IN NUTSIIELL Toï¬ï¬iéTtTerarminglaciliiies47 TOKYO Renters Japanese farmers squatting on Un OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want All Tele phone PA Bruit The telephone numher to rail or the Bimini LeaderPearsorsnl Economic Situatioii ls Reason required to move into Berlin or Editorial Dept in PA 6637 97th YurJo 207 Tearful parents embrace their soldier son as he leaves Porto Alegre Brazil Monday with the disident Brazilian Third Army that supports leftist VicePresident Jens LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with cloudy intervals tomorrow Winds light Low to night 55 High Thursday 50 For full summary turn to page two Not More Than par Copyi4 Page Goulart The soldiers sister cries at left AP Wirephoto OTTAWA iCPt Opposition todayile believes that eventually the United Nations will perhaps be Mr Pearson won the 1951 No bel Peace Prize for theUNlop oration in Suez He said he would not be pre pared to advise that the UN move into Berlin next week However this matter would be in the minds of many people with the UN General Assembly The danger of an accident in Berlin is what frightens me Mr Pearson told press They were cxchanging fire Yesterday with water and tear gas When such thing starts you never know where it will finish it takes only one person to tstarttrouble but two to nego iate STRESS NEGOTIATION Mr Pearson said it is hard lieve how the lican situ Th suit ln allout war He was glad the Western countries continued to stress the necessitypfnegoTcotnï¬viï¬atevelhr if Fï¬ybe tiation lied States marines firing range on the slopes of Mount Fuji agreed today to give up their protest alter government prom ice that they would be given better facilities for farming their land in the area Expect New Soviet Acliiï¬i BERLIN AP West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt today said the world must expect new the next two weeks Convinced Beds Conducted Tests WASlUNGTON AP Senator HenryJackson said today he is convinced that the Russians have been conducting under ground nuclear tests during the effect since November 1958 To Fluoridate Water SupleH KIRKLAND LAKE or rear Tmship council Tilesday night approved purchase of equipment worth 3238310 flucridate the water supply More equipment is necessary for the oper ation approved by plebiscite some time ago Andvno date has been set for the start of fluoridation Papers Criiicize De Gaulle Some French newspapers today gave ooolireceptfontolresldéhmirles dc Gaulles press confer PAEJS Reuters enee Tuesday criticizing him ments PMaydlppoinFBoyal Commission MTAVVAMICP Theroyal 5561mm on Canadas finan cial institutions may beappointed within the neitt few days Prime Minister Diefenbaker told reporters today Diplomatic Relations Broken Oif KARACHI Reuters Diplomatic relations between Afghan istan and Pakistan were formally broken off todavwith the closure of the Afghan embassy hare Enter Second Day of Meetings OTTAWA CF Federal and provincial government of ficials entered asecond dayof cl regulations govemlngslnaubos srockaoilu Reuters treasurer of the Canadian Labor night the economic situation in reasonsfor tho fmmation of the existencroffllepianetk the Liberal leader th operlingin NewYorkS¢pLJu Winnipegspeech lastmneok of DANGER or ACCIDENT PearsOnBeiievesfHN May Move Into Berlin Berlin he said involves the The greatest danger the West would face would be total re liance on nuclear weapons if the West replied to any Communist incursio with nu clearweapons only the result might be fatal NATO must bestrong enough in conventional arms so it would not hnvc to rely on nuclear weapons Prime Mlnistcl Dlefcnbaker on Berlin and nuclear tests to strike the right not He hoped the opposition would be in as full agreement as pos sible with the government on foreign policy The situation was serious and any Liberal crltl HERES ONE Question Do you know any foLestlmatlngthL cost of living Answer Yes Take your and add 25 percent Soviet action in Berlin within moratorium that has heels in for airing obscure state onald MacDonald secretary Congress said here Tuesday Russian Language said rassment by hnperialism his cntictsmf Mr Pearson said he apprecb ated the restraint in Washington in not reacting at once to Soviet resumption of nuclear tests But be had hoped that the United States would hold off un til the UN meeting He was glad the American tests would be restricted to underground explosions Pearson was uwchunggdphlnl Vlew onrejection nuclear weapons for Cana gm of th present world situation Mould wait until commons debate belore ex pressing his views on this mat El At