS FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Good starting salary and thor ough training fljssured Deilnlts advancement based on ability and the desire to sue ceed it you are bright and anxious to mature with one at Canadas iastest growing Industries come to Traders Oiilce at DUNLOP STREET EAST HARRIE Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday evenings oi Hus week between the hours oi pin and pm OR Telephone PA 66514 and re quest an Interview during the day TRADERS FINANCE CORPORATION LTD HE RCAF NEEDS SKILLED loop ch expected to or YOUNG MEN 1a sassy and enclosing Osborne Lid in Ia airitalwTnesunu Infill3 Larva canar other worn and do use new Must be cl us send ran Rep sling uses um nus lar or IDLI us nailr to all rite Ill Minimal If Della Elly to do It adds Btslianl and ma wholesale coloured cat aiaflil lursatroyd Iaw DIpL aeo Agiaseun Ont lAuaLAnY or Pharmacy 2a danced Excellent hatIn and waraln conditions Ap stuns ngiu11 ausllac hniomDB Bloer It went MALE 0R FEMALE murmur antrod male or tam businessman nva Italians and salary 01 Barrie haulsr Bo Ir or Ideal MPLOYIIIENT WANTED WILLDD WIND any fluan lien In awn noma Studn specially Vcn rtaaonahla Will slckoalp and dauvtr Phone PA notes OUNO MAN tuity IXPIH Purl duc nd Plant auasflns toIoeals in this 6II Avail in Immediltaly Dal rm TENDERS TENDER New school bus required ior ROSS Number Sunnidalo ownship 20 passengers Sand sealed tenders to nev CAHILL Box Bi Steyncr losing date September 22 1001 ll oclock Loon SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION Sealed tenders plainly mark UNSKILLED MEN number at trades open to skilled applicants mer ried or single 17 to 35 years at age are now Also numerous vacancies exist ior unskilled single men 17 to 29 years at age All applicants must be Cana dun citizens arm subjects the Clerk oiilce In New Lowell resident in Canada with least Grade education particulars phone orvlslt write ed as to contents will be rev cclved by Mr Barker Clerk at the Township oi Sun nldale at New Lowell Ontario until 1200 oclock noon DST THURSDAY SEPT 28 lel Ior the reconstruction of approx lmately 42 miles at the Sunni dale Road Irom Highway No 28 northerly to Mosley St Was aga Beach DJLO Develop ment Road No 812 The work includes grading culverts and granular base course Plans speclilcatlons and Iorm oI lender may be obtained at or at the office oi the Con suiting Engineers In Port Cre dit ior tho sum oI twentyfive dollars $2500 which will not be reiunded Each tender must be accom Jihltletl by marked cheque or at fi°mRLOv SPORTS FIELD ONTARIO ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP CAMP LONGFORD MILLS ONT SEALED FIXED SUM TEN ERS properly endorsed on ment will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room 6630 Parltarnsn Inga Toronch Ontario not pm iEDTi on for the construction oi an ath ietlc tleld which Includes the etc the removal an piling oi top roll the grading oi the site replacement at top soil seed ing ate and also the construc tion oi cinder track at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp Longiord hlllls Ontario Pia Specifications Tender Iorms Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements may be obtained from or viewed at Room 6527 Department at Pub iIc Works East Block Parlia ment Buildings Toronto On at the Hullders Exchange at Barrie and Orlllla $100000 Bid Bond and 100 Periormance Bondwillbl required as speclilcd Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department at Public Works Ontario in accordance with the terms and conditions as set iorth therein The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario September 15th 1961 MILLAR Deputy Minister Department ot Public Worker Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 22 AT EM SHARP Auction sale at good household furniture including many an thucs lor the estate of the late JEAN GIBSON RITCHIE 90 WILLIAM ST ALLANDALE Terms cosh No reserve as the estate has to be settled Inner couanLrN nvcrronm AUCTION SALE TUESDAY SEPT re 1961 750 ms AT BARRIBAUCTION ROOMS Va RCAF RECRUITING UNIT 25 ST CLAIR AVE TORONTO WW9 SHED oLvlslt the an amount equal to per cent oi the total tender and the suc cessiul bidder must provide