FLOOD VICTIMS BEGIN SALVAGE ATTEMPTS Flood victims at Port Acres hogan salvage attempts by moving soaked furniture to lNNlSFILNOTESw Shower No Bother €53 To Oro FairGoers By was the tops of their flooded homes Several hundred homes in the flooded areas It has always been called the Worlds Fair No one seems to know why However it does draw good crowd Wednesday afternoon it was well attended but few min utes of heavy shower may have dampened the spirits of those who were there though we doubt if it had much effect on the attendance Most of those who were coming were in by the time the rain hit and few got too wet The races and ring showing were put over for few min utes while people took cover wherever there was any We had parked our jacket believ ing it would not be needed and perhaps it was better because the shirt did not take long to dry The sun came out again and all went on as usual The fair is meeting place many who go to see who they win run across We saw row of elderly men standing In the shade of one of the big pine trees that have beam the grounds since before it was fair We noted that one of these men was Tonr Simpson errMP Although they were five to the row they did not ap pear to be acquainted These gentlemen claimed they had attended the fair for many years some as long ago as 75 years INNISFIL EXHIBITORS There were large number of exhi tors of stock from In nisfilfCyrh Cook of flame northwestern group all to himself and led out just what fitted the entry knowing he would receive the prize This of course does not make for goodrsbow and wal have little doubt but Mr Cook will have some stiff competition Joyce Wilson took on the show ing of the Shorthoms of the Sproule herd while her dad Charlie is away on the good roads convention in Banff She was having things pretty much her own way while we were watching Harold Robertson with string of Holsteins was exhibiting in the double ring Jersey herd belonging to Wil liam Gibbins Jr was making its first showing since being taken over from Allan Lcnnox TOUGH COMPETITION in the pony entries an Innis lil ou owned by Cliff Webb was giv competitors tough time with the judges The Hughes exhibit from Stroud was making place for itself in the draft horse class There was little doubt that the showing made by these stock owners from lnnisiil help ed make the Worlds Fair cov er more of the world Of course we did not see them all and feel sure that when the prize winnarLlistlsrcadtherewllr be many more whose names will appear among the top three JUST T00 BUSY We dropped in at the Oro lTownship office on the corner of the highway where the turn north is made and found the township assessor Alex Gralt ham busy on his roll He said he was just too busy to go to the fair LdnnLhm work he said He refused to talk assess ment saying that good of ficial would not need any spec ial year to reassess his mun icipality He would do Uiis every year and always have his roll perfected when he hands it in This reassessing every the Barrie ExhibitionCliff so often is all wash he said arscadden Yorkshirebreed am always rteassessing and er was called on to act as judge iconic up to date ftbeLandrace breed when the He was ready to express his opinions on the present district fficial who had been expected or that class was unable to at so schooLanensdabentures ap proval tend However this not prevent him from participating The town of Barrie wants an opera house he said his own breed show for in of Serralunga hitch hiker pulled gun same term of thre picking pockets As the would he bandit stared at him Mario stopped the car and the armed hitch hiker climbed out sorry buddy notice doomed and fallouL Di Teller calls this danger DHI IIDDSEIISE saysmaayr v8 need only fallout shelters basements for protection in radioactive clouds downwind from blasts DANGER DECLINES The greatest danger would only few hours or day since radioactivity declines rapidly with time and distance he explains Closed windows 0W adiation and mak difference Stores food thriogh the time of real bazl ar Simple shelters could be made or dug sweepi last into ti foundation prime eed everywhere is reallycheapradiationdetect were filled to the windowsibyL the flood AP Wirephoto THIEVES DONT ROB THIEVES TURIN ltaly AP Marlo related Wednes day how he saved his wallet by appealing for among thieves He not only saved his money Ha got an apology from wouldhe holdup man who said Sorry Buddy didnt know you were robber too Tough luck buddy Mario 32 replied calmly when he picked up Im in the business