Three youths arrested with William Forbes Barrie police officer and charged with breaking entry and theft from Barrie Central Colleg iate hide their faces as they leave the police station for the county fall last night See story page three aGarageJJestroyed Youth Committed on Admits In Assault Case BRADFORD Special Spen cer Soriska 20 oi Deaccar Crescent Scarboro commit teedi for trial on charge of rape when heappearedhLNe market police court yesterday Hall was set at $20000 pro perty or $10000 cash Soriska was charged by Markham Township police on Aug in connection with the riIiple of 17yearold Scarbom 0n ball as material witnesses are Lynda Lawrence 19 of Cree Avenue Scarbom and James Taylor 19 of Earring ton Avenue Scarboro At earlier hearing Miss Law4 rence testified that she and the younger girl were walking home on Danforh Avenuegat am when they were picked up in car by Soriska and Taylor The two girls got into the car but later became frightened When the ear stopped at the 9th concession of Markham Township Miss Lawrence testi fied she ran from the ear pulling the other girl with her but so ught the unger girl and with Taylor drove off Meanwhile Miss Lawrence led to nearby house and called police At Fridays heariogTMctro Toronto detective George Knowles described how police fired shots at Soriskas car it sped through road block The car was abandoned mile beyond and police foundthe Kiri huddled on the floor of the vehicle Detective Knowles testiï¬ed that the girl was crying and in pain She later drove with police to school yard where she said the alleged offence took place same hours later Soriska sur rendered himself to Markham railroad detective The youths wrists were slashed and he claimed he tried to commit suicide Taylor who was arrested later testified in court yester day that he remembered little because he had been drinking heavily He said had there been any force involved he would have stopped it Colhorne LocalHolds Back Dues From The PORT COLBORNE CPlTlle national Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers has been hit again where it hurts in the bank account thursdaynightlocai631wiih 17 membership of about 2100 voted to withhold from the na tional office monthly affiliation dues of $150 member memers mee Port Colborne local approved the measure by an overwhelm ing majority The ave marked the second time within recent months that major local voted to keep af filiation dues away from the tinnai office InJune the hugeSudbury Lo cal 590 started keeping back some$25000 month due from members In more recent developments the rebel local de feated court action by thusna tional ofï¬ce to take overthe io callargest MineMill branch in Canada 1tls pretty obvious that thesemoves can financially in pair Mine Mill operations in WEATHER Natonal Union Canada men officer said in Toronto Friday The union ousted from the old Canadian Congress of La bor because of leftleaning ten dencies of the national leaders has an estimated 35000 mem bers in 49 locals across Canada The totals include Sudbury and Port Colborne The two withholdin mean at the national execu tivewith headquarters in Tor ontohas been deprived of half its income So far only the two Ontario locals have become embroiled in the dispute Other major mem bership blocs in Canada include Trail 80 where Local 400 has 4300 members Kimberley EC Local til 1500 members and Thompson Man Where the fastgrowing Local 1025 reported 750 members at the most re cent count hath Columbia locals are employed at Consolidated Mining and Smelting Cmpoany plants and the Ontario and the Ontario and Manitoba locals at International Nickel Com pany works Possessr syn opsi srwarmsanmssenomrrceorgianï¬aay weather is expected to prevail over Southern Ontario today andisunday series of minor weather disturbances has cre ated considerable cloudiness and shorter activity in North ern Ontario which isrexpccted to last through Sunday Latest Clair Lake Erie Lakeifiuron igara Lake 0n¢SLThomas tario11alibur on regions Wind it today and Sunday Winds light North Bay Sudbury iartiy cloudy th the chap ShDWEhOF thimdeistorm today Cloudy with occasional thunder showers Sunday continuing warm Winda southwest Is to Algoma Sault Ste Marie Tilt magami regions Mostly cloudy and quite warm today and Sun day Showers and sgï¬ereil thunderstorms throughout with winds southwest 15 to 20 White River Cochrane re gions Mostly cloudy rewrite warm with showers and soot tered thunderstorms today and SundayNCIearingond turning little cogler late Sunday Winds southwest 15 Marine forecasts valid uatil Ii am Sunday Lake Ontario Winds variable to 10 knots Fair Lake Erie Winds south to southeast to 15 knots Fair Winds southeast to south 10 to knots shifting to southwest overnight Fair except cloudy with thunderstorms extreme north portion Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Sunday Windsor es ass Hamilton St Catharines Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River Moosonce nnce Thursday night Story Is False BRADFORD Special John Alfred McGuire 36 Church Street Orillia was fined $100 and costs in Brad ford court yesterday on charge of causing public remischfefw McGuire pleaded guilty to being the driver of car which plunged into the Brad ford canal early on June 13 He told police at the scene of the accident thata car had forced him off the road He gave police dcscrip tion M4he4nysteryvehlcle and several OPP detach ments were