contract bond by an approved guarantee company tor 100 per fisnnLoLtheJoteLtender MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT ORILLIA ARMOURIES SEPT 21stNoon to pm rmfianshwaatso tar Kemp mw em on Blake smut call arr Cohan at PA seon altar pm The lowest or any tendor 5211 not necessarily be accept MccoaMch AND RANKIN LIMITED Consulting Engineers Stavcbank8oad Port Credit Ontario ROWE Road Superintendent Sunnldale Township and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST quantity good iurnlture and housfhold items some ot which wli be sold under the Warehouscmans Lien Act Auction Room parking at rear at 55 Dunlop oii Mary St JEIIIIY counnuN AUCTIQNEER LESS SUSCEPTIBLE OnlLaboutAoneper cent of the female population auiiers from color blindness compared to about 10 per cent at the males for supplied bythe Depart TUESDAYTOOTOBBth iM grabbing out oi trees brushy tarlo and may also be viewed People give all sorts oi rea sons ior moving to new house But many an experien ced real cstats brokcr sus ects that aheel irritation wlth acltofildrdge spacflihig on the list oi real reasons Its natural enough to look at bigger house to solve the space problem Uniortunntely this oiton means moving away Irom iriends and neighbours sending the children to dli Ierent school and moving ex pense Ia thcrt an altcrnatlva to moving when quarters get Early September marks new year ior all young people at school age week ago many live or six yearaids started to school ior the ilrat time another large tccnage group made the big step into the secondary school system and Ior practically all publlc school and collegiate or high school students the begin ning of the all term means new class new irlends and new opportunities to learn how to live and how to make living Another smaller group of sen Ior students will be busy plan ning to got away to college in week or so and wo hope all students whether oi public high school or unlverslly status will find each day each week and each term rewarding ad venture DEPENDS 0N STUDENT In my opinion the question year turns out to be reward lng adventure or not depends larger on the individual stu ward education ed oi the old saying You can lead horse to water cannot make him drin Likewise the school or the teacher can provide the oppor tunltyto learn but It Is the JunlljJJml MAN asaumsn to cement bau ment floor Telephone PA Mm between so pJn LP WAITRESSE wanted Appi Chat Matrut Cu town Telephone Cookstown ESSIM EXPERIENCED Burroughs Billing Machine operstor rIguIred ior For ppointlncnt telephone Mia Gow PA 50111 New Lowell Ontario Want Ao Section accepted until pm Day beiore publication 69 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECT APPLIANCE SERVICE TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIEt FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Nlee weeklr icku 11v Ii FRANCIS TP HEATH PA 68551 than pack 01 cigarettes day DRIVING SCHOOLS ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING tSLNCE In fa FOWAPPOINTMENT CALL PA 86551 EXCAVATING FILL GHAVEL SEPTIC TANKS Excavating and In DR Delivery Crushed lion EII Yard Backhoe ior am rAiDENNISMORAN as Anna Strsat PA assu7 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwool ALUMINUM cmaoaap alDlNo TN conouns METAL DOORS wanows AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATE GUARANTEED wont SCOTT MUIR MINESING 211 TITE mannaTron one ADVERTISE IN THEIBARRIE EXAMINER same no Barri SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL ORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or YEar Telephone P11141413 TTi IT Inasonns CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED CEMENT AND BLOCK WORK REASONABLE PHONE MINESINO PAINTING AND rarnnuaaomc EDWARD smrH AND soN Painting and Paper Hanging Spray ntin service slnsa so PA aaaso CT remove DISPOSAL GADLt calledt your dose and oripplso tam ani mals under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARBIE PArkway 83617 GORD Ni LIMITED BARRIE ucenosi atom DEAD STOCK end or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE EAREIE Pt 67751 or ask tor ZENITH £11180 ICOLLECT IA hours dlya wank NICKS DEAD STOCK RE Foxmead Ontario License No 130081 CONSTANT REMINDER MEANS EXTRA