stole this car less than half an hour ago Ive done one year stretch in prison and another months for rorr city survive he declares ut them églons couldcarry wood or sandbags jhonor saying gfEï¬respeet the aim of Soviet rockets aring nuclear warheads They are accurate says the tlnéimsity of California physl cis Warning systems promise to sound about 20 minutes advance time enough for most people to take shelter Butfew shelters exist Dr Teller strongly urg hugeteffort to build public an Janos HW thamlet in the United States CAN SURVIVE With them nine out of 10 cent of 10 will die whose genius fashioning the Hbomb Millions of people live in the fatalistiLfear of being utterly by radioactive winds six or eight out says the scientist contributed to of the cloud fallotlt sizeabie of water and EDMONTON CPIA multi million dollar which The returns in taxes and profits from the citys five util tiles mean silently lower taxes for the taxpayer ception of natural gas its been godsend to tax or from ReuiorIAP Bonn West Germans vote Sunday in general election made suspenseful by rising EastWest tensions over the fate of West Berlin as Iheywill er 86ye old Chancellor ad Aden auer whose advanced age may work against hlm or Brandt 47 yearold mayor of West Berlin Until the Berlin storm blew up month ago it seemed cer tain that on rs ruling Christian ratic Party would be returned to power for four more years Now the issue is more in doubt The 37000000 voters will elect upwards of 494 deputies to the Bondestag lower house IIAVE BEEN THREE There have been three general post war elections and Aden auers Christian Democrats have won them all Party standing in the lost House was Coalition of Christian Demo crats and Christian Socialists 278 Social Democrats 171 Free Democrats 42 DeutschParty six total 49 Brandt is nursing in this elec tion as social Democrat Can didate Other than the Christian Dem ocrats and the Social Demo crats the Flee Democrats are tha onlyllmportant force on the UrgesHuge Effort To Build Shelters NEW YORK APiDI Ed WTelrer ï¬as tors to judge hazards and for atterypowered radios to hear official reports For big cities and towns mass shelters are the safest answer with enough of them so people could walk to them in five to ten minded NEED am coNDmoNEns In many cases it would be important that these shelters have their own independent air supply ind air filters but this Ldo cos Basements of big buildings could provide shelter for mil lions of ity dwellers prime requirement is for well planned organization for leadeiship of life in shelters and afterward With underground stockpiling of food and strategic materials andaboveground storage in areas not likely to be hitthe co Vtry would have the start ing tools to get industry going with lry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 rrrrwsnrns new to around FROM 4950 RENTAL IndSERVICE BUSINESS MACHINES Dunlap St PA 84824 WMouwhmbmeahhaga llll EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Ball 356 BLAKE 5T Beside Kempview Bowl N6 mu FRIDAY TEEN NIGHII Latest Bit Records 50c Per Person Seturday THE IRYIIIHMEN $250 For Couples PARKING FACILITIES SNACK BAR Cabaret Style PA 68967 830 pm COLLIER STREET AUSPICES roor SEPT 15 15 FRIDAY ART artsy and in gm minim SATURDAY min ART GREY ADMISSION 75 N0 SLACKS oa mth asnaesumauraoorn payers citycornmiulonosJT JLJMeddlesaid Wednesday to Gemanggï¬lectionloï¬lteflect Tense Situation In West Berlin Ciwgowned Utilities SaVe Taxpayer M011 Edmonton owns its telephone transit Enemysten Wdirtribution electric light and power distribution lystem power generating and water Iuppiy and puriï¬cation works War the $68000 tumed to general revenue rep resented approximately 10 mills that laxneyers would otherwtse have bad to pay As well the utilities pay the eityatbrr onnalmun lclpleax lVyTid Ii rcant tax on gross revenue ther these the latter charges provide true picturs alncathey would brpaIdTIotheclty iftbe util es were privately owned political scene their leader is 4+yearoldr Erich Meade whose best chance to wield influence in the next government will be if his party can gain enough votes to hold the balance to power EFflefleflin crisis has caused many to question Adenauerr handling of it Brandt has eriti auerafiilure to show up in the divided city immediately after the Reds cut off travel between East and West Aug 14 has no cused him of failing to stand up to the Russians Bflld insists he ves priority to tary aspects of foreign policy instead of the diplomatic Adenauer on the