ll TE EARN EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER II IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT THOROUGH LY EXPERIENCED INASALES SALES PROMOT ION ADVERTISING BUSINESS ADMINIS TRATION Wth INVEST CAPITAL BOX 53 BARRIE EXAMINER warns on 1an of any sacrl tto Is Iva son amass note 11 LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list of lands liable to he sold for arrears of taxes in the Coun ty of Simcoe has been prepared and was published In an adver tisement August 1961 In the Ontarlo Gazette Copies of said list oiJandLoLadveniseuient can be seen In my office or will be mailed upon making applicae tion for same In default ot pay merit of taxes as shown on said at on or before Tuesday Nov 1961 lit the hour of two oclock ST in the afternoon shall at that time In the Council Chamber new County Building Barrie 0nt proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears to gather with charges thereon If land not all sold on Tuesday November 1981 an adjourn ed aale will be held on Tuesday November 21 1961 at two oclock ST COLEMAN Treasurer County of Simcoe 11easurcrs office County Building Barrie Ont flint day of June 1961 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR MOTOR GRADER TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA Tenders will be received by the undersigned Clerk up to 12 oclock noon Friday Septem ber 29 1981 for the supplying of motor grader snow plow and wing Trade in 1947 No 12 cater piiiar motor grader snow plow and wing Specifications forms flyzlled Tradein can ship shed Midhurst Lowest or any lender not necessarily as eepted MILLEAN Road Supt 15 Ferris Lane Barrie EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 17 Owen St Barrie SUNNIbï¬E TOWNSHIP TENDERS roa soso CONSTRUCTION Sealed tenders plainly mark ontentsfw ceived by Mr Clerk of the Township at Sun nidale at New Lowell Ontario until 1200 oclock noon DST 0H THURSDAY SEPT 28 1961 for the reconstruction of approx imately 42 miles of the Sunni le Road trom Highway No as northerlyto Mosley SL Vas aga Beach DJ0 IDeveIopr lender biddï¬jh and to MT Baï¬ter ment Road No 612 The work includes grading culverts and granular base course Plans specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the Clerks office New Lowell iior atTEIie offia of the Con sulting Engineersin Port Cre dit for the sum of twentyfive dollars $2500 which will not be refunded Each tender must be accom panied by marked cheque for an amount equal to per cent of the total tender and the suc cessful bidder must provide Lgcontrnnt bondby an approved guarantee company or 100 per nt of the total tender The rlowestoranytender all not necessarily be accept ed MCCORMICK AND RANKIN LIMITED Consulting Engineers Stavebank Road PmiCiédii OW ROWE Road Superintendent Sunnidale Townshi Its wonderful the chy Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 Lot 22 Concession 13 AUCTIONSALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING 111 ATOFJII SHARP Auction sale of good household furniture Includlhl many an tiques for the estate of the late JEAN GIBSON RITCIIIE Do WTLLIAMiTu ALLANDALE Terms cash No reserve as the estate has to he settled suun couoriuN Averion AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30 AT PM SHARP Auction sac of electrical appil laces hquehoid furniture dishes ato GMC panel truck bicycles tools for ELVIN HORSBURGH 1n the village of Cookstown right on Highway 27 next door lo Crawfords Barber Stop Terms cash No reserve as the owners are returning to Tor onto mm COUGHLIN AUCTiDNEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 21 AT EM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock im plements hay grain and some household effects for ELWOOD HATEMAN At lot is Concession 10 West Gwlllimbury Townsiip on High way No 11 miles straight north of Bradford Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold mm couoirLIN Aucrionm AUGIOWSALE SATURDAY OCTOBER AT RM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock im plements haygrain straw and some household effects for EVERETT KNEESHAW At Lot 17 Concession 11 West Gwlllimbury Towndiip miles north of Bradiord and Vi mile east of No 11 Highway Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold stanv COUGHLIN Avonon AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY OCIOBEIY RM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock plements hay grain and ho hold effects for ROBERT HARRIS Lot 24 Concession Essa mowfl ownihipI Tmiies straight north of liry Village Terms vcaii No reserve Owing to ill health Mr Harris is giving up farming JERRY COUGHLIN AUCiipNEEit AUCTION SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER EM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock inn plemenis hay grain and house hold effects for GEORGE EDMONDS Nottawa saga To nshIIJ miles south east of Stayner first sideroad south oi Stayner off the county road Terms cash No reserve as the farm Is sold sunny COUGHLIN AucrroNEIra ZONE YORKSHIRE BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE will be held at BARBIE FAIR GROUND THURSDAY OCTOBER SITE AT 1130 PM 11velve Boars 16 Bred GIILII ndvaJanGIIIJWIIIbe off ered by consignors All anim als have been inspected by offi cials oi the Ontario Live Stock Branch FOR CATALOGUts CONTACI Km McRUER ALLISTON lrs Ari Examinei Want Alt snows rs sziu s1 DUNLOP sr Rs N5 OBITU