BUSINESS Phonenow about our low business Service Rates PA 82414 AggyANNEMAML Ekcluaiveiy designed tor hip slimming flattery plus comio ers shorts slacksall are easy sew In crisp cottons or rayons Printed Pattern 47114 Womens SIZE 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 40 Size so shirt takes yards 35inch pedal pushers 31 yards Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents carted or this pattern Please pr nt plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS Pattern Dept 00 Front St Toronto Ont FALLS 100 BEST FASHIONS separates dresses suits ensembles all sizes all in our new Pattern Catalog In color Sew Ior yourseli iamily 35 cents TOSIZE 4s lniltl Claeaio shirt pedal pus In coins stamps cannot be ac care of The Barrie Examiner tic country whether he learns much or little and the workot as to whether or not the school dent and the home attitude to but you tydemocrevburaccord case of Canadas fastest cramped team at design cra came up with whole bookiul oi ideas The essence oi the book ls ways to turn WHAT MAKES PEOPLE MOVE tire and stores plenty Scope ior making changes in the basic plan is as wide as your Imagination It can be ill85 HILJEESLJIILIIMIIIIL indaptcdia house your hllte The age room without going broke Every plan In the book In spelled out In words and pictures and evcry one can be made by anyone who has iew hand tools and la av erage good at sawing straightllne One typical piandenlawlth the old prob lem at making living room divider that both looks attrac cach year provides either sound ioundetlon or stumbling block ior the years ahead de pending on the choice made While there is still place in the world ior sellmade man with exceptional talents It is Increasingly evident that the need ior more Iormal educa tion grows greater each year This is just as true or armors na ior anyone else we are to keep pace with present trends toward more and more mechan ization specialization and com mercialization oi agriculture GRADE MUST Not too many decades ago good public school education was considered adequate ior arming by most farmers but not today Grade 13 standing is generally accepted as the us this Is the gateway that opens up so many opportunities to attractive business or tech nical training Grade 12 stand Ing Is considered adequate ior certain commercial and technl om remind col work but tor most colleges grade to Is must In the past many at our sec ondnry schools placed most cm phasis on the teaching of aca demic courses as preparation ior colleges and the proiesslona ment at the provincial minister oi education the Hon John minimum abjectlvn nowadays 4orodvancedscducationorelilfi7 WWW equipment be an all cupboard unit or consist most ly oi open shelves The up per part can be arranged to display bricabrac or to sor ve as bookshelves No com plicated carpent is involved chlctly because unit is es senllaily oi iir plywood and construch elementary nallandglue joints Mirsimum Education Level Now Grade 13 For Farmers For Art By BERNARD GAVZER NEW YORK iAPlIis been grand summer ior art thieves In all 7s Important works have been stolen In the United States France and Britain with market value oi at least $5 amm world has gone aesthetic giv ing up girlie magazines to peer Into the three eyes at Picasso lemma II professional thieves are involved theyre alter one thing mone says Huntington Block vic president at the tile sbrnrghiin Company oI Washing ton brokerage iirm specializ lng In line art insurance These works are too well known to be altered to re utabla dealer or collector so probability is that ransom would be sought Ransomand the proissslon oi lolly motivesIigured In the latest theit to amaze the art world the snatching ot Goya portrait oi the Duke oi Welling ton Irom Londo tamed Na iiblllflGl The not Is an attempt to pick the pockets oi those who love art more than charity ransom note with Robin Hood overtones said It asks $391000 the amount paid by the gel lery and ioundatlon to an American collector who had paid the same price but yielded VETERAN EDITOR DIES PENZANCE England AP Jamea Palmer 73 iormer president oi the Guild oi Britlds Newspaper Editors died Sun fiohmfl couple of wakrnmfi dayIILwaaedItor oi the West