COULD BE MORE Fair Judges Quality Of First day at judging at the Barrie Fair wart monthly with judges generally comment ing favorably on the quality and quantity of exhibits Walter Humphrey food in tor ior the Ontario depart ment 3i agï¬eultTre said the junior exhibltarware better than yearandthnttheyiall ed high quality Mr Bump rays particularly noted the green peppers as among the top exhibits There could be more en trieser Bill Devlss of the Bradford branch thefldepar moat of agriculture Some exhibitors did not read the prize list very care fully They had good stuff but at the wrong variety or the classification which they were exhibidng in They had to be disqualified Some IL blqu were immature and not uniform Mr Devine noted that the department of agriculture pub lished book which was com plete guide to the preparation and judging oi vegetablerfor exhibition Henry Davie oi ivy was very pleased with the grain and small seed exhibits this year There is small entry this year he said but the qual ity is very high We are not disappointed The weather this year has been very bad for the grain crops Some of the grain is still in the fields Consider ing those factors the exhibitors have come up with an excellent showing Elliott Coles secretarytrans urer oi the agricultural society said this morning that last nights rain had put damper TWO SECRETARIES in the managers oltice of the Bar rie Exhibition felt the pres on first evening attendance Mr Coles noted that today was livestock judging day and sure of lastminute changes and frustrations as the open ing hour of the fair drew there had been very large increase this year in entries for horses and livestock Teachers To Attend Course To See What Pupils Learn quotation from Greer Trans portation Co for supplying bun econess Nov 17 and YA on to transport pupils taking vocational training at the Hill crest and Steel Street schools was accepted at the meeting of the Public School Board last night Quotations for the full school year were Hillcrest $132540 and Steel treet $128260 Angus McKay superintendent of the public schools said All the pupils in the class wil lgo vsr eational courses as well as the teacher He explained it is how ed that by the teachers attend ing the classes in home economlt ice and industrial art it will give them more of an under standing of what their pupils are learning The board voted to grant per mission to the eityy to sell arnall area oi playground bet ween the Prince of Wales and Central Collegiate schools This will enable the collegiate to build vocational wing and be come composite school USE AUDITORIUM Ratepayers Association will be allowed to use the Hillcrest au Summer Courses iIalsenB Will Help Pupils Thirtyfivo per cent of Bar rlss 1960 public school teach ars attended summer school Cotllss and Idid university work during the summer It is most commendable and cant help but lead to some thing better for the children of Barrie Angus McKay super intendent of public schools commented lastnight Following is summary of the teachers and the courpes tbeyook Physical education supervis ors David Keyho intermed iate physical edumtlon Carol West and Patricia Shepston supervisor industrial arts Don Nicholls and Paul Crease ln termedinte home economics Mrs Catharine Shanahan prim ary methods part Elayne Black part WillaMao Lyons Mrs Joan Agnew Mrs Velma Walker and Bonnie MacAuley primary supervisors Audrey JrusecsLandeenrissionforthechildreotoilear LETS an FRANK ditorium for the public speaking All of the public school audit oriums will again be used by the YM and YWCA every Satur dL morning The board agreed send the business administrator Geo rge Dongstaife to attend the int Association School Business Of flclnls conference in Toronto Oct to Mr McKay announced that new text introduction to Be ter Reading will be used on trial basis in two or three of the city schools Mr McKay added that the books had been free No sales tax George Longstafie This text is being used in grades seven and eight but it is thought it would he better tor the students to have an ear lier