iriitomomw 1Aogmn BARRIE wlh book Ngubquu AL sm um WEB THURSDAY II 131 HOW TO BE HERO Put Out ByEALlOYIB NEW YORK AP Do you yenrn to he hero In your own homel Here Ire tee tested senten ces bound to make you the manotallletlme In your own tlvtnz roomInd also guaran ted to make every other hues hand In the block your mortsl toe know youve had dinner end do the dishes Put down that pull this very Iver lotnz carry out the Youre absolutely dearjm zaIng to ulgthe boss or rIIse today an he lays nothen Ill ask hIm again WrIts your mother heck rlxhl now and tell her well be glad to have her come for vlslt snytlmeand stay as long as she can Gee cant stand It when most women talk hssebnll But youre different You rellly un derstnnd the nme The new res looks swell on you but dont you thlnk yo ought to have new coal and new hat to kind at set It om GOODTIME CHARLIE Put your glad regs on doll Were steppIng out Its no fun or you to stny home night alter nlght ï¬g WHEAT SUB The bureau oI ststlstlcs re ports wheat carryover at 523300000 bushels existed at July 81 This wasrdown 14 400000 bushels from year Dair 0ueeg 2FOR1SPECIAL Garbage Dont won about that deal In the under dear Alter Ill wovntud the car or In month And as for the doorl probth can In It sell The whole thing Isnt we fretting about It could happen to Anybody Theres one thin can about your Inmlly They dont try to Intelten In our persons utslrs nearly as much my lsmfly does No wonder BrIgltto Bardots husband bed nervous break down She cant cook the way you do other women look Vlunny in hay Iiurthntf halrtn curlers st breakfastout you wonderful kId like you who hsdhsrpIcknttheï¬sldaver marrled heel like me mm of the TV set honey and lets just talk love the sound at your voIce CANOEIMBAIE HALIFAX CF RCA Search and Rescue hesdqulr ters here anId hlesday nIKht thst Quebec adventurer Ward Sesly In Ma 17 toot kayak landld on St Pauls Inland l5 mIlee ott the Cape Breton onsst early nresdny mornIng on the last Is at l700rnlla voyage Irom aronto to Ms bIrthplnce oI Beueornm nn Newfoundland south coast PLUS DOWN earlier and mhrked the sec ond decline In two years Graph shows wheat exports domestlc consumptIon and surplus by crop years IInca 1936 CF Newsmapl LEAN TENDER nouun STElLsJu nump nussr Sllltlllll or wmu srssxs fOVEN READY DRESSED KENSW max EVIfcsRATEn FRYING STEAK PATTIES PORK 39c snousnsns 59Fm ssussus $1 LB ONTARIO spams LAMB 10m mops 19° SHOULDER cCHOPS STEWING LAMB LEAN SLICED COOKED HAM MOTHERS JAM FRESH CUTUP CHICKEN LEGS or BBEIISTS AYLMER 14 OZ JAR lh Lets all go the Dairy Queen for andnmflzetFREE Thursday Friday delicious sundae September 14 15 FOREST APPLE AND RASPBERRY 02 39 CATELLI couxEn smurm CIGARETTES GREEN GIANT Dom Homaonowu No NEW POTATOES BEST BUY PRODUCE CARTON OF 200 GRADE FRESH mum Juli 79 Sci BAGS mm BUEHLEBSF fgi161nunLOR ST sautee45cv JOBS True 48 OZ TINS NEF6ARR0T5