Earth Executor Publishedby Canadian Newspapera Limited 16 aayrma street Barrie Guiana sarcomas unarm Barrie anqdia hBc1ckgr MW OTTAWA REPORT PM May Amplify Speech 0n Berlin PATRICK NICHOLSON Prime Minister John Dielec baker will probably lay Can adas wmmonunae viewpoint and welcome frah ideas before the United Nations this fall ihStiiGeneabl se ave organization forover so years and its first meeting come for the 196182 season lo reclate the significance of the birth 1Canadian Clubs one has to re is soon to call that Canadisnrsentlment andveven national awareness in the 1890s were at very low ebb Canada outside Quebec was peo led with expatriated irishmen Scots an Englishmen Not man Rbougbt of themselves as Canadians it ose then was to organize Cans orum for the discussionof Canadian is sues=ondlthe creation of distinctively pulation This reputation cannfl fbe grained without an alert and informed reco their ape which affect Canada public oï¬inlun at home Canadian Clubs Kimmy elabout half are on international matters Canadian Club members are part of national movement dedicated solely to préservin considers ing Canadians abou Canadlaanentitya le outside ressure to infom Canadas part in world affairs and to broadening Canad ians horizons 77 tionlike those ofroth rs Normally Cada deega trier is headed by our foreign mianIer But if as Respected the head of government of many another country again attends briefly to deliver major speech and to consult his fellow leaders that our Prime Minis ter will do the same Without such an international pattern Mr Diefenbaker would not step in over his trusted lieutenam foreign minister Howard Green Last fall Mr Khrushchev led parade of national leaders to lbw wbehre hueltivered lpeec on ommunv lit line Mr Dlefenbaker was We must be ready to define more precisely Western ohteo fives That we have not done You will never fill empty stom achs with the promise of parlils mentary government 3m wnarwasrmnro It racyl objectives of arm solution full stomachs as well as full employment and rosperl for all nations This eriviaagesz world wide coordinated pro gram of technical assistance At present we giveour Colombo Plan aid to some Asian mun trles Britain joins in that and also extends helping cheque to Africa USA as separate plans for aid to those countries which will cooperate with her militarily and now also offers aid to Latin America But what we of the West des perateiy need is coordinated plan for all accompanied by colordlnated program of inform LTCanadian Clubs do more than just list Canadian outlook it as time to take en Weaken 00d Cmdlm Club the first Western lender to ccun iimmiimrfliiï¬iï¬ti whatii definite ste stu deepen and den tor with an outs en rebuttal hi Winbe gunhaw um htP and he won scum and inter bent uiev and Whfli regard of anadians for their land if the wel blrth or adoption and to increase tb interestin matters affecting fape fleiobjeCiSJL suclTélubs would be the encouragements of the study of history literature and re sources of Canada the recognition of nativeworth and talent and the foster ing of patriotic Canadian sentiment And su me canrltumcmn got started crfprms watch 0g function assist iir or nud ng into action other org aliens local via national by various ere there is some obvious on of other objectives Local historic1iestharï¬nï¬leciédï¬thive significance have been marked anadlan Clubs Free classes in basic English for new Canadians have been have coins are rovi een organized Citizenshi ed Exhibits of Canadian art cerem regulsrly attended Can STILl MELTING national acclaim for his speech DISARMAMENIBESSIDN This year it is likely that Khrushchev will choose the UN as the forum for propaganda speech on disarmament In that case we may expect to see Brit ains Macmillan USAa Kon nedy our own Diefenbaker and many other lenders also speak ing for their countries Emspemus healthy life it will ring them rseanuchM ourWeshv era to underdeveloped coun tries is overlapping delayed and wastefulthrough lack of such coordination in our own infer tests we of the Westernwnrid should set up vigorous and im aginatlvo ngnndn centre well so plied with funds brains and on orlty which could dis adian Club representatives in some cit ies These are only few examples Canadian Clubs feel that their job is to bring distinguished Canadian speak ers unscreened by reporters interpret ers and commentators into direct con tact