Is To More Musicals In New BroddWay Sedson NEW YORK AP Broad shy oi the previous up warhead Bill Travers mansan MONDAY mean 11 11 Reiusal To Spend SIMON Has Cost Country Million new season is starting on and up Theres an up turn liow production and an upsurge oi iresh talent The big trend is to more mu sicals Twenty nine premieres are scheduled between now and an In rota lave Tho an reprcs mu about 06000000 People who are always saying Broadway should give greats opportunity to mailing artists should note with relish that in ventures involve new authors conumesrrhrmidpoinroitarrfldrmmtsmflkm theatrical year This is live more thaolduring thee same span last year Early planning or the latter hall indicates total output by the end oirlusy could easily outdo the 196041 total at In shelve The 10 songanddance divesu alone due by New Year all just JoLHELP WANTEDV MALE OR FEMALE coon nmcron rSFo Elm their Boole ll al estate office Pies ani work ng conditions commissions Raul Errata you your present position Ad nt op orlunlly eg ill1 clritlbi ill on 3131er to Box as Darrls usin er giï¬LOYmENT WANTED is require Bill amploymant fully encld AUDI Box 15 Earn an TABLE woman refluilu eln ï¬loyment minding ch dun and housework flvavday Apply Iinx Dania or 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER it 730 PM SHARP Auction sale oi as head of Hol stein cows haliers trash and springing iull flow and young calves or GORDON MONK At lot is Concession Essa Township miles north oi Al iiston turn north at Jerrys Garage Owing tovthe good weather and the amount of inrmers that have not iinished harvesting thesnleMatwortohrheldnn THURSDAY SEPTEMBER has been postponed untllflmurn have verdant directors and pro liqu lt THE OLD AND NEW Familiar stars will constants the oaetage action but sprin kUng oi iresh faces have leading roles Established headliners in clude rb rreookfliettr Davis Julie Harris Sally Ann Home BIHLHEIILELMIILPL 60 Elalï¬ Stritch and Julie Wilsonwho is making her in itial bid in drama instead oi song The overseas contingent includes Elisabeth Bergner lia tlna Paxlnou and Googie With ers The stellar Imalecompany lists Sydney Chaplin Aired Drake George Gobei Frederic March Burgeu Meredith and stelger and lludy Vsllee liveL hiontnnd Sir Michael Redgrave and Emlyn Williams are among Lonsatlenllc visitors The operaconcert world pro vidcaMlmerenzell Jean Penn and Robert Weede You periormers tackling important assignman are Pe ter Fonda the eonï¬oi ratar Henry in Blood Sweat and Stanley Poole Collin Wilcox and Clinton Kimbrougb in Look Weve Come Through another drama and IieaVenora and loan Weldon in the musical Kean Two English newcomers are Richard Johnson in The Com LION HURTS MAN OKLAHOMA CITY APA lion returned to its zoo pit Sat urday and severely injured young employee cleaning the area Lynn Hudson l9 new employee iellow workman tired pistol three times at the lioness Attendants said cage door leading to the pit apparently had been lei ajar ARREST WATER PIRATE WOODLAND HILLS Culti APlPolice have arrested man on charng that hulrntcd wnler Daln Allen Alton 30 was arrested Sunday Oiiicers said they found water flowing day evening September 14 at 780 sharp JERRY COUOHLIN AUCTION BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone NCE E51 TONYS APPLIANCE SERVIC Service to all makes ofAppllances I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I4 enrarsa SERVICE BARRIER FINEST IAPER SERVICE xi RchEfii 51mm PA 68551 pack or cigarattal day EXCAVATING FILL GRAVE 1iP SJT SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exoavatlng and Grading Water Deityry Crusheo sto Hall Yard Backhoe or DENNIS Moasu II Anne Sinai PA fl2W7 MASONR CIIIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED CEMENT AND aLocrr wonx APPLIA bless than re Earri irom iire hydrant into his zWgallon tanker truck Alton laid ho sold water to smau SERVICE TORY By Month or Year PA 82414 PAINTING AND HAPERBANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Pa er Hanging Spray Palntlnl lemon Since 20 RR BARRIE PA sasas SANITAR DISPOSAL DEAD ANTMAIT DISPOSAL ACT We have your deed and crippllfl an Arab er the above not EREEREMOVAL Phone COLLECT BAREIE PArktvay 53817 GORDONYOUNG LIMITED BARRIE mean at sacs DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE Pi 57751 or ask for ZENITH 91130 COILECI 24 hours day7 any sex NICKS DEAD STOCK Bit Foxmead Dntarin License REASONABLE PHONE MINESING Engagement Afnnoluï¬ bpiomheNemffuurEngagomem NOW on menu seam to some Baytleld