AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY STROUD WI CHANGE DATE Will the members at the We mens Institute plane note the September sheet will be held on Tuesday Sept l9 instead of the regular data owing to oth er meetings Mrs Blythe Black and Miss Doreen Hunter returned home tram Royal Victoria Hospital last Wednesday improving nie oly alter appendix operations Friends here were pleased to havesflrs Flora Banting Midland and hirar Barro and little daughter at Barrie rv newacquaintance last week Mr and hire Alt Webb spent the weekend in Toronto where they celebrated the forums birthday anniversary with their daughters liev and Mrs Jackson and John have returned trom months vacation spent in New York Drone and Lake Pusan Mullah Recent and Sunday visitors in cluded Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown and inmilyoi Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Herb Black norm and Elaine and Edger West oi Maple at Elnvpe and whohava bean to Noranda to visit her sister Mrs Maude Gigott called here on their way tram the north for short stay with was and Vernon Fletcher Rev Leonard and arrsmu and family returned on Satur day from months vacation at Seubie Beach Sunday School will commence again next Sunday Sept 10 at Trinity United HOME ADDED Mr and Mrs Maurica Lo in he hours at last Saturday morning ioLtheiLinmLaLsommv ANNE mm MOST POPULAR Step into this tailored casuol sstso it Willi continencein the tact that you lookvslim and trim all day long Choose checks small print or plaid or saltspoken solid color Printed Pattern 13108 hiissea sizes 10 12 14 lb 188 Size 16 takes yards 59inch tahric Send FIFTY CENTS SO cents in coins stomps cannot be ac ee ted for this pattern Please pr nt plainlytssc MESS STYLE mm Send orderto ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dapt so Front St Toronto Ont FALLS 100 BEST FASHIONS separates droasel suits ensembles all sizes all in our new Pattern Catalog in color Saw tor yourself iamiiy as cents TELEVISION PROGRAMS INJURY SEPTEMBER PJWR nay Hours Newefl dlinn ihrea atcos Farm Market Report non Jamieon NI We or sport new summer Circuit Chat ti oun ry one on Pater ounn oaorv Nun to rm CmmuniW ra Alaskans ramAY remnants rest Fitter iso Movie Mossnul soo Summerma News and spam Interviews cannons nag JJO may serrations iig you zoo Chiannsi Theatre The Euekatorat in asao son Whirlyblrda roap Aléx Black SYMPATHY EXTENDED This community was deeply shocked by the sudden death or AlleorlretotHn Toronto on Sun day nilht Mr and Mrs lrettia were visiting in Toronto at the time the funeral service was held on Wednesday altornoon at 230 in the Strand United Church with interment In Thom ton Cemetery our deep sympa thy is extended to the suddenly bereaved widow and daughter at this time oasm or WHITEWOOD Word was received hers on Friday Sept oi the death In Toronto Whitewoad Born in England he came to this community when young man and became interestedln taming Later when the iiist world war vIaa declared he vol unteered and went overseas Returning solely to Craigvale alter the war he later went to Toronto where he established the Whitewood Riding School lie was life member of Strand Masonic Lodge The iuneral ser vice was held in Toronto The sympathy ot large number oi irienda here is extended to the bereaved iamily THORNTON WA BUS TRIP The WA oi Trinity United Church has arranged bus trip to Toronto for the congregations oi Holly Egbert and Thornton United Churches ior Sept 14 leaving hers at 830 am Those lshingtogashauidcontact the president Mrs Cecil Harris or member at the executive Dolph Harris oi Estevan Sna katchowon and Miss Frances Ellis oi Toronto called on their cousin Mrs Jennett one day last week Mrs Fred Simpson is at pres ent holidaying at Wasaga Beach to Mr and Mrs John Sinur liosen Carrereonwobbrw and Mrs Charles Carr at Hollies alongltwith hisjrecsnt hrids spent last week here witthr and Mrs ï¬lm HOMEFROWEUROP Mr and Mrs Fred Passmnre of semis whohave returned irom spending four months in cha manual same News WIIthIl doorta Whmem pine having received an urgent telephone call that their home was iloodsd irom recent storm Mrs Jim Harris and little soo oi Barrio spent part of the weekend with her parents Mr and sin Torrance Black Mr and Mrs Hoyle Campbell Geor Harris of Grants and irien irom kaatnwn motor ed to Beamsville last Saturday KNOCK Mr and Mrs Ronald bunnlng and family oi Toronto spent Wednesday aLBowman Allens Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen visited their dsuflhter and son llnltaw in Toronto on Sunday as HONOR NEWLYWEDS Even the bad weather oi Fri day evening last didnt dampen the spirits oi the neighbors as they gathered at the hall to honor the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Wayne Martin nee Barb ara Windattt low hands euchre were played then Cliif Webb as chairman invited the bride and groom to seats oi honor short but humorous program followed then Andrew Cowan read an address and an easy chair and cup and