with the biggest and best audiences indications suggest that Mr Dieienbnker would like to liver is speech which would structively am semlnato webtern democrati de pletlimhy uamong the underde con na ans We are liiyv his recent for perhaps hopelessly far My muchpraised lnnlpeg address hindthe Communist lenders on lntematioonal aairs ills the struggle for mens minds proposals would win Canada so we have not even an agreed and claim in every nation seeking acceptable declaration of demo peace and prosperity for its citi cratic aims All we can show is the ï¬rst bi meeting bein held on March 23 1898 lg theend of 907 nearl 80 Canadian ubs had beencrganized rpm coast to coast in 1909 at Montre there wasor anized the Association Canadian Clu which becamefermally which became formally inco orated by Actof Parliament in 1939 ose Fish Restocking Program as expressedin2theAct wa er throughout Canada on interest in public affairs andtooultlvatethereln an tsfiljo ost attachmentto Canadian institutions Canada has changed vastly in the 50 yearssincethe Canadian Club move ment began its spread The nation has changed the Canadian city has chang ed One of the problems of increasing irn ortance is Canadasplace inworl af airs her policies her commitments Canada occupies position in the worlds Oritario is lawahidin place seeking whole Most of the law takes place under wraps But on the streets and highways citizens break the law re peated dangerously and openly and it seems that there is nothing that can he done about it Many drivers who obey most of the rules imposed traffic regulations and st of the es imposed by common sense break one hnportant restriction whenever they get into traffic They fol low too close They do this day after day as matter of course whenever they take the wheel Of course they have to lye it up for whileif they spend some If they probably go right ba ck onrbut on the road and do it again when the fractures ten traffic smashups is the consequence of follow ing too closely says the Ontario Safety League It is terrible riceto pay for have healed Nearly one out of every the privile or rather upldity of driv g4ionf mpacksriï¬srprlcethnris aid for enouungi Because tailgating oes not benefit the driver in any way on the lbleeJnL inc communities across Canada whichcan be assembled in all the main Over the 60 years since the turn of the century there is no way of weighing how much thousand speeches year on Canadian Club platforms have contribu ted to helping formalism is senseof Can adian identity for from finished and unity This work is in Barrie it started as the Womenis Canadian Clubt but two years later was broadened to include men members ilhe time savedbv rallying driver who crowds noun flcahead isne lig hfcit Home 36 dr vet who keeps well oftenhas the ride with the fewest ho dupe be is able to see well ahead and has he opportunity to move into freeflowing long when some thing threatens to block thellaneheis in It seems that the police have no pra tical we of enforcing observation of reasona le andprudentbetween boar distances All they can do is lay char or after collision hastakpn place 0n expressways resrlendco us are the No cause of deaths and mules And yet onesees examp es dangerously close every few secon 00W when driving on supér highway Wastesj Money Expert Says By BEN WARD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPLIf the fishing starts to decline in your favor ite lake dont go yelling for restocking program Chances are it will be nwnslc of money Two experts in fish manage ment contend that anglers who look to hatcherles to remedy poor fishing are still in the dark ages of fish management The advantages of artiï¬cial over natural production the effort and costs required in hatchery operation says Clemens oi the University of iltish Columbia zoology dc partment Echoing thaPreentimentfltlrs Larkin olUBCs in tin of fisheries who says mos casca hatchery culture is an dubiouslnvestment and nlï¬cr satlalactory substltnt natural reproduction The comments are contahr in study papers prepared for the Resources for Tomorrow conference inMontrcal0¢t 25 mavens rLdoos Among the topics tcbe tack led at the wideranging ence will be the future of fishing in Canada and what can be done to ensurethepreser votiop of good fishing areas provement of spawning beds and development of artificial spawning grounds shows prum iae of becoming more efficient aura for