Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1961, p. 4

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Earns Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield street Barrie Ontario THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1M1 4m censorship Oi Newspapers Not In Canada Since War There has not been censorship of the press lnCanads since the end of nf censorshig Jim secondth be in prospect censor according to Oxford Diction dnone appears to sry is an official whose duty it is to finspect booksrjournaispplaysr etcrbe for ublication to secure that the shall andJibe efigairorAnvoked And most of rtheetimerw contaimnothingimmoralher offensive or lnyurious to the State When Canada acquires such an official we hope tube in different business There are certain kinds of advertising that are prohibited in Canada by law and even more kinds that are prohibited the good taste or whim of the editor arious drugs may notbe advertised and it is not legal to advertise switchblade knivesnmimport them ththe coun try Thelaw libel and slender is prohibition and by twisting the lang uage slightly as some have done in the past prohibition deemed for the pub snwfigdom of the press llc good could be interpreted can form and thus bysnother step deemed to an infringement on the Most editors in Canada have the good taste to handle their papers 50 that laws regarding prohibited advertising in general seldom have such laws are invoked it has been due to an inadvertence or indiscretion of writer orpubiisherrather than because of malice Therein someJdvertising in the United States that is not erndt ted in Canada In most instances has to do with extravagant claims for articl es in the field of Broprietary medicine it seems that our epartment of Health and Welfare has more scepticism than some of the drug manufacturers in other countries orlthe ubiic authorities that regulate them in use countries penhitted The QuestionLHow To Sel Canadian manufacturers are getting not little tired hearing politicians tell em to get out there and sell Therestarttaikfng are very few industrialists who wouldnt like to But seilin madeinCansda goods on world mar et involves sellIn at competitive prices Just howa Cans an company can sell in competition With European or Asian firm which has only half or onethird Canadian wa costs none of our political leaders is es time out to explain That is why most of Can adafs present orts fall into the cate gory of raw ma crisis or those with minimum labor content If Canadians want more employment supported by export sales of manufac tured goods they are goin to have to produce lot less enswe When you tobe commode ouaruts ram Frosihaps The Use Of Camera In Court MN WARN TOROVmTho differéncl in two men while ago magistrate in Toronto suburb permitted isle vision cameras and new photo napheninbircomf This of sour was precedent Attorney Ganerni Roberts when nakedabout it wunot7 This was some days sit incident and be Ialdli ingtbe filo brouuu to him He had been out of town Then he thought be mild put the matte before his dvisory committee this all Perhaps he llld it Flight In some moon why picture should be permitted The attorney general didnt know that some years ago di rective had gone out prohibiting the taking of pictures in courts This of course was before he nuumcd office FROST OPPOSED Some days later Premier Frost was asked what he thought of the picturetaking Wowi Was he ever against it it attested the impartiality trial he declared It was not fair to the accused or theTvihTesT He took the bit and ran with It for good stretch and at hot pace The key reason why photog rnpby in courts is barred of course stems from our great basic principle of justice that an accused is innocent until proven abofit owe wages you do not get too popular politically It might be interesting to have the reaction of our political leaders to their own industrial promotion men who have been admitting recently that more and more Canadian firms are setting up op erations in Europe in order to keep their exports alive If we Canadians want to expand indus trial employment on sound basis we must triple our present population through immigration and also lower our production costs Down Memory Lane LIDDARD FAMILY GATHER Barrie Examiner of Au st 27 1936 told of afamily athering eid at Brace bridag of the ddard family on the musweekendwhensixuofdhe Lid dard girs were home to spend few days with their brother George All the iris were present with the exception of Johnson of Grimsby Those pre sent at the reunion were Mrs Strange of Barrie the first white baby girl born in town Mrs McDonald of Kitchener Mrs Cameron from Toronto Mrs Yostof Hamilton Mrs Robert Whaley and Mrs Dashwood of Bracebridge There were slso16grandchildrenandsixgreat grandchildren TRASKS MEET IN ORILLlAV Also in the was story of Joseph ask well of