sem EXAMINER MONDAY III Many Translators Confused BYBible ByJUIJBs LOB NEW YORK APll Itha Rore ol Sharon and the lily oi the valleys says the Sons oi Solomon Soundrplein enough would anyone the hi tlcai passus actu trieans am the tulip and the hyacinth The scriptures abound with references to flowers but the Bible authors described many of them lnllch vogue term that transistors and botani rgfnltniwnyrlmronmie iden John Arch New York author hortlouiturist and Bible scholar has settled at least some of the controversies extensive study and piahtexploratlon Tor Aeche resend is valuable not only or its contribution to secrecy in translation but also for the clues plants otier about the way the people of Bible lends llved WHAT THEY ATE We learn for example the or dinary diet wll oi vegetables cueumbers broad beans Ixtnionr gerl carried raisins and pushed grain with them into the fields or on their travels and ate meat only rarely Jleter wss eceree but rth wine wasnt and winewas GANG PRISONER OIOUP means TUNE AHFrench lad Tu MNDON Reuters Some nisien prisooere captured during Loco alpporters oi Britains the lighting around the French Campaign ior Nuclear Diem naval base It Biserte in July amen marched through the were exchanged Sunday under west end of tendon Strode lh supervision oi the interna in torchii llt roeeulon tlonnl Red Cross ï¬ling werovelr Berlin tiny in September at EATONS HOW heat your home the lowCost Way with Show on RNTE Lkrtho Hebrew University is demo commonrdrinlr SOJII goats aut Ilpeml seiem milk which alsoprovldad hut resttout were gourd forxamle til termstildhchegl my more 1531 erewwor lllll Iccemefm niece tramnslalticgidns lily lor lid goat hell coarse flex hemp hlsilzi233i wnm lit acos Association marking Barrie Mi papyrus Ind even Almond caromd mvw alert circularfine pla tirme record oi one million 97 WlnmW mm W001 Cloullfll We no irom Stan Porter at In menhours without an accld ROSE Ni Rosa mch for wealthy linen sturdy sunken cwltmcuon llrlaLJccldent Prevention tint Canonization service Attracts means the iris oryallow flag and the rose of the Bible re fers to the narcissus in some passages the oleander In oth Another biblical lily often ihe olive oleoum was the mortlmportent oil Ayieldinl plant In fact Morel referred to the land cannon as lland ol olive oil innun in flnlnh to seamen Thousands Of Roman Catholics me at sham on refers to the tuilp and the lily minmn 30 ROME cs The solemn Candies breed wine and gnl thg yellgytaysI Astlliihlsm No rum At Home ceremony of canonization parts den cages of doves and pigeon eve yacn 7777 is icï¬ï¬‚ which date hacho the middle were placed onthraltar livéelfxmennttolnreghlnthg Asks For 8855 flliuimd 50 39000 lrum eta heralded th con °° Roman Catholics to St Peters crauoniiitnggms antic 931 milled the crawl MONTREAL CF Tomes figmm awn we on bended mt Agreat deal oi controversy Francisz wyoarold deals of Finish 309 it was the canonization by and lowered their sword points mam h°w°vut mm °n P°h 331017 pnpe yum of mu Blessed Her The murhwr we ended wml dreds of referentcs in the Bible detected from the passenger Price ms mes vessel lrlda out the week 905 Br title ï¬nacnrdiliiéfln nursing mm the procession moving out at The sycamore mentiomd and in Lelirenflan home and Tu 409 Si ernl times according to Alchs illllIEd himuurflvei lmmlsrl reuse crowds lined Romeo Among the worshippers were research in reality in gyca lion authorities Sunday Scale Regia as the ceremony two Italian women who laid more no tall evergreen with His case for asylum will be has WW Droccsmn mm 93 hell Nell cured 01 in aromatic leaves heard today or Tuesday by an the Sistine Chapel Members 01 hi thelnterceulon 01 St Ber mie identities of other aver official boardof inquiry let up the clergy we WNW by Illa 1853 we Veronica greens remain in doubt desoita by thei mml rati three doctors of the NW Frlso and Cain Moloto what most Bible readers take to llwanttogstayolln EmETfl hospital ill 313 Where 19 nu Tl sstday ofaSt Bertilla be positlv identificationespe catï¬se have no future in Pa w°rk°d he um 5m WW not the date of chilly fir ino cypress iuni or an Then came Pope John in his hm and wimp En Inc ma lliimfll ceremonial gold encrusted Remember iho Timehonored EATON Guarantee Goods Ssilltsetory or Money Reiund Aeollarlng of gifts tradi robes hearing it lighted taper in hlsleft hand He was escorted by