declining fish popula ons Flood control was another im portaot factor preventing flash floods from destroying spawn ing beds and keeping water levels to point at which fish can ascend streams easily He suggests reforestation as way of rehabilitating sportflair ing streams by creating the Mr Larkin says hatchery fuh often die soon after release be cause they cannot cope with the sudden change to wildernss water or are injured and ex haustedin transport SEARCH FOR CHEMICAL Both experts say the removal of undesirable fish sparked the best wayof developing better game fishing But the problem is to find chemical which will do the job without harming the desirableiish Expetiments are under way to find such chemical and the search has been spurred by development of the lamprey ccl poison which destroys the eel butwenflshjndnvat life unharmed researcher places Mr Laririnsee rpecies and retain the best features of each Mr Clemens says auchhy bride can be developed in batch cries easily enough but when Ithey are released the hybrids will inferbreed with the natural fish population and quickly lose the new strain The only way to retain hybrid was to stock barren lake with the new species an experiment which hadnt been tried on the sale needed to decide its value LifyJoodanLcovarflshneedHa tdreries are not altogether discarded by the two reports Mr Clemens says hatchery raising may be essential in cer tain areas where natural spawn ing becomes impossible And thfhput and take policy whcre larger hatchery fish are re leased to be nought almost im mediately Ark Govt Aim ey soars MisKEW Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON CPiiBritaIns for economic sacriflcu has roe vainrin much faith in the development alum 17123111 Wine flutters of hybrid no in which solen that the sovemment should aim The Ontario Safety League reminds drivers that theTuie of calculating proper distance from the vehicleahead One car length for every 10 mph offspeedal Jilhiséisra minimumAn applies only todrivlng in good icondrt ions When driving conditions are poor thedistance must beiincreased Other Eiciiiorsiill71evilsL years annual report begticks Can POORKSHOWINGIN RESEARCH Montreal Star DrSteacie ofthe Natio Research Council writes powerful brief when he defends research activity He has long fought against any suggestion that the Council be brought on or the Civil Se viceCommisslorrlesrhihscientiats lose the freedom of action they cherish He has also been eloquent in challenging the humanists to proveitbat the human lties are superior to the sciences as adls cipline ALttsro Rcronrsvnaoucm to educate the whole man lnthis Going hack to Au ust27 1938 quotewasfromsthe ing th drought was ears the Regor Epithen butrsom citizens near had ston Herald stat quite as bad 40 at The Barrie Examiner mama Post Offch suhdays no stliutory Hoildlyrex rthNlm waLurnbnaasr nnrAN snararn Gsnerll Malich MchlON Manling sonar CHARLES WADGE hollow Mantra nonnnr ransom Advertising Mensar scarecrow Circulation Manager lflgampgons re ea 00 say Emmi th told any mun ntarlo jam year as vsnit Av ntreal nu The Audit surname businsular The Canadian rm ts uninhivag use or ubiio tion or all new Ito on loan by camr sse we fly mail in on ri to three months cunts adian industry for its meagre supportto research He says theiiGovernment sponsors about the same relative level of research asythe American one andabout half as much as that of the British Indus doesntdo nearly as well British and Tlndustry sponsor about four times much research as its Canadian counter part If this remainsa permanent failure wecari resign ourselves to lie inferior position we now hold as an industrial power DOwn MemoryrLantri maladiesannemurysndkoidattae 1895 summer when there was no hay cro nor fail wheat frost June kill ed he tender grain also blossoms and almost anything above ground One far meLfnumLpeastrawthat fal hollow two years before and the barn forfeed Many oldtime bed hid the new 1516mm is lipiledin took it to ticks were emptied of straw for feed but in springthe cattle wegalmpst too wool to cod on new pastur ers had Many dbeen killed iuwlnter for lack of EB iTECUMSETIl ALsucs caor Back to 19861tl1reelecumscth farm Wont WMi good crop of aisike cloverï¬wlth others othersOn adjoirung farms word rumble CagueLail neighbors receivedon or $6400 for their aia Beeto World nths drought electric storm Willard Broom and Me of the ninth concession