giris one 13 and to and the HENRY MAKOW ll oi Ot tawa writes weekly column about bringing up children which appears in 35 news mwapers across Canada and the Young Columnist Advsses By JACK VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Start Writer UllAWA CF It child hep kicking people try mak ing him the target good spanidesMLlcure bully who picks on the neigh borhood children This was spontaneous advice given by Henry Makow 0t tawas ll year old newspaper columnist during an interview in which he answered questions on his iorte bringing up chil dren The dark haired youngster whose weekly column Ask Henry appears in 35 news papers across Canada and the United States didnt Unit question during chat at his home His attractive blonde mother served lemonade and his father Dr David Makow 37 year old National Research Council scientist listened in obvious aplt preciation TEES ADVlgï¬g Henry war on the as sumption that as child he should have insideinformation writes column of advice to parents on bringing up chil dren Parents andyoungsters United States He began his writing career in April alter convincing editors of the The Ottawa Journal that his ideas were his own GP Photo Parents He began the column to get money or his education Hei banks all earnings and now has $700 deposited Money doesnt impress Henry too much and he isnt deflated by the idea that sluserromposerrautAaka an other young Ottawa product makes more than $1000000 year in the United States wss satistied with week the amount he received or his iirst column and Id rather be columnist for $60 week then sing for $1000000 Singing is or sissles Henry is no sissy He plays softball baseball and hockey and gets into as much mischief as any other youngster He receives no allowance gtirom his parents They give me money if want to go to movie but never go to movies so theyre rigging money on that deal he USES PENCIL Henry writes the column him self with stubby penciln snaky printing style His BE helps by typing the tlnished pro duct but the ideas are all Henrys although he sometimes asks his nine year old sister Anne for her opinions Consultations are also held FRESH SHANKLESS oblemsand cerpts from theirriettersia pear in the column with Henrys terse advice Heres sample question and MSWEI earHenry2+have4threr other one year old The one yearnid seeing there is such difference in ages is very spoiled What should do Spoiled Dear Spoiled dont see how oueyearold could be spoiled baby should be given lots of attention and love Dont worry Heury Beguntourth Ottawa Journal otter Henry convinced the editors his ideas were his own it has caught on bringing measure of fame and iortune to the wiry 85pound youngster Henry now gets $60 week for the column syndicated by the Toronto Telegram News Ser vice book of his columnswill be publishEd in 1962 PLENTY or MAIL Twenty to25 letters are re ceived weekly by The Tele grarn Questions that are not beyond the ability of bright lboy of 11 to answer are or gwarded to Henry Recently many questions relating to With the parents but Henry mevermalrerrnhahgeiiï¬t 611 their sayso Tbecolumn takes week or sometimes night to write tidehendLonJhemoedelnp Henry divides the column into bright and serious letters to give variety like mix ture How does he arrive at his answers put myself in die spot the kldisiuandtrytotigureit out It havent gone through it just ii an answ Henry does is fa orit WWWisEémvzï¬ cats at spanking tor the younger ones Older childrener himselt should be punished by being sent to their room but not with out supper Dont stervea kid Thats crazy Dr Malrow says Henrys in telligence is only average but that his sense of humor is de lightful Hes grade stu dent with percentage of so His sense of humor crops up continually as in the advice he gave the mother worried about her son eating ants Serve him some catsup and vegetables with them nous COMMONWEALTH TEA BAGS loo Tendergwlg rouseremgggf magfgm JRUMPfWRQASTS 29w SIRLOIN La WING 51st Prime Rib lions 565° Boast LT Kent rnurr linoleum 28 tin sac 69° 19¢ sALrINEs s100 SPECIAL mu FAB WEEKEND Mlxv eraser Butler DYSON ILICED 33fricxlsn nears Giant Siu lb bag to or WALKERI CHOICE FREE FREE rare FREE SAUSAGE MEAT $100 BU5Y LBS GET LBS FREE Peuno PKGS luminaries °m3r19 KRAFT IIARMANe runs mum DRESSED SHANKLESI 4sss1viournPlumes Le 49¢ LB LB 596 TAR Witt BUY ArsuEiIisks Ieos cures wuiz 59¢ eaoeK nssssnr press 510 MONARCH POUCH PAC CAKE MIXES FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES gm 25 HQMEGROWNNQJ +IbreHieKEN WINGS 20 ea this Ibs SHOULDER PORK CHQPS lbs SHOULDER LAMB cages MOUNT RQYAL CREAM STYLE CORN 52 20 ea tlm 29 brother and Toluene TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS fhave been received from teen agers CANAï¬iANS PEERarm Eli IJTIInnioIt someones Aso lNE$° UJHITEAROSES PHONE PA 82414 NADIANS stlmurro Morons BARRIE ensue Flier GRADE ORANGES Creamery Butter CLARKS rouaroJulce 25 roan xMARKETi 20 oz ti ns BARRIE