smuta8 shout owncF sm main man WAY mam CHAMP wins marinas World ski charnplon Anne Haggtvelt display two tro phies presented to her Ifth Canadian National Exhiblunn Torontoin August They are ruse the Velma Springstea Vow phy inlt for woman athlete of the year and the Lou Marsh mphy for outstand ing Canadian athleteol the year Photo Provincial Govt Handing 0ch Road Building To Private Finns BAN Alta CPlProvin eial governments are finding It doesnt always pay to do their own road work Toronto oon trantor said Wednesday Watcrhouse represent ingthe Canadian Construction Associationlrrdebmrthr Canadinn Good Roads Associa tion annual convention said public works departments are without exception handing more of their contracts to private glrms He oliered statistics from ev nwny trom government owner Ihlp of equipment for building And maintenance He rejected suggestion by Edward Solrolowski engineer of Ontarios Lincoln County that the average municipailt could build and maintain roa rnnra cheaply because it doesnt need prctit or havato pay taxes He said Ncwioundland calls or pubiictcndera onaimost all work and Nova Scotia and ce Edward Island have told most or their grading only rnent Contractors braved it New 13an ick that the govern st estimates on its road operations neglected jsucb items as materials for porary structures trunking neering supra 11 and overhead Mr staid competitive bidding on all Its Pmiects and in Ontario 972 per cent of capital road con struction is done by the contract method Mr Sokoiowskl said munic ipauty can keep its engineering ondoonstnuotion personnel working the year around on both building and maintenance butthe contractor must keep paymg his key men through the idle winter months and add the costs to his bill on summer jobs or the government municipality can rent its diam5L Irelequipmentand salaries or inspector and proj ect superintendent by combining the jobs in one experienced em ployee he said Stole Prom Church Fine Woman $25 rononrq UP VAn unem ployed woman waslined $25 or five days Wednesday when she admitted stealing $1 from church poorbox so she could buy bread 41 first went to Mar Tallwhen she was unable to pay the fine and cheque uttered by police court newspaper man was rejected because it was not certified Six hours laterihowever she was released when the fine was paid anonymously are all hoping ARC HAWKISTONE Min Laura Marvell trons 10 mto is spending few days visiting Mr and Mrs Frank Harrison and Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh of Ore Station Miss Sharon Gray has let to also training at the East General Hospital We wish her swy success Mr and Mrs Hillard Prophet tram North Bay were guests of Mr and Mrs Roy Grey Mrs unter of Drillla is spending few days with Mrs Earl Davis Mr and Mrs Earl Leigh and amnion orEsrria spent Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrsdarnes Leigh The regular meeting of the Hawkestone WA and WMB was held Wednesday waning 39m at Mrs Harrisons coitus filViiiEITw who were married at Rose moat on Saturday afternoon Very so tolre rt Mr Whitley lsrisjrlck in Kalilston hos pital not feeling too good We dy or Bob very recovery IIjgghool bells all over the diet riot rang out this morning which meanrthaopeninrotschnol for another term Au schools around us are reported full Dont forget Everett School Falfwhicll is bclng held very soon by the various schools in the school area north and south Mr and Mrs Donald Wilkin son and family of Oshawa were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Cecil Wilkins Mr aners Fred Birch and children at Newmarket were viistrs at their parental homes here Mr and Mrs Reg Knox and Lonny were weekend visitors at their parential home in Ever ett and Creernore shower was held in the Everett United Church last Fri day for Miss Sharon Brown who is getting married on Sept 15 The bridewho received many beautiful giltsirom her many friends in this district Congrat ulatlions to you Sharon and ei woo Miss Mary McCorvey oi Tor onto spent the weekend with Miss Dianna Giiroy Miss Crowthers of Toron to visited her aunt Mrs Cole during the weekdnd Mr and Mrs McCormick of Toronto visited Mrs Heu chen