Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1961, p. 3

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wlore iound inside the building BREAKIii HOld Policeman BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY 53 ll In Theft Case Barrie police oiiicer and three other men are in Jail here charged with breaking and entry and thelt tom the Bar rie and District Central Colleg iate early Thursday morning Awa roWi 11am Forbes 25 robat ionary constible wl oc police force Dale Bier To roototames Gannon 21 oiot Anne Ontario and Thomas wnmwce in Dcline 22 Bdievilie Ont Themrest oi the tour rmene tookplacc in Toronto shortly aitcLanoonyyeJterday Metro Toronto police made arrest oi three of the men in con iunctlon with Ed Tschlrhart Barrie police chief while Chiei Tschlrhart arrested Forbes per sonally it is understood two of the accused men were arrested in hotel Forbes and the fourth man were taken into custody to Toronto pool hall Chief Tschlrhart stated the arrests came about due to the combined eilorts ol Barrie and Metro police departments The breakin at the collegiate ocmrred during the early morning hours Thursday Con stable Forbes had reported breakin oi the CNN shed on Burton Avenue during which number oi heavy tools had been stolen Two hours after the constable reported finding similar tools lying on the ground near the collegiate subsequent tour at the building with the caretaker re vealed that vault adjacent to the oillne oi the principal had becn entered alter the thieves had hammered twoioot hole through the wall Other tools An estimated $600 was stolen by the thieves most or it pro eeeds from the sale of padlock to students when school opened for the all 151111 Addition amounts oi cash were taken from petty cash supplieeol school organisations Further lnvutigatiollhiLBar rie police conjunction with crust in the arrest of the our confirmation stated last night despite this uniortunata occurrence have the utmost integrity of my department TheJour meowcrarretumed to Barrio last night by the chief andvrCorporaiiGeorga Winger oi the local ores and two detectives irom the Metro department Chic Tschirbart stated he would center with the crown attorneys allies today and hell would probably bet set tor the men Boy Regains Consciousness TORONTO CF Robert Legault oi Howes Comers near Pcnetanguisbeno regained consciousness briefly Friday tor the first time since he was struck by car ninedaysrago Robert was taken unconscious to Penetanguishena Aug 30 alter he ran in front of car driven bylohn GoryJ oi0rillin er hULMosmu ornnto Hospital for Sick Child ren Roberts injuries include ira eturos oi the ribs leg nnn pelvis and collarbono His mother was told by phone Friday that Robert opened his eyes and said hello tohis nurse then went back to sleep The Legaults are trying to ar range transportation to Toronto to see him Queen flames EllBarrie Woman iis Honorary Nursing Sister OTTAWA Special Wing silo which violent seen the district OPPLES storm that swept south across Remarked Mr Betteridge You should have the mess beiore we Aultlt building specter Ch Spools shows thotbuildlng values or this year in Barrie are running million and bail dollars above the figure or the some period int year Much ol theincrcase is due iothehlgh level of expenditure on residential building which lafrooothiyincresse oi 4171 use and total todstetbli auousrfrlmurrrur there were total at per mits issued in August 1961 up alxEgrnlits over the same moo 10 cleared away the other vpart oi the silo it will take two days to get the silo set up again Honey Output Reduced Wet unsettled weather this summer has drastically reduced honey production in the county Some apiarists have realized only about hall tho normal pro ductlon or honey from the iirst or summer honey cropr These beekeepers are now hoping ior line dry fall so the bees will be able to spend more time col lecting honey George Plant of Leiroy typical apiarist or honey pro duccr has been in the business hr 40 years He explained that bees will not leave their hives lo rainy weather so that each day of wet weather results in the loss of one days honey pro duction wanting to make better quality hay and the fact that much less buckwheat has been grown in recent years has reduced hon ey production SPRAY KILLS BEES Roadside spraying has been responsible for the destnlction of large numbers oi bees in townships where spraying is done says Mr Plant That is because it is done at time when sweet clover is in full bloom along the road sides Rlis would not happen it spraying was done beiore or alter the clover has he added bloomed MiltCountway Rctifis it is believed to be about 100 years old and to have come from Austria or an Austrian visltor commented that bee hiv es exactly the same as this had at one timo been used in Austria Even the Guelph Agri culture Museum has been Ilo iatbie to locate another hive like The top and bottom sections which are separated by wood en frame that also forms the entrance are constructed oi tightly twisted straw ropes coil ed into the conical top honey iectloo and the tublilro bottom nursery the coils being held in position driven yesr ago However interminndmullnmfi 45 0t Iii categories residential perran showed the greatest In crease There were 30 issued in August 1960 and 02 in Aug ust