Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1961, p. 7

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er shoulder straps and along the edge of corsets and girdles ST URESIVE BIBES PROMGIDEONAUX Friday ended the first week in training for student nurses at Royal Victoria Hospital Frid also marked special moment for the 41 students nho compose one of the larg st classes aver enrolled at Vll in the afternoon the young students were presented with white Bibles by the Au iliary to the Gideon Associa tion MrsEJ Heath of Barrie addressed the group and assisted president Mrs Edward Webster of Penetang with presentations Abovc left to right Miss Mary Land reviile Miss Elaine Withers and Miss Carol Agnew all of Harrie receive their Bibles from Mrs Webster and Mrs Heath Other members of the auxiliary present were Mrs Roy hiriton Alliston Mrs Ellsworth Beers Mrs Cooke andMiss RitaHam lllon all of Barrie Exam iner Photo AT SEPTEMBER MEETING RVH Auxiliary Resumes Busy Monthly Schedule The regular meeting of WomensHospitaiAuxiiinry held in their room at the RVH Sept Twentythree members answered roll call President Mrs Jack Butler presided Reports indicated nothing startling happened to any mem bers during the summer ho days The recent flood ncaused break in one or the water pipes andtheAusliiary room was flooded There wasrno serious damage Past president Murray Mills is still convales ring in Newtonbrook Convalesc ent Home and Mrs Roy Allan has been on the sick list NEW APPOINTMENT Mrs Alex Harvey an active member of the Auxiliary for many years has now be come house mother for the student nurses new post just created due to the large num ber of students now enrolled Mrs Stirling is leaving with her husband for limmins and the Auxiliary presented her pandsauceri as token of remembrance Mrs MaeGregor made YOUR HEALTH By BURTON FERN Md THE allergy tests liedl asnjt allergic to anything irritation had triggered those He also full lash of leather can raise welts on an nes skin2 ny WitEhWL ong and hard enough can paper clip drawn lightly across dermographia skin leaves thin red wake The whole area flushes in few minutes white welt replaces the or iginal red line Histamine relaxes blood ves sels along the red line and lets fluid pyr through their WailLJflflSulLhealbisr wheekwitlr tofill the welt Dermographia sufferers seem imorevuioerableWbistamine caused ndgraine indigestion and painful menstrual cramps ALLERGIC REACTION Allergy floods the system with axtrahistaminr bringing on or worsening dermographia Emotions like blushing em harrassment magnify each welt So do warm baths and hot enf fee or tea All bring extra blood to flush the skin Still more Pressure around the belt line sea demographias waits Now the treadmill starts They itch you reoratchr and new welta form After pushing the lawn mow er demographia hands aweli iffly Any hard bench can isle waits on dermographia iiergic to wool Maybe the rough fibers merely ir dlliy at night ePlareFall Bazaar Rev Hugh Mactaggart form for the day Soloist boy Harbour service at 730 pm will be Mrs Hugh Mactaggart vandexpressedl ary felt at losing such capable and faithful worker as Mrs Stirling it was reported there were 254 articles sewn in June and s4 sewn during the summer hol ldays All marking had been done machines and sewing room house cleaned and every thingready for the all season Mrs But nnaounced the hospital now its own path ologist Mr Colp tts This is an other now service the hospital is offering Mr Colpitta will oc copy quarters in the third floor of the old wing at such time as it is vacated and the Aux iliary will occupy quarters at also opposite end of the third oor HANDIWORK DISPLAY Mrs Murray displayed some lovely crochetwork she had done to be used for sale at the Ainriliary gift shop when it opens Image sale this autumn They iarywnuld not have rum decldedto look after the rent ing of telephones to patients as an added service Convener to be Mrs Blake Lawrence Mrs Tod reported vending machines being used more than ever before Mrs Sterling re ported very active summer for the Sunshine Cart Mrs Stirlings job as treasurer for the cart will be assumed by Mrs Murray Mrs Butter announced 41 new studean had enrolled in nursing school Five hundred do edwwnrchaserhw to he made up for the hospital There is to be meet ing of District No of the On tario Hospital Auxiliary in Oril lie in September but the date has not been announced Meeting adjourned and soc iai half hour followed so moIoLtir pthashington PEOPLE AND SPLACES mmmusmmrsssm New are banM to never the general serial sttha aty and diam Wedding missuslea bridge ens WI ml age trues visit1 and tr vellers are all Items or inter eat to the women not this page You help In Willing this news will he malts mudlei RETURNS ID CALIFORNIA Miss Christine Anderson bu returned to Hollywood Californ ia after spending to days with her mother Mrs And arson Clapperto Street Miss And surgieaL nurse GS Summertime is law time for most people But many wo men spent mort of leisure mo ments preparing for