ST RE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c tOVZOc lCIe lus PBOIDNCIAISALESJAxe Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner rPhene 66537 MCFADDEN Appliance 128 Pcneiang at St Vincent FM STERbEO RADIO ELECTROHOME PlioNE PA 89288 mars TimurLIN ANNEX BAYFIELD sum is the smart place to rind used lhome mmishinll at prices you can pay FURNITURE in APPLIANCE DULLDDZING and Grading Fence lions and stumps removed Tel ephone Lee Dart PA mm TV ior sale 11 inch Also whip scridl com that medium oodisor us hone PA emit iiydro insulation Pole tor snip Telephone PA 647 tor iurther lnlurmgtlult QIJILT FOR SALE linndmldc ap llqncd rose and green on while groadcioth Large size Brand new Telephone PA 6112 rAiiious Golden mine Varmint Cicuner nditccd to $3350 Slngcr lacwin Centre is nuniop Sirecl lwcst Telephone PA insen compact unit Scllln asoluva Telcpiiplie Fendieys lowers PA um BPMGERATnR Lennard Deluxe cxcollonl condition Selling for so Telephone PA 39993 or IIIV her lninnnslion RDADLDoni RUG tor sale It 11 in brine one year old 3100 best ortcr Telephone PA 791 alter pin HalMduvFIW ARTICLKS WANTED All COLLICï¬ONl old stun and coins wanted nut NM Wdtl In Dorrie ODI ml an or good used mumire or any good used article Indlddnll or content loin Phone PA um 5FARM ERS MARKET LIVESTOCK nousEm Darren with can reasoned Septemeer Ieirphnnl Slroud lens TWO LOVELY Welsh Ponies tor nipone registems stsmon Telephone PA cuss tam years wui seii or best Apply at la Rosa Sin Alter pm POULTRYSlCEICKBi DEKALB PULLETS More and no pool en ar ehoosing DEKALB ULuIs Started relay to lay Ind du uld chicks Order now tor early order distantm for service or hll on Ions poultry problems can aig unter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE TIL raisin hmcnmimy ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC iVEtDElts 180 AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE srnuun 1011 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE case Now iioiisnd navid drown Eelity ml 175 BURTON AVE PA 82373 Fall Fair Season Drawing close Dont forget to see our exhibits at the differ ent county fairs All types of new and used equipment available at our shop anytime CASH TERMS shADE COMBINE Aiilschalmen model so into Complete with pickup straw sprudrr and windrow spreader in Al ndllion Ap ply iiiiciisei Yulku Simud honr Itiilil AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE WOOLLBN SUIT misses else 12 rose shade sio Woollen press misses size 14 oh Telephone more alter son poo DLlrolelAGIC Vacuum cleaners snii spcciai at small singer 2a Duoiop ssreei ZJJssrï¬rsnï¬io PA emu iinim hinw singer Ponahia orv ssio only $4950 also down any inept ond easy monthly terms singer Scwinp Centre 23 Dunlap street west Telephone PA 57960 WON Stnmp and coin ollcctois All your needs supplied the new stump and Coin store at 11 Dayileld street Dorrie Ont Open or present Friday night and it dey Saturday FREEZER iiiroot condition automatic dctrost New in January Owner pnstcd Priced namnnbly Telephone has Carnp Burdnn Ior rurlher intermatlon FALL SPECIAL The Famous Sine ger SiyleOlllltli ZIgZag Scwinp Machine new $15550 See them to day at your Singer Sewing Con 87950 Elihus ninrnnwilh gasoune rho or or sale Good condition sos cash Telephone Angus HE soon 1359 Mountain mechanically good overdrive radio new hat tory and exhaust system Dody needs work harizaln at siso mph PA 53992 111 SportsmcnEuy now on all Dreseesnn stock rifles and shotmms Ammunition linIaIDl tackle hand guns nnd live bait as our new fluorescent trOpcn every do and ior your conven ence an itil name Tel ephone PA 5635c PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT USED CAMERAS ln excellent Opensis Enlarger with Schneider 75 mm us Solar Erilzrzer 5x1 or txs with Schneider 115 nun $5000 ALL GUARANTEH