Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1961, p. 4

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Till2 FIRST COLUMN New Season In Different Look nymw atria Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario TUESDAY SEPTEMBER Pan Mental Health Clinic Is Much Needed This Count THE lrltEEllof Barrie airbag one oifntbce mmum look different today Especial po one one oo lythemalnnreet Schoolhu wulheflyiog wing lathe started again The weather day around Barrie when lied may not be too much different Storey was the big man on our from last weeks searchers but collegiate team and such as the streetLhaveaedlfferent as Jack Dytl Red Reynolds the poet Gone are the female late Btu Stracban the Muir ye boys from Shanty Bay Morley raiilvingntonflinwelirllrtrldr ii fimwlhaifl Somali WEle lu we etupdenu as Jake Gaudaur of Drilllaend For some tin there has been consid be the solution Such clinics are staffed erable discussion in Simcoe County relt by team of ex erts in mental health 47 ardinrtherrpossibilityoffavmentalledbyn sycbia who isa medical health clinic There is no doubt that doctorwi specialisttraining in this field His primary duties are diagnosis the need is urgent Nearly onehalf of all hospital he in Canada are accu ied by patients suffering from mental uess Oneof the rlmary functions of mental health cf the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness before it has reached the stage where hospit alizatlon is necessary At present patients in this area rc quiring the serviceeotsucb clinic mustw admin1134 and often with travel to the Ontario Hospital at New Toronto few children can be seen at Orillla and ve limited number can be taken care at Penetangulshene This however has roven to be unsat isfactory People With emotional diffiT culties are often reluctant to seek help and this transplortatlon problem can be major stumb ng block mobile mental health clinic work ing within the county would appear to and treatment of mental illness Assisting the psychiatrist is clinical psychologist who studies the mental pro cesses and behaviour of the mental pat ient The psy chiatric social worker is the troubleshooter of the team maintaining continuous contact between the atient ployer to assist in solving problems that the patients illness might cause Several interested gron in Simcoe Count are working toget er to hrio Athedfficultytoethe attention of loca and provincial authorities The Barrie Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association is making this its project for the year However wholehearted public support is necessa to make mental health clinic realty Sweeping Education Change Sweeping changes in the Ontario se condarylschool curriculum have been announced by Education Minister John Robarts There are students at 14 even young er who have already decided upon their course in life But majority still seek leeway to pick their career and often change their minds and switch from one course to another after that age The scope of the proposed curriculum is not final The new ro ram will be worked out in detail urng the next few monthan consultation with edu cational authorities as well as and spokesmen for business and abor In general the proposals are sound leadin to more lengthystay in second ary so 0015 and thus better education al grounding There Will be three branches of study arts and sclencehusiness and commerce andenglneering teclmofogyfanntrafder There will be rueyear course preparat ory for university and fouryear course to fit students for direct entry into busi ness and industry In addition there will be twoyear program of occupational subjects for students who do not plan full high school course The changes should provide improved graduates in all three branches of study nrents securing andwparticn arly when secondar Those who will on to university will be better fitted undertake advanced studies The students preparin for life in business or industry upon completion of their course have the essential qualifications for entry into those fields of activity Under the plan as proposed students will be called upon in grade nine to de cide upon which course they will follow At the end of grade nine they ma switch to another course but limita ions to changing courses will be encountered at the end of grade 10 Under the present oposalrstudentsmustdecidenporra into grade 10 whether or not they wrll continue their education throng university Introduction of the full program will take five ears and is scheduled to commence 1962 While not compul sory the new program has beam recom gt mended by the Department of Education Meanwhile final details will be worked out to make the plan one which will succeed inkeeping studentsin school to increase their knowledge for the pur suits they wilirfollow The more educat ion and training the better the chance of permanent employment school education will henceforth specialize in three branches to fit students for their future careers Down Memory Lane FIFTY YEARS AGO Barrie Saturda Morning July 15 1911 had teresting bits under fThe Passing Week as ratepayer from the east and thinks that it is aborft time the CitizensiBaudrwas givin some music in that locality He thin the walk to Queens Park is long residents of Ward VI will speak out with ditto Orillia Packet would have alliard time filling its columns but for the literary lapses and typographical errors of some of its less enlightened print ersLzlhieromrone of our local papers of 1911 Some evildisposed person tapped tank of car oilat Galtlast week and thewoneevenin BAY EXCURSION BY STEAMER Under local news Barrie Saturday Morning July had The Canada Pro ducer and Gas Engine Company will ship 250 hp engine of their own make to Caledonia shortly Annson had narrowescape had been left in front ofhis residence and when he drove up in the darkness unaware of this his horsershiedsudden ly and he was thrownrout of the rig Fort unately he