Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1961, p. 4

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QUEENS PARK Former Clerks Book Laid Down Rules 16 Bayfleid ltflfl Blflil Ontuin raunsnaranlrzmzaicim Must Educate Children Dangers Of Traffic Vfiltlshtragic fact that 191 children un thatiace them till as der ii hi mmgcooor1ugior or vehicle accidents on theatrseta and reads delivering papers anduplaying hways in Ontario last year How much arouhd the strae more must happen before public apathy amkens to the seriousness of the situa $00k FagggilfiumI wfiflifii tionl That iigurerdoes not end ther ortant safe rules ior dren along mm We mmi Rita widetvarletg of other materials rgghggggegg935933 he aidltltitachdra in safety tugsan CB Car enCOIUI mm In visit schools and give munmsd talks for the remainder of the lives gt of all the hysical and mental suffering Hon Rowntree does not ropose cli to end his endeavours within con these chii on have had to endure So we are pleased to note that the fines of school The program planned by Minister of Transport has directed that the Minister of Transport is also aimed at encouraging srente to on elm special kit of training aids and motor ials be sent to the princi sis of the more liar program home on the vital im than 8000 public priva and separate goltance of teaching their youngsters ow ii Published by Claim Newspapers mind DON MAIN renameiner has ably never been man legislature who has was not only his tamer mwspaper background that made him solid friend and Ilia adviser in us In the pres ery ammunition me He wuagenueman and the wt uw Qc same courtesy was extended to Iii is to make very ivfir Th sinneoi othern new All prob kt intlila Ferrous oi influence Maior Inwla was among the died at as latter and be carried hlL Handelstint IlHosHsoc hfihmolmhem no iirfiifl LETTERS IO EDITOR His book still lays down the rules Lander which the house AUDITORTUM Dear Sir Upon following the operates AAnd son carries on as clerk the position the major tilled ior to years no Lewis carneler was diatim cd in sever ways First he started as news $333535 €638713 iorium have yet to hear oi He was as oi the last mem my good lumen In and hers oi this notsohumble pro the adech ieulon as to be an elected reo bum rasentatlveeinethlachamberT In the 80s iournaliataroiten were active politicians Apparently it would be elementary schools in the rovince All to conduct themselves when in trai great help to the Barrie band in the hope dren on the dangers Wéfién Bank Now we ha And why not President Nova Scotia in hi appointment of agers in the histo ing noted that ban ing with the times to keep its approac changing communit managers is Ottawa branc Women have won inmany fields of the it does not see when they were of educating the chi va women bank managers Nickle of The Bank of announcement of the the two first women men of Canadian bank ng must keep mov was an endeavour in tune with the One of the new Toronto the other in an equality with men business world In too many years irst allowed to vote or is the distaif side confined to long caching and nursing There are school ailout drivelHobrstarte It even only one life was saved the program would be worthwhile Managers many prominent lady doctors and lawy ers and four mm are of parliament and cabinet minister in Canada For years iris have been used as clerks and telors in Canadian banks some even as junior accountants With the new opportunity to handle the af fairs of their branch banks from the managerial chair the success of these women should open wide the door to the fppointment of others to similar posit one it has been proven that in most fields of activity in this complex business world women have the iiit to carry out exactin work to their cre tend the standing the firm by which they are employed rapidly expanding horizon exists for competent gir Other Editors Views All lleasons lor An Affirmative vote OTTAWA REPORT Anecdote Parallels The Gouzenko Care By PATRICK NICHOLSON The hot and oppressivon hu mId weather which Ottawa has been enduring recently was par alleled In September lust is years ago lgor Gouzsnko Ir crst cipher clerk at the Russian Embasry here described how of responsibility we shall find at change will come that will make vast dliierence That change has indeed come In the form oi vastly increased Communist espionage and kin dred activities hero SAME BRUSHOFF Seem Small Indeed her of the house First World War Conserva gve representing Toronto rid Today they seldom contest oi Major Lewis also was mem iollowing the And then for years as clerk he was the man who ran the machinery of parliamentprob ably the highest position oi tnut we can give public servant WAS KINDLY We remember Major Lewis our department of external ab kindly hfle iairs He was abruptlytoidiiLrgiiun whence he had come Yet surely that department should recall that earlier lesson that It Is our Mounties and not the diplo mats who are