Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES LOCAL WEATHER Examiner Ads Tate mm For single boll Winds light Low tonight 15 phone PA 8341 number to can for Billluau Him Tuesday 75 For complete Dept is 537 summary turn to page two Die Observes vAdenauer Has 66th Birthday my CPiPrlme Mlnlr lefenbaiter the Prai rlo lawyer who tirst entered the Iron APReuicrs Democrats HeglellClCd commons 21 years ago air EONN Aging Chancellor gallon by Brandt for saw mm hi it blnhdgy may Konrad Adenauers 12 year meat made up of the represent Wm mm who day Ind ironlisted rule over West Gcr auves of all three perhaps an evening walk man was in doubt today after An ailparty coalition not The mm mm munch his 3tihristinn Democrat party in keeping with the democratic NDOLA Northern Rhodesia supremely confident and vigor totalUnite ti lost Its absolute majority in feelings of our time he said only my when he 91 one See rota General Da Hammer Sundays parliamentary eiec Adenauerappearcd relaxed took at In me Common In named my in wash our and cheeriUl Milly dew his 1940 as the Conservative mem his DurahlinerVwmileriro EutJVest Germany with its partys loss of its majority He be or Lake Cent powerful army Badliil honmihl laid he lime With never felt better im as Rescuers found the body of unnomyrremalns firmly in Mr femlt ilmjih inflation lit now as was 20 or lo years the United Nations chief execu Western camp At the most point of view pm in the wreckage 51 the there could be some minor For me ihD F931 and 1710 Mr Dielenhaiier who has rep plana along with those of five changes in its outlook on the lmPDflahilhlhK ihhi lh i0 resented the Saskatchewan rld companions EastWest struggle over Ber elsnrollcv instituted by the lag of Prince Albert since his in Ottawa Prime Minister lini Christian Democratic Party and held the office oi prime Dicfenhaker said Montreal Adenauers CDU lost live per should be continued with unin mumm our yum ha woman on Hammmpkjuids cent of It popular support and lEffupilfl visor in the same di only one problem to which he staff was killed but withheld about 40 seats in the new 497 raetion wm confershi weight her name man rllament which will hold How its tug meeting in mld0ctoberl WanABM one an dplomats aw takes afterwork and weekend York said their information The flsrycarold Adcnafler Will 12 thehfiulghfiufi elm walks to keep his weight in the from the UN was that the crash Emaila Iii also athleasvtmunéiei can neighborhood of 170 poundsa was accidental here was no on or me new chmqu moms Well that is up to the new mffayfi leafs for his early indication of sabotage One man was found alive at mfihiagtllzl the big question in Emmett Wider um on many up one namransxsono Both Brandts Socialists and lured NEEDS MAJORITYVOTE the Free Democrats are against Tthoon glés 33 Iiiltgtgded flexffimfiggsflghm 135 elglgdciglamlafiélltrihitgmhlttill ggcnauer cumming Chang Thousands hunted under the wreckage liner the IflSh troops surrend new Bundcstag Before it meets They say they will refuse to Hamlmarstigold Va sxheaded fiiicgflgrgynaflgfitflfilfi Oct11 Adenauers party must enter coalition until he re TOKYO AliMhoon Nancy are WT fig 8118 and keep may arms hold talks with one of its on tires if they force him out his W8 leWlnl its out in tht Pres ED 059 0m Abon ponenis West Berlin Mayor successor may be popular Lud ml Paniilc today altar Cilttitr gt IF Who lrlsh government in WliiylBrandts Social Itlemocrats wig Brigg the eteononzies rex jogflnwggz and destrli meal neighboring 33530 nighl ségteggfinéssaedmgi 35 or Free in mrperpw sepr va ecn erp sr gt gt TodayElia press conference policies have made West Ger The human toll rose to 175 lilac 81 lrish contingent had drasti Adenauer mailsjdle it cilfihnhthat ho Figuyflronfs most powerful ggsdimgamlifiixaéogggoliflired jaws 30p Cadzszr on mgrif willI charged fr thi gorse favors co ton Free 11 us he on me mm qua less Cro dama ti fairs Henrick Wieschhoff his mated utpsisooooggo p3 OFFICIALS FEAR WORST ASHORSES TUMBLE American aide Capt William Efrkgmegflwifn Ra allo and another 15 oitl erhfiordafitgssquhigadogfgghm Olilcials and