another point he said he hoped Canada will approve in clusicn in the UN agends debate onj admittance oflolil1 Weekend Deaths vSeinewHiecorf nil CANADIAN PRESS record 92 persons died ac cidentally during the summers last holiday weekend from gm Friday to midnight Mou ay The totalswelled by late re ports surpassed by two the record set last year for tho Ulreedsy Labor Day weekend 7A7Canadinn7P+e+saurvey showedcz died in traffic acci dentsthe same number as last year Seventeen drowned and 13 died in miscellaneous accidents including plane crash near nklourJives Quebec led the list with 31 deaths 20 in traffic four drown lugs and eight impl miscellan eous causes Ontario was sec ond with 22trafficdeaths and eight drownln Other provinc fatality fig ures with traffi totals brack eted Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba your British Columbia The list does not include na tural deaths known suicides or industrial accidents May Teach CubÃ©ï¬ HAVANA AmFidel Castro said today Cubans muststafl learningthe Russian language Jddcesslnthe windup of day national congress against illiteracy Castro said he had asked the Soviet Union to supplyIwoprofessors to teach the language to 2000 Cuban teachers Castro said English must also be learned because there willrbe social changes in English speaking countries Some day we ll have to speak in English the North American revolutionaries he But at the moment Castro added Russian is the most im portant tongue because the So ot Union lain front of scl enc Castro said that despite har reglmc would eradicate illite acy In Cuba this year He sold somealonc workers and st Canada was one of the main New Democratic Party ooo illiterates to readlnud dents are teaching Cubas tlons and start negotiations at cism would not be Phrtorcigrrminiateroithls 7Whl announcï¬ 15 minutes of Orders Te Ask Big Holt War Preparations BELGRADE AHThe con ference of 25 nonaligucd coun tries ended today with an ap4 peel to the United States and Russia to halt war prepara onca to head off nuclear de rtrucllon communique summing up the fiveday purley was unan imously approved at wlndup meetingthat run until am TRUSTEESHIP IS DISSOLVED TORONTO CF Chief Justice McRuer of the Ontario alglr Couil many dinolvcd trultcuhip lin lloud on the 17000mcmbcr sudbpry local of the Inter national Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Ind by its national executive The chief justice nullified is appointment an udmlnlitraliir for the local Tbeappolntmenl led violence 10 days ago an op posing factions struggledlor control of the Sndbury headquarters Kalanga Parliament RaisesCry ForÂ¥la AgainstUniiedzNaiions ELISABETHV1LLE The Congo Reuters Katangsn deputies Tuesday night called for war against the United Na tions in stormy session of parliament summoned by Pres ident Moise Tshombe to discuss the danger threatening our country Katangan pollce cariler first into the air to disperse crowd of youths who stoned UN mils itary hospital and set UN car on fire besides calling for peace it dealt chiefly with colonialism and Declared the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay at locts the sovereignry and integ rity of Cuba Called Algerian rebel claims to Frenchheld Sahara Desert territory lust and nec essary and offered to aid the Algerian in their struggle with France Demanded immediate evac uation of French armed forces from Tunisian soil Demanded immediate free dom for Portugals strifetorn African colony of Angola smarteonnnoswAsllikeDeadlmel Nothing was said about Sov iet domination of Eastern Eu rope Chlnese Communist occu putinn of Tibet or lndlas re fusal to permit plebiscite in Moslcm Kashmir Indian Prime Minister Neh left for Moscow today on he had scheduled before in grade conference But lndlau diplomats said their leader would carry to Soviet Premier Khrushchev the conferences ap peal that he meet urgently with President Kennedy tal and showered UN headquar ters with stones Two truckloads of Katunga troops rolled up to reintorce poA Iice after they fired shots into the air scattering theriolers No casualties were reported The demonstrators describ ing themselves as Jthe Katanga woutlr carrledplacards calling on the UN to get out One slo gan also said The United states consulate must close lm STOP FOR oils FORGET WIVES ORILLIA CP Two US couples travelling through this area in sin tion wagon were split up brie husbands forgot their wives and drove off withoutthem alter stop for gas When the car stopped the men got out to look at boat nearby The wives who had been sleeping in the back seat awoke and went to the washroom