TO BUILD ii CASTLE TAKE SOME SAND For MaryLarkey of Bradford and her younger sisters Ann and Heather the ï¬nding of good sand at Innis fii Park Is good excuse for building sand castle But little Heather thought romp ing and splashing In the water was much more exciting and soon lost interest in the build in ing project What we like about this beach said her dad is that it is shallow and safe even for little kids like Heather Inmsrn NOTES We have learned not from any intormation given out but by inquiringthattbmectmg of nnisill Township Council will be held at Strand tonight Assktant clerk Miss Mary Sloan said meeting was plan ned for Friday night too late to have the information in an earlier paper The regular meeting was postponed from Tuesday but no public informa tion was posted on the new cos County areas Innlsill ownship provided its share manyof whom never returned Mr Inckhart will have at his side Premier Leslie Frost viho was also member of the 157Ih and went overseas with them when about 1100 men leit here in the groups The reunion conuriitteeis try lng to contact every person wh was member of the no date WILL BE EMCEE Many members of the old 157th Battalion and its com panion group the 177th will be interested to know that ex reeve Clifford Lockhart will be mastercheeremonies at the re union of the joint units to be held in the Barrie Amoury Saturday Sept 15 The person nel for these overseas battal ions were recruited from Sim its Some zoo invitations have gone out from the reunion com mittee but they may have mlss ed the odd one or lost the ad dress SGT POLAND ILL Sgt Pat Poland of Bradford detachment Ontario Provincial Police is in hospital In Barrie Pat In Innisiii resident has taken an active part in base baIi activityrh the past and is ellknown In sport circles as Big Companies Ioin Forces In Chain 0i SelfService Stores VANCOUVER CWThe new partnership of the British Col umbia department store chain of Woodwards and the eastern and chain of Steinberga Lim ited will open its first two self the discount and food stor ness incestern Canada Mr Woodward said Thursday the first store 700quuare toot food outlet in midOctober will be opened The second service discount stores arn Canadanextmonthitwa announced Thursday Both of the new stores rep resenting an initial investment of between fl000000 and $9 000000 in what planned as large chain of selfservice do pertinent storesrwillbelcmt in Montreal Woodwards now operates sev ai large department and food stores in western Canada Stein hergs has 20o retail food mar kets in Ontario Quebec and New Brunswick Woodward Stores announced two months ago that the two firms re teaming up in multimrll on dollar invasion of vi four years Mr Woodward said expansion othe parts of eastern Can the Quebec outlets to success of which will be competing with several maor department store chainsi containing Mumford0L4 Toad space will open week or so later Both are located In suburban shopping centres The new partnership will op erate independently although hthe majority of the buying staff 35 warda and Steinbergs has pro beensupplied by Wood ded the sales force Plans call for total of six stores within the nextlhreerta the press of his nLtiveJountry well as among the police frat ernlty Heisanidtrhaverlieart condition which requires leng thy rest We wish him contin ued improvement as we feel surahiLwouldsoonerebeon isr JoiLthanclylnane bedeovon it he has lovely nurse noan paocmssrnc We asked the road supervisor lf the new development road was ready set to ask for tenders We were informed it was com ing along and that property re quired had finally been arrang ed it will soon be altered for tender for the first mile and half south from Highway 90 it could be that the balance over thebllis will be ready to be tendered on by the time the ï¬rst part is under way we wererinforrned Charges lire Laid In Drowning Death UiiAWA OP Ronald La vergne 19 oi Ottawa Thursday was charged with manslaughter in connection with the drowning ot ttawa youth The body of Jean Serge La casse was recovered from the Ottawa Rlvar by police skin divers Police said Iacasse fell into Ednesdaynigbkafter muons moan NOT APPREENT Germans SeemResigned To Living With Cold War By ANNE NEUERBOURG LEIPZIG AP People In East Germany seem lncrul inlyresigned to the facts of cold war life if any rebellious mood has developed since the Communist rulers cut off Ihc Juliannath to the West it is not apparent The Communist regime may lti as the supply of consumer goods increases Although progress in this field is far below West Ger manys it is nevertheless unde nlable For nine out of 10 East Ger mans the wall and barbed wire dividing Berlin are out of view Draft liegulations or Boat Controlw OTTAWA CPI Federal transport department officials plan to draft new proposals for controlling small boat opera tions in Canada it was indicated Thursday The proposals resulting from meeting