LILLIAN MARY KELLY Ian Mary Kelly 55 of 63 en who died Aug 21 was buried at St Marys Cem after Funeral Mass at St arys Church She attended public adiool in 0m high school in Barrie and gralusted as Registered Nur se from Royal Victoria Hospital in 1917 She rnarrled hi ILIL in 1919 and lived In Phelpaion until 1961 then came to Barrie where she lived un til bariumw Mrfltciiyu survived by her her son Norman and Raymond of Harrie and Alex of Sudbury daughters Mrs Wu DeSilva Marlin Mrs Ferguson Agf nes both oi Barrie and Mrs Leach Teresa of Fort Nelson BC and sister AE nes hirs Wynes oi Barrie She had grandchildren MARY ELIZABETH BURGESS Miss Mary Elizabeth Burgess of New Lowell was buried at Vienna 0nt Sept She was 88 Miss Burgess was born in Vienna bIIt spent the greater part oi her life nursing in Loomil NY and Albany NY She retired to Streetsvllle in 1952 and moved to New Lowell two years ago Services were held at the Murriford and Crawford Pun eral Home at Creemcre Contributions to the Newfound land Fire Relief Fund and the Heart Fund were given by rain tives and nursing associates oi Albany STEPHEN MCSHERRY Stephen Neil hIcSIierry died at Royal Victoria Hospital Aug 23 in his 79th year Mr McSherry was born in South Roclrwood Michigan son Lucy Reynolds and had spent the early part of his life farm ing in Simcoe County For sev eral years he had lived in Bar rie and was member of Col COP for Want Ad Section accepted untu pm Day before publication CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 wombats live In southeastern Aus tIalIa and Tasmania and dig undergIoundtunnals some of which may be up to 100 feet long outnumbered by men in to women students at Cambridge Universityln Englandfind themselves In an anvi uble situation everyon Interested In good smok lng should know that OgdansclgalatteTobac so has redesigned its package GUNS AMMUNITION SHELL BELTS °HUNTINGT LICENCES manousnmsron HUNTING svrrnins QUALITY nanuwsnn rs 82431 noni MottoImprove wows $Â¥LVAPLY Pvaoon from noon LIIIIIIIEIITa so 49 asss an or Lid 4M ssssi oi the late Peter McSherry and ARIES lierStreet United Church For years he had resided in routo returning three years to make his and Barrie home at Thornton CUBANS INVADE IRISH VILLAGE mama Reuters Im 500 inhabitants of this Irish village got the surprise of their lives Tuesday when they looked and saw bearded Mr Mï¬herry was twicemarthubaaswinecombatwunlionru ried to Bertha Lane and Phoebe Smart both ot whom predeceased him Surviving are two daughters Teresa Mrs Robinsonl and Cindy hi Corner of Barrie two sons Harold and Fred of Thornton one aistar Alicea111 Lallerty of children Funeral services were held Aug 15 In the Pethiclr Funeral Chapel conducted by Rev Brena Burial was in Barrie Union Cemetery OFFERS RESIGNATION LA PAZ Bolivia APiVic5 President Juan Lechln offered to resign today following charges by the vicegoveroor of Argentinas Salts province that the Bolivian was involved4m narcotics traiiic in Argentina Lechin denied it President Vic tor Par Estenssoro said the ma lgnation would be put before Bolivias Congress HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 marching into town At the head of the column of so was the SSyearold commander of the Cuban rrny Major Juan Alinei The Cubans were passen gers and crew of Cubans AirlinesA plane forced to N9 land nearby Shannon air rm ecause oimvjianical trouble while enroute from Prague to Havana Finding noroom Shari non the Cubans checked in today at Kilkeea zooyear old seaside hotel handy Budget Plan IIIIW IiIY LIIIEII Dont delay repairs to your car See us today IIIIIIIIEIIIIELIJ Motors Ltd 55 Collier St PA 82487 Newspapermen Honored By Peers VANCOUVER CPI Tribute to two noted Canadian newspa per men who died this year was paid Wednesday by direc tors of The Canadian Press They were Nichols for mer managing director clthe Winnipeg Tribune and the Van couver Province and Victor Sif tun president and publisher of the Winnipeg Free Press Both were past presidents of CP Mr Nichols having held the office in 1113143 and MrTSIfIIï¬T in 124W Moving resolution on Mr Nichoiss death Rogers ausr use ITAND Wu UNDERSTAND WHY on THE FARMS Irs INDEMANO MONï¬Ichikom NE ALLISTON WESTON 550143 Cit16390 of the Regina LeaderPoet re ferred to his pioneer work in cooperative nus gathering and his long career as reporter editor and publisher The raw lution wasaeconded by Stuart Kcate of the Victoria nmes Try An Examiner Want Ari PHONE PA $2 HAVE PAW OGDENSBURG Brothers Charles and Richard ockaootkbotb legrade teach ers graduates of the same eel lege and married to nurau on the staff of the same hospital became fathers each for the see ond time on te same day Charles offspring was sat Richards daughter oowr MOVE Mgnovai You like your home but you need more storage space fast is this your problem Then discover how you can buildin handsome convenient storage facilities using Sylvaply Plywood Sylvaplycabinets give you madetomeasure storage for everythingand you can make them fit your space your needs and your budget Come in and pick up your copy of Sylvaplya new 32 page Guide to Home Improvement THE BIILI Pill to arms ST IIIIIILTIIIL CO LTD Ill 82496 sets théï¬ETpeasire fwnicII THE BIGGEST Snow II FOOTBALL see theNational Football Leaguéinaaï¬on on the CBCTvlnetwork This Sunday Detroit Lions vs Green Bay PaCker éve rySu ndaiy afternobnatQfOO pm