The men returned and drove away They didnt notice their wives absence for more than anvhour men sped bucklto find them furious standing illfront of the service station Talks Postpone DETROIT APlGeneral lilo tors Corporation and the United Auto Workers union reported early today that significant progress had been made dur ing the night in negotiating new contract result both martin expired contract until next Monday The unions 315000 GM members were to have gone on strike at 11 am EDT today Now the deadline has been postponed un til the same time Monday TunisiansiKilled gin Bizerie Clash TUNIS Reutersi Four Tu lsns were killed and 52 were injured Tuesday in clashes with Preach troops in the town of Bizerte near the big French naval and air force base nisian government communique said today The government said the clashes broke out when muni cipal workers in the town tried to cross barb ï¬re entangle ments put up by the French Two oithe workers and two mediater passershy were killed the com munique said secessionist province Evariste Kimba told dcputi The vase is full The government will never make onelfurther concession to the United Na tions Deputies applauded in when two of their number called for war on the UN 0ne of them held up bullet and declared that if he was not given rifle to fire it he would throt the bullet in the face of UN soldier Kimbn was interrppted by cries of Why7 Why when he said Katangn has not yet used its armed forces ESTHWLUEDJWL gan thsouer1urnedanlL burned UN carsmashed win dows at the UN military hospi BRASILIA AP VicePres ident Joao Goulart begantalks today with wide range of po litical leaders to organize new government for Brazil Some were reported urging coalition regime to given voice small parties Although the date for his in auguration as ligurehead pres ldent has not yet been fixed mum landed at Brazils modern capital in the interior after his personal safety Largest SchoolSystenl InUS Integrates Without Incident Alberta 5Saskatchk DALLAS Tex APEight ecuNegro first grades walked into classes in eight previously allwhite schools today without incident as Dallasintegratcd its school system for the first time Pgicï¬LMQh 750 men prepared to han le any possible demon strations after two years of training for todays integration occupied themselves withdi recting traffic School su erlntendent ter classesnpenedythat all 18 Negroeaassigncd to previouslr white schools were inside the schools Dallas was the largest US city maintaining segregated schools until today Largest now is Memphis Tenn Dallas was the llth largest city in the 1960 census and Memphis was 22nd The city operatesmi element ary schools with 62500 pupils ut 17000 are Negro ederal court orders to Dub to integrate call for gradevn year plan beginning with the first grade There are an custirnated 8100Negro first Galveston an er major Texas city miles south of Dallas alsowschedulad its first public school lntegratlonytoda garten classes Galveston Ro man Catholic parochial school integrated withyeight Negro stu dents Tuesday without incident The Dallas citizens council made up of heads of leading companies has sought to reach all groups in Dallas with the theme that racial disorders are criminal and that integration is the law and must be obeyed Meanwhile in Little Rock Ark five more schools technical high school and four junioLblghjchooiswechnteL grated quietly Tuesday in con trast to rioting that developed when desegregation beganfour years ago Negroes were admitted for the first time to white schools in Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach FlaPolice guarded the Little Rock and Florida schools and no crowds form School integration pread seven Richmond Vav commun ities integration Hour Atlanta high schools started lastllweek resumed calmly under watch ful eyesof police Orleans scho ed ay=regitratl for the second yearof cs gation whiehatarts Thursda tee called for supparLofprl tel schools ln New Orleans coalition Regime Urged For Brazil petRid had been assured and military chiels dropped their active op position leaders as dangerous leftist will take over the position but notJhuerelinquished by Janioï¬uadros who resigned as president Aug 25 Quadros resignation caught on his way home from anV toGommunistChina and the heads of thearmy navy and air force said they would not let him return to the pres idency Civil war threatened be tween provGoulart troops and of forces but ihemll ry chiefs gave way after Congress trans ferred most of the presidential powers to premier responsible to Congress Goularts major function as president will