of federal and pm vincial officials Wednesday would be submitted to provin cial governments for eonsldera tion The transport department said possible restriction of smallboat operations in certain designated areaswas discussed particu larly as protection for swim mers facing hazard from mo tor boa Change Reg TORONTO ICP Registra tion of two ships which have been picketed periodically by the Sealarers International Un ion IndJ has been changed to Toronto from it was announced Thursday night by Upper Lakes Shipping Limited Kingsburgh Upper Lakes general manager said registration of the Northern Ventures and Wheat King has been changed in an attempt to reduce delays in port The Sill has sought to pre vent the ships from operating with nonSill crews The Cane dian Brotherhood of Railway and General Transport Workers CLC has signed up the crews and the Canada Labor Relations Board is considering its appli cation for certification The Sill bu called the North ern Venture and Wheat King runaway shipsbecause of their Bermuda registry knifeswinging souffle while fishing with companion LONDON OP Publisher Qdflgdiaflgliepers Howe More News flheyeantteerthrTwmg this business of runaway flag ships at us all our lives said But like Canadianpapers cxcept for those who am watch Western television Tb Communistparty has set Sept 17 as the deadline for all East Germans to stop viewing the West German programs Out oI sightout of mind said one Leipziger commenting on the TV ruling PART sit of Soviet cosmonaut Cherman Titav to East Ger jnany this week was dulgned to strengthen the belief here that the West will eventually com promise over Berlin in the taco of Moscows military strength If an EastWest settlement is reached people hope the Co munist regime will permit at least partial resumption of the family ties now severed through rigid travel ban for East Ger mans Regular visitors to the Lelp sig Trade Fair agree the East German living standard has no doubtedly continued to improve during the last year rm ll 5811 can be seen Dressasare brighter Bad planning still fre quentlynpsets the frail supply system and goods from nails to diapers disappear from ttock But the situation appearto have improved But reports of food crisis or widespread hun ger are exaggerat World Tension Spurs Americans ToThinlrhbcut smackwer NEW YOBK AP Nuclear tests in Asia anda concrclo wall in Berlin are implrlog growing number of Americans to think about survival in pos siqu atomic war Companies that make bomb shelters or fallout hideaway ra port marked pickup In later est The spurt has came since President Ke nedy warned the v5 public nly 25 that the world situation was worsening Interest lumped again after the Communists divided Berlin and resumed nuclear tes rstration OIZ Ships To Help Reduce Delays In Port Mr Klngsburgh He sold own ership of the ships remains 11p per Lakee Bermuda subsidiary Island Shipping Limited WONT EXECUTE Police Chief James Anderson of St Catharines said Thursday that he will make no attempt to execute warrant for thear rest of Capt Clyde Clattenhurg of the Northern Venture while the ship is outside the munic Ipailly St Catharines police did not execute the warrant when the ship passed through the Welland Canal Wednesday because they were told the captains arrest would leave the ship stranded la lock blocking all npbound shipping The warrant was issued on the complaint of former crew mem ber uayddti iianner and1SIU member who charged QILIlenlulrgmreatenedJo fin him if he joined trade union Mr Tannerslawyer Kane of Toronto said he will ask the attorneygenerals de Upcomlng United States un derground tests may increase the nervousness over the open resumption of the atomic race New interest in building sbcl tels however is far from unan imous Various newspaper polls show hard core of apathyrand fataliam Many Americans doubt they could sinvtve an atomic blast and so regard shel ter building as futile Shelters fall into three broad types The public shelter holding sizable number caught away from home or living in mogestedarensfr1hrbtai Republicansdosim tect those at some distance from the lethal centre of the blast but still in danger The fallout shelter for those too for from tbspoint oi impact to have felt the blast but faced with the lingering eiiects of radiation in the atmosphere SALES INCREASE At the time of the presidents speech lthere were some 35 makers of blast shelters Their combined salesJast year were about $2000003 Tbeirb prices average aroun 000 at run alblgh nge log in part on the amount of equipment included Manuiacturers aifer shelters of reinforced concrete steel corrugated metal aluminum or all fiber glass There is also thriving busi ness among local contractors and an uncounted host of dolt yourselfers Mostly they build basement fallout shelters some COST OF LIVING woeloo lflflflï¬WVWJffl UP SLIGHTLY rwcaaada countliran edgeti upwards onetenth of point to 1291 at Aug