start LET PUPILS OUT letter dated October 1960 was read from the Barrie Ag riculture Society requesting per ve school to attend the fair it would be of educational value Teacher Milligan audiovisual metlmds Mrs Fannie Stewart and Mrs Nellie Hall auxiliary educa tion intermediate Mrs June Ramsay elementary vocal mus ic type Don Fish junior education Jane Simpson ele mentary art Mrs Dorthsa Tompkins intermediate art partl Margaret White super vision and administration Nor man Eisenberg Don Johnston and Paul Pogue university courses Bell Rioran Whetter Ken Cathers Win Law DorisDunn Jim Mac Lean Ron Kelsey and Norm Eisenberg snipped at 32 to the children of the county the ociety said in the letter The board agreed to allow the children to leave at 380 Fri day afternoon No discussion en sued other thnn request by Norman to add attend ence would he encouraged and that the board would be glad to cooperate in the distribution of the free passes supplied by the society Hawkestone Lodge Regular Meeting The Orange Lodge 904 Haw kestone held its regular meet ing Sept with Andy Bartholomew in the masters chair and Wallace Shelswell in the deputy masters chair As this was county otticers vls it the Rev Mr Armstrong from Udney l0L was guest speaker He was introduced by Fisher Ganton county master for Simcos East Other visitors wbospokewere£ynnJonesr county in ta for Muskokn Bert Penny deputy county ma ster Mervyn Readman county marshal Alvin Brown county lecturer Mr Edwards district master Waverley district Hawke Sir KT Wor Command er of the Royal Scarlet Chapt er oi Waverley district Murray Bower District master of Oril lie and Albertshelswcll 904 Hawkestone who thanked every one for taking part Natl meeting will be Oct followed by an our public meeting at El mer Wood grand maste Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West will give report of his recent trip to England lreland and Scotland Try An Examlner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 It is an unusual hypersensitivity to certain foods potions dust feathers furs or other sub stances which can résult ln nausea weakness temperature changes convulsions etc Physicians can make siriipleislrm testgth nd out the exact antigen needed to givereliet consult your physician now If you are allergr YOURD001ORCANEGONEUS when you Praise Entries RESULTS AT BARRIE FAIR FLORAL DELAYS Display organizations lt then horticultural lodetiest Thornton Womens Institute Eva as Boumet Stmud Wei mens Instihrte Mrs 1homp eon POHED PLANTS Begonia any variety Elean or Jennett Mrs Coulson Mrs Brown Specime use Plant Mrs Lindell Mrs Jean Gable Mrs Brown Collection at House Plants Mrs Cook Mrs Jean Gable Mrs Linde and and Succulent Collecqu CUT FWWERB nearer Mary Chnrpentier foreground and Margaret Haslett are the two hustling secretaries We received more entries this morning he said and they are still coming in Parents iiccept Bus Strike Otf BRADFORD Special The Jefferson Public School bus strike is over temporarily at east At closed meeting last night parents decided to accept the otter oi has provided by do nations irom Toronto radio station and local businessman For the past two weeks par cuts of children living within two miles of the school have kept them from classes since the Vaughan Township public schoolJoardJoolr msylhasm vice alter 11 years Parents had refused to allow their chil dren to walk alongvdangerous Yonge Street Mrs Joyce Thomasson said enough donations had been re ceived to run thsbus for two months at $100 month She added This will give us breather and chance to fight lor the bus we want ORA KDOWN MOSCOW APlThe Soviet supreme court has ordered vjudges of lower courts to throw the book at swindlers and crooks convictedofstealingststrprop7 erty Pravda reported today This high so mplained that gerWere to the fullest extent theP £35 under which economic offences are ptmlshable by death wellErCaldwell Mrs Mrs Cook Mrs Jean Gable Mrs William Campbell Jar Garden Mrs Cook 14 Derrartum Mn Cook Cy ril Jackson Mrs Boy Lillicrap Best Dish Garden or Japanese Garden Mrs Cook