Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1961, p. 10

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REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Wrm ww MONTHLY PAYIIZVIS TAlwliEn 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To conmudlu dGBLI Pay on existing manlngu Or mortgages coming due Home Improvement Any worthwhile Cause Call today jot apimintm iPAmI MORTGAGE EUNDING Over SimpsolisSears 129 DUNLOP ST MONEY AVAILAoIE Consolidation oi Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 OI $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR lMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK Poll BILL SIMMS PA 60203 RENTALS APTs nousns To RENT ADJOI NING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apuLmenul conpian with stove and retrlger ator Uso nl washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 51068 UPPER DUPLEX bedrooms sell contained Ultr modoro In every detau Near achooll Private drive our garage Suitable tor executive or husiness persons Lower owner occupied Avauahlo October Telephone PA Him tor turther deIIlla ANdua Hausa tor rent iour rooms and bath untumished Tel ephone nu pesos APARTMENT unturnished heat ed scpurste natrnnce heavy wir ing residential street Adults PA um TWOThu room Ipmenu lili iurnished Immediate Posseuion Telephone PA soon or lunhdr info uon Tahiti LARGE Rooms and three Piece bathroom hulitln cupboard heavy wiring Heated For turthcr details telephone 51 Nerett vslml Jilmno PA Mold 527 $35 APTS HOUSES TO RENT mm Bed sitting room and kitrhen Hut and hydro mnubd laundry incluUes Private enio ranee monthly Telephone PA AfrACTIVE nnau furnished to room apartment in Alisndaie Beat ilehts anti water nippliod shared hath Telephone PA mu tor runner momunn Minimum two hedroorn basement apmmrrit st Vincent and Weluuxlon St the ma no monthly Telephone PA uids tor lurther particulars APTSs HOUSES WTD 70D ROOM Emu uld litnmd by 3166 vm Quinr TAMIL oi tour out or good rent or titre or nin he room noun In nice leelion lie quired soon as pnuibll Tab phone PA blm SUMMER RESORTS COTIALIES T0 RENT oNe arm Two Dodroem Apart service and elaundniiietiitien Renting in mos Tel phone Leech PA MN mucus rtrnent over rutr Queen siovo supplied Alao bed ro in apartment with all refrigerator cennal Bin door Tdhphnno PA H452 film IOOI Iplflmenl heat Wliu KIDS Ind nmllnlnr sup plild Sal contained Dont nahI seeing this one 110qu shorplnr Telophon PA W19 or pink LOWE IIqu on Drauoni newly decorted Largo iIvInl mom kitchen with lord nI cupboardroDrbedmrn with MR closet Glnile onppued 315 month 11 PA W95 ONE nmnoo modern kilshln living room unturnished heated Available lmmediat close to bus stop Nice lumen district Apply lad Puget or ns IIONTIII Cottage winter ized heated with space heater Newly decor ed One bedroom Water on tap but outsIda toilot rttrieitr Included Near new thawing renllv On Ttdxehiu Drive Avauahi now PA M575 mils ROOM mmlxhed apart ment with three iece kllthlncufl liei suppled Parking at city close to do mnlitn Suit couoi Telephone PA 7425 flHIJJEEISBEDJIIRO mun units and relrigerator auplt Ind drillnee mined at possession he onabie rrnt Adults Telephone PA H367 IMMADULATE threa room unturn ished aparirn nt Private entrance Attached go go Tiled bathroom and kitchen slnlt Laundry tariii ties llange boat and water rup piied Telephone PA Moor coNTaano Apartmoat Heat water light supplied Priv ate entrance APPly I19 liradlord smut or tel= phone PA Mist AIODERNLY turnlshcd heavyduiy equipped thrcc room rollcolitlln cd apartment clean storage space heated Pulling spreeo sabono PA Maui mrnt stov Available apartment pie prerorred Buiitdn cupboards tile and hardwood floors Teic phonc PA 57715 or iurthrr par tlcuiars FIVE ROOM artment un turnished downtown location Pris vate entrance Laundry taciiitier Heated and parking space Tole phone PA stoodyo