THE STARS SAY MA YOUR HEALTH SOUIPS ON By SALLY LOU AHERN Excitement Causes Sleepless Nights By BURTON FERN MD YOURE healthy youre clim Ilse be evl out he youre relaxedl Then why do habrt gt you proud turn all night youd be gratdul for even MB TOMORROW him will be stimulating pectsoniridaybeipfolinsome WhMed use aetivitluegumm concern asvors btniness undoi creative talents will be under tine lottoom but ill personal onshl inkingita hasty look at the garden the other day an the guillng ripening tomatoisrteminded me tiiiastapigk lin on us Soon angy aroma no pic es and grescrves will be waiting through the ï¬aggflwflwmw neighborhood your horoscope Indicates fine Now is the time to takudvantageofflie uanfities 53 be akyga of homegrown fruits and etables which ound tendency to be hyperal tlcal uiin able to make fine strides in Sour business career by early ecember Progress will continue ll Jaloiflï¬ly butr clntJ down on the tob at any time Keep plugging with the future in mind Break the hot sleeping Sleep oooll is your stomach empty Perb ps theres some flaw in Jailshetlroom nu IngrhuVY on your hand if your ml been using high gear all waning you cen expect it toldla sudden ven rusty jalopy takutliri to slow down Dont expect to dro off with your heart pounding rom Eliot Near or Tightrope This nervous ucltement can keep you up long afterthe Late Late Late Show You can even be too tired to sleep Youll dou off as soon as 13 bit the lack if you unwind lerhsrdiWVrop an old norm forter over the mattress Does your bed sag Prop up the val ley with mountains of blankets How about your plllowi Bosh in partofthat hlglipillow to bummerout comfortable cor her if your pillows gone flat lock up the head oi the bed with blocks Ara heavy blenkcts keeping you from drifting off my light alecttinJlanket Are you ï¬rm enough Cold feet can kick anyone out of dreamland Close the door if tight pour in from the next room But open the windowl stuffy monLcan chair on or of Now is the time to prepare for the long cold win ter months ahead when your family will be chin to ap prorziateyoutdatiorTWflihjiYsove putting down the winters supply of tastygarnishe54oradd£picertomanyn nter mea many readers will undoubtedly have recipes which appeal to their families but for the new housewrfe who has not yet accumulated multitude of time testedre ciples will pass on few particular favorites of mine TASTY MORSELS These savory morsels have been tested time and ttmé again over many years and never seem to lose any of their appeal From in mothers treasury of dog cared flnger marked recipies have chosen TomatoFruit Cluli Sauce family favorite which enhances any dish from meat loaf to potatoesand is delicious as hasty sandwich filling The other is an easy uncom llcated and conven ient recipp fo es ch require great deal of effort but never the less are welcome addit ion to any relish dish TOMATOFRUIT CHILI SAUCE heaping six quart basket tomatoes peaches cut up small 1102 large oruons chopped large bowl apple sauce cups Vi doz red peppers sweet hot bunch celery chopped fine optional Put tomatoesami celery on to boil and whenboil ing take off water until fairly thick Then add apple sauce and cook cups vinegar and onions pep ers and tbs salt or to tas Put large package ofw ole mixed spiize into cheese cloth bag and put to bOll with tomatoes for 20 minutes to half an hour Let boil to desired thickness Removing the ex cess juice reduces the hoilin time and helps the sauce retain its rich tomato color the excess Juice is delic ious petitlzer so dont throw it away Whenyour sauce as reached the desired thickness add sugar to taste quite sweet and boil for ten minutes after it has again reached boil Adding the sugar at the very last moment is also an aid in retaining the sauces rich color Put the sauce into sterilized sealers and invert un til cool Dont take financial risks in November March or April or you could offset gains and hamper eflorta to further your financial status later in 1062 December and January should be interesting from social standpoint and beginning with late December the following six months promise great deal in the way of recognition for those engaged in creative or scientific wor 7593 RESIDENTS MARK ANNIVERSARY ml and resided here until Nicol iiii AHA sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs William Band Eileen WA The Willoviry Look Returns TOPClIiS PARSfllcutors The in the armfand fitting almost as line is fashiona newestout anueg as gloves THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19017 une PEOPLE AND PLACES fact that they are back after in close to the body The winter Plfuno mean Dixon Hinditry Coulson PA 66537 FORMER BARBIE Mr and Mrs Edward Arm strong of 400 Howard Avene ue Windsor celebrated their golden wedding anniversary yesterday The celebrantl were married in Barrie in