These gregate of ov tatcd the Au ust Epilet Mr Clemens says the in thts seeka cross two or more mon raoivxok British Austerity iliiects Car Buyers MciNTYBlJ noon rng incleased it is being boost iondon England Correspondent ed from 20 per cent to 25 per For The arm Examiner cent on all vehicles up to LONDCN Buyers of outlive3myes oid F9 one is deposit ones and 13 per mobileaï¬ccmmerclnl motor ve nemwm 11mm hicles and motorcycles on the Instead 25 Per cent hire purchasewor instalment plan are going to face much 0n mode rate priced popular stricter financial terms that will cur the amount of down Pflli ngment financingare up by one per cent immédiglbly dim trout would be riled cost them more money Ee cnuse of the higher bank rate my measuresyin Sclwyn Lloyds flittle budget the Finance Horses Association has announced changes in lots erestrstes down paymentsnnd deaiers commissions Members ment will be up by from $00 to 100 On secgnd hand car three years old costing $850 the down pay ment will go up from ï¬loto $7135 iods is one of the features of tide sssoclationhandie fowwhicLismoLhclngmhflged it fifths of all hire purchase bus iness in Britain The remainder is handled by independent fin once firms which may 1tlck to their present rates in the hop gabiflerishnre ot the business All interest rates on instal On new cars and commercial 10 per cent 01 used cars up to three years old it is 11 per cent On old cars ochthree yea POWN PAYMENTS UP The association also announc jeathatthe amount of down ancing of car purchaser is be Iest Supposin Suppoun melatonin could swim Waydownionrthe lake 7And sa simply wild with keetcr bites all over old it is is per cent rpokcsrnan for the remains at 35 monthson new cars and so monthson cars over three years old comssrons cur eerMLbeML hit so ere hlnw Dealers commissions forintroducing new business to the financing com panies jnre being cut from 15 percent to 10 per cent This has already brought strong protést from the dealers who claim they have become victims of hnfaikdlscrimlnatlon From carmanufecturcrs and trade organizations the first re action was onelof dismay The Society of Motor Car Manu facturers was particularly criti cal of these new moves by the finance houses The result they claim will be decided drop in sales of cars inthe domestic market at time when the export record is none too good buoyant home make is absolutely essential to maintahl ourproductlon at level which will enabla us to compete cf fectively in the export markets This could not havecome at worse timed and over and The length of repaymeiitper society its austerity gunsa llttlehigher The feeling is that the top peo ple have been getting away too easfly during the eight or so economic crisesrthe country has faced since the warwhile the middle and tbeiï¬tloma have carried the load Some argue that while the Conservative govermncnts great deflation to help bal ance the unfavorable export import payments may not en able the rlchTo geï¬lcher one tning lscertainthe poor are getting poorer The increase in thebank rate to seven from five per contend the hoisting of purchase sales taxand exclse duties by it per cent has lined up few warriors on the slde of theunderdog Royalty and pageaatry have come under fire from critics along with speculators gt Selwyn Lloyd chancellor of the exchequer is confident his economic measures will uphold thestrength of sterling im balanceofmpayment andmaltntain sound basis for contlnuing prosperity of the na But Wiliinm Hamiltoii Lu bor memberjot Parliament sug gested that n£50000 plan to novate Princess Margarets the need to curtail penditure HITS REMODELING lie urged the government to reappraisc other expenditures public ex on royal palaces and asked why avery thin highlyprivileged and in the main useless minor lW should beexempt from making economic sacrifices James Boydcnranother Labor member asked Afr Secretary Julian Amery whether the min ister would consider cutting drastically the expenditure of £130000 on the RAF Queens Color squadron since more do lens One such proposal might deal with the future status of Berlin The fournation occupation of thatcltynand the isolation of the western sectors totally sur rounded by Communist terri tory are impracticable as per manent arrangements As Mr Dietenbaker pointed out to the Canadian Bar Asso ciation in Winnipeg these or rangemeots were arrived at in the mistaken belief and assump