SIRS 145365 By ANNE ADAMS ESLIM CASUAL Cjioose crisp collar or soil iy scooped neckline for this slimming shirtwuist youll enjoy from now through 1962 Propor tinned to fit and flatter Printed Pattern 4825 Halt Sizes 14 16 lEA 205k 22 CENTS 50 cents stamps cannot be ac co for this pattern Please print plainly srzn NAME AD DR STYLE VNUMBER rder to ANNE ADAMS ica Barrie Examiner lPattern Depl so Front St Toronto Ont FALLS 100 BEST FASHIONS separates dresses lruits ensembles all sizes all TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MQNnAY Minimum 11 L10 Junior Roundup Long John silver News Headlines Bert cuurchul Farm Market Report non Jnmluon 15 News Weather sports Wynn Earn slngulong Juhuc Snlke Jones While Were Young Tho Flintstones Case For This Court Carncrn Clnndl macTV News The Weatherman Today in Sadr Community News married John TUESDAY SEPTEMBER to Test Patter stovlo Her Primitive lillnl summcrama News sports lntcrmwr Curtunnl Music Junior Roundup Cartoon Party News Headline Throo stooges mm pa Dead or Alivov CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY SEPTEMBER 1a 400 Prolcssorl aldean Whirlth Sports ow Wonther We Train Theatre At Elm Scotch On Thu Rocks The ntflemnn PiggyBank EMPTY money Up to $250000 sometimes more NIAGARA FINANCE BOMPANV LIMITED Barriell Collier st Phono PA 403 Oriolees Colhnrne st 4358s sienna wuss rum your earner has not Arrived by it p111 please ï¬t$2133 Ami lopy Will Be Delivered To Your Home melt is NO CHARGE eon THIS SERVICE 1téihALLEY TAXI YOURSELF csns AND TRUCKS MuulnmmthlENewsribnmfl Sports 10no tone 11ou News 1130 1213 VzASlEEPZDaye LEPROY bliss Sylvia Barry nod Mil ton Reid were guest at Mr nod Mrs Kelly at their cot tage on Bear lake Mr and Mrs John Bell and Ronald Bell Toronto were re cent guests of Bells ltlr and Mrs Jim McNeil and daughter Kathy Toronto are spending the week with hit and Mrs Grose Mr and Mrs ill ll son were in Toronto Scpl attending the wedding at their daughter Julia Katherine to llllchatei lhnlcrSmihfrTorontnhr Housechapel Joanne Pongolly was soloist Byron Grose and Maurice Reid spent the weekend as guests oi Gordon Rowat at his cottage on The Lake musron Visitors with Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy were Mr and Mrs LucioHelga HarmPartrid ge and Mr and Mrs James Partridge and lamin of Edgar also lilr and Mrs Lloyd Fict chcr and girls and Miss Janice Handy of Oro Station hlr and Mrs Tex Vntson and Lionel of Hilisdulc visited Mr and Mrs Stan WritsononSunT doy Visitors with lilr and Mrs Clarence Brown were Mrs Oliv ia Bertram Mrs Edna Osborne and Miss Vera Baidwnn oi Bar rie Mr and Mrs ErnBt Knoc shaw oi Ebenezer visited Mr and Mrs Allan Brown on Sun dny Miss Carol McGee of Port Colbornespcnt the weekend with Jean Emms Mrs Addie Peacock of Barrio in our new Pattern Catalog in color Sew tor yourself family 35 cents AllSlar Therm Hancocks Hall Hour like and the Kid Front Page Clllliengo Manhunt CloseU cat News The Weathermen Tody ln art communtty nwr Crossroads WEDNESDAY surrmnzn to 115 Test Pattern 130 Mom Hellfirn 300 Summcrnma News and om interviews Cnrtoonr nail Junior Roundu Huckleberry ngnd on News Headlines Jointr Bros ot Missouri Farm Market Report non Jnmluoo ans Weather Sport Lorettn Young Bachelor Pathet nlrordcrod Mind lily Three sour Kralt Theatre The Superior Sex Exolornttons CBCTVNowl Tho Weatherman Tosny in sports Communlt Now Not For to tom Wanted nerd or Alive 1010 The Third lilan 1100 News Weather sports than Better Late 1220 Epilogue TUESDAY snmnmen 117 1100 New Fred and Easy Channel Thoatrs Flesh and Fantlly News Professors Hideaway Whirlyhtrdr spurts bugle Moments in sport News Wenthorhï¬ Oudoor Sportsman SSSESESSI Theatre At Eight she Went To The moor houto as Barri nent ews en or 1110 Better Late 1215 News Wuthor arts 122o Eptloxul WEDNESDAY snnahmmzoi 1100 News 1105 Fred and Easy zoo Channel Thetn Gnieb George News Prate nets Hide whlrlibtrde mI to in Sport In omen New Welthe TBA 989539 Brothorr Bnnnnnn 77 Sunset strip stone Belem Die Nicknomel orainrs Weather Sports Better Late 3swa Welther Iowa 111 hogue Vznwm Many peoplanever shun to get good nighll rut They In and turn in bed then ere dull and lirlleu during the day When nan Judoeta II system Dirhubed rut tired ieeirng Inth nhooitentollnw nudont ruth nightii nuieel uilintho daytimemo Dad Kidney Pills Then you feel boilerreal better workbeflerYo and donDodds innards phone Wyatt Earp ii is visiting Mr Ind Gen ehce Brown WOMENS INSTITUTE Dalston Wl will meet at the home of Mn Francu Williams oldThursday Sept 21 Program Home Economim and tin Convcner Mrs Gordon Joey fea hostesses Mrs Muscy and Mrs William Malone T11 An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA lNl By JAMES BACON nouywoon John Wayne rides alone as the new king of Hollywood despite his reiusal to accept the