Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1961, p. 9

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MIDilURST sm Mr and Mrs borne Bldweli and iamliy of Edgar spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Slm Hills Mr and Mrs Art Miller and Mrs Ketiar oi Scarboro spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Mr and Mrs MOLEAXDLQL Milihrook and Miss Mootelih called on Dick Brown on Wed nesday Mr and Mrs George Hills of By ANNE ADAMS SMOOTH SUCCESS Smooth and sleek every inch of the we this easmewaheath ideaT or your first Fall fian nEI jersey cotton or faiile See how smartly non band takes the place of belt Printed Pattern 4980 Mtsses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 20 Size it takes 21 yards 4inch tab me Send FDRTY CENTS 40 centst in coins stamps cannot be ac cepted ior this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oi The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ont FALLS 100 BEST FASHIONS separates dresses suits en sembles all sizes all in our new PatternCatalog in color Sew for yourself iamilyn as Morrison Coiuagwood called on Mr and Mrs Sam Hilts on Wednesday Mrs Victor Reid at Wed nesday and Thurs ay with friends in Wliiowdale charlie Bowdery has return ed home after spending the weekend with irienda in New Lisireard BEETON Rev and Mrs Cathcart are visiting Mr and hire White was in Ottawa on business few days last week Mrs Sutherland Wayne and Brian attended the ONE on Saturday Mr and Mrs Sealey attended the Exhibition on Wed nesday Mrs Rayner of London Mr and Mrs Waterfall oi Stir ng and James Wateriali at Toronto were guests oi Miss Beatrice Christian on Thursday and called on several irienda in town Mi Cecil Reynolds and Wei Qljhe CNE on Thurs Mlss Carol Ellison returned home last week from Wasaga Beach where she spent the past two months Mr and litre White and Nicholas returned home on Saturday irom two weeks va catida at Kashnhog Lake in the Havelock district Mr and Mrs Cransion at tended the CNE on Wednesday of the past week TEACH IN MONTREAL Glyn Owens oi Wales Eng land spent the past two weeks with his cousins Mr and Mrs Mason and expects to leave on the weekend ior Mon treai where he will commence his new duties early in Septem her as teacher in one of the Orenoc schools Donald Cracker oi Barrie called on iirends in town on Sunday Mr and Mrs John hudier ford Jimmie and Marilyn spent the weekend with relatives in St Caihar Wm 21W home during the past week from two months vacation with relatives in Toronto McDermott was in To ronto during the weekend at tending the funeral of rela tive Mr and Mrs Beatty Rob ert and Gordon of Royal Oak Michigan were guests of Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol few days thaypast week AT GUELPH FUNERAL NAMr antiiiirs WiCranstnn were in Guelph last week at tending theiuneral of Dr Wood oi Tottenham Dr Wood passed away suddenly following heart attack Sunday in Guelph Mr and Mrs Alvin iiionip cents son and Nancy and Mr and Mrs Borden Lactic oi Barrie and Mrs Churchill and Mrs Cecil Perrier spent the past weekend at Mr Fenders arm ll Suadrldge Mrs Filmer and Mr and Mrs Donald Palmer Visited Mrs Pierson oi Barrie on Sunday Mrs Pierson is at present patient in lnniawood Lodge Paioswick Mrs SelhyrDohbs la pptieat in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Miss Georgina Barton and day tirioronto Mr and Mrs Sandy Dobe and iamlly of London are home ars mother Mrs Doth Watson Billie and Mark spent Wednesday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Dan Kearns of Tomato visited Mr and Mrs Sidiney Kearna during the weeks en Mr and Mrs EJerry were in Beaverton on Tuesday owing to the passing oi Stanley Pegg aiormer resident