alerted to find the car McGuire who was hospi talized for short time af ter the accident later ad mitted his story was false Homes For Iiged Awarded Grants TORONTO CPD Welfare Minister Cecile Friday ans nouneed grants under the gov emments care for the aged pro ram District of Kenora Home for the aged will receive 8168 to aid in the construction of an ad dition which will provide 101 beds at Kenora Fairvua uild ers Limited tratfordavakgivenmmwetm aid in the construction of Is ting on saturdays aince May Flames spread to nearbyrbarnr sum emu mmn rowan sen elitism News Tax Exempt ï¬nbm an users Ontario govern escort from the lhreepeweat retail sales as igmeeï¬all items costing less shoeschiidrena do nuii taxhrtoldm cantataaces ViivoiInitiaie Debate Mavisrow rarceoir monl agreed Friday to dispense ayslttings this week and next on the motion of Prime Minister Diefcnbaker The prime minist whosald thisdeciaion resulted from all parUdlscussioos also reported it has been agreed to initiate dchathnJleefencLhudget Monday and MW The Commons has been sit EAWKESBURY CP Fire followed by explosion Friday night destroyed garage barn and eight vehicles near this Ot tawa Valley town Fire broke out in garage owned by Roland Elan 37 on Highway 17 one mile east of the town subsequent explo sion wrecked the interior of the garage seven cars and truck belonging to Alex Miner Cause of the fire and exphr sion was not known Lower costs OTTAWA CF Transport Minister Balcer told the Lam mons today that cost of transat lantic telephone calls between Canada and the United King dom will be cut 75 per cent Nov ilhats the date new cable is scheduled to go 1ntooperation between the two countries FulleslStudy OtiAWA CPPrime Minis ter Diefenbaker said today in the Commons the government is making the fullest study of the recommendations of the royal commission an publica iloos reports that the United States government has made strong protest to Canada over the pro posals of the royal commission which urged stern measures aimedatkeepingathraï¬anadian magazine advertising dollar at units for aged persons aaanroan Special Brad School Pupils Get Holiday when Water System Fails home so have water problem but He said he will reply later on Oakley Park Home and School Association has from roenccditrlsolvarracflvitier iii iii his 515 ar in Tow printiiï¬l Ligh TION OFFICERS president Carolyn Bruce osmium Eran Ward recording Iccratery Harold QuebecPremierSeeks Out Capital In Europ QUEBEC CPl Premier Jean Leaage is leaving for Europe Wednesday to seek out capitol and to stir up interest in Quebecs feverish determina tion to expand its economy autthuzroblem uppermost in his mind as he gave final press conference before taking off on tour of England itaiy Belgium and France was unem ploymcnt and reorganization of unemployment assistance serv ices Mr Lesage said he can see only two both of them effect long term basisto perennial unem plopmant in Quebec One was thevestablishment of manufac turing industries and the other reforms his government has started in the field of educa tion He said if unemployment in Canada remains at the present level and gives no sign of abat ing he will ask Prime Minister Diefenbaker to call federal provincial conference to consi der the possibility of joint ac tion on wider scale He said not only Ottawa but the provinces as well have re sponsibility in alleviating the present situation COSTS RISING 0n assistance to the unem ployed Mr Lesoge said the si tuation apparently has been get ting out of handwith cost to the Quebec and federal government rising from an initial $1500000 monthly to $5000000 montlily in July As result the government has decided to turn over control of assistance to the social allow ances commission and has give misrwelfarn agencies which handled much of the assistance four months to revise their rec ords Mr Lesage said the govern ment has discovered mono trous situation in some regions where some persons prefer to 5W BWEL lect govern tance if said the government is quite willing to pay assistance to the genuine unemployed but cannot subsidize laziness and inac tion MONTREAL PRUIEST The inter federation Council of Montreal representing six Essa council meeting in reg ular session agreed to engage new police officer for the township while setting the max imum salary for the position at $4000 Allan McPherson will be en gaged at salary of $3100 per annum with an annual incre ment of $200 until the maximum isJeached Essa Seékshiithbï¬ylo spend $32000 On New Works Building been put at the disposal of the Essa Township school board voucher covering general accounts of $177575 tor August was accepted and ordered paid along with public weliare ac countof $110490 and road ac counts of $3805 Clerktreasurer Harold hell was instructed to request per mission of the department of welfare agencies Friday sent telegram to Premier Lesaae protesting the changes in the handling of relief payments Spokesman said the change is imposing serious hardship on 11000welioreacasesio Monte real The council asked the premier to suspend the pending study Before Sept relief cases were being handled by the city social welfare department with staff od 50 Mr Phnneuf said people needing public as slstance could only go the the local office of the provincial commission which has staff of six or write directly to Que bec City As result many relief pay ments had been curtailed or de laycd