Choose your own way short walk little reading some mellow music or perhaps Just quiet slttln thinkinl vaca ion ma hel Bu TCvliiiircliiliILWI his iiityili°fi esume EdiMeetings new bedroom even mountain Churchill Womens lnslliute air can keep you up will resume its meetings fol Think it over is bedroom flaw walling you off flora viewing the Emitterrecess Sept 14 at 815 pm good nights oleept Mrs George Cameron of Bar rie will be the speaker OPENS BANK H7 OTTAWA CF Prime Milk Roll call will be Bring an institute program from another later Diefen officially opened the new Ottawa main branch of the Royal Bank of Canada Wednesday 85000000 no foot structure at the down branch WINS AWARD OTTAWA CF Canadian aerial survey technician has town corner of Sparks and Met been awarded Perus Cross of colic streets Merit for helping rescue Per uvlan Air Force officer in helicopter crash in the jungles of eastern Peru Ronald Donaldson of York Mills 0nt an employee of Hunting Asso ciatu was presented with the decoration here Aug 25 by For tunnto Quesada Perus charge daffaircs in Ottawa strong also have son Bor den who is presently living in Germany There are five grandchildren and one great érandson William Thom years of extinction More So collections have brought back ban of Dior uses wide obi or clothes which fit and flatter mm bem 33 high womanla naturahcurves out effects with boleros and float dating the letyouraelfgo pe ing bodices other designers may easy maxed fashions undecided whether to belt or and introducing new figure not to belt compromise with duped by ï¬rm and warm diagonal and oblique waistline live coraetry slanting from ribcage tovhlps or doubling up with inset yokca Selfcontrolcombining good which mark both high and girdle sane diet and the will power to exercise is the pri low horizontal cut Laroche shows the slanted waistline by mnry requisite for wearing these new clothes successfully means of bias seaming over panelled skirts The teen and hungry look has definitely come to Paris Every Paris house has given wholehearted backing to the FASHIONS FEMININE Couturiera forbidden flared skirt shows it in varied effects con trusted by new tight bodice every sum of the past or treatments Flares even have the new season Styles from the time are right back where they estarted Todayaifnshiomarr reached the domain of coats and are seen in tailored radiog fernlnine young and contem porary They retain short obsror Diors Ldouhletiered bemline affirmed by the Dior silhouettea with flared cape or bolcro repeating the identical kneecap length But every other focal point of the silhouette is outline of the skirt WMVOJ The first dynamic change is seen in narrow shrunken Notes are Intended to cover the general mini of the ety Ind district Wedding uiversarlel bridge pan tlea birthdays coming of age rties vial and tra veller are all items of Inter est to the women of this page Your help in supplying this new will be greatly appreciated ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Howard Barrie hava announced the en gagement of their daughter Miss Gayle Cecile Howard to James Carr son of Mrs James Carr and the late Mr Carr Barrie The wedding will take place at Trinity Anglican Church Oct BRIDEELECT ENTERTAlNEbii Prior to her marriage on Sept Misses Bonnie and Sharon Cou alabls Gllford and friends Miss Connie Nagel Churchill Mrs Rosa Elliott Bradford Mrs Joe Thelen Barrie Miss Marilyn Todd Churchill HOLIDAY GUESTS Mr and Mrs Cecil Jackson daughters Linda and Judy of Swift Current Saskatchewan have been holidaying for week at the home of Mr Jacksons brother and slsterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Lorne Jackson Kem penfelt Drive Weekend guests at the Jackson residence were Mr and Mrs Spangler ME Spangler and Peter Lutz all of Bloomsburg Pennsylvania VISITS SCOTLAND Mrs Archie Irvine and dan ï¬tanKotherlneofRlL5Aar rle have returned from seven weeks holiday in Edinburgh to serve Win to boy CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly Open lueaday Thurs day Friday eveninga For pro feasional services call PA 681 SIX DAY PICKLES Slice andwash one six quart basket of small on cumbers inch in diameter Spnnkie with of cu oi lckling salt and tsp crushed alum Cover on hot ng water over night In morning drain wipe dry and return to crock GINGER ALE Ioen flavor Mix to ether tbsp English Keens Mustard tbsp granu ated sugar tbsp salt Mix With small amount of vinegar and add remainder of 15 gal Cider vinegar do not boil and pour mixture over cucumbers Measure out lbs white sugar and add cup aday stir ring well from the bottom Dont heat anything Into Miss Glenna Stewart Churc hill has been guest of honor at several entertainments The ladies of Churchill enter rained many friendannd relat ives at miscellaneous shower in the basement of the United ion wore guests of Mr and