of Beeton BAXTER Mrs Don Cameron and chil dren St Catharinesv spent few days with the farmers par ents Mr and Mrs Elwood Gauley Mrs Edna Edgar and Wes Ruddick spent the weekend with the latters sister Mrs Bella Robson Toronto We welcome Mr and Mrs Roy Perry who have moved to our community irom Barrie LAC and Mrs Robert Gray and daughters Janetand Pat ricia arrived home from RCAF Wing Germany after being posted there for iour years They are visiting Mrs Grays mother Mrs Florence Denney Miss Patsy Bone Thornton is spending few days with Miss Nancy McKnight Mrs Ken Ellison and Mrs Ken Connell spent Friday in Toronto with Mrs Vance Mc Faddea Mr andhlrs Hamid Hender Jaek Hende so 81 JAY South dealer Both sides vulnerable Mfl New owing to the illness oi theiorm sfinrermrmnncfi Ker CONTRACT BRIDGE TBAGIC DEATH 01 MANSFIELD COUPLE it was with deepest sorrow that news was received here on August i2 oi the tragic death oi Ronald Lavern Beaton andf his wile Elsa Eleanor Hack Driving to church services their car rolled over on gravel 10 miles south oi Kerri bert Saskatchewan Ronald eldest son of Mr and yWI at Mansfield in 1929 and attend ed puhlieachools in Muimur Township He then at two years atfihhawa Msslonary COUGKL Letaiiileat col lege It Lacombe Alberta he met and married Eli who was bornitiiooid fin 1935 From then Ronald spent two years at Walla Walla Col lege Washington state rand thence to Lorna LindaUnivers ity Caliiornia whorehe WI studying for his MD degree or 1963 LA These young people were of great courage and had lown many seeds at love kindness and toy Left to mourn their passing are three chiidknt Shirley Ann Robert Gwendolyn Also sorrowingarenonaldrparents and brothers and aisle Clar ence of Goderich Beverley of Lorna Linda Caliiorola Mrs Ha roldJilcoLiBose Marieieol Alliston ivadelie oi Barrie Ro bert and Brenda at home Elsa also leaves to mourn her loss her parents Mr and Mrs John Robert sister Beitymrhaby brother The iuneral was irom the Greer Funeral Chapel Scr vlces were conducted by Elder Johnson President of Canadian Union College Alberta also Elder Moores President oi Manitoba Saskatchewan Con ference oi Seventh Day Advent ists assisted by the United Church minister in Kcrrobert Floral tributes were received from Caliiornia Alberta Sask atchewan British Columbia and Ontario mbert Cemetery BECKER actually the hand was lost bc cause South adopted the wrong line of play Declarcr made only one mistake Unfortunately it cost him the contract East to win the opening1 apgds lead done this he would have made the hand He would have lost the spade return to the king but nothing could then have prevented him irom scoring nine tricks consisting oi three hearts two diamonds andJour TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE Lhe Mam South Wm North Eut Pan Peas STPmuhr clubs Whether to take the spade was kind at guess its true since it depended on whether declarer thought East had two spade or three Eareiianip1eiiEiistrsspaclsL rfiuo agic Moments in Sport TUESDAY m5 Junior Roundup cartoon Part News Headlines Thrlfl Slflfllel Channel ll CNE Farm Market Report Don slmlulflll NGW 191 Sports Wanted 01 AUVB AilStar Theltxe KAICO HI Hour JIM and 11 Kid 3011 10le gmhfint are CECTirNaws The Welthermit 406 In Community ouroafla waoaasnav snrrzsraaa 115 Test Pattern 130 liinvie Jxmiioonsr aw Summerama News and um interviews Euiidlng th Earl cartonal Music Junior Roundup Huckleberry iiuunii News annuities Farm Market Reports Don Janileaon News Weather Sports Loretta Young Bachelor Father sssssswn Smrt CETOVCHANNEL SEPTEMBER Prateror Hideaway Whlriyhirdl arts agic Moments in sport News Weather Ofldanr Sportsman Wyatt Earp Theatre at Eight story by Shiriey Yorke