CAMERAS DIVER PRICE M50 FOR GAMBIA HEARTS snn HOTOGRAPHY BY FAVERO 49DUNL0P ST PA 85494 FLOWERS PLANTS monument OFFER Delph mums Lupins Weeping wtiiows or sale daily except Sundlyd Flowers in bloom now Apply xospp noliy Highway 27 Tel 3phons PA miss BOATS MOTORS print BARGAINGreatly reducï¬ lose Delcrnn boat and Johnson IIXOIIII TCIBPIIDIIB PA 53915 13 FOOT 1958Egintf tiny cruiser hard top with 1953 Evinrnde is hp lhoard motor or shin Telephone ter Adair PA 119293 LOANS$00 at in per nth Telephone PA dam scentFinance Dunlapst ext Vanrink pnvwoon Dost or sale Ill up motor and trailer in pd conditiflon Telephone PA Ell antl Roller SHIP ï¬tr D11 Ladders Call It or complete list of rentals Dengle ardwlia Pencil St Telephone uIIIDPSlreetWesisPA MOTORS TRAMBLER HILLMANAND mnovEn 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 65488 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR any It Now With Loticon LifeInnind SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OlNOVA SCOIIA LTD ONE OWNER FROM NEW mm Dxtorci 500 sedan new August 58 while with red upholstery hench seats padded dash lashing turn signals electric clock nloek heater oflxLDIL tins Ill load 24200 miles carcruliy used as second cur PHONE PA 56558 OR Box BARRIE EXAMINER To ARRANGE FOR TRIAL DRIVE 1955 STUDEBAKER Conch clean and in good condition 5500 Tele phona PA H735 1954 census our door radio In good condition no reasonable ousr reinsedn Telcphooe PA saw 1954 MERCURY Convertible top In In condition automatic trans misalon radio power windows new tires Body In good hspe Telephone PA 8453 hetor pm BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone AEEL1AN£E SERVICES 4FGN¥¢S APPLIANCE SERVICE Service to all makes of Appliances 147 DUNLOP ST piersrm DRAIN CONSTRUCTION BILL GETHONS CONCRETE AND DRAIN coNsrnucnoNVÂ¥e Septic Tum iwnzylng beds in stllled repaired oncrata work trenching excavating THORNTON DNT PA iizdid DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST lulu Twiceweeklr pickup dc dellle ii FRANCIS 111mm PA 68551 Lu than pack or cigarettes fly EXCAVATlN FILL GHAVEL 01 Sam SEPTIC TANKS FUMPED Excavating and Grading water Delivery onuheo ston Dali Yard nackhos tor hire DENNIS MORAN to Anna street PA mom Try An Examiner Want Ad MPHONE PA $2414 mucus as TRAILERS penters Good DIAPEBMWL narrii MOTOR CARS FOR SALE tag E°m Im 3T an or mL in Em fit ti not Plano PA Hm one pl PLYMOUTH MID ndia Indulod WI lmgl all Into In uada eiep one Walur AM PA use Apply staple Aves viird tcr rnrther details nrl an HAWK liner inst built and Lire Bell ï¬ller in eesh Talsphona PA can or run ther mmwhn luv vanduaan door station oeiient condition Interior tilts nan bow mileage Good mechan icai diu 11 Dlhll use PLYMOUTH Dllun door six cylinder tumuoi white ii custom Ind blckIIP Id whorl speaker lights whitwail tins 4h charmer down ead wl In Plinth com CABS WTD TO BUY Barries Newest Car Lof Urgenin Requires dad Ca rs TRADE UP OR DOWN We will lend you money on your present car ORV HARDY MOTORS l76 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 84272 nu Faith PICKUP good condi Ilon lilotor ln cxrnilcrnledndlllon Telephone PA HIGH DODGE 3£TON lrutlt with our apezd transmission Cab and chassis only 3100 Telephone Angus in MM PERSONALS io HELP WANTED MALE Hm YOUNG MAN With minimum touch into speed or so rpm to team tale tyneuttes plumtin In BIIWIP ei production dependant deed My and employs hesicon Apply to The Danie Itsuniner Orrin mum vealed tar KODP vi Deni on Blake Sirhi Call Cohan at PA Him astu PARIVIIMZ Service stsuoo At tendent student or sppreouce Ar to nos harri Exlmlnel lull Ill Ind MQRDGI mommm electrician requir sd or immediate steady employ mutt Silll RICRDGQI Ind III1 Exnninlr AIIKMB flnlilllfllmw ment duperstor auhtId Dist tompfln the supervision oi the uumbly Ihfl or to girls