paid and trained to screen refugees True the UsAcmbassy here also later reiusetl to help Klot chko but properly on the grounds that be was on Cana dian not US soil Luckily smart US security officer trained by the CIA heard oi his appeal lie traced him to his Ottawa hotel contacted him and later correctly want to consult not our was All former members of recent case alsuemember him tondiy For more than two decades he the man who showed them the ropes Ile swore them were iirst elected And when they asked where their oiilce was or how the in when they prime minister would get hold oi them he gently broke the news that they really were only part oi ialrly large herd He was man who was dis tingulshed thy his courtesy the students in its training but since when should the band training he put before the academic training oi the students and at such high cost to the ratepayers can not see why room has to be built large enough to hold all the students In the high school when there is the PA system ior the principal to address all me time iinoceasary think it is about time the collegiate board no matter who ey represent draw the purse strings little tighter and build only what is necessary forms present and with an eye to the iuture but without the expen sive irllls which add nothing to the training of the students When the collegiate board talks about looking to the future would it not be good idea to look into the possibilities oi an overall principal or supervisor so that all the colieglates which could be to four within in years on all be run the same instead of each having to own ldeaon the courses and books to be used and which is very expensive for student ii he has to change schools RATEPAYER BIBLE THOUGHT to Indivno Th shake up of top Communist lien for law au proceed Party P0515 in the Soviet repub irom ms and will mu my lie of Azerbaijan was disclosed BRIGHT SPOT IN CONGO Port Arthur NewsChronicle One world trouble of that shows increasing signs of stab ty is the Con Cyrilie Adoula moderate and inte gent politician has been named premier He has the allegianceof all parts of the Congo except Katanga and Moise Tsh ombe who sits as chief there is proper ing to send delegation to Leopoldville to arrange complete unity the unreasonable humidity then soaked the telltale espionage documents concealed beneath his shirt against his skin as he smuggled them out of his em bassy Foreign diplomatic circles here have lior some weekenbonn buzzing with another anecdote whlch also closely parallels the Gouzanko case As we look back over the in iervenlng years we ieel pride that the largest haul of spice traffic includes gravel trucks as well as transports Because this is one day in the week when passenger vehicles are using the highways to the greatest ex tent the provincial trafiic laws impose restrictions on the movement ofheavy trucks and transport traffic on this day Admittedly the heavy trucks and transports move at fast clip on the level straightway but they fre uently climb steep grades and hills at lit ie more than Adoula is westerner in his political 10 or 15 miles an hour sometimes slow outlook He does not come from tribal or This means that fast movin traffic ever made was that nursian py and village background and has not on highway posted with 60 limit ring disclosed by dousenko played provincial politics He is on out pfleg up BcmmgLJmiwlih4¢herilolprofem spoken mamqu been alumna up after dlans was searching out our dedicatedto restoration of law and or of the the temptation is great on the Itnmlc secrets In 1945 We re ds part of most motor vehicle drivers to try mm mm mm MB Whether Adoula can bring about that and ass When conditions are not fav um have summoned an hlg restoration remains to be seen Promik crab to passing the line of foliowin ioric act The people oi Canada ing attempts in the past have been de assen tartsto Miithrworili SIGYour dibt jealousiesandamhitin gate to set up hazardoligjaflichL the splintered political groups But if nation Adoula cant the Congo islin sad straits Insofar as Highway 69 is concerned No one else has shown either his tem there is still need on the part of the perence or his ability to win the respect department of highways to reexamine of Wlfle assprlment of lenders the locations of passing lines on the ck Kl Adoulas rise isaevictory for the Un number of these broken flifitfiranfthflumafiérx lted Nations The UN missmn has work to as are eluted in lplaces where has and Waugh the ed hard against heavy odds to reactiv it would be ex emer ris to take lo ing day cerium tried in atethe parliament and flat premier in chance in passing vehicles They might va to see our minister oi jus afflge acceptable to par ament For the have been safe enough for Sitmile tlco Mr Louis st Laurent or time it has succeeded eedlimits but the invite accidents at 19 flier lemme 0mm Adoillas first job as he sees it to miles an hour But he was rebuiled and un etribal faction