i001 an increase oi is There were two industrial permits issued or the month one more than year ago with an evaluation increase oi $11 490 However miscellaneous and nonassessable permits declined in evaluation by 7305 to 50 Mo This involved decrease in the numbaroi permits from 22 to 11 Commercial permits also showed decrease There were eight issued in August last year and six in the same month this year Evaluation declined to 3100 drop oi $229400 FOR ElGHTMONTHJEBIOD F0r1hdiirsl élght mollths oi the year from Jan ito Aug 81 permits issued showed an increase oi 98 over the same period in 1060 There were 347 permits issued in all categories in 1900 and twin 1961 to date All groups showed at least slight increase this year with residential permits up 49 com mercial permits up 10 indus trial permits up one and mis cellaneous and nonassessable permits up byZfl There were 250 residential permits issued to the end oi August this year and 201 for the some period last year Val uation oi residential permits this year total $2151638 on in crease oi $1300242 There were 57 commercial permits listed or 1961 and 37 Commerclll 901 ior 1360 and 62258 for int industrial 247500 for mo and 211260 for 1901 and miscellaneous and nonsuessahle most tor 1960 and 513845 ior 1901 Following is the August build ing report in detail LEEIDENIIAL New single family dwellings 10 permits imad Mm Ncw duplex triplex or apartV 33m one parmltlssued $20 Conversion sued 500 Repairs alterations addi miflfldr ilx nun issued nouns one nannn is COMMERC1AL New two permits issued 000 Repairs and alterations our permits issued $13100 INDUSTRIAL Additions sued 820990 Nonassessable and miscellan two permits it caused permits issued are 515 residential permi 1277 commercial permits loo industrial permits in la armlsoelisncousnonulfii able $50 540 on Total nperml Vets 0t 157th177thBattalions To Converge 0n Barrie Sept18 By BIMZPKIN At the ilrst annual reunion oi the 157th and 1Tnh Battal ions hcld in Midland two years ago the writer oi an account in The Barrie Examiner said it was expected that at least 400 veterans might be expected Next week in Barrie these ve erans are again being invited to the third reunion which will be held at tho Arrnoury on Saturday Sept 10 Mail has gone out to all the known our vivorsand WONMFHH spread to all the corners to endeavor to get the remaining members together However it 400 was the total they could raise two years ago there to little doubt but the old man with the scythe will have done his part in reducing the ranks considerably The 157th Battalion was rais irom the surrounding area at Simcoe County under the command at Lt Col MacLaren oi Barrie who re mained the commanding batai lion officer until the unit was split up after arriving in Bram shott England it went there accompanied by the 177th Bat talion which had been recruit ed to take up those who did not get into the first unit They had trained in Barrie and Dril lia after which they moved to PREMIER LESLIE FROST again Among these was Molar George Rodgers who is liv it in Barrie now on Drury ththatwtunotableorwhou names were among those who served with these units is long and proud it is hoped the re union here in their county town willprova to be happy ior all who attend main street store now occupied as cloth through them Mr Plant feels certain the makers of these quaint but lor 1960 seven industrial or 1061 and six or 1960 and mis cellaneous and nonassessable liguers were 131 for this year 106 last ryear us on gcomparisons in those categorl over the same bee from nestlnglin the upper eight onLh peflodg we PREFER FLAVOR Like mosI Othelll ltzfiaIbhltlzney Dames wellin ated hives were ttem produced 100 pounds or white hls honey crop to ions list Fling Siam we ex honeyin the first crop last year regular local and distant cus rodu WMwndHHmQrQVHHHMmW all hives to prevent the queen year remarked Mr Plant it great Igoineyenfrlzr the second era is not better it ro ev we will be yer showman York Boston Chicago and Brita Liam Leslie Frost oi Ontario who eygv lab Columbiawho have to ship TROUBLESOME BEES was member oi the unit from To carry hive of bees over pad to them This Wide diatrib chore Mr Plan mm and went overseas with the will WLWWdSDLruummwmflHlmhWyfim do by gt it The date of the reunion honey ugar substitute are is due to particular flavor the summer cattagers to an GENERAL here is the last alternoon oi required Mr Plant prefers to they like in honey produced in adicate troublesome nests or hor 3mm Fair 19 go mum of the second this part at Central Ontario nets wasps and bumble bees Veterans will mast at honey crop for the wintering strawrope bee hive came 0116 and Caiony of bumble bees WINS MEDAL the Barrie Armoury and parade bees This means that it hive into Mr Planis possession alter had take V9 bird 110 flyaarold district man to the Cenotaph at Memorial puts up an pounds at honey in friend rescued it just before filter drill squirm that George Armstrong son of Mr Park where they will place the second crap he takes 40 the former owner was going to had appropriated thehUU f0 and Mrs Frank Armstrong wreath on that in memory of pounds and leaves 40 burn it out at the road MIME Palnawlck hasbeen announced as the winner oi the silver medal oi the Ontario institute Bees are frequently blanfwd vtIilleir