be to pick the pre prove by Congress Arr ing from Porto Alegre capital of home state of Rio Grande do ill in the south cabn people and pave the way for the establishment of an ideal regime he told reporters PETERBOROUGH JCP Provincial police combing nearby bush country fola oco stolenat gupp at last Thursday in all ck bank havefound gun holster and clothes possibly belon to the bandi Stall Sgt Stan Palmateer Tuesday led usearch part of 14 OPP men an local vo civ ans in south Brazil and the mier who then must be ap Goulart praised the newparlia mentary system think it will VV all ut Decision IsPrompled By Third Nuclear Explosion By Russians WASHINGTONKCP Prel ldent Kennedy has ordered re sumption of testing which informants said today run up eveup new Igt weight atomic weapons step up work on antimissile rockets and possibly examine the feasibility of new matskiller neutron bomb Ending threeyear morato rium in the wake ol Russias third abovevgroundnucicnrblust in five days Kennedy Tuesday approved resumption of laborat ory and under round tests with no fullou saying tilg is no of or ï¬nlcc in meeting responsibilities to Am lcuns fand to the security of other free nations Still open until Saturday is the British merican proposal that Russia loin with them in anim mediate baron all atmospheric cleaLtestsrundeLaxistingdes tection methods Moscow broadcast which claimed the BritishAmerican of fer is just another excuse for Justifying underground and at mospheric testsindicated that Soviet Premier Khrushchev lik ely will reject the Western pro posal CANADA APPROVES Prime Minister Dielenbaker of Canada told reporters in Ottawa Tuesday that the BritishAmer ican offer represents the wishes and hopes of mankind and was commendable step toward attainment of nuclear agreement The Canadian government has repeatedly made clear that it is opposed to all nuclear testing John JMnClliy theUS dls armament gadministrator ar ranged to meet in New York to day with Valerian Zorin Soviet amhissidorloithéilï¬lltea Na trans to resume talks on setting up multination disarmament conference While the White House gave no details of the new tests other than that they will take place this month informants said they will be detonated in tun nels especially prepared in the Nevada Desert test site area They emphasized there would be mudnngarwfffalloutracontrask to Russian explosions contamin ating the atmosphere However there is noscompleieassurances that some radioactive materials may not leak out from the American blasts The Americans are particu larly interested in testing small atomic weapons for field troops in perfecting missile that ould knock down long range ntercontinental ii stie mis Goulart assaileddymilitsryfsilesandinelraminingthefeaa ibllity of neutron bomb that could destroy vast numbers of humans without extensive dam Wage to the ties and towns in which they live TELL SALLIES Kennedy was under pressure four months from political and military quarters to resume test ing but made no dccisiun until American authorities announced Iha Russia had demnnted her third atmospheric nuclear ex plosion over central Asia hlcs duy Kennedy notified Britainv France and West Germany of isdecisionbetoremeki mimicsf Kennedys announcement was immediately hailed by congrc5lt sionnl leaders who fear Russia may overtake the repurtcd big American lead in nuclear weap ons addingta Russias leadell jhip in owcrful space to nology But the decision was received with dismay by the smaller countries which fear military musclcflexing by Russia and the United States may engulf the world in nuclear holocaust American atomic sources said thes ies of explosions which Russia started seem to be of kind undertakenhy the United States in the past Resume Daily lalloutchécks Canadian Yrsinstituted daily air measurement checks follow Russias resumption of hu 3Health department source said the zfstation network of air monitoring stations across Canada is reverting to daily re ports on air samples from twiceweekly checks The network organized by henlth department and manned by transportdepartmcnt mete orologists was set up in 1959 to collect samples of rain soil and airforfalloutvmcasuremcnts Rainfall is analysed on monthly and soil on yearly basisrkirirdrawnconï¬mr sly on filter papers which til recently were sent every 21 hours for analysis in Ottawa gt However during the last two Yearswhen neither Russia lor the United States heldnuclear teststhe levels of fallout in the air became so low that it we considered impracticable to make daily measurements am Plea for dignit The new Miss 114 ehbsen Sou