oftsnitching rbranmuffln from the grand championship Woiyearold AHAi CAUGHT in the act entries is the fail fair man ager Bill Malcomson Mrs MagIIire chairman of the home cooked foods com Commercial366 hsï¬fItï¬f entries and more classes than last year aminer Photos ORO FALL FAIR RESULTS WAGON HORSE Tcarn Gordon McArthur lingle Gordon McArthur CLYDESDALE Yeid more or gelding brood more foal twoyearold year ling team attachcd to wagon Storey JEECHERON Brood mare Hughes Bro Harry Walker Walker Walker Hughes Bros ling McArthur twoye old Hughes Bros team Hug es Bros and Lack le 2nd best more or gelding Hughes Bros Lackie BELGIAN Yeid mare or gelding brood mare foal yearling twoyear old teamSheldonJliaikcr SPECIALS Best 4horsa team SrWalker Hughes Bros Lockie Best Percheron sired by Bud dy Supreme McArthur lGHT HORSES Fallis single roadster 15 hands and ver Bright Cochrane Faliis single roadster un 15 Bright double Codfr Fallis road ster team 15 and over Bright Cochrane Fallis PONIES Saddle pony McEachern Lawson French three gaited saddle pony Earl Doble Earl Rowntree Joe Levisnn pair of harness under Malcomson McEachern Webb pair of harness over 44 Malcomson Law son single pony under 44W Ritchie Malcomson McEachern Webb tandem team under 44 Mal comson McEachern Webb Ritchie single under 44 Ritchie Malcom son Lawson Rowhtree tandem under 44 Mai comson childrens turnout McEachern Maicomson Howard French awson SHORTIIORN CATTLE Bull Sproule Mcarths ur Bull under two years Crawford and Son Sproule double bull calf senior Acrewfordwc Sproule dou ble bull calf junior roule champion bull awford and Son cow in calf Crawford and Son istgand 3rd Sproultf two year heifer Erser Crawford and Son yearling heifer Crawford and Son ist and 2nd Sprouie double heifer calf senior Crawford and Son Sproule John Lnngma heifer calf junior Gord McArthur Sproule herd Crawford and Son Sproule cham pion female Crawford and Son POLLED ANGUS Bull Innisfil Farm Herb clby Anderson hull un two years Beelby 4L Thompson rheifericaifrseniorr ChaMJw Bernhardt Beeiby Anderson cham pion bull Inniaiil Farm cow in calf lnniafil Farms pen by double 2nd ird An derson twoyearold heifer in nlsfll Farms Anderson Beeiby yearling heifer Innisfil Farm innlsfll Form Beelby Anderson Anderson heif or calf senior innisfiITFarms Anderson lanlsfii Farm Anderson heifer calf junior lnnisfil Farms Anders Beeiby lnnisfil Farm champion female innisfii Farms herd Innisfll Farms JIOTbBeerï¬ATAmIEISDH HEREFOBDS Bull bull over one year and under two champion bull cow in calf twoyear heifer years ling heifer heifer calfsenior heifer calf junior herd cham pion femaleCyril Cook MARKET CLASS Crawford and Son An4 derson Roy Campbell Sam gsï¬n Besse Morley Camp AYRSIIIRE Bull Strath Jermey bull calf senior Jermey bull calf junior champion bulk cow milking Strath Land cow dry Jermey and twoyear heifer Jermey Jermey Strath yearling heifer Strath Jermey Strath heifer calf senior Jermey Strath Strath heifer calf junior Jermey Jermey Strath herd Jermey Strath Strath champion female Jermey SPECIAle GoughandSonsG Sanderson Jermey BEST DAIRY HERD Grant Jermey Charles Sand erson JERSEY Bull Bert French and Son William Gibbins George An drews bull calf senior cham pion bull Bert Fgench and Son cow militia ert French and Son Charles Sanderson George Andrews ow dry George Andrews Charles Sanderson Bert French and Son twoyear heifer Charles Sanderson Bert French and Son Bert French and ML yearling heifer Bert French and Son and William Charles Sand son Sandï¬sohTWflIiï¬ Gibens heifer calf junior Charles Sanderson Bert French and Son Charles Sanderson herd Bert French Charles San derson George Andrews cham pion female special Bert French and Sons H013le Bull Robertson Bros Ernest Ernest Bernhardt bull calf senior Robertson Bros Ernest Earnhardt bull calf junior Robertson senior Anderson eslby bull calf junior Bernhardt champion bull Rob EanesLBoarWAr JohnatnnC Robertson cow dry Robertson Ernest Barn hardt Robertson Bra milking Robertson Cough and Sons twoyear heifer Robertson Gough and Sons Robertson Bros yearling heifer Robertson and ErnestjianL EaTdtTlï¬lfer calf senior Cough and Sons Robertson Bros Robertson heifer calf junior James Caldwell Robertson Ernest Barn hardt herd Robertson Robertson Bros Gough and sons champion Holstein female Robertson