HONOR BRIDEELECT Scotland The Canadian travel Mra John Irvine Highlights of the holiday included visit to Loch Lomond Loch Katrina and other points of interest shoulders which replace recent artificiallybroadened cuts The sloping shoulder linev combined with wide flaring bems gives the new look which silhouette at conical has been variously East Word Mixed League call BARRY GODDEN compared to the champagne bottles decanters and triangled Narrow shoulders are emphas ized at Dior by long tight vinegar mixture put 1A cup mixedwhole spices tiedin cheese cloth bag At the end of Six days remove spice bag and bottle in sealers Church ch was decorated like spring garden An unusual kitchen shower at Prior to her marriageat Bur ton Avenue United Cburch Bar 1139 on Sept Miss Sheila un QuAlfllle IO 85 IIX I2 CL some lll nut MPG WE PA 8178 With the arrival of cooler weather the hours ant which each guest brought re inlhekitchen preparing your favorite preserves Wl not seem so rent task and your reward will come when your family sits down to winter meal garnished With the fruits of your summer labors ernor Nelson Rockefeiler said Monday He proclaimed Sept Grandma Moses Day in New York state in observance of the Americans Honor Grandma Moses clprwith an utensil used in it making it was held atrtberhome of Miss Marjorie Todd Assist ing hostesses were Miss Marg aret Campbell and Mrs ob Goodfellow SL entertainedthe girls from The TorontoDominion Bank at personal shower for the bride James Webb and grandmother thï¬lne er friends kitchen shower was hosted by Mrs Barbara Cloughloy aisted by her mother Mrs MystlgbLaleevurcuthlgbupunder Mrs Norrl ebb helLatthe lattericottage aï¬lenhaven Beach Mrs Lloyd Bristnw Letitia Street rewaahosteaaata min Seen these new knits at Evangeline elect Miss Ruth Prosser Parkaide Dr was hostess at presenta tion dinner partyrin honor of Miss Stewart with the groomto he Leonard Boudreau and friends joining later VeAllnenesbower was given in honor of Miss Stewart by Mrs Les Liley of Calgary Alta at her grandparenta home on in nlsfil st Barrie with many Barrio friends present On September Mrs Russell Stewart entertained at trous seau tea honoring her daughter Glenna rose bowl of pink and white carnation decorated the table Sharing honors poure ing tea were aunts of the bride Miss Kay Allan Mrs Eva Reid Lefroy Mrs Jack Constable Gilford Mrs Clarence Fergu son Stroud Mrs Russell Jory celianeoua shower trousseau tea was given by her mother Mrs Earl Hunter Reid St Aug 30 Assisting in the afternoon were Mrs Al bert Groae Mr Jack Matteo lay and Mrs Lionel Brock Showing the trousseau we gï¬edennasMHunteiev Léngtliln In England or sun rey urs Serving tea were Mrs Robert 19rEVangeune Hunter and Miss Sharron Blogg Simian 13 11333 Evangeline has the godd looks youll loiIe In the assistants in in knits Here lovely new colours and easy eluded Mg sï¬dy Dempster ï¬t in simple Chanel and Diorinspired Mrs Russell Bates Mrs James designs are furthen enhanced by this ï¬ne knitwears noiron or creasing properties webb and Mrs Keith Blem mings Showing the trousseau Come see them at you ï¬n ppm 31 suown lEFIi $3500 were Misses Jeraldine Junker lmrortsd from England double kn ALBANY topilrhere is no lolst birthday of the artist more renowned artist in the Mrs Anna Maryhobertson US that Grandma Moses Gov Moses of Eagle Bridge heres wonderful selection some especially designed and Ann Hayden Serving wool larsey sulf Fully lined slim lunch were Mrs Robert Clou ghley and Miss Elizabeth skirt$lzas12laggeymlnkdevon blueorblac Trainer Pouring tea in tho ev oiling were Mrs Hazel Lowe Barrie and Mrs Vsuski Showing the brideatrousscau After tha wedding rehearsal were Mrs Joe McLaughlin 1m gWHmJLMm Barronma is Ill Jack Mattenley Holgato Sb Ruth Prosser Barrie Miss Mar Wm entertain an bridal party garet Sawyer Toronto Misses Mi Hunter Wm mun huh $3351 ï¬fialfsgbermnold Van de Haydon of Biley Calgary all friends of 1335 033mm It 1lrebrldetobe Assisting in serving were con rsinsHlss Donna Jory Barr Miss Lynn Ferguson binek coal CLEAN PLEASANT an ion to are in our delicioui menu oarevrura to enjoy food ltpitl OWNlIlG $3995 Double knit wooll rsey pic plc tweed suit Full nod gently flared sklrf Sizes 12 6chocolate royal red iibUNLoP size enema cages179 torso Eli aromatic PHONE ra asm store Haunt Ian tannin Closed Wed nannotlonl or aminei Meetings call us at Try our delicious home cooking and blklrll it in our cam PM and you are sure to agree CEREMONYHELD AT BRIDES HOME at the home of the brldEs parents Mr and Mrs Harold Forster Shanty Bay Road The bride oom is the son of Mr and re Frederic Kaigh in of Barrie The newlyweds will reside at Don Mllla Miss Sheila Marguerite For ister became the bride of Hon ald Frederic Kaighin Zatan evening ceremony held Aug 29 Rev Cecil Storm of ficiated at the wedding held