PA 34943 menus NEW AND Modaln one and two bedroom spsrtmnnis overlooking scenic Kempoulolt Day any ter arking snd innitor service inqu ed Automatic wnlhinl ta cuiuer PA Mint TWO wool Furnished ApaIIe meaty Also two bedroom mohiie home completcly turnish ed with all conveniences Fiva room house oil tired au couvcnl ences Apply 99 Victoria street or telephone PA H474 GROUND PLDOB three unmrtltstletruplrlhf Lots of closet Space Stove and refrigerator Centrally located room SEVEN ROOM Knits or rent flare bldroams Clan to public 11001 All conveniencu Tel phone vy slut stter pm uNruRNlsnzD Aprrtment in end district close to plaza and hooprt DWW Toarll and bath separate entrsnce SBSImonthly Teléphane PA mil THREE ROOM Furnished Apart ment with path Garage Ken did and wile lquliefl Store Ind bus stop right at door Telephonc PA 55205 tor particulars TWO BEDROOM unturnished apartment or rent Heated Down town location Telephone PA 89250 THREE nanltOOIIl priokeIIomesor rent Living room dining room and kitchen three piece hath Gar age Apply to heresy Street rgflIwtrnzmmmitigo or lphn ment to rent the year round Part ly turnished Telephone amt Wnsagn Beach or details UNFURNISHED iiva room heated apartment mmk Janina contained Available now Teln phone PA no or PA 43 THREE ROOM Apartment turn Ishcd heated Hydro and water supplied Apply to 69 John street or telephone PA 358 UNPuRlemirl Lower Duplex aerors ram Airport liiodern kit rhea heavy witInf separate hath room two bedrooms Apply Harold Elckiing telephone PA amo TOUR BEDROOM Brick House fur rent all heating one block to Lobiaws Parking facilities Avail able October Telephone PA 85400 SELF CONTAmED three room apartment heated central loca tlon otlstroet parking Available Sept 15 Reasonable rent Tele phone PA IHDOIJ Coed parsing immediate poiges slon slo per month Telephone PA 51320 FOUR ROOM unturnisbed apart ment heated sell contained Cen traiiy locate Also threh roam baxemmi WW ll contained No objection to iid Telephone PA 55308 or PA 55328 UNFDILNIEBED APARTMENT spacious 4rnom apartment central ly located ideal lol married couple or couple with ona child who likd lots or room stove and retrige ator supplied $80 monthly Cs PA H485 evenings PA 52311 MODERN two bedroom apart ment Large living room kitchen andrtbree pleceihnth nonrand bsclr entrance Laundry room in basement One or two children welcome Apply 33 Daydeid st or telephone PA no ONE LARGE living kitchen two bedrooms dinette laundry room bathroom and large sunroom all on one tloor Heated Apply to chsrler Lowe 2oz puniop st VuVest Availhie alter septemher UNFUENISBED sect contmed nested apartments Ono lroom main floor one Ssrhaln upper dup lex one small child welcome Also one iroom apartment adults only Rank range trom son to sail monthly These op rlnifiiTa sre near General Electric and Con tral Collegiate Phone PA 34534 or 146 nradtord street ROOMS TO LET Children woicoinc JIXIILJ LAlszrlwm Cottage lor rent llnelnlwintrmnhhedrflnrxnd cold Idler shower alidgaranwoo per month Telephone PAinL ARTICLES for SALE NEEDANEW STOVE OR 15me Buy em with mom ulpinlurzd 500m PLAN LOAN file Bank of Nova Scotia Imls SLEEPING BAG BARBECUE RADIOS DOMINION TIRE STORE iio rnRADFORD sr BARRIE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantin of old stock COUNTER ARTICLES tor SALE USED FURNITURE STUDIO COUCH DL $l995 LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE LIKE NEW$2500 4FOOT BED COMPLETE WW $l995 PC CHROME SUITE LARGE TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS USED ONLY SIx MQNT$ISig95 ARM CHAIRS $2100 CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS r3KBAYFIELDST PHONE PA 82843 MERCHANTS ESTAX ITACCOU NTI NGj MADE EASY Lei us show you Cash Register that will take Amount of SaleClerkAmouni of Tax aII in one operation printed tape that shows full details of every transaction with one pull of the