iallen cohmradfs glley will ROAR mu BEST tor stings inflicted by the much en an Arm Mr Plant said alfalfa sweet Polic Dscoura more aggrefllve wasp and hm of Chartered Accountants Mr Wm and enjoy dinner Her service includes periods clover basswood and raspber nets declar beLIArmgtmg whota presenin in ngland Gauss Bay Rad cause many People 6183 all employed in Toronto achieved ved by thLLItileaLAuxllilaryJL ilesjmsnmLotthcbestyraldv nceAHasrshewmnwm er of honey tor the first crop Tortune Hunters three as bees Jhemghugmmnlinnrmed the Royal Canadian gi Thiswllibe lioliowed by tan was romoted tronrn even ng on oyment and oi die near Bane baccarrfe 5313 fiffi€£figngluzofifg anasoaoucg or Effilfifvifi Dion 135m iato examinations held by the matroninchiei oi the Canadian mg the has mum of sec Staff Sargent Palmateer Institute recently Friday provincial police clfiecubtéve has promised there no long speeches to not normally in the presence Forces Medical Servrca on and crop honey of bees and never run He CHAMBEBMEETING Earlier cutting of clover and 101311917 35 flanking ix Welham president or the gfifnngmgigrefigwfiaflflmfifi Over one thousand men went so alfalfa hay crops by farmers Hastings county bush or $185 When some plop Ema Try indksficufitllatsmi nearby they stair waiting at mil5 Wed menu Siiiniindii Jan dzuifecd If it no attracts the beeg at of executives at the Ontario Wm the 157m They WHOM tention and makes it BEErEHiVE Chaim mmerce the companled by some experienced and to discamage mambo Th th Muskoka Sands inn on Lake lzed persons from joining in the 15 ottlcerswhohadlflififiiirom ANGER BY STONES Muskoka at Gravenhurst Beslvmm Search active service and went back He police have been us Dicourse bees will not tol DR JURY VISITS DAD log helicopter to help them crate stones being thrown at Dr Wilfrid Jury leii thewlll plan an intensiiied search dur their hivesrhe Points out ow Fort archaeological project ing the weekend What would happen it you Thursday for London Ontario Latest clue searchers have went round throwing stones at on the occasion oi his fathers come up with is pair oi legs Peopleshousesr You old 100th birthday Mr Jurya fath irom suit of long uoderwea have some very angry people er altitJoolLaoJctlvaJnterest Staff Sgt Palmatear whoi utteryourohourse archaeology leading the search believes the legs belong to suit of under wear worn by one of the Iive men arrested duringiast week ends manhunt and charged with armed robbery iPolice to the legs Friday near Bass Lake seven miles east of where they earlier found ing store holds memory at Premier Frost who remembers that building as the first held quarters ot his group 11 ways To CORRECT Commander McArthur CDoi Barrie matroninchiet oi the Canadian Forces was appointed as one of three Queens honorary nursing sis tars on Friday The appointme announce by Delcoco Minister Douglas Harkness will beheldior the tenure of ofiice Wing Commander McArthur was born at Oro Station in 1913 and took her education at Oro Station Barrie Collegiate and the Toronto General Hospi tal where she graduated in 1937 She took nursing ser vice administration course at University oi Toronto and in December can joined the Camp Borden imm where they embarked or overseas in World War One PREMIER FROST WAS ONE Among the personages who willbe inattendanca at this Barrio reunion will be Premier PRODUCTION owes to my case some hives that fittittdboahv rrinwlno the X5 drylong HEARING ssavlcs 850 Yongs BL Toronto WAlnut 441817 Please write or out for inlormltion Name Andrus Septil 1960 and was made wing commander in June of this year my iViariEnTer Defends iireas Universities SAINT JOHN Ni CWDr Ross Flemington president of Mount Allison University in Sackvi NB said Friday he wouldnt trade our universities or their Ontario factories Dr Flemingtoo was comment ing on statement by Proi Marcus Long of the University oi Toronto philosophy depart ment that the Maritime prov inces have too many colleges for the population He said Prof Long has no strong basis for We seem to be gettingalong well he said Our students are standing up well right across an abandoned car they believe the country Some of them have was one of the getaway cars in become versityprasldentsf the BARRIE URS SEPT 14 THEGVROUNDSVWILLB PEN AIL nAY FOR THE PLACING or comsgclat ex 3115 Tf7oanngcnmmerclnlAnd Hairsxhibin Open To Public RI SEPT 15 DRIVEKOF THEMONTH 0pm ALL baY Winn the $25 award REEF canals SWINE naavv lioness tor th driver of the month annals RACING PDNIEE LIVESTOCK oifered by Harris Insurance Agents Association is Mrs ye home distinctive freshness with ovmxrtheremarkablote her report to police of drunken driver who had left her service station driv ing invran erratic manner When police apprehended the Albert Kltchen Essa Road man he was found to be al peculiarity of the award most out and auiierinLirnmc iLrnonthls thatraMurifitr instflinm hiei Tscbir cben was not driver at the art said that it hadnt been time of winning the award for Mrs Kltchens report Police Cluei Edward Tschir serious accident would have hart selecied Mrs Kitchen surelyresulted Examiner for the award on the basis oi Photo PEN ALL DAY axonr nausea DAIRYCATTLE sonar lensrocx ransom Hanan memo RDADSTER RACES UMPERS sannnn nonsna

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