tion by the Western allies that wartime cooperation with the Soviet Union would continue and thatithe occupation of Germany would not be indefinite in that same speech Mr Diefenbaker dropped hint that Canada may have an even more to nth in the cold war suggestion which passed unnoticed by most commentators itwas contained in these three brief sentences muddled unplanned rivalry backed by wanton latitudes Mr Dlefenhnker as pointc the urgart need As he so truly saldYou will never fill empty stomachs with the prnmlsLof parllomentary government Reium Subs To Iapanese Govt TOKYO ReutersiOne of the five Japanese midget submm ines which took part in the at tack on Pearl Harbor in the pacific in 1941 has returned home after resting on the ocean bed for nearly 19 years The late of the twomemhers its crew remains unimown as isvtha case with most of the new oLother midget sub ines which took part in the tacks on shipping in Sydney harbor Diego Suarez harbor on Madagascar island in the im dianOcenn and off the Solomon AusteritTGlliSï¬Jfliï¬rcmft was brought back lit The Higher Income Brackets short sharp temth shock to group which is to Yokosuira near Tokyo and will become memorial either at Yokosulra or at Euro the submarine base of the former Japanese imperial navy in western Japan mmnglhEHMmretmmm 1W yrcnlr umnlst John iclley Jelley calls for tax on but lers nurscmalds maids chauf feurs and second gardeners or BIBLiTï¬OUGHT polo ponies yachts helicopters and race horses on port spate toppers caviar and hunting horns on hyphens titles orders and coatsofarms it would be no more unfair than raingllng out the pleasures and possessions of any other group And it would bea change tohcar the bowl of fury and disrnsy that would go upgfrom the people with whom ur rulers spend their weekends foundmimicrer by navy divera about mile from the channel entrance of Pearl Harbor it was lying in 70 feet of water wads to these taun wghich thnu hast providediLuis 20 We build up fortunesor com peienclcs for old age orfo our families but who can fo cast the future Our spiritual treasures are the only riches certain to last Incoming Tourists Drive Them Mad HM BOYLE the ricli and the NEW YORK AmRemarks byvincoming tourists that diive customs inspectors to the bor der of insanity Whatawrong with wearing two overcoats in Au ti Youve lust got naturally sus plcious natureJZ You meanthose funny odd aped stonesycu found inside the heel of my shoes aredia mondsl Well let me tell you home at Kenslngtonmalacem to wear tiloae should be droppedln view of shoes on bet Go ahead wise guy and open the bag it took me and We and the steward to close it Lets see how many of you it takes to gethcr again imagine ithavlng to be searched to get back into your own country Have cigar Have two cigarsi JUST LAUNDRY its heartwarming to see how patient andthnrough and bard working youg boys are Never mind that bag over there ok just alrahle al experimhundry were being cut Daily Mail columnist says that some day he would like to se chancellor who would br the country to its senses Do me arfavor wlll you lmznsd at my wife Qpcn all pur bags The first one is mindthe other it are hersJ Oh you saythcre are 12 by penalizing thetop peopledrrrLbottiea and Im only hilowed stead of the mlddlcs and the ttoms do not envisage this as nernlanent measurebut just as felWell maybe one of ya boys would like one or But ad airline for extra bag put it back to deny it dont understand Why do have to pay you tool Letslstep over hére behind this pillar and talk the whole thing over man to man dont like to point out Ive got connections but What do you mean its worth so in Switzerland they told me ltwas Mickey Mouse watch know it looks new but weve had this camera in the family for years Here ill prove it Standstill and ill take your picture lley Maude come over here How did you say this if thing worksl CONTINENTAL TQUCH ie no comprends pas many sleur It is possible you are able to direct me to the nearest vwater closet at the earliest pas sible moment My entire fam lilohow do you say ltlioin mo in saying mercl merci mercll ljdont scc how you can antique We bought itcon sixmonth aroundthe world cruise and im 66 years oldrhyse Never mind standing there arguing with him Herbert put in long distance callto the ma or backhome ow wonder who in the world put first in there Thcy toldme it was he wate andnow you fell meiita Tho saintatbep mlraclel