handle plus separate total for the Sales tax Priced from $27950 Tradeins accepted STAR BUSINESS MACHINES Z4 BRADFORD ST mm PA 66595 COLLECT SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fecl condition but have l95 on the date ine REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20c Clearing at 9c ea SMITH USEB+FURNITURE PC CHESTERFIELDISUITE $65 PC DAVENPORT SUITE months $9 plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Bam Phone 66537 HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available LE General Factory Trained Service LOWEST PRICES MCEADDEN Applionce in PmlrlANC STREET PA om TERMS FILL YOUR FREEZER with the tincrt aim and ELUE MEA TS ETC was Guaranteed Quality Eudget Terms on orders $5000 and over completa Line ot AT THE LOWEST PRICES are Ivailnhin to than who wish to purchase their orders daily Waryonr KLEERPAK iOOD STORE 145 STREET In PHONE PA 5050 Free Delivery Open Fndny LI pm BULLDOZING and Grading Ponce Row and stumps removed Tel ephono Lee Hart PA Hid MOTOROLA TV for 21 inc reasonable Also whip nerinl com plete Telephone PA dds SPACE HEATER tor vale medium size good working order Price 335 Telephone PA 63314 TEMPoDAnY Hydro Installonri fole tor sale Telephone PA E4647 or Eartha vInlormltiaD QUILT rolt sun hrndmsde so Pllqued role and green on white hropdcloth Large size Brand new Telephone PA SIfli FURNISHED bedroom tor rentin residential area on our line Park ing facilities Telephone days PA soul or eveni PA 61027 FURNISHED ROOM with sink In the John And InniIill Suva nu Linen supplied Telephone PA 39997 William tor Ior rale Coodcoadition so cash Telephone Angus HE com mawrtlms boulhhla rent ed repaired student rent rates Ark shout out lient ny then Duy Plan star Typewriter CL 24 Eradiord st PA 65595 ODEENrtourqmeUDIDmHDEdT aporunent on Owen st clean roll contained heated New retrlger atnr and stove nip lied 59v Avauahlo sept is Moot UNIUIINISHED Apartment three rooms and kitchenett Heat lightwnn water supplied Nnr Barrie upping Plaza Telephone PA Neill ONE BEDROOM Apartment with private entrance unturnished Heat and hydro lillilietlu Immedi ate pusussin Apply at 184 Nap ier street 4200M withkitchlliatta thren Board optionaL Parking riacllitle on bus line Reasonbin rep Telephone PA Mm IAMDUSGolflencllde Vacuum cleaner gtreduced to sensor singer Sewingr Centre in Dunlap street West Telephone PA 37950 LADY LIVING alone would share turnlshed bungalow with congen ial widow or business girl or TenuplnfwriiCanZITEITIYICT aminer EmmanjocotionrnhlooItsrmm downtown in privata home suit nhln tor one uhtvmrflmzPrkv ueges Reasonable Parking tan Euer Telephone PA fl5278 even SELF CONTAINED unturnlshed one bedroom heated apsrtment privateeetrnn autism has route CentsI located Parkv ingJAfllltel Telephone PAzmnr BRIGHT iumiohedelrtment Io rent hedqlttlul mum and kit Chen Suitable Or two CeiflfilT location Priv entrance Parit ing tacitltie Telephone PA 71M shim Apsruhent Large living room bedroom dinette mosm Irltchen with stove and rclrlger tor Central Business couple we tened Telephone PA 575 Minna Plivltl an ce lighll Witter and puking Suppiie fitmenthly Telephanu PA 8225 THREE ROOTIUvApnlImenI for rent wltlr ove Ind relrlge tor Clnal lo downtowd Avsllabia now Apply 5d Maple Avenue or iflpholll 3621 MCIE ROOM and II ROOMdc BOARD ROOM AND DOAltD available ior gentleman Lunches packed it dz gig$4 Orr bus rout elephonePAI oard avau able in private home in Conersl Electric vicinity Lunches packed Laundry Telephone PA aorta FREE COM and Board centrally located or school teacher or protcssionai lady Companry or c21 aduit Apply Box as amines LAiton rnmtrhed Room with gt coor aWlfihlter OIL FURNACE controls and lore ed air tun compact unit Selling reasonably Telephono Fendleyl ers itEimlGEltATth Leonard Dcilixn in excellent condition Sclling tor son Telephone PA 59993 or tub rthgrtnmrmmonrT