Saunderstreasurer and Ron Metcalle momma eta Barrie Girl Wins Trip TorSeminar wil be one of 77 HighWSchool en en wi attend science seminar at the Ontario Agricultural College Oct 19 to 21 The seminar is described as preview of college edu cation More than 1000 high schools throughout Ontario have written an examination to qual ity and those having the high st sting have been accepted by the college The program includes banquet football game and participation in van lous student activities fry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Will CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 86555 Victoria Smith of Barrie ANDERSONS INSURANCE AGENCY l2 DONALD ST PA 66085 AT YOUR SERVICE YOU PHONE sssayou Ar YOUR Home WRITING nu cadssas or WINTER IS COMING INSURANCE DO YOU HAVE ENDth INSURANCE TO DRIVE fords water shortage has given the communitys public school pupils an unarpected holiday School was dismissed early yes terday afternoon when water failed The school is situated on high ground and is among 200 pro perties affected when water pressure is low Principal Cecil Erittain said the decision to send pupils home had been are rived ataitecdlscussion Jill the Simcoe County Health Unit Bradofrd High school princi pal Arthur Stevens said they al Mayor Apologizes For Demonstration MONTREAL or Mayoi Jean Drapeau Friday apolo Sized to ofï¬cials of the Soviet tions at their perforrnancejliere Thursdaynight in which leaflets were thrown in the face the groupsd to Col Alexandrdv At the same time Mayor Dr peau said the federal gover ment has ordered aninvestig tion into the demonstrations which led to three personsbea ing held on disorderly conduct charges MayorDrapeau whrattende chorus atlthe Montreal Fonun was host at civic reception on Mount Royal for the milman group vasgivcn nn enthus iastlc ovation after its perform Thi chorus is via ng Canada as part of cidtural exchange between Canada and Russia The Montreal Symphonié Orv chestra is to visit Russia next Year wiiiyguon using water for Army chorus for demonstra the first performance of thé masses are stillhelag lï¬ld Some 200 homes in the Brad ford area have been wimout water several times within the last week forperlods ranging up to 10 hours Mayor Joe Magani said the towns wells are exhausted but added he hoped new well capable of producingup to 400 gallons minute would be in operation byrchristmas Public Utilities Commission member Frank Maurine an swered criticism that he was using water for his flower nurs ery when other residents were without pay high water rate he said and Im en titled to use the waterI want ed to put small lake on my property for such emergencies but council refused permission by business Gorbrandy 76 pro Dutch government urlngthe Second World gh er of the ambassador to ston Mertiiant as ofiseverai The municipal building has May Come Back In Better Shape VANCOUVER CI no vegetables you aroma restaurant are sngEY Send them right back to the kitchen maybe theyll return in better shape ats the advice of Dr Hugh eenleyside chairman of the 1397Power mission rm former heade the UN Food and Agriculture Organization In speech to the Canadian Dietetic Association here he said that despite the abundance and choice of foods in Canada the worst can be expected sometimes in the average res taurant or home His pet pe vs were soggy wegetables driedout meat pro cessed cheeses that were like strips of rubber and cakes and pastries tasting like well ard DoctorDentist Suite in New Expanding shopping Centre MetropolitanToronto East Writo Gullflwnndrvlllaleiï¬ 70 Collier St Toronto WAlaut 545 ANciN as rils smanssv sinner and Entertainment aau ass BLAKE sr Beside Kempvlew Bowl couurav STYLE DANCING Gresn Valiey Boys 7250 coon PARKINOFACEITIES Midland Penetang Eimv No Tell PA $3021 Phone Zenith 11130 mTpalu cl attiitho authorize an expenditure of $32000 for new building to house machin ery It was decided that no em ployable person shall receive welfare assistance between May 15 and Oct 31 iheAugust salary payroll of $235490 we ordered paid Council acknowledged let ter from Reeve Mervyn Denney and wished him rapid re covery $2079 tender of Robert Besse of Barrie for the digging of the Smith and the Arnold Corbethdrains wasaccwa BORN IN PLANE MARSEILLE France Rout ersl French doctors 20 yearold wife gave birth Friday to baby boy aboard an air liner 15000 feet above theMcd iterranean between here and Tunis Tunisia doctor among therrpassengera delivered the baby Mother and child were doi well New Issue SEPTEMBERuth ii the final date for payment of 1901 pro party Mdhlfliltell taxelrsecondlartallmenty Please come ta or mail payment with tax bills early AVOltI rnNAarias To facilitate payments lowing additional hours the city office will be openvthe fol FRIDAY sepiieirom pm io 650 pm SATURDAY Sept from am to IZNoon canon 4anri4JJlehentlsrés ExcelkncSeemity Attractive Return Province of Ontario Ala£95 hbenturea due October 1961 MeiPriceer to yield dboilt4685 Asm city mam ebentures due October 1983 PricerWSWeltT about 535 Denominations for both maturities 5300 and 01000 ncipale oï¬er these debenturessubjcct to prior sale and change in price investors who purchase and pay for debentures prior to October 1961 will not be charged accrued interest Mail or telephone orders will receive Wood prompt attention Limited uridy Company wear anennsamwrrvammn crass 176 Wellingwn Street East Ci Telephonh Pfrkwuy 89903 Barrie