This com pares with 1279 for the same date last year Upper graph traces living costs based on lots prices edualilng 100 from mesme to date ton year Lower graph shows the index of average industrial wages and salaries based on 1m figures equalling 100 This Index was 828 at July com pared with 1310 month ear licr and 1733 for the some data HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Will rain French Troops WASHINGTON AHPresi giritlfeennedy anéiounccd Than signing an agreernen which will permit the United States to train Preach troops In the use of atomic weapon message to Congress Kennedy asked approval in or der to fully utilise the poten list of French military forces in developing NATOI defensive strength The SalreadyhmmnH other Atlantic alllM but they differ in detail as to what in nrmatiocemaye berpassed on Kennedy said these are for co operation in the use oI nuclear weapons Ifli mutualdcfcnce pnrposes cinnadachas on agreement with the us by which it re cclves certain information on nuclear weapons such as their effects Canadians have been trained the us ou wleeponsczpalé ng one ear war ea rucbcagytha Honest John artil lery rocket HuRONIA Iii Vii1N THEATRE last year CP Newsma analmint The 93 Millionairess All SIIIDEIIIIS ICE ï¬nflaolw Hallo of SI and would we mmuwmmmn IHAIHnhm wanen couimvous FROM pm anus maroon STARTS SAT lttt tltillflN PlClllRt Illit Vittllltti for asllttle as $150 Joseph artmcnt to investigate why the vwarrant was not executed illliII RACES PINEJIIIEST esday night hurry home to Canada to put some life into Canadian news papers He said he politely dis agrees with Lady Jean Camp bell whowrote that Canadian papers are about as enticing as skiniul of old baked beans verbrook and is New York cor respondent for Beaverbrooks Evening Standard In her col umn written Wednesday from Fredericton NB she called on Thomson to come back to Can odo and do something to pep up laughed offa suggestion that he lb very much read stories in em never see published over here Thomson said there is much more news inCanadian papers statement frequently and from Canadian visitors to rit ain who find that the tabloid sized Fleet Street papers seem tcorriparatively thin in news can en Warm armour sborn comedian whoï¬ias lived here since 1947 snorted and said the Canadian standard is higher particularly for ago col umns There isnt columnist in this country for instance who can compare with Eric Nicol of Vancouver unless perhaps it is Speedway No Highway also CAASCAR international Sanctioned iO BIG EVENTS New Paved Track Adults $125 any to has air mm mm hlï¬ moonlit muons within the mid of cum Tobago fraud mustnmtionenOntbk Children FREE She said Can on rape under IZ years Cassandra of The Daily Mir Iobiaw President Says Company Climbed To Record Sales Year Loblaw Groceterias Company Limited has had an outstand ear stealth right under ï¬lo mrctudded Pravda and in writing style res intriguing Rhythm arsed bands mind one of fourth farmers dm 15 1116118 CBYPSO Wu translation from Ca sar mm muy Idm In Tobasos MAYBE ZIPme finehoteis and guest housch The Toronto born Thomson 48 Vm lading who started his newspaper em tropical will temptliv president announced yesterday in his annual report rnings and sales were at an trme high Mr Metcalf said Operating results exceeded all planned objectives he added Mr Metcalf said Loblaws has had remarkable record of sus tained progress year afteryeart The perihrnrancc of 1961 be emphasized Is tremendous Inspiration to every member of IIIE Lohlaw organization to set higher goals and attain greater achievementsjn the coming year Net earnings of the company for the 53 weeks ending June increased to $1070330 or 65 gtper cent more than the prev ious years record After pay ment of dividends on first pref erence shares the companys Heammlu $967 per share on the combined second preference and common shares This compares with $996 per sharefor the previous year anadlan retail salesrfor 53 weeks climbed to new record of $471031934 representing an increase of 91 per cent over the previous years total Mr Metcaif said the most ex iting and most extraordinary usiness in the world is food The company is leader In is gigantic dynamic industry pire in Canada and now de vot most of his attentionto British publishing interests said it may be true that British pa pers have more zip and are more tightly edited For Commercial Or Indusmalrhotos Portraits Pasanort Film Developing cant ismrn srunl as Danton so PA snvs run COUNTRY With The Green Valley Boys Every Wednesday commencing Sept 13 not 900 are ran course panama roomiij over Hunts rue smaassv Banquet andEntcrtainrnent Hall can BLAKE sr Besida Kempvlsw Bowlr STYLE DANCING pm till 1230 am SNACK BAR rmous Ptuvtns mm SAT FEATURE AT Lbs Entertainment For Your Rose of 337 clBARRIE IVOZ DnniopS reasons why mm and more discinunan Canudiamfwcatioiin Tongo VReducad Rates to Dec at ionsCALLNOW RAVEL SERVICE