Christmas that is Christmas stockings for the Canadian Save The Chil dren Fund The following is list of organizations and indiv idnnls who contributed Burton Avenue United Church 30 Club Coopers Rent Home Mount Albert Crown Hill Unit ed Church Sunday School Class Centre Fins wi thERellE Society Barrie Branch Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mrs Lily Bugle 201 Hollywood Drive Keswick Mrs Noordhofl Painswick Mrs Mitchell Putnswlck Elders Painswick Sal rvatloarArmy Womens Group Emmanuel Baptist WMS Mrs Gary Carnoo Whimsy Catholt lic Womens Dengue New Flos Wl Mrs Frank Smith no address Collier Street United Church Woodlswo Home ans Bracebridge Mrs Ii Jormey 8122 Orillis Mr and Mrs Gordon Jamie son with David and Michael of Connecticut USA have returned home after visiting Mr Jamiesons parents Mr and Mrs David Jamieson Drury Lane wannmc ourer Among the outoftown guests attending the StewartBoudreau wedding at Churchill United Church this afternoon are Mrs Les Liley Calgary Alberta Mr and Mrs James Doan of Pagwa Mr and Mrs Emile Boudreau and Mr and Mrs George Edmunds North Bay Aurela Boudreau Sudbury Mr and Mrs Howard Stewart Anne and Valerie of OwenSound Mr and Mrs Willard Stewart and Jim of Branttord Mr and Mrs James Cailan Burlington Miss Margaret Sawyer To ronto Mr and Mrs Ken Coal tello Clarence ll Harper of Richmond Hill Miss Bessie Wood and Mr and Mrs Ross Elliott Bradford and Mrs Ethel Jebh of Cookstown AMEND CHRISTENING Mr and Mrs Badgley have just returne DC where to the surprise of their daughter lane they were pre sent at the christening oi their youngest grandchild Patricia Jane Carr The ceremony took place on Sunday Sept in the oldut 1774 Glen Burnie area and the god parents were Lieut Carrs lore and brother iaw Mrs Cooley and Major Cooley oi the US Marine around Glen huroie Maryland the Can family and the Bldg leys departed en nresday for their respective homes in Que bec City and Barrie IIRIDEELECT ENTERTAINED Prior to her marriage ML Sandra Jennett daughter of Mr and Mrs Jenner iretltia Street his bean entertained by many friends Bridal attendants Miss Pat ricia Gooderhlm and Miss Di anne Hagan were hostesses at kitchen shower given It the home of Mrs WV Good rham Musgt by Miss Bonnie McKee other bridal endanl home on Dundonald Street The CGE office stall enter tained the brideelect at din nsr party and mlscdlsncous shower in the CGE Club Room At the home of Mrs Gordon Battle cup and saucer shower was held Sept Co bostases for this event were Mrs Gordon Battle and Mrs Ernie Cheesrnas Mrs Huey was hostess at surprisemiscelisneoue shows er given by the friends of the groom in Aliandolo hold at the home of Mrs Wil liams Saturday Mrs Jennett entertained atroussesl ten honoring her daughter Sandra rose bowl of pin Sweetheart rose buds and white baby mums decorated the tea table Sharing honors pouring were Mrs lrnneit and Mrs Dav grandmother and great aunt of the bride Mrs Williams mother of the groom and Mrs Gordon Battle Assisting in the tea morn were Mrs Keith Banting Misses Bonnie McKee Barbara Goodwin Mary Jeane Hagan and Karen Williams Door st teodants were Misses Patricia Goodwin Mary Jane Hagan Aunts of the bride Mrs Gooderhnm Mrs Bert Hagan Mrs Arthur Coxworth and Mrs Lyaii Jennett assisted in show ing the trousseau After the wedding rehearsal on Friday evening Mr and Mrs Williams Steel Street will entertain the bridal party Miss Sandra Jenneltiwill marry Conrad Williams in Trinity Anglican Church Ear rie September 16th Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 NOW ALSO SERVING BARRIE AND DISTRICT AORILIJH 5012 SllFE BBIVING since 1956 for appointment call on ed the meeting with prayer Guthrie WP Introduce New Study Theme Mrs Newton Hesse introduced the new study program at the September meeting of the We mens Federation of Guthrie Un ited Churd held in the Sun day scboolroom and chaired by the president Mrs Gough Mrs Besse was assisted by Mrs Cough Mrs Howard Campbell and Mrs Gilchrist in depict ed changing Problems confront ing the church in this fluctuatr ing perplexing decade referred to as the 60s Tho general study theme for this Jear is Mewhues During the business period plans were made for the ihanir oiferiog supper meeting Oct and reference was made to the fall rally scheduled for Guthrie United Church Oct 10 Mrs Bertram stewardship secret ary reported on the present sta tus of 1961 contributions using chart to illustrate her rc marks Mrs Keith Sanderson conduct ed the worship period on the theme The church Roll call was answered by quotation Unity The president clos Miss America Crowned Saturday ATLANTIC crrv NJ Marla Beale Fletcher hazel eyed brownhaired North Car olina beauty Saturday night was chosen Miss America of 1962 The isyeor old Miss North Carolina winner of prelimin ary swimsuit competition in the pageant succeeded Nancy Anne Fleming of Montague Mich as holder of the worlds oldest beauty crown The new queenffrom Ashe ville is five feet inches tall in your savings SOCK Getextra cash up to $250000 sometimes more NIAGARA