AuguatlefiflqaonnanotbeLdaughtngasmostesssfor known Allandale railwayman attending the family gathering in Orillia in the ravipus week when his mother Mrs george Trask reached her 85th birthday and was guest of honor at family cele bration and also the life of the dlparty To many friends calling she ran dis lplayed table covered wi beautiful ouquets of flowers resented to her and alsomanyecardseghewuhorn in Mountburg village near Hamilton and her maiden name was Emily Mount She lived there to young womanhood and then moved to Orillia 50 years ago Three at her four sons were present Judge seph Allandale and Victor of Oriilis Another son and daughter were unable to be present but Mrs Jack McPher the day with her mother Other Editors VieWs NEW THREAT TO LIBERALISM Hamilton Spectator With the sound and fury of the 0f tawa convention silenced we can now set tle down in the game of speculation Which of the tWWfinprrtiKlSthe New Democratic Party going to hurt most and how much At this stage there can he nothingmorevthan guesses at the answers but it is foolish politician who is ready to laugh off what happened at Ottawa Canadian television viewers were undoubtedly entertained last week by show but they had reason too to be im gxessed Andthe most impressive fea ewas theleader himself politicaf campaigner whocan given even Diet enbsker run for his money 0n debit side we must place the plat form amixture of socialist and labor cliches some of it unworkable whi its present form is as likely to confuse as entice the voter But Tommy Douglas himself may have quite lot to say about these weaknesses before an election cam pai rolls round Onethin is certain wit all its confusion and th the obv ious rarer labor domination by other flips the convention launched some thalnould proveasjrowarfularmarbfinvoived thrdtysacfiofworromme ay of the the CF in the heyday of its 28 seats Conseryatiyeswill argue that the big gain will be in popularvote ratherthan The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second ciur vaII Post Office Departmentottsws undsyr and Statutory halloy excepted morn warms Pnbllsher nnrnw seasons General Manager Mcrnnsorv Mmrglnpsaim comes WADGiZ Business Manager manna amen Advertising Manager norm Holman cirenuuon ions as subscrian 34 month are tam months year Dutddo lie or Uni an Ava romseomc rrt ohflonmai lies en demsimu illaged the canainnmump pub hshhdugcisuané The Canadian ram lAudit aumu of ireulationls at era is ext am entitled to the hrubrwcigsnsnuunn cl now do run in this Ivercredlted to it or The And no Press or mm and sun the local uur re gulations aimed only by cametlbo we lay copy 1c lenrOnflWSSlUflEl has beenfiordered to refer all seats and that this vote will be stolen whomthe liberals increasingtheir own chances of holding substantial major ity There could be doubts on jhat score Thelargest single group vote will come from the dedicated tradennion memo era good many of whom helped Mr Die enbaker to victory Distrust of the tical influence of owerful labor un ons on the other han could even bring some votersrwho have been inclined to carcass wares TORTliilE or car crunnoom Industrial Blood Donor In Barrie Monday Sept 11 when the Hospital Plan come into being in Jan usry 1959 the Ontario Govern ment realised that free blood would have to be part of their program The Red Cross had the ideal satup during the war so they agreed to take on the task of supplying this blood Formerly the cost of one trans fusion was 820 plus $5 admin istration charge or the pint ra ceivadhnd to be replaced by two Pinumcrultedfmn friends or relatives of the patientNow the blood is res and if you are member of the Ontario Hospital insurance Plan the ad ministration cost is covered by the plan To give this pint of blood to the patient it costs the Red Cross slightly over four dollars HOSPITAL ORDERS The laboratory technician at the hospital orders what he Cross depot in Toronto and it is sent up by Gray Coach ev ery week If no emergency or ises and very specisi type is needed it can be rushed from or few exceptions If you have bad jaundice malaria tu berculosis recent heart con dition are taking allergy shots have recently had pneumonia or if your haemaglobln is be low 85 you are not able to bee donor Jaundlee and mal aria are out but your other condition has been cleared up it is usually safe to come back lot of penple come to the clinics who have migraine head aches or high blood pressure After they haire donated blood they seem to find relief This is ONLY ON THE ADVICE OF DOCTOR however Does it hurt to give blood You have no more discomfort than when you are having hypodemtic needle inserted in your arm GOOme EXCHANGE it may be of interest to know that there is goodwill exchange of blood between Can sent an identification card to carry in your wallet or purse This givesthe4ype of blood and any peculiarities in your blood that