Route as nan1a Beat News Weather Sport Better Late News Weather Sport Enilonun WEDNESMAY SEPTEMBER 1100 News 1105 Fran and Easy 200 Channel TiltMrs In Lonely Pinch new Hid as ease eawly 800 Whiriyhirda sin arts P3591 assesses all News on Football 1W son Disordered Mind 30 My T1111 Eflnl mflfnehtn ra Superior Sax sn Exploratt 110 C3 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 115 Test Pattern 1310 Movie Flight Nurse 100 Summerma News spam interviews Gull Tips Cartoons Music Junior Roundup Roy Rogers on News Headlines Three Stooges on at the cue Form Market Report Don JamiflflLru ewa Weather Sports 100 Gunsrnoke 750 Till Rebel 800 Slimmer Circuit 8811 Checkmltl 13in Em ti ouury Iran on 1030 Peter 1100 anew News iiia rs Weatherman Sitfi amm ewa ms The Alaskans Mo 71 Sunset Strip son was LIN Jim flackul Show Inna Nicknames or Fame 1100 News Weather 59° 11311 Better Late 12115 News Wllthlrf 121o Epuogus um THURSDAY semen 11 on News 1105 Free and Easy 2011 Channel Nine lhelhl Thurldlya Child Proienors Whiriyhird spam mm Moments in Sport 45 News Weather last the Pol Lockup Thnatrl At aaaat Elanway arrTerm 933 yawnwweathsr use an no antherms 1100 News Weather Sports 1130 Better Late izge News Weather Sparta 12 Epiiazlfl Ciiilitiliil EMISS Yiiil If your carrier hasenuuarrlvedbyapm please phone PA 8243 And Copy Will Be no iivered To Your Home THERE is No CHARGE ros IHisSERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELFCARS AND TRUCKS roamsoff Opening leadsix at spades Bridge is not exactly like ticktncktoe where you cant lose it you play correctly You have to do some guessing in bridge andyou will not always guess right However many socalied guesses are not as tough as they seemnndean be resolv ed successfully byetiie use of good judgment South was in three nntrump and West led spade Declar Fwon the jack with the queen then led club and ilnessed losing to the king Back came spade and West cashed iout spades todefeat the contract trick superficially it appears that South did nothing wrong and that he just had bad look But Minoan Cheek memoran dam now Keep Travel by oncart Goal lJaliaw Illn8 Garment much river flee mark Unbroken teams ee 11 Oregon mid Navade as Costly 16 Japanese and dashes Man 5m rllin 12 Agroaa IS Mojave 143mm 10 MMde river MTibetan zueiiee 18 Neuter pronoun 19Maunmn tree 21 to allow suit MSoutham 29 Negative 11 13Ahyioiilaa god holding had been J53 instead oi JS ducking the spade would have been fatal The duck in such case would allow the de fense to win our spade tricks and diamond whereas taking theepade wouldlimitan nents to three spades and diamond But South should have as sume an at East had onlytworspsdesritwould not have been normal for West to lead spade into the spade bidder iihe had held only the IKBtl oispades The lead was much more likely to have been based on fivecard suit On this line oi reasoning therefore South could have made successful educated guess by ducking the first trick DAILY crosswoab Tomorrow Swapping horses in midsiream amas 25 Milden Mulli Alal 986w 863mm 3713 1193ollvil1a Indian var 431de ermpofl work tion air BRANNON looser Hack Roscdalc BCbroiher south shouldnhave permitted1 GRANDMA auz SAWYER SKEETER BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY SEWER 131 tTIiiiiillmm to mill Hmonmwur nonem YOUR DONT LEAVETHE HOUSE WHILE 1M man no THIS DOTHAT BLONDIE JULIET JONyES HEREIYDURWIFEIS ALWAVS ORDERING WHENEVER AEK HER lF MN mAMflHlNG ALWAYS ASK ltd REVERSE TAKING ETTA ON PichCALONEIE iu Gait AWAY Foam mos pssrs on flow A1125 GEE Wle JIJET POLICE CAP l5 GAMING DEFENDiNG SAMe metn rb anvrr DO ALD DUCK Kiwi ROTH ITWASATMP éixsouss P1111157 EXPLOSIVEG iii

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