drivers hover Fair Saturday None of the leg Race oilioials described cial Vladimir Fahrl were on wiliegefiggenfiggffmggséag but rail mm over two of the our horses horses were seriously iniured the incident as the worst the illiated plane piloted by pended in molly mini lu that tumbled to the track in although one driver suffered theyd ever seen See full ac swede rural con 2anth The mu am or me am sensational collision during fractured ribs and cori count of mishap on page 12 Hemmerskioids death faced Inga gt£35 ogflgéfiifiemf rippedthmugne girth of em the harness races atBarrle cusslon and anotheran Examiner Photo By THE CANADIAN PRESS middle Allende coast Saturday on the Japan mm cm in orceme that The Unitedstatas haslired night and early Sunday with and through northern florishu the whole United Nationsorganr lzation with major crisis bitter battle is expected between come UNDER ATTACK the second nuclear blast of its clouds of chemical vapor in and Hokkaido Nilgeta north ht En Other reports from lfatanga renewed undergroundteats study of upperatmosnhero wind Tnkyo was hardest hit with trril dc said UN strongholds in Elisa whlle the Russians pushed the conditions Nike Asp rockets deadlr inched Swede who had been the bethvuie and Kamiria had com total in their current series to carried the test materials aloft chief executive otthe world or under heavy attack during the mmsdfintha from Wallops Island Va gsnlzation since 1958 weekeodpirom the white led 822°8332 we banged MAY END more Hurricane Esme rThe bodiiaalwggaddisxcoverfid manila forum Announcement of the two Eus ter oya as an Harmnammms DCVGB 2mg fingemfiydzfifisgfl an nude 515 came an Heads Coast LONDON CF Police car 1314 persons including two Police also arrested Labor Force plane spotted the wreck craft we rglmrprjtletd toll cut ried the last limp sitdowncr playwrights and member of mmmkwaywhohadWOHWWSMWMF cit her twice 35 32215 use of nu glflclzdmltusrllselwollllldnvglllgyupplfs MIAMI rLburriJromviflieiserSquareflnthe afliament durlng Eight announced he disapproved of of the UN Secretarygeneral and shortly after midnight and then gangrene beforethg fcnnrEit or continued west heart of London early today hour sltdown Ln Trafalgar the demonstration but wanted his Party on flight here from flown off again police official ml Busy WEEKEND mum5 menu rumorm fid northwest in the Atlantic today bringing to more than 1600 the Square to be on hand to watch for pos Leopoldvlue the central CJhio It the airport Said the mint us Space mum also had the one to up 52 ham and forecasters said the Atlantic number of arrests made in At Dunoon police arrested 51 sibie violation of civil liberties less capital the plane did not want to make busy weekend Humphrey assistant senate lEBbOBld should keep close massive weekend display of ci persons who tried to block oft Another arrest was that of Ca lhflkesmah 01 he hhode night landin enmeshed The air force shot another Democratic leader from Mime watch on future advisories vll disobedience in Britain access to the submarine all anflhnCollinsrprecentorof4lawvmwwnflmm ac Leopoldvtiic planning Discoverer satellitethe 31st in sota urged in an interview that Chum 31° limiinun CamPAigncraag St Pauls Cathedral and chair 194 55h Plane was he he 10 him today tthgflg1n£oorbflfrom¢he 1hrunjtgd1mlrma hmrthe tremendous storm had weapons staged demonstrations The London arrests included man of ritainLcarnpaigntorJohanhymealshiDldahd3urthepiano dldlml amve Vandenherg Fame 33 an me puuh by we winds up to 150 miles an hour here and at Dunoon Scotland playwrights John Osborne and one ear disarmament who had that his had War among those either at leapgldvxlie or at Calif will menmt within our own pmpom hen nuclear over small area near the where American polariscar Shelagh Delaney and actress also announced he would be on fauna 19 WTECKBEE Nd this malfhlflgv days to recover it in the air tests at fixed date him ing atomic submarines Vera Vanessa Redgrave daughter of hand as an observer man SPEED 0M5 We gustdontknow where he over the Pacific key expert The US blast Saturday took Early today Estherrwns