sympathetically turned away flan ito see to it at the Congo does not SNORKEL HAZARD Mr StLaurent did not see become battlefield for the cold war Cape Breton Pom aim ghee het called hii lgi succeeds in these he 095 even Its itifuli evident that le Islation chum efuii bigger jobseconomic mumnwwmgg theyuse of snorkel 5118mm be atrangeiy paslsedleictmofynotwtz onrmcréasma ty of the central enacted just as 19 isiauon once became our RCMP security force but to govgmmeni imperative to forb tabs saled of triade gffldfififlfirgégmflagt quote reservers recor has een REKT FIN esmbushe that snorkel and damn filiglsaiuthfimenm My TO DEVELOP FOR FUTURE KEY POSITIONS iN BRiTé NS or masks are grave hazard unless of minister In charge King explained to Pariament EST SUPERMARKETSi good quality or used diplomats but our Mounties De spite the late alteroiiice hour he was aliie to get inI touchlwith unnk an exper anced sen or of car palKn finalct helllu llligiflil Kloltclig was here are outwardly mi In BY IWIY Tuead An earlier shakeup in but inwardly shocked RCMPTM Mom Juaeie£imfixe Ir0 1119 caulk h0W1 Pubfle Russimi Icientlst DrKloté as WM Religion and Gods will for oocurradlast year Three PW got the same brushoiLasGou niin are essential to the best leaders appointed then were fe renko when last month he in both individual and national moved In the latest reorganizo sought help an asylum irom lire ilon Yet Canada did not learn from that lflsastrous experience when diplomatic in nearly RED OFFICIALS FIRED MOSCOW AP Another lry An Examiner Want PHONE PA 52411 MET ROADBLOCKB But We conveniently forget that Gouzsnko accomplished that act despite the active dia couragementhe received from FQRLIBERMARKELOePORTUNlTIES IN GREATBRITAIN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FREE HIGHWAYS SUNDAYS Sudhurystar TWO large transports tailgating in southerly direction on Highway 69 Sun day evening drew attention to the need END OF HUGE CAR FASHION NewYork Times Restoration of the American automo ile to more ractical footing continues as evidenced the growth trend to smaller and less frillbedecke cars The new middlesized 1962 models that will sopn be appearing inrdealersahowrooms favorably to Gouzenko and emphasize interior roominess economy canlatch nciusio foperation modest styling and careful thought heshould be told persons old much later thought this was Vs at who field with 1° locale mm axe ESSENTIAL BUT em eap mo snor as or young MUST BE SINGLE 18 TO ERIEN 32isashairpiislnattht it We armament wouw BE DESIRABLE an officer was on continuousrdutly overf Wm hm°l5° Elimile or 25mile stretch of lughway if°lwz agnmflywnfl £161 aggartlfigorg flggzeléggei Ego $013531 questigns explained Mr King SELECTED APPLICANTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONTRACT FOR es out of the cityTheygtcould have been 33 YEARSVKW que tioned as to what they were doing once from ior secret service on highway on Sundayvandrthedrlvi erfiliEy charged for driving almost bu or to hamper Tess has been noticeable increase the amount of commercial traffic it the highways on Sundays and thief of seeking assist specialists in the RCMP Mr King nervously answered those questions ior himselIalwaysun en lneering Some of the soundest func Wk will embas tibial advancesvinrthe industrys history Wgsegjmwrne hd may be just ahead Detroits excessive reoccupation withnonessentials seems enavn anncnanr alripily at an cndand car life and use Thu Gainerk0 was sent away fu ness are growing instead of the size Wm WW rm death as traitor but ior the this car mam courageous intervcntion of nihere sailgin gin illwei Pitfall ru or nze Paragraphically Speaking wmflgwwumg As if to endorse his naive mis understanding oi international hostility Klng later gavePar liament this amazing example of his to ring gulllhility What know of Generallsslmo The Barne Examiner Authoriz mail Post on rtment Ottawa Dalisudundays and Statutory Holidays excepted WtKENNETfl WALLS Publllhl BRIAN snaresm oensm Manager McPKBBBON Minhat Editor cannons wanna Business Manager noezna suntan Advertising Manager JOHN nonnan circulation Manager Gill flllfl 50 in Byruaii In cull VVVVINVIDEREON QR WRITE GIVING EDUCATION AND AlL PARTICULARS WITH SNAPSHOT TO ARMSTRONCHERSONNEL DEPT memo5545 LAkEsiloar BLVD wear TORONTOiONTARiO Its serious mistake to turn your backon reality says psychologist Yes indeed Evelsrtlme you do so realiity sneaks behin and givesyou sw max met pants Stalin causes me to believe that Morons thinks wonder drug is the he would not countenance i6 ltind doctor gives when he wonders Effie if $33 ff whats the matter with you Morona has Ii ahenltoreforjless lucid interval now and Ehifwienhiggiiai 331an to im and to others in Ivmziion rnntn mctac eat doorgia at ME News or Put In erai and the ossiou no Universii Ave ontrsaii me PPLICANTS MAY APPLY our or TORONTO SUPER exclusive ai as it or The entitlld to the etched in

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