doctor would need to know in hurry in case of accident or other emergency It should be siwsyl carried on the person This is especially important for those who have an Ridnegative or positive fact or in their blood From the time you entertha clinic until yondeove ittnkes slightly over half hour You have orange juice when you enter are registered your kaemoglobin is taken you give your pint lie down for ten minutes then have coffee and there are no diet restrictions but donor is not to smoke for an hour after leaving Anyone who has any questioris about the clinic or those wish ing to register for the one be Minnesoiaf William erfldnkrheneedsfimmrthrfiedradn and the United StatemmhnMonda Sept 11 Why The principle has been getting 1tite IHl shabby around the will of But with those who really keep our system on the ratio and who are capable of doing oothe whole cloth still left ll nu precious in un the pollen of the at large has to be drasti cally threatened before the right LibeJndivlduaLun arty overridden NUI moor ihoorlponsortnrtlriiiobertn as leader and the attorneygem oral himself put forward one great argument They lay he will carry on gov eminent in the Frost tradition To the observer this doesnt add up He remembers that the utter ney general introduced legisla tion last winter which would have authorized magistrate to lock up drunk for three month cure on first offence And remember that Mr Frost when he saw this had it changed One of the great reasons for public confidence in Mr Frost it should be remembered is that he had good knowledge of the esentiels of democracy and re spect for them in most cases Iest Supposinf Supposln you lived in tree Away up as high as could be Playin tag in the breele With the birds and the been And the tent absolutely for free Russias ZilYear Plan To Aid BOMBAY CHInformed ob servers here think the Soviet Unions ambitious zoyearplan will give considerable aid to Communist parties in Asian and African countries in stepping up their ideological campaigns The man in the street in India has been impressed with the Moscow claims which are be ing discussed in factories gov ernment offices college hostels snd womens clubs The lndien reaction can be summed up as mixture of ad miration puulement and scep ticism Mostndians think it praist winrhythm nation which was woefully backwaldbaiely four decades ago and which was rav aged in the Second World War should be able to reach posh tion when dates could be 1confi dcntl ehbount es as free medical aid free education and liberal pen axons But there also is sense of Pusalernent that the Soviet Un ion should make such spectac uisr claims against the back communislflarlylnhsiahiricL ground of newspaper reports of shortages in that country Tha educated classes politi cians professors business ex ecutives and newspaper editor generally believe the Russians will not be able to realise most of the claims Ruling Congress party circle are frankly annoyed by refeb ence in the Soviet program statement to rightwingeoclsl democracy which is described as the mostllmportant ideoluglt cal and political prop oi the bourgeoisie They feel this is veiled attack on the democratic socialist plans of lndis and other free Asian countries not THOUGHT Cull upon me In the day of trouble will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify mePaalm 5015 God answers ry sincere prayer and solver every difficult problem that we bring to Him grail we must surrender to His Barrie Clinic arranged through should call theRed CruxPA Tomato for woman who was having heart operation at the Main Clinic in Rochester receive pints of blood free 84134 This call will be answer ed by the Telephone Answering berof the Chairman of The Toronto in matter of very of charge Once you have giv Blood Donor Clinics will be giv faw hours Any unused blood goes back to the depot and is used as plasma No doubt some people who are looking for reason to NOT donate will say Well the Barriebranch collects 1200 pintsa year and know for fact that the Barrie hospital didnt use nearly that much last year That is quite true but we must remember that these services are treated on shareethewealth basis There are thousands of people living in areas where there is n3 Red Cross and indeed an hospital and this factor must sup art the CCF toiseekprotechowwnsidered in reasoning the beral fold But if the socialis Iabo tes succeed inniakhi imo ds the LiIfer Party it will not for want of trying They have little chance of holding office in Canada except through the elimination of Liberalism For Conservatives they dont will have heavy and very obvious ch szmmenJor Liberals stiletto in the back WELFARE IS FORIPJOSE WHO NEED St Catharines Standard Although New YorksGovernor Rock efeiler has indicatedthat breach of law many people in New York state and elsewherewill find it difficult tonsu press certain admiration forftheci