can based in Holy Loch prominent actor Sir Michael Between 10000 and 15000 pcr The wreckage at the plane is Shiil Cfll Mam Barbernr ment is the placing of human place underground at the atomic Ed about 725 miles east of 10min Pom usual Radgra died therhugersquareratr wassullsmfitdérifimwmaum dmmm cells in the capsule for testing energy commissions test site in 3003 Mind Fla 460 miles iha hElEht Of the demoflShHlion was reached by rescue parm The secremgeneial 55 alter orgit for the enact of ex Nevada it was described as soilithweatflet Bfgmuda and S75 paganism the Fogrniéfi oi Rescuers said the plane ap uggfigrfiinéhlséfilfdeslfg osure space radio on low ield deviceequivalent to 1101 n0l east of Turks an oo l2 The National Aeronautics the lorce of zoooo tons of TNT land in the Bahamas Mailwa OhirbEiween Efaredfitwmafigjmfls senrm 3rd and Space Administration or lessthat produced no fall heckiers and sympathizers at for him 77 throug treetops Ireland is anxious 4T0 Vida German hirisiaier ii °iéiéiiiiil°finii orce elmpac was over Troops MOSGOW APRussia says ture any violating mliito light Mk tit their palle 0f Passive such that two of the four engines are mmmghnocalhme IN LGerman lighterhem ing aircraftth re used to small and Simply dawn of Hammarskjolda plane were Planes were sent out mm fibers that strayed across East obey the demand to land in the the pavement and waited ripped out of the fuselage and Rhodes federal capital of bury to search for the DUBLIN AWIreland was German territor to Berlin were indicatfll place will be de mi could not immediately be 19 $3115 plunged anew into anxious fore sent deliberately 1i threatened strayed by the iise of all means Pm rm way cated by rescuers fifgmgalaggfij figmkfiqfihu imde today at re rt to shoot down any violating including rocket demmralm ddV 3° us planes joined in the an Flemm ed Irish1rwlzr eye moitnrylightingenircroiiIiirthrg 5° few be out on search 2mm tor the my ad Uh 25 Em ees or es on to whemd hammer kn mm BLAMES FAILURE fore philosopher Earl Russell missing airliner which bassy organized Search front Federal Forestry Millist pram Mm Sunday in The West German government leader of the committee was re mm said was carrying five that end mm on Canada km Port dflfihed the reloie directed at that west Germans hos blamedmechanical failure leased from jail here passengers and crew of five resources wtll result in greater need or pat control mea In that Eat in Sunday an did not make clear whether for the flightTo two For got The so year old peer was Hammarskinld had bead due sum government announcement said the threat applied in Unit Eiéfi1t835wnZiifiogiahihfé $Piirsgi$iayiiehiice123 to arrive here late Sunday night it had been informed that scalar British and French mlI Much mm 591 The me mm BN3 alter the hooomiie flight from OakVI le M311 IS Tennis Championrims hfld been ringed hIJad MW planes Which mum wim Bonn overnmeiit apologiied to angtrati sq re em Leoooidviiie for talks with Ke mommaOP Roy Manseli oioTirviile and John Bonus mm mm mm theoogupying powers By tangas president Moise an leg of Toronto won the Canadian senior amateur tennis doubles we gm mm liking we 68 393mm 1hr was Gem ISSUES STATEMENT Tahumhe aimed at Ending the Mme hp Fred Ste championships here Sunday defeating Ned Stafford ot Niagara Rad Email bumped out many wm 391 110 mu E3 wet be ch ed From his in 35 Eussen 15 fighting in the breakaway Congo 79 lamb Balaclava WE F3115 my and Gordon 13mins Stamford 54 49 51 the message every hourto can side Communist East Germany 31va sued statement calling for an province 1g sole worrying relatives Neww The Soviet note delivered to mgvgciganwfiz eggflrflmfigi Winnilmiall Slim FDVE mm SURRENDER fligdeigiggnnfihméncétbw era rushed out ch men aga no one ear weapons CLAIM Castro DepOIlS BIShOp P1195 linger saying Victoer 31°31 35 2th wild 6532 £301 himaflersmlztgzdwfig We call upon people every The talks wereheldup here wreckedcartparked near his HAVANA AP hi Irish where to rise against thiano as reports Ellsabethvllla sons him encein Cuba the Eovgngmefilvstifnllglln lilsclsgggrgddggllo mu °PP°Y strolls tyrannv