other hand is urging cool deliberations at sununit conference backed up by high state of Western pre OIIAWA GP Another squabblethis time over fire fighting costs appears to be brewing between Newfoundland and Ottawa The matter came to light in the Commons Wednesday when Egan Chambers parliamentary secretary to Defence Minister Harkness revealed that the de fence department has billed Nova Scotia for $60123 outof pocket expenses for helping fight forest fires in that prov ince in September 1960 More than 400 troops were used rlt isiunderstood that Premier wood of Newfoundland Small found out about this federal bill to Nova Scotia before he was asked by the local military com mander to sign document say ing he had asked for 1100 troops to help fight fires in New foundla said it is always the practice for the local civilian authority to sign the form when asking MAY FIND DIFFICULT The implication was that 0t tawa now will have diffith time presenting Newfoundland with fireflghtingbill Fickersgill Liberal ltfl for Bonavistemillingate one of the firedamagcd areas urged the defencedepartment to don LEGION BINGO SATURDAY soar to l96 pan WOT STAR 110000 LEGION HALL 11 comes sr JEANS PERMITTED $42500000 paredness deficit in recent years But Smallwood Is Reluctant To Pay Cost Of Fighting Fires In Nild Defence Minis tar Harkness for federal help in such case knees ad LoatnotAoohlglr am 5m One of the happiest Ilpects of the situation for taxpayers to that the rain paid for the var ious utiliua are comparable to or lower than those paid anywhere in Canada The book value of the five is more than 583600000but thls is considerably below actual re placement cost said commis sioner meddle by 85mm since the end of the Second World War loathe last three years alone gross revenues have jumped nearly 5000000 to total 830542000 last nbsfledï¬llng city made its first vmture into the utilities field in 1902 when the popula tion was only few thousand by 1912 had latmched or ac quired9114i whichlt now operatu for its 276000 res idents Edmonton is in the rare posi tion of owning its own telephone system Rates are lower than those of the Alberta government tele phones system which serves nearby suburban centree and the rest of the province Without the major revenues from long distance tolls the city phone network has still paldtaxesaodprofi more than $12500000 since 1005 The system has expanded to more than 110000 telephones Even the hardpresscd transit systemthe only utility not re turning profitwith its fleet of more than 200 trolley coaches and motor buses has returned just under $100000 since its start In 1909 Hit by declining passenger traffic and rising costs the transit system has operated at ate the services of the 1100 soldiers sent to Newfoundland last month when Gander airport wasxhreatened The federal gov emmentshould regard its help as national contribution to Newfoundland in tirelface of great disaster Mr Harlmess said that In such cases the civilian authority is requested to pay the costof transport and of any equipment used up or destroyed ï¬x iAMDUS PIRIERS mum CONnmoNEn NOW snowmo IS TRUE LIFE STDRV MAKES FlCllflN SEEM TAME tiiiiiiiitt show Yorkshire TEE HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY 10813 TRY WE WANT ADI PHONE PA 824 IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING ZFsoture All Color Show Sltlilil EIDIIIS hilflilli IRIEAN ADVENTUREWith lilt EASI til it itill By Engagement ATHENS4ReutenlPrlncess Sophie 22yearold daughter of King Paul of Greece is en gaged to ry Don Juan Car los the man who one day may bcr king of Spain it was announced Wednesday lnMadrid the Spanish gov ernment said it ll very satisi tied with the engagement of yearold Carlos son of Don Juan pretender to the Spanish torus the for it still pays to the city brightens the picture Biggest moneyearner for the city overits lifetime has been the power generating water supply and purification system has returned nearly $17500 lloozln taxes and profits since ill and m° an CONTINUOUS mom pan All one mommanu Noaho ï¬lm hakrmmbaum Iboqnofllndldnm mumruafuanm stapmooAirbdew um hanmlw iawsiumsnswmh ePtuW mu ammupuawlm Muldrhmdnd Imï¬blpaumnamg mulls acidsIsz Your concurnu recount vases EVERY MONDAY BARRIE ARMOUR liso pm 1000pm PHONE PA More 8MB DAN FOR INFORMATION APPLICATIONS WILL CLOSE 001 1001 Sponsored by noon Association 491 Wing Rover shaman Am Coors as IBlll0N BARRIE FAIRGRQUNDS ouvlLorNGsopeussvntv EVENINL zsarukbAYarraTrrTooN HORSERACES LIVESTOCK PARADE SATURDAY EVENING monumentalIre