and shipping department Apply lute tng Ate to tal status previo esperieoca ary expected to Box ll BlrltI Beninr FEMALE HELP WAITRESS Whirled Iri held or dining room risu Ens Tele Phbdo PA NHL mammals Iutruul re ulnd or day shin Apply to Re Rep Rutlunnt Barrie Plug CANDY an requirid Plrt limo Apply In pardon ImDCrill Thu onion Grits WANTED to work as on he in driveIn ru ursot Apply Bradlord Street dim WANTED to look after books or Inuit bulldeu ID Antill Write PO Box Angus DAY CARD Ior proschool child with light housekeeping duties days week Apply Box Darrin Ex miner WAIIRLZI AND Cashier required Must be cluD Deli Ind downd able Apply in person to IT ylletICh at Lakeviow Super Milk sr TRAIN Its Cosmeticia hcellent commission or ad HEHIHI lull time in Harris or surround ing area Apply Dex iii Barrio lioUsnRzDPBR reoul or Pied couple in 50 Live In Hall has modern conveniences Good home with good Apply Art Snider chaignur or telephone PA 95657 evenings arier no inn MALE on FEMALE WOMENS coLUMN DEAD sDoP tntdwlvol etc by cestliloii hairdresser in your own home Phone Bernice at PA as or PA Mm LADIBSI it you need new roun on garment try charts ineas to your also in your name Phone Ior appointment PA 34737 ya 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP CARPENTERS Three good finishing car Wages Steady employment APPLY MARTIN RR BARRIE N0 11 HWY SOUTH BRANCH MANAGER TRAINEES Required for expanding finance company AGE 21 27 GRADE mDTen cons ny haneilts in cluding do or and hospital in pension and proiit and company car nced positions also available finmined experienced in small loan SEABOARD FINANCE co 141 DUNLOP PA 66477 PLATER Experiende Heetrn plltcr local menufticturinl tampon Plating consists or nickel cad mind and copper rlash rtary Ind still links Generous lrlnle benefits and hulldny ply Apply PnRsoNNn DDT DE VILBISS CANADA LTD BARBIE ONTARIO Ior SERVICE TORY By Month or Year PA azm MASONRY CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAlREbii Masores mom 1minan PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Dnqu EMITHANDEON Painting and Paper Ranging in Paint1M service sinee mo 33 BARR PA demons nlsPossi DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT ha heon ilcensed tn ream your ad and crippled lane mais under the shove sci FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 DEAD STVOVCK Dead or crippledrcnttle horse and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE Ps 87751 or ask for ZENITH 94130 COLLECT 24 hours adayv days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad0ntdrio BAREIE PArkway BHï¬l7ï¬ EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper ra uulred mlla or iemale tor local businessman Reply slsllng ouallt Ilcatloiu and salary desired nos 97 Blrrio Examlncr HELP WANTED Ior harvesting llrden crops Piece work or by ihe day or week Hliicrcsl Gar dens Phcipalon Telephone Elin vsia 717ml SALES HELP AGENTS You would like in supplement your Income by slim to 320i IBnlonlh telephone PA Milli Nutri msunANc aAl resantailva Ago to 45 years Progressive Canadian company Salary saman rnonthiy during and aster training Preconlract inInIrill to plus you time to innke decision hciore you leave ynur present pnelunn Ad vaneeoiont oDDnrlnnIly Shier esn pcrience helpiui out not essential Replies conlidenllai Give iulipar liculAIg to Bail Blrril Exam iner EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK alter children In my own home Will Pick up and liver Telephone PA one nooimann male requires lull or part time employment Hilly experienced Apply Box ll Entri Exnmin WOULD nnyBlrflu hair stylist consider taking girl apprentice Please write Dos ll Barilo Ex aminer win inni stieLchiiLln Tommierahiy over two ye old For rnrihe PA elioi WILL CARE FOR children in own home Monday through 153 day naydcid street