of Newburgh NY which has imposed at eliminating welfare chiseling Under tough 18point relief code the city manager hasiusued instructions which among other things require all lmale membersof families receiving aid to dependentchildren and home relief fro re art to the cityslempioyment of fice or job interviews In addition the city welfare com aid to dependent children aseslandall home re ef cases torthe citys legal counsel vNewhurghLNX is not the only our munitywhere axpayers havebeen milk idtbhy welfare chiselers But it seems to clmfic from The quote for each clinic is based on certain percentage of the total population in that city or town Annther thingto remember is that many people go to Toron to for operations and many Effnegative babies are rushed to the Hospital For Sick Child ren for complete transfusions VOLUNTEER WORKERS No one who works for the is paid Thereare about 37 volunteers needed for each clinic these include men to unload the from Toronto cl workers nurses vvorrieht ser ve food and besides th me there are 20 volunteers who form telephone committee and caiLappruximately coo potential donors Eleven paid personnel comerfrom Tomato twod vers two lab technicians two regnrtered nursss and five nur ses nides They bring the blan kets beds pillowsbottles and all the equipment necessary rs th cost to the Bar VBrRhch the RedCrossI It is eilowed50 cents per don or and this is the way the money is spent Rentalfor the hall lheCGE Auditorium is free sound truck food for don ors advertising sign painting etc Aay advertising seen on TifisNetionai Red Cross and part of the money collectedat the annuallocal campaign helps pay for this effective means of advertising WHO CAN GIVE The question Zarlses who can give blood Everyone bet wee therages sea The en pint of blood you are BRIEFS By McINTYRE 3001 Marion England Correspondent For no Barrie Examiner TRACK ESCAPE RUUTE CHAIFONT ST GILES Bucks Thirteen Boy Scouts from the village of Chalfont St Giles are spending threeweek holi day in Andorra in the Pyrene es trying to trace the old rout in escaping from the Germans in the 19891845 war Each memharof thepsrty is carry to pass stringent medical test before starting UNTIZDY GARDENEVILTIUNB BARNET Harts Fifteen counciltennnts at Barnet who have neglected their gardens have been threatened with evic tion similar warning as been given to tenants with uni sightiy garden sheds and our buildingsme council will is sue eviction notices on ass the gardens are put into good ord as used by the British airmen inga mpound pack and had1 en on request mom BRITAIN been presented with the free7 dom of Bethlehem and sync bollc key covered with mother otpearlhytfifinamruftha Please yourself will Molsans Exportflle town Ayoub Musallam who is nowon holiday visit to the United Kingdom LOST CAMPING SITE BOURNEMOUTH fIhrae French visitors who pitch ed their tent near Bournemouth and then went in to visit the town were in dilemma when thsvaore unablejo locate the spot where theyhad camped Aided by the lice they scour ed the dist otfortwo days without success before fann ei séntaiepbrl to the police of an unoccupied tent on his property nouns or man hives in southeast England are overflowing with honey this HERNE BAY Kent Bee year After the earliest bins soming season for 30 years heekeepers are taking three four timcathe average cro Leslie Gosling of Berna Ba SEAL ATM ioneofKcntslmgestprodue MARGATE Kent choosy seal who cannot make up his mind where to spend hil holi ers expected to take nearly l1112 pounds of honey from each v9 days is explofing the cdssti of Kent Ha caused furor at Mugabe when he was trapped in swimming pool not he RAISE NOCASH BONUS LONDON The Eagle Star Insurance Corn any has increas awamflnuLmrsea and flurryed the bonus it allowstoucL peered when the tide rose Since then he has made land ings on thalcnast st ansgate andrwhenAisstheen was swim ming towards Deal Mo 10 LOSE sons LUTON Bedfordshire Elect rolux Ltd of Luton have an nounced that 140 workers are cidenifree motorists It will al low sccldentfree motorists 33 18per cent bonuson pram iu therfifth an per centiritlie sixthlho bonus for the first four years without claim ranges from 10 to as per cent NEW STRAND MAGAZINNE to be discharged spokesmanwnbMmmd for the company whichmakes refrigerators and electiical up pliances said the reduction is staff was due to the credit restrictions on consumergoods and the governments recent ali sterityplan unvkro earnsan CANTERBURY Kent Th Anhhlshopv of Canterbury has magazine is to be launched this year by partnership con sisting of Ernest Key chairman andedltor of John OLondons the literary weeklv and John Creasy author of more than 400 crime novels and books of travel The former Strand magazine which flourished for over half centurywas disr continued about so years ago

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