his statement claimed the MorinMill mm 3701 53 Eoza Masvidal and 135 priests abroad Spanish ship Cova heth said Wecali upon scientists to iorce had surrenderedat Jadot there will inquest Mr Sia 1135 Five unidentifiewmsdiaurieats were reported to 39 Internnllpnal Wblems refusatwork on nuclearwean vilie oboutJtLmiies northwest his was tEdotothVO hEEIi arm Former Premier Wsharpenertheir or ing West Germany ey often 4GunmalHloldrli Storekeé er it of tth in BEANTFORD or lge gunman heldfi Houghtmr Turkewafigedfitgar ii acre may Centre storeileeper and his wife at gunpoint early today while tion gt ransacking their home An undisclosed sum of money was talten from dresser drawer ISTANBUL in Ad Menderer Turkeiirerirohrniii m3nfErika Erance won Join apartment ont lieRoute Road premier wrenchesrumors FlnamlmB lnConferencg LONDONI Ont mm Dumb department Hum hanged Sunday night for viola later Haas an Polathan were at were this NEW Mcs Be Clue InCIQSh on missile iiitTiiliWiiith Prominent Conservationlst Dies eminent Were arrested in May participate in any allied confer on swoon mother and her young wpilot ofthedoomedpianlf tors saved his life fro 19W in miliihil 001111 enee with the Soviet Union children Their war veteran were drownedoutby the meslt dose of sleeping pills Th eir trial dragged on for al m1 GHIGAGotAP No on ed Hg an The former premier took the most year andranged over Barn and so any under as Ether much honor as the other plot°amng the ent clr umstances the hoh 1mm er flvefdohe of pills shortly before many charges York rift gaysiaday These franticlastwords from 519 we $3315 b0 Lugedam inwgsfigalorssaifl the 15 5pm me pmmoflng MM 952333 may by One of the accusations against It is understood Was ington shinning Nofulwefl Airlines H1 two words indicated the pilot in cmr on area he armervyremler warthat he dispatch to The 11mg adds rEiectra provided major clue 995 hex had Iosrcontroi of th big air Vfiglatms ofggcflefifmfing procurcfilunnbgigloln fifldfwas that this message was conveyed Iorinvgrtlgaiorah aseelgns iIih gfigggomflg Isdffjgfggepe it They said the tape record respons or ea an inPresldont Konned érsonali Muse Bl Ollce Capture Escaped Convict 03 wane illegitimatechlid hc fathered in thc preaencerL¥tlIieBrltlah kmfiUTP Chic W0 Ts W°Fdi5 co inslilli1rligbteligfcunsseldslatligif MONTREAL up Rem chmrandvnmyeflmd comm Mendercs waanpronounced in Menderes was acquitted on this and Weat German foreign min Cfihhdlhflh shaman Myanmar bmbm cident who slipped out of Montreals Bordeaux Jail Tuesday with hum gummy and Counthlt Dund guilty on isters by Frenchhorelgn Minis Thirty wo poaaengeraand the minutes dew Attempts libemadetq sep ngP Pristine being released on ball will captured liymzflmg he Tm lOHBrlili OihUI Charlal ter Maurice ConvevdelMu lilo crew of fivaldied as theFiorida mm Mid imprt 59 varate messageao the recordfi early today bya police constable in suburban MomentNorth Range Mandates wealthy iand inthe White House Frida boundpiane hit hightension Weight Fem disd ing Mend WWW 9115 PH owner had been in politics fora The story alsosays pom wireslnaahed into muddy We aragoing to have the crews Repair Stom Damage sons sentenced to death by the years Dishing his term as pro Couve de Murvliie told the field southwest ofOHare Intor gt tap examined by the finest Ms EGAS gt Duhi but the deienilflhur micr ermechaniecd and ex Allied leaders that hisagovem national Air ort within aminute hf analystsinthe country aid Vt Nev AP Emergency crews from three including former President Ca pended Turkeys agriculture and merit heiicvcd that thaSoviet it takeofE Najeeb Halabyxfederalnviation states pa ed up damage today done by the citys most de la Bayer later had their sen developed its trade and indus Union was trying to impos its There were neaurvlv agency administrator who flew Wild filmdfiflimm it WAS ampmied by highme that tencea redu to life imprison try wn sallitio of lhe Germani from Washingtontuditeet the Wed along titanium glintills hotel strip meat maafi ammfi ipiobltfir Id and investigation life conservation

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