BACON HOGS Champion boar sow Johnston and Howard HORNTON WI was the winner the fiowara for any occasion oatogory Hora In 3mm commit bo number waters the aadisplay Without question then an the but floral arrangemonta lbavo ovu judged in amon tural fair laid Rev Sicbert of Elmira Mr Sio bort added that the show contalaeuxceuenLM and some outstanding arrange other Barrio Fair Issues Gates manta One suggestion he roads was that the floral section needs twice much space Mr Siebert la the Not president of the Ontario Horticultural Association and bac been judging flower shows for as years Offer Bargain Possibilities mittce said then were more BEAUTIFUL EARRIE the theme for the Barrie Hor ticultral Society was display ed in the form of noncom peiitiva attractive arrange Carscadden Boar Johnston Carscadden Champion Bear John ston Carscadden ment of mums in wheel barrow Window boxes sur rounded the wheelbarrow and Merion Blue Grass sod act ed as carpet for the whole display Here Mrs Charles Mills pauseslto water on of the mums Say pa lit Fault CI Imercisl booths and dia plays at the Barrie Fair give the visitor chance to look over new merchandise and the possibility of bargains This year there are is inside booths and 29 outsida booths Displays range from the Canad ian Cancer Societys miniature model of Tberatron CZ Cobalt 60 Cancer Therapy Unit to the Ontario Hydro dLspiay of an al octrically heated fsrrowing pen The farrowing pen isa com paratively new piece of farming equipment in this area its pur pose is to create heat to draw pig ts away from the saw and prevent something Hydro offic ials say that this method is better than the best most farmers now Most firms who have ispiaya at the fair are not particularly concerned about making sales Several representatives that the In porno belhgithére was their wares and that people could buy if they wanted Several are offering bargains and draws for visitors Simcoe District Coop ir offer ing draw tickets for 23lnch television set to anyone who purchases merchandise at their display SURPRISE PACKAGED Jewellery who are displaying at the fair for the eighth consecutive year will have sale of surprise packag es Packages are priced from one cent to one dollar Mike Weider of the store says People will buy before this year thogrouodswnoweocecptcd by remember yesterday as the day mammmummnnuxuo Inmssn NOTES Weather Prawns On The Exhibition 361 On the stone lataway which makes the front entrance to the Barrie Exhibition there are two plaques one on each pillar Ona reads To Honor the Pie cc the County and all who during the Past Ioo Years labor ed for the cause of Agriculture in £er and District The carrier these word avrnlfyouaoha towaara topeoat The tail end of hurricane Carla passed over Lake Sim coe However after contacting some places along lnniIfil shores we have not heard of any serious damage after tho highwtndlof yést dayJThe was some damage reported mated ofAgriculturo of Ontario Scp IMPERIAL According to these statistics the fair would be we yearsold NOW SHOWING 2Foniura WillianLlllaicomson All Color Show who has en connected with the fair board for many years SiliAlii Lliiiii Mlllliii MNICAN AllliiliiUiii Wilt iiii any the first Barrio Fair was held in the market lace which is new part Mat city hall lrounds The fair was moved later to ii iii iiii YIAR Canadian General Electric The stone pillars were placed at the main entrance at the official opening of the grodnds at the present site We do not have definite information as to when it became an exhibition The weatherman has frown ed on the exhibition again it is likely that most of us will we wore topcoat for the first time this reason Beef cattle are on show to day and the Shorthorn breed is being featured Many of the entries will be entitled to dou ble prizes which will bring ax bibitors from distant parts Horse racing la being held and about the time this paper arrives on the street the first race with parlrnutuel betting will have been run it may be worthwhile to face the cold wind and watch your nag win you some money The pony show is also on and the hialcomson entry which has been having success will likely have more opposition The building is good place for the exhibitors If the wee ther follows predictions there may be showers and that should fill the inside space Those