Barrie Ontario win to announce the engagement at their daughter Charge ior Notice Try An Examiner want so street or Marriage to Liie drama based bean iiaansed to remove in Cook ior Idr General rv EXPATIUATZE gent includes three who have whalted their skills in TV Steven Gethara author oi Coelr For Mr General Arthur Carterrnighriideiityraod Hotchnar The Short Iist van works at Ernest Hominswey scripts are actor Oasis stls PullsVictorious Waldemar Hansen The Garden Sweets the brothers James and William sldman Blood Sweat and suhteyloole HaroldTEter The Caretaker Morris Wast Daughters Silence in the musical division lerre Herman does his ilra acorein Milk and Honey Peter Slone supplies the book for Kean Departing irom the attern at recent seasons only Vour early arrivals arelmpnrts irom abroad Plnters event gsrde comedy The Complainant Lover and Robert Boits historic drama Seasons were London hits The hialda Room In an adaptation from P1ris fondant by Marcel Ache ard lliecstnbiishcddrama Ing contingent includes Tenn see Williams Night oi the igu anal and Paddy Chayavsky Gideon Prominent on the mu aical lineup are Frank Locsmer How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Arthur Vhwsrts The Gay Lila Rich ard Adler Kwamlna Noel Coward Sail Away and Betty Camden Adolph Green Jule Etyne Subways Are For Sleep WORLD saws IN BRIEF mutual waier company which supplies group oi home owners INDUSTRIALIBT DIES LEVERKUSEN West Gerv many Ecutcrsillrlchllnbar iandfwyeiiiold chairman of the board of the Farben Fab riken Bayer here one oi West Germanys largest chem ical concerns died Sunday at his home in the nearby Eilel Mountains MOON MAN SELECTED VIENNA AP Soviet astronnutnwlll shortly makeranr interplanetary flight the Hub garian newspaper0tetschest wcn Front received here sold today The paper gave no de tails except to announce that Soviet astronaut No who will make the ilight has already been selected CANCEL RANGE PRACTICE TOKYO ANus Marines cancelled ilrlng practice today on the north slope of Mt Fuji when protesting farmers irom nearby entrenched themselves in the 20000acrs area The 200loacre range on the east slope was not aiicctcd 4ndtlrlnEwes Wnductï¬ias scheduled TROUBLE DOUBLE IMISSOULA Mont AP First grade teacher Rosemary Morse has class that spells double trouble In class of to students there are iiva sets of twinuourroiithemrldentlca INVENTOR DIES MEADVILLE Pa AP Misa Sara Bells as the inventor of the candy apple has died at the Methodist home ior the aged at Meadviile She obtained patent rights I3th candLap pie but later sold the rights Blame Terrorists Ior Bomb Blasts ROME AP wave oi bombings from the Alps to Rome shook ltaly Sunday Ital lan authorities blamed the blasts on terroristsirained in Austria it was the first ilmeviolance 7m to the Alto Adlge South Tyrol dispute had spread to the ltallan capital The blastssix lnRoma alone as many or more in at least Jaguar communion insuredEven persons Their similaritygasoline bombs car ried in suitcases exploded in or near railroad stations indi cated they were caordinsted 4Rome authorities posted spoi rial guards on railway tracks water and power stations THE ENTIRE at Church 150 259 iNNIsrgl 51 The freshman writing oonttn in Also coming out with ï¬rst in crLEANouro or no NOT LEAVE yo ALL SUMMER as TelephonesTodoy Arronge For Done Special Rate Offered ForAugu HEATING orpsnrrssur OTTAWA CF Parlla meat rsiussl to approve spending oi 1100000 to ï¬t vine tuberculosis early century probably has east the country MMM Thats the considered view oi oldtimers in the veterinary urvios oi the agriculture da partment The result was bill ior some 0000000 including 1000000 compensation to owners oi slaughtered cattle beinrs the Wmaflinn herdwas TB tested recently Dr Cameron iorrner ovatednnry directorgeneral who retired in ms alter 34 years Mthihehrdf¢li7nys parila mentary action in the early 1300s was costly pisca oi scepticism ii the money had been granted subsequent ex penditures of millions oi dollars could have been avoided The program ï¬nally be in me Dr OlllnflallEleIlle with the veterinary branch until his retirement ï¬ve years ago recalls thetlthe toughest mu oi the antiTB drive was to armor and his wile that some or all of their herd must be destroyed Time and again spent wholeaiternoon explaining to LONDON CPITisréeTomon dominated the lives of moat lied servicemen lighting in Eu rope during the Second World WarLlil Marlene the girl they all behind and paper doll called Jane Coniined to her