escaped without injury The excursion to Jacksons Point by SS Otonabee on the previous Saturday was enjoyable Start was at am with 150 on boardand more pickedup at Allandale and Shanty Bay docks and gallonsmfluidnraLtoreached the Point JnJahours Two waste before itwas noticedx It was two degrees hotter at Orillia last week than at Barrie but almost 99 degrees drier KLEPTOMANIACS St Thomas TimesJournal Local merchants are from time to time taken by hoplifters as they are in all communities It was revealed that number of Women had been warned not to do it again although it would have been quite fit and proper for the manager of store to institute charge of stealing reliably tbeLdianoL want to scare away otherwise good customers and even sought to rhidevtheridentities of wo TWBarrie Examiner rim or second aim mu Post office DepartmentOnwr Daily Sun and Statutory nousyr excepted woman whens Pobllr or plum shalom oencrai Mariner McPHEhSON nianumgizditor asslull wanna Business ma er Roamr ansunn honorariumr gt some nonosn Circulation Manager cum as more aa Torontofll em if usbhrt doorgr ins Member of the CanadianDI Newsp Pub unher Association The Canadianer Dand the Audit Bureau of circulation The Canadian Pnn in exclusive entitled to the use or re ubllcntlon or all izpetcbrd tnlhtl no on lted foyftior The Am and Pnn or outerno also face new burn In etn morals short trips were also made from there and those visiting by rail had the chance of lake trip Returncommenced at pm men some of whom were reported to be rtherwivesofrmen in goodpositions The warnings presumably brought an end temporarily at least to the offenders Storekeepers in Cleveland tooktha bull by the horns the other do and agreed to crackdown on these ves for that is what the are and as result number people were charged This typeof crime is usually practicedby women but Cleveland had number of offenders and two of them were an the maximum penalt gies of fines and jail terms plus pub city There general opinion that in thegcase of working woman or the wife of working manshe is called shoplifter and is sentenced according Iylivhereas mamas of middleclass woman She is allowed to go free because she kleptomanic ersonwho is kleptoma is in com financial oaiti his they pu se to eal just her misfortune Be it sho lifting or kleptomania it is lerceny an honest shoppers have to pay forthcmerchants loss We hunch that ifqnierchants were to take the kind of actionthey should do the Victims the sase of kleptomania cure ould be lspeedii IFOITAWK kTThe steam rollerg century have oem OTTAWA nrponr BERLIN ivr UnenvraBIe Hécor Di Canadas Drivers By PATRICK NICHOLSON El VET set up several new records on our highways last year but not single one of which any Ca nadian can be proud The Dominion Bureau of Sto tlstics has just issued its annual review of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents Accidents la the euphemism used by that bureau cratic agency to describe known cases of bad driving or equip ment failure which result in death or injurytoour fellow Canadian or in property dam age These accidents nttalpcd all tima records last year in num ber in human destruction and in the cost of damage That national shame the road traffic accident occurred in al ternate minutes day and night throughout the year killing nine humans and taluslog 25 every day Such incidents totalling 247819 were reported last year The greatest number of course oc curred in our most populous and moshvehlclemrowdedprovin Marine this province was the scenerof just over onethird of Canadas total highway toll Quebec BC and Alberta fol lowed in that order Full details of accidents in Quebec are jot iibulated bulADltawaisTWlio are more exposed to drivers and cars licensed in Quebec than the inhabitants of any other Cana dainroityiou ithat prov rate them as easily the most dangerous and least courteous of North American drivers on aver age ALLCANADA TOLL These accidents killed 3285 people and injured 00166 others across Canada The damage cost $81684000 exclud ing Quebec If we add con servative estimate for Quebec we arrive at total sum which would pay for our Canadian Broadcasting Corporation up till Christmas 1962 or cover all the costs of operating our federal parliament for quarter of This column recently referred to TCAs 1960 record of carrying passengers total of over 2000 qualification and of the relia Frontier College Hoporgfiradpates TORONTO CP Frontier College school for migrant workers which has accompanied them to work campsites across Canada lines was graduated 17 students in railway siding Frh ay The school without classrooms potentiallyJsthalteaAmlsslon weapon which he takes onto the highway before Issuing licences Dathoy protect society by as suring that the driver or vehicle which they license can in fact pay for any damage causcdl In our largest and wealthiest province there is lot of debate about whether compulsory insur ance for drivers should be intro duced There should be abso lutely no doubt about this it is an obligation of government to restrain the risksof damage to others by person incapable of making them good if that governmentepermltetheuse of public land by dangerous im plement Ontario has an un satisfied judgments fund com monly known as the unsatisfac tory judgment fund Statistics suggest that more than one On tariooriverLInflvrrelieeupon this fund to pay for his damage It is being suggested in 0t tawa that the licensing and test ing of drivers and vehicles used interprovincially should he which provides basic education programs in isolated or mobile rail construction logging and mining camps Teachers are university eith dents who join work crew at laborers salary do the same work as the laborers during the day and then conduct an hours instruction five nights week Across Canada this month the college will graduate 1600 work ers in courses including basic mathematics science and sev eral languages At Fridays