Cyril Jackson Mrs Jean Gable Collection of Coleus Mrs William Campbell Mrs Brown Anemonu Collection Mrs Cook Mrs Irene Hill Aster Giant Blue Mrs Coulson Ralph Cook Victor Wells Asters Giant Pink Mrs Lena Hill Mrs Coulson Mrs Wm Evans Aster Giant White Victor Wells Mrs Coulson Ralph Cook Asters Giant Red Mrs Roy Lull uap Victor Wells Ralph Cook Aster Collection Mrs Co ulson Victor Wells Walter WaieraiendulaCollodion Mrs Cook Mrs Brown Mrs Mervin Dobson Coxcomb Collection Mrs Jean Gable Celosla Collection Mrs Spencer Mrs Jenn Gable arrysanthemuru arrangement Victo is James Caldwell Mrs Brown Cosmos Nelson Watson Walter Schaly Mrs Joan Gable Dahlia Speci men Bloom James dwell Vlctc Wells Mrs Lindell Dahlia Decorative Type Mrs Roy Lllllnrap Victor Mrs lrene Hill Dahlins Cncus type Victor Wells Bnlp Cook Dahlia Pompon Type Victor Wells Dahlia Decorative and large cactus mixed basket of Victor Wells Dahllas Bos ltet Pompon mixedVict Wells Gaillnrdia Collection Mrs Jean Gable Gludinli red Mrs Coulson Gladioll White Mrs Coulson Gladioli any other col or not listed Mrs Coul son Mrs Lillicrap Gladioli Specimen Spike Caulson Giadloll Basket Vnrlelt tiesVictor Wells Mrs Coulson Ralph Cook Stock Col lection Mrs Cook Mrs ii Lilllcrap Annual SweetPen Collection James Caldwell Ralph Cook Mrs Wm Camplt bell Marigold African Knapp Mrs Coulson Mrs Roy Lillicrap Marisol French Dwarf Collection KnappaMrs Nelson tson Ralph Cook Nasturtium display Mrs Brown Mrs Shanahan Mrs Mervin Dobson Phlox annual Display Mrs Cook Mrs Shanahan Mrs Campbell Phlox Per ennial Mrs Roy Lillicrap Mrs Brown Pansies Collection Walter Schaly Mrs Tilsis Io certy that new Ale Is brewed by in exclusive Cool Conilol process This process Is coniImIaIy fasted iltsIeby ensuring unonn high quality Cculson Mrs lrene Hill Petun in Single Mrs Coul eon Mrs Brown Mrs Bell Petunia Double Mrs Ray tallies Mrs Dene Bill Ralph ettmln Ruffled CoulsonRoyLl asp Mn Bell Salpiglossia Display Mm Roy Lilllcnp Salvla Mrl Cook Scab tosa Mrs Coulson Mrs Spencer Strnwilower Dis play Rnhder Mn lrene Hill Snapdregon Mrs Coulsnn Mrs Cook Mrs Boy Lilllcrep Verbena Mrs Roy Llillcrap Mrs Shanah an Mrs lrene Kill Zinnlu Giant Eleanor Jennett Spence Bert Schaly main ercs Cnl cll Mrs Spencer Zinnias Collection Mrs Nelson Watson Mrs Wm Campbell Mrs Brow Best Floral Arrangement using Zinnia Mrs Coulson iï¬rlnrDrGerwnr Cyrlhiack son Rose Specimen Bloom Eleanor Jennett Mrs Roy Lilli crap Mre Cook Roses Col lection Victor Wells Knapp Mrs Cook Roses blooms Victor Wells Mrs lrene Hill Arrangement oi Ron es Using Own Foliage Caldwell Victor Wells Eleanor Jennctt Living Room Decoration Victor Wells Mrs Brown Mrs Coulson Din ing Tabla Decoration Victor Wells Mrs Cook Mrs Spence Container of Mixed ram as Cal Living room decoration using dried and domant material Mrs Cook Mrs Brown Mrs lrene Hill Dining Table Decoration Mrs Mrs Brown Thank sgiving Arrangement Mrs Cook Mrs Bell Mrs he Hill Christmas Mantel Arrang ment Mrs Cook Mrs Brown Victor Wells Christ mas Spray or Wreath for the Door Jnmos Caldwell Mrs lrene Hill Victor Wells Minia ture Floral Arrangement Mrs Brown Cyril Jackson Mrs Ernest Oakley Unusual Decoratlye Arrangement Vie tor Wells Mrs Cook Jamel Caldwell Miniature Garden Mrs Cook Cyril Jackson Mrs Wm Campbell Holiday Corsage Mrs Brown Mrs Willis Smith Mrs Irene Hill Miniature Home Cyril Jackson Mrs Ernest Oakley James aldwell Collection of Tree Le ves Mrs Fagan Collection of Weed Seeds Mrs Fagan Collection of Fruits of Forest Trees Ralph Cook Mrs Fagan Result oi Walk in Woods Cyril Jack ANNOUNCINGr Texaco Service Station formerly operated Motors at comer of leased by Joe McBride tool Mrs gram Oakley am sgan ost Outsandrn Er hrit From Clam suns Knapp Honey DisplayJoe Carney PMATOES Sixqt Basket Warbn or Cob blL Mrs Fagn Mrs Crittenden Basket Chippewa Mrs Pagan Basket Kat hdin Mrs Pagan Mrs Shanshan Max Craig Basket SebagoMax Craig Ken Pea cock Mrs anan Any 0th Named Variety Mrs Shenahan Jack Hunter Mrs Fagnn Max kale Best Basket of Potatoes Mrs Fagan FRUITS Mflï¬losr can Pea c0ck Flat of Delicious Ger aid