the collegiate coursca oi tho Iu turs are to be reorganized to provide much broader base oi education to meet the needs oi all students whether their goals be in tho proiesslonai commer cial or technical Ilcld MORE AGRICULTURE Quite number at collegiate ior some time now have taught agriculture and household science in rccognltlon oI the need ior buslc studies along these lines and expect we will see more development in this direction in the near future without neglecting academic res quiremcnts For more advanccd work ior young iarmera and homemak era Guelph is centre oi great interest to Simone County At Guelph are located on the new campus the Ontario Agricultural jollogo the Ontario Veterinary College and Macdonald In stltute Each year dozen or more yTIung men and women irom this county are enrolled in one or another at these Institu tions and this year is no excep tion would like to see 100 or more go each year but good luck to those that do go This schoo year can be either stumbling block tor the We emfmeum depend ng on application con centration and enthusiastic en joym oi each days oppor Iprsp Al growing ole am Morning News in Plymouth ior nearly so years beiore re tiring in 1040 FORCED T0 LAND FORT WORTH Tex iAPtA Delta airlines DCAB jet airliner with in persons aboard made ancmergency landing at Cars well Air Force Base Sunday night The huge plane blew out six tires and skidded at sharp angle In setting down but no one was Injured PARACHUTIST DROWNS NEWBURY mass APlA sports parachutist intending to land with birthday cake among group oi socially promlnent Bostonians at birth day porty on Plum Island all in the ocean and was drowned Sunduqueorge Dolloii 31 oi Newburyport father at three daughters was pulled 150 yards to share but mouthtomouth respiration lallcd to revive him CAR KILLS TWO EDEN Tex APiA mother and her Zumonthsold son died Sunday when car ripped into tunlties Alter all the only way to get ancducetion and at the same time enjoy the pr JessttnwoctLatJeasLasAha at our studies and the develop ment oi the mind as in our sports DARRI EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER II III Grand Summer Does this mean the under Thieves to an outcry to keep the paint lng In Britain IND QUESTIONS ASKED Insurance companies dislike talk oironsom But an agent Ior Austrian in surers oI eight Cezanne painl Vcndome Pavilion at Alxen Provence France market value 82000000 has declared We want those palntln back and were willing to pa no questionsasked iilllllonalrc collector David Thompson whose house in the Pittsburgh suburbs was looted oi six Picassoa two Legers Duty and hllro estimated value $365000 to twice that amount late to July hos oi iercd 8100000 no questions asked One possible market would be among grccdy collectors can think at collectors says top museum oiilclai who has been with several leading museums and galleries who would knowingly urchase stolen works They are Ike mis crs They would be sntisiicd to hide painting andthcrrgtoat over it all alone In July 57 works by Matisse Utrillo Duty and other modems were stolen Irom an exhibit at St Tropes They are valued at 32000900 WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF the Imnt wall of their home landed on their bed and carried them through the rear wall The victims were Delores Robles ts and Salome Robles Jr SEIZE JAP BOAT TOKYO AmThe maritime saiety board said today an 83 ton Japanese fishing boat was seized by the US Navy Sunday ior Ilshlng within the territorial waters oi the USadmlnlatcred Marcus Island The board said the No 25 Takoshlma Maru with 21 acumen was taken to Chlchl ilma one at the Benin chain JUNIOR ram Continued mm page five Alice Mackay Carolyne Martin Monty Elliott Donna Rumncy Bill Armstrong John Rumble HT LAMBS Showmanship for lambs MikeConn Jim Conn Herbert Black George Conn Sam Rab tie Sylvia Rattle Jack Cock rane Market lamb Jim Conn Herbert Black group IMllra Conn GeorgeCon11 group Sam Rattle Sylvia Rattle Jack Cocksens Ewe le Mike Conn Geo rge Conn group Herbert Black Jack Cockrane group Sam Rattle Sylvia Rattle it Conn Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA szm flammummlhafi

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