and Welling Ion street East dislrct Telephone PA bolts stay an details telephone Good Lawns Start with Atlantic LAiisiiiic rea Moss claret vital mistulosnd planlloodsiseiaies heavy relay SOIISL binds Jim sanity snils Plants and lawns breathe easier glow strangeraiid more vigorous il9 DUNLOP ST PA 85000 License No upcol EMPLOYMENT WANTED mu Loo slur small child or has in phone PA erase am I3 AUCTION SALES 1p sit Dim so our arso Tmrorrsritot Concession in the Township ct Hedonll at the intersection or Runway No to and the road silosou be can Concessions dunno on the sin or Big THURSDAY SEPT 14th mi miss $1M Cub or Cortl iied ch Cl an bl mad til the Tramsrel Unlirig DALE simmer BID ELF mlmkmmlnmAYmmn1 Illll ily will II on Italr Isl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF year old protector who no teacbes at Hiroshiml Womens Pmlsnize SYMPHONY LONDON Reuters HUD University said be sent tel grsm Wednesdly to Sovlot Pre mler Khrushchev lniormlnl bins his intention to all into th rian composer Dmitri Shon Vich bu oomle his 12th lymtiwny which is lined on the 1511 Bolshevik revolution and Soviet port of Vlgdlvoolok II dedicated tomato the Soviet the See at Jepan news agency Tess reported to day The ï¬rst periormnnce will be In Moscow Oct 17 at the opening at the 22nd Soviet Forty Congress 10 NEGROES KILL mm grace have been killed in North €rnRhndula21Jluiewoek4ild disturbances it was announced today Negroes are objecting that new constitution does not give ethem enough political 2915 HAIRED BRED SPYING KIEL Reutersl pretty German waitress told court here Wednesday she was driven to spy for Communist East Ger man intelligence by hatred tor her Ionnertlsilcordir soldier who Ieit her with child Gisela Russite 23 received shine month pended prison term my on home Monday to Per tnrthcr dsiaiis tele lourist boat Vcncedpr It was announced today Another 10 persons are mluinl erNCli ouTr MALi EAIIAK Dikeutemlsench forces have completed their evacuation oi Mall part of the former Moll Sudan ending years at occupation it was an nounced today The lost French dmprieitrï¬smlkomase Wednesday CHOLERAAKILLS lli HONG KONG Reuters total oi lzoionilrmgm oL mini Have can reported here since Aug 17 govern ment spokesman said today Fourteen people have died BIBLE I5 KEY PHILADELPHIA APlEV ongellst Billy Graham nys ii the men at the United Nations knewnnd believed the Bible there would be new picture in the world today The evan elist Letoaneallmsied 13 WiJszgns Wednesday night in the third week at his month long greatcr Philadelphia Cru sade for Christ PLANE NEW MISSION TOKYO ANAmerican pa cliist Earle Reynolds who sailed IIll yacht Phoenix on protest voyage into the US Pnclilc nuclear test area in 1958 said today he and his Iam ONTMIO AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE mm proximately dental llnd hway no no ms 1y nu Imus cold In hold on the property 200 PM DSI ue at time or sale lylbie in Ill any or author inlormation contact THE AUCTIONIDI IR THORNmN loo NEYWAEK STRUT oRILLIA ONTARIO PHONE PAMidl 0R DEPARTIIM OF HIGHWAYS ALGDNQUIN AV Noflni DAY DNlARiD PHONE GitNW ID RBERVZ pnPAnrainNr or nionwAYe ONTARIO by popular demand MORE MSW to complete your set RECOVER BODIES BOGOIA AP Fiftyour bodies have been recovered from Buennventurn Bay on the Paciilc coast of Colombia since the sinking last Sunday of tile TRADEIN Allowiilicr Tirestone 510s SWAP TIRE SALE All types and sizes included Tubeless tubed type whitewalls Nylon or Tyrex Rayon cord Heres sample DIEW savings FIRESTSNE BHAMPIIIIL 67015 TUBE TYPE WITH DOUBLE TRADEm Allowance Hereisw yFiresto fleliresarebeiieraI SototyIomivn siGu Dippï¬iyw Pr ition dd 0R TIRES ï¬r our QUALITY is unmatclicd or our PRICES Lowi EASV TERMS DOWN where your dollar buys MILES more 1xriloéssfss jgssf DUNLoP sr wcsr $1 AWEEK