DDOADLOOM RUG sale it it In beige one or old $100 or hest otter Telephone PA RomaMAGIC Vacuum Cleaners ul tail special at $4950 Singer Sewing contrarzonunlop street west Tciophone PA rmu CLAY LOAM Ptu tor sale large quantity Load and pick up with your own trucks Priced reason abiy Telephone PA 82177 DitAND NEW singer Partnblefor salo only $4950 $56 down pay ment and ensy Inimitth terms Singer sewing Centre 2s Dunio StreetWent TelepIiLmono llWEI ATTENTION stamp and coin collectors All your needs suppuen at thonow stamp and Coin store 11 Enyfleld street Bamd Ont Open at present Fri 11 ly SatinElly egxammefiglunmwmaess AUTOMATIC DRYER old $49 PC HIDEAWAY SUITE PC DAVENPORT SUITE me $65 $995 $Ii9 $2950 $15 $10 $15 $1 PC KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITE PC CHESTERFIELD CRIB COMPLETE PC KITCHEN SUITE WHITE ENAMEL pr DUNCAN PHYFE STYLE CHROME KITCHENSUITE VANITY DRESSER WITH MIRROR BED TO MATCH PC KROEHLER HIDEAWAY BED CHESTERFIELD MCCEAWRY MACHINE WITH PUMP ADMIRAL CONSOLE COMB RE CORD PIAYER AND RADIO AS IS SNTITH 137 DUNLOP ST EAST PA 60245 PA 69246 13sz vol TRIED ARTICLES FOR RENT Barrie Auction Rooms mm mm mums and def Drills Ladders Call In for list Of rnntnls Dongle Second Hand Store itlnrdfielr resets st Telephone DUNLOP sT WEST PAiNWI PHONE PA H417 ARTICLES NEWSPAPER ANTIQUES WANTED MATS Unusudlpiecu OI chinn brien iizcs min meal or lining nan hrlc OLI lnmPS glassware clear Or colored Did buttons toilet sets house AHICI lunged CIA rA pertec insinator Lurnltulo ole Feat ETIEISEnId PER es 25c Dom Mldhursl nthu pplyvfna Mfr PA828IO Bue Onhm STAMP COLLECTIONE oldlatteri TALL srhchLl The Famoul Sln mm med peg Fm olsrand MAL Towing serylc FBED SEED GRAIN 1A Wm In nil Glam VIII Tallphnnl PA 65 Ma mug nod hllllfllllnh it tonst nuan on Inn and more at onitzymen are Itarted ready to lay and day old thickl Order nail or IIXIJ order 3312th 013 on um Lu HUNTERS 77 AUTOMOTIVE RAMBLER 10 DOWN Demonstrator FARMERS THE 3A1th EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER moron cans eon satin HUMAN AND LAND ROVER QnIYVOneHi AUTOMOTIVE cans WTD To BUY Barries Newesi Car Lol Urgently Requires Used Cars TRADE UP 0R DOWN liowiilvlendr you matter4 on our present car ORV HARDY POULTRY FARMS FARM Macaulle ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS 180 AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD innit DELAVAL SALES Cr SERVICE Milken Vacuum Pumps lol lDy milk HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE Cut Now Haulnd Dlvld Brown gtBeallyFarlngtEquipment l7lieBURTONAVE Fall Fair Season Drawing close Dont forget to see our exhibits at the differ ent county fairs All types of new and used equipment available at our shop anytime CASH TERMS TRADE CORN BINDER international In Al condition Apply Alien Lebecli tolopliono stnyncr 79171 COMBINE AiiisChaImers model 50 PTo complete with pickup straw proador and windroiv spread In AI canfllilun Ap ilfiuhnlichlei Yurkow SUDIId Mind AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH or STANDAR DEALERS nopslra to All Iilaitos 75 BAYFIELD sT hAniilE PA 84165 ONE OWNER FROM NEW 1958 MORRIS OXFORD Ostord isou Sedan new August 55 white with Hid luminary hunch lent padded duh flnshinz Illrn sign electric clock hiock heater original tiros all good 24100 miles Clremlly used as teoond car PHONE PA 58 DR EOX EARRIEVEXAMINER To ARRANGE IOR IitIAl DRIVE lash PLYMOUTH Deluxe tour door nix cylinder turquoise and white automatic curtain radio findElIRIHPMkOriDIWAOD lights whitewaii tires and wheel discs fineOwner car can rmgo homes and will accept trade Private sala su5 Cali PA Lell 4DO0R car condition throughout 443001 own 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI Tan and Beige with V4 Ior business or pleasure 1954 CON DOOR SEDAN ped with radio We can 1954 CHEVROLET 4DO0R SEDAN Finished In Blue and While two tolrerflhlrcllldrinvcry