with tents can get prospects in So all in all it should he good day to be at the exhibition $6 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 3kg battles Alv ntromanen IROIII yawn us to 111 FA 84651 ROXY THEATRE cm IS run At Int Iha Hm advenlunin amen BAT CONTINUOUS FROM pm llIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment III on BLAKE ST tBesida Ksmvview Bowl FRIDAY TEEN NIGHT Latet ultimaeorda Me For Parson Saturday THE RYHTHMEN $250 Per Couple Hawke PIGS Sow Howard Hawks chem pion sow junior herd Johnston BACON COMPETITION Entries in the bacon com petition ineluded Ernest Craw ford Oro Station James Han cock Elmvale Harold Care foot Meaford Berneli MacKay Hawkestone fiwuhamiijew StiEud William Crawford Oro Station Parker Peacock Stroud Arnold Vanclse Stay ner Norman Campbell Shanty BPY John Smith Hawkestone COMMERCIAL SHEEP RESULTS Ram Taskcr Grant idoub le entry William Conn and Sons Ram Lamb Tasker Grant William Conn and Sons Wil liam Conn and Sons JILLTasker Grant Tasker Grantflvililam Conn and Sons Sheariing Ewe Tasker Grant Tasker Grant Willinrr Conn and Sons Lamb Tasker Grant Grant William Conn and Sons Market Lamb Special Ger aid Rattle SHEEPTIJO WOOL Ram John Fennel Carscadden Carscadden Ram Lamb Carscad den John Fe ell Cars cadden Ewe Carscadden ohmEenncll John Fennel Carscadden SHEEP SHORT WOOL Barn Crawford Crawford Ram Lamb Craw ford Crawford Ewe Crawford Crawford Shcnrllng Ewe Craw ford Crawford Ewe Lamh Craw ford Crawford BACON noc assocrs Carscadden srtson Eros Ernest Bernhardt Johnston Johnston Howard Hawke Sow Johnston Johnston Howard Hawke PIGS Sow Howard Hawke How ard Hawks Champion Sow John ston Junior Herd John ston CrMTCHISCdeEIIf oLSire Carscad den Johnston BACON COMPETITION WINNERS Ernest Crawford Oro Station James Hancock Eimvale Har oldCarefoot Meaford Bemell McKayrHawlrcstvneyMiiiim New Stroud William Crawford Ore Station Parker Peacock St Arnold Vancise RR4 Stayner or Campbell Shanty Bay John Smith Haw kestone RACE RESULTS 1st race two heals Lady Isobeli 1st and 3rd Wm lidand 1st Murray Waples Charles Watson Beeton 2nd race two heats Fris co Princelst and ist Roy Bul lock Coliingwood Dickie and 4th Clarence Crowe Prin cess Song 4th and 2n Alex Speers Elinor al and and 3rd Rex Hughes and race two heatsPrince Song lstand lst Robert And rews Oriiiia Billie Abigail 2nd and 3rd White Bros Oriilin Jimmie TorquoneJrLsnd Whom Willowdale among BINGO SEPT I6 I961 745 pIm JACKPOT seams $10000 LEGION HAJsL Boar Johnston 7i COLLI ER ST Jhe cnmtquashedthe convic Jones Midland Llonida Pride Expectation Van 3rd and 2nd SATURDAY FRIFEATUREI15 and 930 For Chailting Tires TORONTO CPI Three Ap peal Court justices ruled Thurs day that pollce have no right to chalk the tires of legally parked carsand one of them said driver is entitled to use force to prevent it tion of Johnl3runelil 25 charged with obstructing police Constable James Wilson laid the charge after he said he saw Brunelli rub out chalk markson his car Bruneili was convicted by Magistrate ihnrburn who declined to ac cept iBWYEIVthfLSOpinkBJJDiL tention thatpolices wcrrinvadr ing private property vmou Hana IA MDUS PUVERS THEAUII Am CONDELQNElli NOW SHOWING ms TRUE LIFE STORY mars Home SEEM lAMEl iiiHlElliiiiifliiillt Eifli MiiiHliiiiiiMfliiii Miiiilou one It diva mm monomlliii Milli SAT AT 245 and 935 theyre the price tag which will be hidden but weguaran tee that everyone will get more tho their moneys worth The store is also featuring an interesting display of 24 differ patterns of bone china din nerware Other organisations which ve displays at the fair in ciude Beuant Nurseries Simp sonsSears Barrie Iron Works Reeves Jewellers Singer Sewing Machines Ontario Cream Prod ucers Marketing Board and the Department of Highways Try An Examiner Wlanl Ad Cabaret Style 930 PM OPENING DANCE non sorrows llllLl COLLIER STREET AUQPICES I00F lA 6B967 HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE STARTS SAT Immi GUARDIANS OF KING SOLOMONS MINES and soar Is ART CELSIE and his Singing Pieinsmen SATURDAY7 ART GREY ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75¢ REFRESHMENT scum ND stocks on JEANS PERMITTED ALL rhioown DRUMS ACROSS THE RIVEKT runs rnasn canroons Wat Bfankernli0y IFlstelt with the MM lDonalda Nephew Jolly 2a Clnwn NM US FIAVERS ilttliiiit EARKINQEAClLlIlEsSNACKBAR