troop of Swiss Guards carrying swords and followed by chaplains carrying precious tiara cardinals in violct silk lnd bishops in cape and mitre troop of tile Palatine Guard brought up the roar SOLEMN RITUAL The Pope knelt to pray before the confessional altar then moved to the throne at the bottom of the lapse to receive he homage of the cardinals Alter this ritual hisgr Clco gnanl Papal assistant knelt beroro the Pope and begged him to proceed with tho canoni sation ceremony Msgr Terdinl the Papal secretary replied that His Holiness would proceed after invocation of the Holy Spirit hymn Vent Creator was sung Then the Pope proclaimed in Latin the words which mean We declare and define the Blessed Bertllia Boscerdln saint After the act of canonization the Pope began the Te Deum and the chentwes takenleszA the congregation While the bells of St Peters tolled Pope John read Latin homily on the virtues of the latestsaint praising her quali ties of love oi God and love or neighbor benediction by the closed this central part of the ceremony Dressed in the folds white silk garment with long train His Holiness officiated at the altar with his cardinals during tionai part of the canonization ceremony Poles Told No War Before December WARSAW AP Wladyslaw Gomutka the Communist party buss assured the Polish people need not worry at Mt war before December when we will sign peace with East Germany He spoke to 100000 Poles who gathered in Warsaws big stadium for the celebration of the countrys tr diiioilal harvest feast The Berlin crisis and resump tiol of nuclear weapons tests have heightened war tears here Within the last few days Poles vornede run on food shape In many places throughout the country no sugar flour or salt can be purchased Gomulka promised lthere will be no warend especially there will be no war for BeciinJ Hesaid that war would be suicidal for the West and added Wedornohvant war we dont want in etteckanyona but we will detend ourselves to the ut most lf attacked iind Boys Bodies TRENTON NS CPI The bodies of four Trenton Boys missing since last Tuesday when they went on bottlehunting frip were foundsunQay in an abandoned reservoir about mile from their homes The bodies of Sydney Smith his 10yearold brother Ron Billy Tarbell and Andy MacNoil were ioundiloailn iriiiiereservoir email me shift roll was found ole yards eWny Finding of thebu to eaouplexoui tor ejsirol ugt to attend despree search lnwhich 1200 men took pail Until he can fill omanSshOese incl y0u shouldget FAMILYSECURITY CHECKUP vEs in Ewoild or makebelieve You cant Youve got to plan for him until he ï¬lls the big shoes Tomake sure your plans are realistic start with Family Security CheckUp It will tell youfor your and your familys sakeexactlywhere you stand on such things as pension savings group insurance and the like When you know where you stand ï¬nanciallyyou can make realistic plans for the future How canyau possibly know unless you check Morevthan all interviewe service Now Metropolitan the Companuou lquvtojomthorita your It is like two information on physical health offers you way to check familys ï¬nancial healththe Family Security CheckUp available to everyonewhether you need insurance or notand whether or not you have to Metropolitan policy etropolitan representatives have been trained in Metro politens own schools and are qualiï¬ed by solid expetienoe to bring you this service They are equipped with business charts and tables that show you clearly in black and white exactly where you stand Cailyour Metropolitan man today for Family Security CheckUp There is no obligationexcept to those you love also bistaici one whichmakes good sense for7you WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES FDR YOU With the help of your Metropolitan man You check the fuels your pension plan your boomyour life insurance your savings and other assets You may be surprised to learn how rich youre worth Yonweigh your respo biliti mortgage or rent payments education retirement accident and sickness emergencies how much it would cast your family to live without you You learn where you stand You determine your week and strong points intenLYou get the facts in Wofyou X0 plan tor theifuture Based on these lacts you decide what action if any may be needed to give you faulty security plan tailormade to your own needs and ambitions Melnnie CLU Mgr Berri Onie lo Telephoï¬lmï¬ei