on Sunday Mr and Mrs nrrr are on three weeks vacation at their cottage at Glen Echo Camp Collander Mrs Cecil Reynolds Mrs Fred Dale and Mrs Camp lin were in Barrie on Monday attendingvtbe WMS executive meeting in Collier Street Unit ed Church Miss Luplcn who spent the past rounds at the home oi Mr and MrsWlllard Brown returne ed to her home in Holleyhusy during the past week Mr and Mrs Glassiord on ire Pawn attend ed Cnlbdon Fair on Setundsiy Me Mrs Holstool Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Rose Watson Mr and Mn Pool Iawton of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Lam bert and family of Granted sp the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gordon newton at their cottage at Simooe Bosch lanky Simeon Mr and Mrs Brannon are on 32 szekhs guatiggdst on race district James Snunderson er was in town last rat or month an Mn Selby bbs his sister Mrs Dobbo is in StevensonMa morial Hospital for tho put two weeks hirsMcrcer ot Markdan Vis itcd her sistarLMrs Selby Hobbs patient in Ste Memorial Hospital in Al ton Harold Williams is patient Wmeti JuSLJosephs Hospitalinflor ontn GordonBillutulnod home is sit from Toronto Capers Hospital where he had been patient for two weeks We are pleased to report he is much improvad Rev Ferguson of Ottawa spent Thursday as the guest of Mrs Palmer Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds visited Mr and Mrs George Corner at their cottage at Big Bay Point on Sunday Mr aners Harry Camp lln returned home on Tuesday irons Onkview Beach saga where they spent the past two months Mr and Mrs Herb Harmon of Cotstown and Mrs Reg Reed visited Mrs Palmer on Wednesday Mrs Thomas Hurst Russo Hurst Mr and Mrs llm Hurst and Mr nd Mrs Jock Hurst were guests at the Taylor Hurst wedding in Brampton Un ited Church Saturday Sept Miss Carolyn utt arrived home via piano at Melton on Sunday morning from two month visit with relatives in amrose Alta Mr and Mrs James Lawton ca ot rrievisited Mr and Mrs Thomas Rutledge during the weekend Mrs Thomas Harvey is mit ing has non and daughteriniaw Mr and Mrsu Earl Harvey of Toronto Mr aners Thornton returned home last week after extended visit with relatives at hroeka Bench Weapon Mr sner Harold Watson and most vad last week to their no ome on Church streetrcently purchased from Kc nroi or Je Qpenee Mr and Mrs Mora one and familymoved du ng the past week totheir new apart ment in the McCaguo residence on Main Street East Mr and Mrs Peter Urbansiri and family moved during the past week to their new home on Main Street West gt Mr and MrsSL Peters and Iemily moved on Thursday to their new apartment in the Ur banski duplex on Second Street Mrs Houchan spent few days during the past week with relatives in Toronto NEW LOWELL commandantan In and irmniod her wi Mrs Humor and Mrs few days with Mr taro cchyol erono mtsml Mrs Jessop on the arrival of ltd spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs PIaxton Angus Tbe sympathy of the commun ity goes to the MoGililvsry fsrn ily in the sudden passingot theirbrotbor George who pu sed away after tire Also to the nephew and niece otmufliwï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ihfnisT red away after aniline HOLLOWS Mr and Mrs Fowler had corn roast with 21 guests in attandsncs most of whom were highwsy employees and their wives Em of Hamilton was visitor at home at Mr and Mrs Phil Wright The WA will meet at the hon Mrs Everett Wad nosdny Sept on at pm Annfwrsary services will be held in the United Church Sun dny Sept at 11 an and 73f Rev Genre of Dues en will be the speaker Spcciai music is being arrang ed by ti choir Congratulations to Mr on Mrs Ross McDowell of Toronto nee Hazel Hayes on the or rival of son Glenn Maurice Mr and Mrs Sydney Realty and children of Sutton West spent day this past week with Mr and Mrs Hayes Mrs Au Coin and child ren of Edmonton are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Eidweli Results of the annual flower show held at the school Fri d1y September Mrs Kati tlenf Guthrie judged the en Fnur Bachelor Buttons first trixes pr ze Brian Simpson second Myrna Slmiison Four Asters first prize Sharon Bidwcll second Judy