graduation 17 For tuguese immigrants who worked removing old allw lines across Southern Ontario this summer received certificates of merit in English studies USCoinmunist Dies In Russia LONDON ElementWilliam mmveummvz Foster honorary chairman form standards to protect all Canadians Iest Supposin ay own Jest supposin the old waspy waist Wouldcomo back as excep 4tloneltasteL Modern maidens alack Totake in the slack oflhaUflitedTStEtFCommunist party died Friday in Moscow sanitorium the at Daily Worker reported The 80year old Communist leader was flown to Moscow from New York in January for medical treatment He had suf fered from heart ailment and partial paralysis for several years Foster was indicted in late with 11 other US party mem bers charged with conspiring to Would require steam winchteach or advocate the forcible at the lairt 0000 Passengerrmileafi without single fatal accident sim ilar passengermileage on our highways would haveresulted in 32 deathsand 2254 persons in lured The passenger is the most fre quent victim of motor vehicle accidents followed by the pa delsftrlan and then the driver him se Drivers foults noted as causes of accidents show the mostcom moons speed too to for road or traffic conditions Next is inattentive driving while the third most prevalent fault is driving thawrongrside of the road lt This tendency to lawlessness at the wheel is shown by other statistics No less than 700 acci dents last year involved drivers under 13 years of age too young to obtain licence andhence driving illegnll 12 accidents resultlngin deaths and lot resulting ln lnjurtesThe restcaused property damage onlysuch as smashing up Pops car RESPONSIBILITY EMBED These statistics raise three pertinent questions Do our gov ernments take sufficient steps to defythemselves of drivers overthrow of the government GUARANTEED Tnusr CERTIFICATES issued in amounts from for periods of to years earn interest yearly byoheque $100 upwards payable half Government authorized investments for Canadian Insurance Companies Eiecubdra Trustees IIndividuals yourimousrtgoauaiss users to vsAlrsr kronenon Day Sh layouts nouuar themain street merchants have anything again Idaya they ruoh lteducatloo but fortheinrstvs system two months it was rather relax ing to stand in the doorway and admire the passerlby of the dlllt tall side As one mens wear impruario remarked with gleam they get shorter and tighter every year Ah yes July and August are refreshing months in this town and the hotter the better ll Ls NOHCED that the sec ondary school teachers are com paigning for better English In addition to the seats of leam lag they could throw some hints among the publlcaod peclnllyredio iockL endvIV an nouncera The phrase going to has been replaced almost entirely by gonna and you could not find this in any dic tionary of the English language Gotta is heard constantly and here is another new word which sooner or later Webster or Ox ford or Rink and Wagnalls may have to recognize The only Gotta we know plays left end for Region Roughrldere BLAME FOR this could be laid originally on Ed Sullivan Count the number of times he uses gonna and gotta in an Mlll Itnlfinyrifimlck TETKT Sullivanmrlglnally was news paper man and still is But he never uses those words in his column on was answer dont want to exclude ioumnlists Why do the new crop have to Jack Fenland of Collinsmod theybucked the line Now the defen IT WAS QUITE weekend Baseball is nearing ltl climax football is nearing the midway point and the hockey players are getting into condition for another season On the cultural level wherever that II we may expect the drama the opera and the ballet Somewhere in this triumvtrate you may find some individuals who are any thing but barbers delight BALLS FALLS You have to grow old to learn something new Believe It or not It was in the Ontario Today edition of last Satnrdaya Examiner Balls Falls is one of the most beautiful spots on the pictures que Niagara Escarpment just south of the village of Jordan Balls Falls is two fails re plica of the Horseshoe Falls On reading the story you lea that this property was own by the Ball fondly for over 150 years but has now been taken overeby the pmvlnclal conser vation authority You reach it by No Highway and rooms gaylthe Walla plan to visit Balls WorstWheatYear Since Dirty 30s OTTAWA CF This sum mers Prairie drought has slashed Canadas wheat crop this year to an anticipated £52 sfitaieHor giHmWWWbushmmumiflm for mother There is only one place in newspaper where the English language may be mur dered the sports pages and believe me who wouldnt wanna take is screened pass to the left flanker while the middle guard was smothered by the right in side linebacker while the left outside corner was covering the defensive end WE SEEM tohave moved in to the subject of football in my days at ECl they called it rugby never was big enough to play rugby that is Todays centre was the snapback He snapped the pigskin back to the quarterback They still have quarterbacks now but not so expensive as 30 years ago The pro quarter of today com mands many bucks in my days the rugby line consisted of in sides mlddlee and outsider How many of you can recall the recalled Dirty Thirties it may be the end of on eight year period of heavy surplus wheat stockpiles The wheat crop forecast Fri day by tha bureau of statistics would be 48 per cent below last years 469624000 bushels and the worst since the 1987 disaster year when only 180200000 bush all were harvested The 10year average for laslgt60 is mlooooo ushels BIBLE THOUGHT And God heard their groan eovcnant withAbrahImExod on 224 Even so man groans within himself as he waits for God to fulfill his covenant that guarantees that more abundant life beyond the grave Please yourself with Milsons Export Ale MOLSONS BREWERYfONTARIO LTD INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786

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