comicstrip world in Londons masscirculn oiten more loyal and rewarding tllsaln any tickleminded real live Nubile nimble and entiaiugiy fnmsru NOTES Gontlnuedirem as the supervision oi this pro ject to completion He claimed the ilrrn would not be penult ted by the association to em ploy engineers but that any other changes made would not want survaye etc Council icit any decision un til more iniormatlon was plan edhefnraJLihire SCHOOL DELAY SERIOUS When representative at the district collegiate board did not appear at the Innlsiil coun cil meeting Friday night we were contacted by the chair man of the board Cliii Lockv hart to ask us to get in touch with Charles Griiiln chairman oi the building committee Mr Griiiin advised as that by the time all the new pu to be enrolled this year are in ally in 100 oi the expected number will be waiting for seat lng accommodation Some will not enroll until after harvest mjabaucmmpphgdsmver it will mean they will he one teacher short as It will be nec room at North Collegiate The expectancy for next tail is estimated at 140 and there will be seats available for only JLare in ery serious situation right now Mr Grii iin said We need the ap provals that held almost rimmedietel that we can advertise ior ten ders and complete other paper work it we do not have the materials which the govegn meal are providing iunds ior bought and paid ior we will lose the proposed grants which at their expense We must spend that money in materials by March even it we have to stockpile them in the school yards or we lose these funds was Mr Grillins statement as DUNLOP as IS in TIME PLANT lion Daily Mirror JanewathawsWftaste and decency essarytnhusewthe only vacant are being with early dayswasatoptsoandtha tanner at only twothirds ol that aehndl goes to or par and as as no for grade cattleail to the armor Credit ior st the whole battle is given to late Dr John Gunlon nuthariord at Port slsePralrirssaa ilrstvet nary general oi Canada who retired In ms An Iniant son died oi bovine in at six monthsthat is one at sin use and Dr Rutherford dedicated him to wiping it out He met strong opposition irom cal tlemen articularly brudars oi purehr stock But today while veterinarians agreethatiBlabynomans wiped out among Cansdi cat tie the incidence oi tha disease has been slashed irom almost so per cent In some areas to record low of oe7 per cent for the country This means that younger vetennariana have never run into case of the disease and their rchaneesoi doing so grow ailmm Wartime comicStrip Character Revived By London million men under arms and vivid symbol oi the things worth ilghting ior Janes greatest talent whether playing hachalongirl detective or lady spy was appear con tlnualiy in various stages oi un dress without aver violating the Fresh and essentially innocent she was an angel hovering above the hell of war POPULARITY FADES When the war ended Janes popularity iaded On Oct 1859 she passed out at sight forever or generation that didnt need her any more Rumor had it she love going to get married at as Now behaving the time is ripe again the Mirror has lpro duced the illyearold daug tor of Jane Th aplrlth therabuLthe flesh has changed Janes daughter is just as gay and lively as her mother but lacks Janarmaturity The girl In dog is sort oi paper baby Nevertheless the newspaper promises she will indulge in the some sort oi llghtheafted ad ventures that made her mother famous and bestow glimpses oi garters and panties with equal generosity ManyJQ that with line tra dition like that to fallback on and thetensions of new sort oi war to relieve the girl cant help but go iar Tn An Examiner Want Ad 7PEONE PA dzlld CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents or North American Van Lines PA 86555 would construct the lLroolnL AMMUNIM SH Roalsous TO HAVEYOUR FURNA CE BURNER TUNEUP DONE we HEATING PLANT bunv oorsMucu DAMAGE To lm ortontlw HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 ELL BELTS announcers son nvurmoraurrnms ounurv HARDWARE PAsMli WQQLWQRTIIS Low PRICES £12244 DAYII riLxlso stuns BABirBllilGlESi Famous NoLrsnLOSST BUDGIE SEED Contains Essential Oils to Stop leather Lola mommy WATER REPELLENT KERCHIEFS Size 32 SISilk and Rayon Beautiful Floral Prints REG PRICE 59 James UPIIOLSTEIIYLEATIIER ESLIRPERS Fin TrimPadded HealsSins 49 77 TssoELNVLoN YARN 100 onlupser Colours White Pink Sky Blue Yellow and Nile assesses sternum PRIDE WOOLWORTII sillIan II II MOIHSAVIIIG orrss Big boxeliur of uoxzsns Brigidon Sisa Special