FINANCE company uneven NiAIiAIlA lllt Colbnlnnrst FA 3588 In Barrie ll Collier St KAMLOOPS BC CP When Carol Deane arrived in Canada lrom England Ira had with her trunk full of pretty W705 But she said she has hardly needed them during her visit Instead she went out and purchased shorts and slacks of varyinglengths lobein keeping with what she found Canadian women wearing most fre quentiy Carol waose real name Is Davenport uses the name iDeane professionally in Eng iaad where she is fashion log out of Liverpool She came to Kamloopx to visit her father Fred Davenport resident here for nine years She spent three months in weighs in pounds and meas ure 354435 former membér of he Ra dio City Rockettes dance line in New York she hopes for ea reer in the entertainment field after completing college Canadas representative Con nieGail Feller of Ottawa was not among the 10 semlfinalists myeamld brunette Connie Gnii is lilies Canada of 1962 rm DAME EXAMINER MO model singer and pianistnworks father had done SEHEMBER Ii Sil British Entertainer Impressed By Canadian Womens Fashions Canada and when asked to com men on womens fashions in this country told reporter she appreciatedthe smart appear after marriage She regretted however that there was so few formal occas ions for which she felt it worth while to really dress up Miss Deane resident of Blundeil Sands near Liverpool works as fashion model in Liverpool during winter months in summer she becomes con cert ariist appearing on teln vision and radio programs with her own choice of music She also has worked as vocalist eluding that of Trevor Brooks She said her visit to Canada had impressed her and added that she would be willing to make her home here as her CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly Openinesdayihurs day Friday evenings For pro fessional services call PA 31661 HOWdOI Mrs Gwen Hogan reported asswrapperln June Emu Auxil ritate your sensitive skin cotton blousecan protect against irritation but not ag ainst allergy PERFECT ANIIDOIE Antihistarnine medicine is the perfect antidote for dermogra phla An antihistamine that mak es you sleepy can do double For itching control mix pound of cornstarch aesmnothqzastrvviflrcoHwat er Add hot water and boil un til thick Pour into bath water before tubbing itching dermagrapbla eventual Iygoes away and as long as nothing irritates your scalp you out swelled headl Chown September meeting of Crown Hill United WA was held Weds nesdoy evening at thehome of Mrs LoroeHandy Mrs Newson conducted the devotional The president Mrs ID is smo conducted the business session Plans for bazaar and after noon tea were made for Nov 11 Crown Hill United Church an niversary services will be held Sunday Sept 17 at 11 am or pastor will be the speaker so rano Lorne Profit VIHOIB ihe soloist for the evening pinto debt of any kind and dont be endowed with great poisein vcotive talents and resourceful BESS Finance Minister Donald Flem ing said Sunday night Canada still views with cer Britains application for membership intha European Common Market Fleming made the statement after his arrival inGhenaforatirrceday con ference of Commonwealth fiu THE STARS SAY nsmnurrs For Tomorrow Yesterdays favorable aspects continue ihiswill he good day in which to consummate busi ness deals launch new financial programs and make cbangesln your job or domestic sotup pro vided that you have given such matters nsiderable thought and use good judgment For The Birthday if tomorrow is your birthday yournhoroscopeindicates thatr where financial matters are concerned you may find your self in somewhat confused sit uation during the next rm months Though earnings and other sources of income will probably not decrease you may find your expenses on the risewith con sequent budgetary problems it will go lug to you to solve this at us on liking highLy re alistic attitude toward money Be especially careful not to go conunit yourseifto future spendingat least until early December when monetary mat ters will be under better as pects Personal relationships will be generally good for the next year but be alert to possible Idgmestie crisis in late Novem ihe balance of this month wrll be good period for re mance and marriage also next May andor June October will be an excelien month for occupational recogni Masfilngton After spending the Labour Day weekend in and PA M55 Phone PA 84640 LEAN sucso tion and good planetary aspects goverwavelhetweenlatrlvtay and early September of 1962 child born on this day Will is concentric ACCRA Reuters Canadian grave con nanca ministers opening Tues day TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT turmericf 7RIBOIWIN7 PORTCCHOPS ms 180 l4idDUNLNOP SKIM MILK POWDER causnso pinion Easy come easy go accounts Personal that was me until now But with marriage in the OE serious saver The secret Two separate Chequing Accouitflfgg paying bills SavingsAcconnt for saving EilASER Manager summit Manager rancor Canadian womenkeetr up with English dance bands in

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