Rattle Fist of Northern Spy Gerald Rattle Fist of Snow Carl Peacock Fist of A0V Gerald Rattle Carl Peacock Cmumnle steroid Rattle PearsFiemish Beauty Carl PeacockrPearsBartlett Mrs Pagan Carl Peacock Pears A0V Carl Peacock Plume Cari Peamck YEAST BREAD AND ROLL Bread White Yeast Mrs Sutherland Mrs Murray Graham Mrs Charles Simpson Breed Whole Wheat Yeast Mrs Myrtle Mann Mrs Murray Graham Centra Vespra Wom ens institute Bread Fruit Yeast Bdenvale Womens ln HinJllramchnrlcs Simpson Mrs Wm Crittenden Pan of Plain Buns Mrs Murray Grn ham Mrs Charles Simpson Mrs Myrtle Mann Coffee Ring Mrs Murray Graham Mrs Simpson Basket of Rolls Mrs lrwln Clark Mrs Nel son Watson Minesing Women institute Cherry Nut Bread Wasaga Plans Fishing Derby The Nottawasaga River is the fishing grounds for the Wasaga Beach fishing derby Masared by the Wasage Beach Chamber of Commerce Prizes for the biggest fish caught include com pllmentary dinner and enter tainment tickets as well as trophy and $25 for first 315 for second and $10 for third Bess muskellunge pike pick erel and rainbow trout qualify Official weights will he record ed at the Wasaga Beach Chom ber of Commerce Final fish can be entered at pm Oct Prizes will be awarded at the Thanksgiving dance at the Dar danella Ballroom Oct by Kramer Bradford St and John St ha been cordial invitation is extended informerandnewcustomorewlthutmoetmieeiannnd mums auunmo yo mama ILIHDID BARLIV MAITI Centre Vespra Womens instit ute Edenvele Womens institute Mrs Murray Graham Banana Nut Bread Centre Vespra Woe mens inst Mn Murray Gm ham Mrs Charles Simpson lea Biscuits Mrs Fegan Mn Max Craig Edenvale Womens lnsL mp Cakes Assorted iced Mrs Joe Pratt Mn Graham Mrs Suther land Date Squares Rolled Oats Mrs hnrlea Simpson Cen tre Vespra Womens lnst Mrs Edsimble Brownies with Nuts iced Mrs Charles Simpson Mrs Jos Pratt Mrs Nelson Watson llnbaked Small Cookies Mrs Murray Graham Mrs Charm Simpson Mn Chocoiï¬iiLnyer Cake Mrs Murray Graham Mrs Wm Crittenden Mrs lb win Clark GRAIN SMALL SEEDS FIELD CROP Half Big Winter Wheat Ken PeacockCarl Peacocki Geo Anderson Russell Ralf Bus Fall Bye Johnston Max Craig Geo And erson Half Bus Barley Carl Peacock Ken Peacock Russell glavlv IHalf Bus Garry Oats ar eacock Russell Maw Ken Peacock Kndérsan Ronald Cook Half Bus Oata Medium to into such as Aheg weltCarl Peacock George An derson Half Bus Peas Rus sell Maw Six Earl Grain Corn Douglas Splers Price George Anderson Carl Peacock Fagnn One Peck Red Clov er Russell Maw Carl Pea cock OnePeckvfimothy Anderson Russell Maw rl Peacock One Peck ADV Clov ers Grosses Carl Peacock Geo Anderson Exhibition Sheaf Wheat Oats or Barley Ken Peacock Carl Peacock Shoat Ensllnge Corn Mrs Fag an Jermcy Goo Ander so Price Carl Pea cock Mangels Robert son Carl Peacock Mr Fag an Mrs Pagan nrmlps Mrs Fagnn Carl Peacock Geo Anderson HAY Baled Alfalfa Hay Bert Schaly Ken Peacock Baled Mixed Hay Max Craig Ken Peacock Geo Anderson Carl Peacock Gerald Rattle Jermey Baled Alfalfa Hay Gerald Rattle Robertson Geo Anderson er Ken Peacock Carl Peacock lo LN oi loose Hay Gerald Rattle Geo Anderson Ken Pea cock Jermoy Max Craig Lighgston dCarl Peacock us orage Gen aid Rattle Jerfryney Carl Peacock Johnston BLINDBB TracerH on years need medicine Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby or we will deliver promptly without extra chargengreaLmrmynneoplo entrust us with their prescriptions May we compound yoursh subways £93iLL Doug Bare th Cor and ounrop so Din ti WALLACE Ullmofl GUMIT CBNTRO Investigate Fires Aboard Empresr MONTREAL GP The Empress of England sailed for Liverpool on schedule Thursday whilevpolice continued toinver tigate five small ires that broke out aboard the liner at her Montreal berth The fires burned earlier Thursday in five widely scpar ated cabins Because of the damage done CanadianPaeific Steamships said all 24 cabins on deck are closed for the voy Police believe the fires were liberater set kirhflét mm sometimes our silencer mesons rectum on Irv VVATCHITOM fOttavvaat Montreal CFTOTV at sawrdav RICHARDSON SPRINGSERVICE PA6897116VESPRA Si