odd PA 32373 em 17 G0WAN STREET PA was or slid Clean Clil III been refused Telephone PA 59355 nllll HE 55 Tags tsTON PICKUP Truck low milegs us down week Phnnn PA Hm alter la57 PLYMOUTH Ii nedlli Included Will up older In Ludo Telephnno WU Adlli PA 592 nadio and whitewaiis 55 Ap to 46 Maple Avanua Dania turthcr details 1951 levErt IIAWK Motor thcr particulars 1554 MERCURY convertible tire nod pnon PA Mud onion 1550 MONAltCB Telemann PA NM 1957 VANGUARD door stat waKOn body Ind the are In eelient conditio interior new Low mIIeag Goad mech ll condition Telhphonb 54515 evenings 1354 FORD PICKU tion Motor in excolient conditi Telephone PA 60884 1749 DODGE HE 95595 Try An Examiner Coins Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE SERVICE Service to all makes of Appliances I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 YDRAIN CONSTRUCTION BILL GETHONS CONCRETE AND DRAIN CONSTRUCTION Sepilc Tanluwaeplng bud in lnllehlii repaired agonuretn work renc ng excava THORNTON ONT IVY timid PA 82518 DIAPER SERVICE leOMnLIc ZiEZBE Sawing FRANCIS ST WWDEW 2159150 Ezethenziu4 Wm am PA 63551 your 11 er W118 Gll WE WILL PA CASE 28 Dunlop Sheet West PA tired turnituro or Any got grid ck $7980 gtlcle Or content lots one Ex Am FRUIT VEGETABLES FILL GRAVEL Tor Sslll TOMATOES tor 35 harkc 5FARMERS MARKET Wo Wu FadFog con arent SEE TANKSIPWED Hurry Vernon Wyehriogo hit LIVESTOCK Running and origins Water mile and quarter east of anerley mi and threequarters nort EOLSTEIN EDITED with call treshcned September Tolsphona Stroud lulu TWO LOVELY Welsh Ponies tor saleOna rlxutoxed stnlllon Telephone PA M211 HOLSIEIN REIT23 tor adld due Septemhcr iii vaccinated and TB tasted Apply Cline Rawnl teio phone Elmvale Ioalua PONY PALDMIN three yonn old hlaclt alid white dulot will sell tor host otter Apply at to Ross street alter rpm IIOLSTEDV AND Jersey Cow now milking about years old com ing fresh in April Also green and ripe tomatoes cooking up Pics and automatic tender and alumElma $150 per bushel ALSO 140 feet of half Incll 1m pipe anlld Gill Mid limst Telephone PADImp FLOWERS PLANTS FLOWERS for In Garden mumg delphinlum Tools tomatoel sinus and muted flowers pentolt Greenhouse Png Danie BOA TS MOTORS In FOOT lass Egiolt day cniiscr hard top with 50 Evlnruda 35 hp Dunnile motor to dale Telephone WIIIOI Adair PA 59298 lGASE LOANS6500 atvfin per Delivery crushed atone BU SITxIEST DII3ECTQRYHE EAIIIYBIII Bukhu in hit DENNIS MORAN 19 am street PA um FORSHOVEL WORK EXCAVATING HACKHOE CLAM DRAG LINE CEMENT STING on RAISING STEEL 55 BOOM shilsz FRONT LOADNG LEV ELuNG OR nACKPlLLlNC DOZ Enrril LAWN ylowhlts LAWN MDWERS tor rent andirot pairs on all types Agply at White Rose Stntinn izo alto street anrin PA calls MASONRY Jay nlgh and mum hum mm watcrers tor poultry Telephone Cruqu Elise no nunlop 3710 lithoTP on TEEm LYWD or for use gt no hp motor and trailer in THE BARRIE condition Telephone PA EXAMINER CHIMNEYS BUILT AND EEPAIRED CEMENT AND BLOCK WORK liEAsoNAnLE PHONE EWING nit WORK PHONE sTEw ART PA iiInhI in N0 ANSWER CALL PA omi PHONE PA 82414 SERVICE By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERBANGING ma PLYlluuTrl Sedan good run ider mo Angus telephone so good condi 1960 lilLLMANlIIle Finished in Ember Red and Foam White iwoione This car has standard transmission New 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC With Frontenac Grey finish Equipped with arnoiu reclining seats car youll be proud to DOOR STATION WAGON en gine This wagon may ha used Finished In Frost While Equip ivo you load deal on this one i757 CHEVROLET station Walon OI Tulsa Freeze 42a Dllko Skeet mu CONSUL our door radio in good condiiio no reasonable oilr or per din uto in ten PACKAIID udln mu miles ply tor ull rebuilt good tires Belt otter in cash Telephone PA M51 or tur too in Al cnrldllllon summit1 until ad ower owl naiu on mechanically good