title Hollywood had only one king Clark Gable Big Duke gntt fly reminds And now that he and Gary Coopernreconerlm just lonesome cowboy noth ing more Duke Is the sole survivor of that triumvirnte vanishing breed ol rugged hemen who are biggerthanllfe heroes ot the screen Twooithc most likely suc cessors to the group are Burt Lancaster and Rock Hudson but neither Wayne once said that Hudson appeared to he the only one or the younger crop with the phys ical potential to challenge the rugged screen homes But Rock is on record as in voring comedy over westerns lhnt eliminates him right there With the success at such Hud son comcdics as Pillow Talk and Come September it looks like he is going the Cary Grant route and theres nothing wrong with that Kirk Douglas is possibility except that he suficrs too much Some call it overacting trait unknown to Wayne Cooper and Gable IREFERS COMEDY James Garner is another pos sibility but his forte is comedy also Tony Curtis is virilo but in comic or dramatic way BY JAY East dealer Neither side vulnerable Noon 1093 wasis eons as 40 has no xs qon sum as vnso 91191 +A101 The Batting Boat south Welt Norm non Pan Pass NT Pasn gt Opening leatLeJvaot spad 95 This hand was played in the worldwide Bridge Olympic eon tt in 1935 Par in the course was for NorthSouth to bid and make three notrump against spade lead The first test for declarer eomeson the opening lead when East plays the ace and South drops the queen on it This ex travagant play is absolutely es sential otherwise South can not make the contract East cannot do better than return low spade laror wrns in dummy and queenms If ot matterwhemst eoversTc not in either case South cash SIMCOE COUNTY News The September meeting of the Womens institute will he held Sqtt 19 at p111 with Citituuhlp nod Education as the theme at the program Lance kslie who has been the ONE night operator at Stroud for some time is going to Burtl Falls and Mr and Mrs Ray Conn and iamin of Barrie are moving to the Leslie residence in Stroud OI BudgedHollywoodHeroes7 To put it snolher way Would the public huy Curtis riding alone and unarmed into the camp at hostile Indian tribe to tel all warlike chiel Thu scene today can only be believable with Wayne and maybe Lancaster the foreign stars Richard Burton possesses all the virility needed but hes too good an actor The same could be laid of Marlon Brando Also Glenn Ford and William Holden dnrkhorao Ix Robert Mitdiurn who came 11 strong with last yam Sun downers Tobacco Workers Diie In Car Crash HRANTFORD CFlA newly punchosed cor carried our Nova Scotln tobacco workers to their deaths Sunday on lon ely country road 10 miles south of here The car bought the day be am from uscdvcar denier in Allston travelled 600 not along roadside ditch hclore hitting Ziélmtlhick maple tree passing motorist came upon the bodies at Dale Eldon Lunn is his brother Wayne 19 and Vernon Burgess 23 all of Windsor NS and of Austin Blaine Dykena 22 of Three Mile Plains NS The group had been in Onta riu since early August working on the tobacco harvest CONTRACT BRIDGE aCKEE East is forced to make two ï¬scards on the diamonds His discards are not overly import ant but lets say be choosesto throw club and spade By this time Southconcount eight sure winners two spades lheart four diamonds and club To get the ninth trick he must project an endplay against East Accordinglyv be the lking ni spades alter which he leads the ace of clubs and oh flows with another club to the queen East takes the king and castles the jack of spades but the is then lorced to lead heart away from making to dummys queen and declarer makes three notrump There is no way for East to stop South Leonamakingnine tricks and as matter of fact declarer can make ten tricks if he gauges Easts discards cor rectiy The key to the hand is Souths play of the queen Vor king on the ace of spades The effect of this play is that East cannot make pa return at trick two which does not cost his sides trick This early endplay is followed later by another one The hand simply shows how dcciarer can manufacture an entry to dum my hy dropping high card and then follow up this advan tage by manufacturing is trick that does not exist naturally Tomorrow fine defensive es our diamond tricks Yardmoon coll candid with ornamoiitdl 11119 openwork 15 mullahs 200 the bran anus nation 81 bird 23 Thicket 2131am Iona 39Athenlon 40Waste51lme 4LWlthered van 42Land oon tth DOWN Lemon inï¬rm VZlilflil III In nann nn hand mutt cnosswgsn noon gnaw BOZ LARRY BRANNON JUNET JONES BLONDIE 04th ROUTINE ave REMWALFOR THESEMlFWALSI JULIE BE my on MRSETTER NO ILL COME co 5ND YOU AD TO SEE ME IS IT ABOUT MY wnceas THAT HAMBUEGEE MEAT BOUGHT F02 DINNER TH AT WAS TO FOOLTHE BOYS likWYER SHE ALWAYS OUR HANDS WATCH ES suns moulwressn WE HAVE OUR FINGERS CROSSED MUGGS AND SKEETER