Hutchinson Four stems Cosmys at price Brian Simpson second Myrna Simpson Four large Zlnnias lir It prise Sharon Eidweil second Shirley Johnson Four French Marigolds tlrst prise Judy Hutchinson second Shiriv Johnson Large Dahlia lirst prise Sharon Bidweil Small Dahlia first priu Sandra MacLeod second Hulchlnson Judy SICkroom bouquet first pri ze Myrna Simpson ueond Da Vid UNI SIMCOE COUNTY nil fowtb Sandra lucked Gisdiollflnt Juno summed ntchiasoa small Mir Handy also thanked Battle on bshsli the lobe and also the W1 to soon soring the floweroboe Congratulations to Mr and Mrs iordoa hldwell who colo hrsmm Mrsrdsrneellmderson spent it past weekend with Mm Roddy ol Woodbridgo Mr and Mrs Vincent Wilson IndWayns of iiton were Bond vislltï¬slgnythï¬rfonni In Mrs Melilon Mr and Mrs Walter llurlbert in ll arltetSund ling on Mrs Mr and Mn Cecil Hayes oi Victoria BC spent few days with Mr and Mrs Witmot tiny es prior to leavingI for three month holiday in British ls lee Anderson entertain ed ths Evening Auxiliary at the WMS Monday evening lilr and Mrs Charles Held of Orangeville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Butt and other friends Misses Bonnie and Millie Mercer of Caledon visited Sun da rill Mr and Mrs William ngraiuletions to Mrs Ande Bill Ernigh who won the Pearen Trophy in Brampton mixed doubles on Saturday with three wins with score of St plus The annual fowl tousnnment of mens doubles held Wednesday WEBB Jailsird8horoanid iiiiri W5 and WA met at the home of Mrs Gunilla Hansenf on Wednesday Itternoon Mrs Don Brown was in tb on The October meeting is to be held at mo Wednes sy were log Oct ll at the horns oi Mrs Doe Chantler day Visitors with Lloyd Cebun Mr and Mrs Ben Steers Mr and Mrs Doe Chantler Franc ea Anne and Marvin spent Sun day at Harry Gapps cottage at Rosseau Mr and Mrs Earl ianoor entertained Rev and Mrs liar per of West Hill on Sunday An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Mill CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ulariy Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday evenings For pro fessionnl services call PA H601 cons To in mm Sept 14th 15th 16th see us THEREl JEWELL See Our Display of 3a grandson ewe Tells Canada loin European Market MONCTON N3 CWEris Kiltlll of the Montreal and Cansdisn Stock kahuna said We an night it is time for Canada to sink all its unnatural mum atlsm and to apply for associate membership in the Errrepesa Common Market Warning that Canada needs germinal narrowest of commie policy the coming months Mil test in vision and statesmansz at we sovcmrnent loaders He told the Maritime Confor saCIubsihtHhr eventually to Great Brits damn oom In so rlous reexamination of our merclll policy in all our histv IERVING BARRIE AND DISTRICT Olilltlfl Sillitllll 7OF SillE DRIVING since L956 for appointment call PA 64535 ERY 45rd lil MY nIJZrCEti son or Sunnis pronouns srrnt PliiEES VALUES or To $1000 un now mt AT 100Orlon 34 III Sizes small medium my long mm NW whiteWow ofAutismns inventor looks youllseet atEangenueu Sires 3638 in green gold taupe Mal We $1498 on pullover or large in royal blue berry red green cbampoeuo ohm $798 bulky cardi gan with allover Scandinavian Wign Slus medium or large is whiteprom whitetools MEAT norm us llSTllEEliWSTlllllillq humanTs CUT FRESH EVERY nor 7100 GWERNMENmm ngmmATln 1007 GUARANTEED FEED Yllllli PliMiiY liliE ll lilNiillT THESE LOW PRICES Irena stew BEEF Round Centre Cut STEAK lb Dean Pot ROASTS lb BRISKET lbs for Whole BOLOGNA Sliced BACON lb lib 59 lb lb Round Bone 324 th Prime ROAST lb In STEAKIe lbfsllced BACONW In lb Pork SAUSAGE Fame49 nibMIIWIJBEEFr stair 59 iglildiik p159 $67 is 49 Loan Minced $100 east lbs dither 75 new 53¢ ease STEAK HOCKS 97° EACH $32 to 59° Wing STEAK Ih Lena Short me ROASTS lb Largo SAUSAGE lbs for Fresh Pork slog lb 53 lbs Prime Rib ROAST Cubed STEAKS Minced STEAK Pork RIBLETS 69 lb 79 lb 69 lt $100 59 BuiltEnd Pork CHOPS BUDGET TERMS ON HOME FREEZER is onoees gm WEEK lb Porkcurtars lb WIENERS TIb sTEWINoaEErff pkg CHICKEN Lo snap410st AT YountocsL KLEERPAKFQQD STORE 1245TIFFINISTnBARRIE OPENTILFFEEIFDNEY FRIDAY 91pm FREEHOME DELIVERY ON ORDERS $500 OVER PHONE PA 0501