uverrlrivcrigsioi new E22 ltdhw ya emir mm bargain st so ion ax Lkn an PA MOTORS l76 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 84272 casts run your canmas paid olt We lndo up or down landsle union has horn rie PA uni PERSONALS w0liuiNs COLUMN LEARN an ilAlRDREssiNC till now thI chartered schTu wheroovm thoroughly trained in all branch or beauty culture Por Inlortnation write Ime HAmDRPSSING SCHOOL iv COLLIER 5mm OR PHONE PA Hm units It you need Dime dltioli lumen if Chl melt lired to your also in yourhoms Phnnl or lppolnlmenl PA H717 LOST Cf FOUND Cmtmlifllafionc are ruby gol lost cp rd September Keeps Telephon PA was alter 530 IO HELP WANTEI DIME HELP CARPENTERS Three good finishing car penters Good Wages Steady employment APPLY MARTIN RR BARRIE NO 11 HWY SOUTH YOUNG MAN wtth minimum touch typing speed or all turns to learn tale typoseiter perforating ln luvpr er production doplflmenLGW4 any arid employee henents Apply to The Ernie Dirminor omen Paloma wanted lo vi howl on Bilkl strut Mr Conlnlt PA 59071 liter 1711 JMTTIME Service station Ate tendint student or apprentice Ap ply to unit 31 hartlo Examlnll stating ago and rainrehco IOUILNBYMAN electrician require ad tor immediate steady employ mcnt state reiersnces and salary expzcled APPLY In Box Birth TRUCKS TRAILERS on I0N Truck with laur speed transmission Cab and amanMlewoMWMOWwioH Wnlit Ad Painting ultl Paper arcs Spray Painting Service Since mo RR EARRIE EDWAND SMITH AND SON Ln PA Mills SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to rein ova your dead and crippled tatm uni main under the shows Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRLE PAlkwin 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE MCENSE IllGo DEAD OCKl Tread or cripplEcl caTIIEThor and hugs removed For fast service sea PHONE BARRIE own or ask or ZENITH 94130 COLLch 24 hour day7 days wank NlCKSDEAD STOCK ER 1Foxmend Ontario License No iascsl WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplund Drilling 1m BARRIE PA 87646 WELLSBLASTI N6 DUG DEEPENING OREPAIEING CALL KEN WINTER IQ MARIA ST BARRIE PA 82 Am An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA $2414 DITCHES OSTUMPS OBOULDERS tinyCverilnll Examiner ASSEMBLY and rinishlng Deput msnt Supervisor wanted nutter oamprise the supervision or tire assembly an of Ian girls and shipping department Apply stat Ing age marital strtur previous experience and sultry expected to Box iii hurlIo intminer muleertoinmentemrIcWedoeo74 day attemoon lrom 1100 noon until 1000 pm in the evening stste rge height weight and Earl number to Box 44 Barrio miner FEMALE RELP EXPERIENCED waitresses required tor day ahltt Apply Robin Rutlurant mic Pie WAlmlcaslls experienced part time work Telephone PA 88514 CAPADLlsOlnI wanted ate work APPly Thummonl Red White store all Strand CANDY Dull required Part time Apply in person imperial Thea GIRL WANTED to look AHA hnokl or small huaneIg in Ann erI no in Annu DAY CARE tor preschool chud with light housekeeping duties days it week Apply box so earri Examiner WAITRESS ANn Cashier required Milli ho clean neat Ind depend able Apply in person to Win gatedch st Laksviow super Muir 1L ar Grltl WANTED tor receptionist Must be good typist Please do not phone unless you are tnlly apiilticd Call Mr carton PA TRAIN As Cosmeticians Excellent commission Opportunity tor ad vanrement No ago limit Part or lull time In Barrio or surround Apply Box In Darria IIoUsEKEEPElt required tor mah ried couple In Elis Livo in House has modern conveniences Good home with Hood Wages APPIY An solder Chnighurst or telephona PA 55551 oVeniligs utter 930 pm Iiipv will BANKERIS FELLOW WHO IOAIISVOU Ill UHBREIM WHENTIIE SUN IS SHINING AND WANTS IT BAGK AS SOON ASIT STARTS RAIN 2mm Iimlilrtu BARRIE ELECTRI MOTORS AUTHORIZED MOTOR SALES Ea LB2206 530W 5T gt

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