saucer were presented Waynsthanltcd hiairlenda for the glits and good wishes and Barbara added short speech at thanks de licious lunch ï¬nished oil the evening The grooms brother John and Mrs Martin also the brides parents Mr and Mrs Windatt were also present The best wishes oi their many lrlends go with this young coup la to their borne in Guelph CONTRACT some BY JAY North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable West PHI Pass wAotutxlly the contract ANorth roast DALSTON Mr and Mrs lame Jory spent the weekend at Six Mile Lake Anniversary at the United Church will be held on Sunday Sept lo with services at moo am and 730 pm Rev mapman oi Ehnvalo will he the speaker Rev and Mrs Allan Simmons and Debbie of Cohden spent Monday and Needs with Rev ti alum Misa Judy Migutanl teacher of the senior room is staying itAllanBidwn Kathy and John Low Bar rie spent the weekend with their grandp en Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown cnmcnuasr Mrs Sinlon and Floyd were recent visitors at Chalkhivar Mr1nd himKendrick last week at Essex Mr and Mrs George Greeves oi Burlington spent the holiday weekend with their relatives Miss VEIETIe Brown oi Barrie spent few days with Mr and Mrs Ern Caston emu nae naeinrunz pleasant evening was spent at Mr and Mrs Bert Custons last Friday when the Ladies Aid oLKnoLErubyterian is met to say lurewell to Mrsr Addison who is moving to Bar rie this week They presented her with white Bible and wished her all happiness in her new home FAMILY SUPPER Mr and Mrs George Hodgson and iamin of Detroit llir and Mrs lien Orser and Mrs Rich ardson and Mr and Mrs Coul tar and iamily oi Toronto and Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and baby at Pcterborough were Weekend visitors with the Hodg sons and Baldwins They en joyed lamiiy supper at the Hodgson homestead on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fleming and son at Toronto spent their holi days at home here BECKER diamond to go down two which with the mo hanan held by West came to 600 points nottoo bad sincd about all that was needed Rhos 22 trumpbreak When the same hand was played at the second table the bidding went South Wat 14 Pass 2m Pass Pull on Pasl Pass at Poss It Is difficult to explain Souths sequence of bids The opening cluh bid was natural enough but lrom that point on it seems that South went completely haywire Pun Pass Pass Pass Pass DONno pock MRRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES ran Mm normal femur arms insu wallflaming Windlï¬ WNIWWINO onommo mAveca SPEEH Love Lucy Dried River Jamboree an Ea Gun Will Travel lighten News To Waatharman ltrlnla Womln IAIURDAY HEM no Tut Pa News BI outside Brnldcllt lull Bunny Allister Gnll News Weather Alistar Golri Dannie The Men Chlfllt eliln git Elllo Sports =ss News Sports Georg In China iwin Bill Bllnt Jinn innocent T0 or thl lttfl weather sports xB Ll rrtssy NI Iheatra EA Illl Mill anoaua IATUEDAY nanamen fly From Ch Saturdly It the Football Wrestl Hl Ti lift islsssmun on sports Inna an hm nation Spacel1 ow 1w Fidelflaw st Ike CR9 or the Elks so any ow Nowa tnlr Sparta posslmrhava passed three no em Dhls The deliberate concealment of the good spade suit theisles three heart bid and the tool Strange things sometimes hap pen in team of tour matches even when the players are of the highest caliber For exam ple look at this hand played in the finals of national cham pionship North alter passing original ly responded with jump shlit to two diamonds to show there was chance for game despite his previous pass He might trump but this contract would probably have gone down also West made supersound double oi five ciuhsand open edtlï¬ king oi clubs Declarer eventually lost three clubs and DliILY caossvjono anneal 221m amour LAIIMM Illegal Miriam tum 05mm ewuma wool on new zoom amount mg name 29 Rained Saturday Nlrht Theatre Ton Tlll Mail Is your eaTrier has not arrivedby 9111 please phone PA 82433 Art Copy Will Be Delivered To flour Home THERE Is NO cusaGeroa Tins SERVICE VALLEY TAXIWV DRIVEYOURSELF CARSIAND TRUCKS 76 ill7 bid of six clubs all appear to have very little relationalin to the cards South held Wests pass of six clubs is equally hard to justify 0t course he knew he would beat six clubs and wasapparently willing to settle for sure proiit but this fear that it he doubled the opponents would escape to some hettercontract was carrying caution too far The contract went down three 400 points at this table but as result at the failure to double Wests team lost zoo points instead of gaining 399 points ooths transaction multmle1nolr II spear van Mne ury es MBhosho been Endisrtce mun 2qu WWI 8d Easdltgh titsVendors aï¬ï¬‚aflm GRAN DMA auz savvvsrf MY LAND ErrfllATi Puzzuua WE MIST EFT nummvou mumxmnuasmes Edna IMDAMVFYOUR MENENSAKH illiS lREtï¬ATlON 9m Lenoir DoNr mow IF CAN Assam if TAKE EVEHVTNING OUTO MY PURSE TFINDA HAIRPIN Lev ea unw eer source in not owner WHAY DIDVou want DAT 0122 ANNOW sumac WONYALLGO BACK IN when MAN VJ Muses Ann sKeersR