aanth imomma Remain Education NeededFor luv Jack Lindsay minister Without an education our minds are partly underole veloped Only when our minds and spirits are developed can we be the most use to our community and fellow man SCRUBBEDCLEAN Ken lhorngood painter think education is definitelt 1y necessary have been out of achool for almost year now and have hardly been working since have been out Youngster Flock Back To Schools Its pigtallpulling time again This morning as hundreds of public andhigh school students registered for the new term at least one little boy was seen chasing one little girl around the room pulling her pigtailso comforting sign of normalcy in rocky world At public schools across the city children and their mothers lined up for registration in the kindergarten class EXPRESSIONS VARY Expressions on the faces of the youngsters ranged from our iosity to helpless resignation lurked in the eyes of several olnaIl boys One little ChineseCanadian boy rat quietly with solemn expression on his face An other boy had already stnrck up friendship with little girl and they sat talking to one an other completely oblivious to fvwoundedMan Is Improving BRADFOED Special Newmarket man rushed to York County Hospital early Sunday morning sulfering from bullet wound is now said to be im provlng Nail Johnson 34 of Millard Ave was put on the critioal list alter he underwent surgery for the removal of one kidney and part of his stom ask Nawmarket policewho are in vestigating the incident say that Johnson been charged by Suttonpoii ga few hours prior to the shooting witinmpaireddrivr what was them All the children had one thing in common They were clean scrubbed and dressed well enough to warm mothers heart IT WONT LAST But alas this wont last One day of school and poor mother will be up to her ears in dirty facaa torn dresses and the cuts bruises and tales of was which are the inevitable result of day at school going on around smmJoyaI£oMi$ion Report Protesled WASHINGTON AP The United States is reported to have protested to Ottawa that actions proposed by Canadian royal commission would make it difficult it not impossible for us magazines to publish Ca nadian editions us officials said Satrrdayp the formal presentation US views we made by the em bassy in Ottawa to the external affairs department early last month Officials here declined to say what the views were it was indicated nonetheless that the US government made clear its opposition to the June report of the royal commission on publications ltstwo principal recommenda tions were that Canadian busi ness advertising in foreign iiblt licatioas should not be do not ibio as business expense for tax purposes and that foreign magazines with advertising di marketalsould be barrad from Canadan TODAYS STOCHHG Compiled by EFlynn 93 Dunlop at Santa INDUSTRIAL Asbestos Abitlhl Algoms em Aluminium Albsris on nun steel as olMontresl pianos us asn To Brsstllan HEP MM 40 Dom Tar Gt Labs Gal Powr Home Oil in Oil In Acco rewerias ml can Canada Cement an Chlemioal rotorprov Laban an consumers Gal iDtl Hall Norsnda Guiana Hus kl Homnler Csmp Chi Cen DelRlo Con Denim gt Con Hull KE Sullivan Falooabridga Gaco Mine Lamaque Opemlsks Dom Found Dom Stores Exquth Pld Famous Play Harden Farm Home Pit Hudson Bay Hill hub Tabasco inter Nickel Joekly Club Ml Powii arv Massey ms Kemaaalson Lon La nontoxic or wow Normstal Nor oaa Moora Corp Dahswa Pacific Fans gas Gas Roa Rothloans RioAlgom Bailli Shiflifl Elm sons Sta lord Steel 01 CHI stotnharg 3515 misnomer Tfln Carr Pl Trlnl Mt PP Tradors Flo Texaco Union Gas Wstkor onw HM MINING uemont nor Gordon amp Rock United at Ventures eeesa 11a ma msoacm floods eras of mom1 can Provo on Ros am of cana nowsodas Now lndustrtsll up 105 Rails soaonso asocR hduatrisll up 139 Golda downM roar avzasoas down 09 Uttlitiss or II EXCHANGE INDEX Metals IID II Oils down 14 Mybqhesmnovhtptm regular dip of loo Hook hassavioghlsmonéysohocanwooiiego ThatsrlghLYIs Sinadtipoï¬lhaddbinck Wouwmboauwfaadflbtha big mrmamwammhtnmlw old man Now tau tandem whom the lovingmeka Mn Edith GIIIIII house wife It is almost impos sihls for person to get job without an education Everyone who wants an edu cation should be able to get it even if thay cant afford it Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at am EDT Synopsis in Southern Ontario the outlook is lor1lightlycooler but still abovenormal tempera tures In Ontario aarly morning temperatures range from around 60 in the North BaySudbu area to be low 40 at White var Lake St Clair Lake Erie re gions Windsor Cloudy with few sunny intervals today and Wednesday Not much change in temperature Light variable winds Lake Huron Niagara regions London Sunny with cloudy in tervals today Cloudy with sunny intervals Wednesday little cooler today Light variable winds Lake Ontario Georgian Bay regions Toronto Jiallburton Timagaml Algima Fred Richards plumber think an education is neces sary Today averyono is educated Since everyone else is educated you have to be educated to keep up with the rest of them TIHEIITHEB FORECAST St Catherine Toronto Patofbaroulh Trenton Killaloo liluskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapualraaing White River Moosonee 33 Marie ossnganssae APPROVED av rlie autistic sons av Workman Finish Job Emerson Hamilton think education largoodefor avery one We had some myself It makes you mors fitted for life These days you need to have high school at least canon snows moons LONDON AmIt volcano on the Caspian Sea floor about so miles from the oil centre of Baku erupted violently Monday spowln rock and mud out of the we er and gas flames to height of 650 feet Moscow Ra dio reported ROCK STEAM OPEN DAILY to mm PA 87111 North Bay Sudbury Mainly sunny today Sunny with cloudy intervals Wednesday little cooler today Light variable winds White River Coehrane re gions Sunny with afaw cloudy intervals today and Wednesday little warmer today cooler again tonight Winds southwest is shifting to northwest today blooming southerly Wednesday ForecastTcmperatnres Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor 65 on St Thomas 80 London 80 Kitchener 80 Winghnm 80 Hamilton 80 To Good Start litter Holiday rectcdrsolal atrthamadiar4TORONTQ4ePlIEBLV ditionai postLabor Day market surge got off to good start in light morning trading today when the industrial index Paradoxically despread Wins fractional losses ac ll brought the market down but Market Is Oli gains among the 20 stocks which make up the industrial dex produced the rise Steel had the most notable gain up to na whigh of 24 on Volumroi Marshares Loeses among utilities and banks and financial institutions were responsible for much of Win12 utilities Bell Telephone BC Power CPR Great Lakes Power Quebec Na tural Gas and Shawinigan were all down as much as 34 0n index industriala gained 165 to 80056 and base metals 15 010588 Golds fell 04 to 9097 western oils 14 to 9903 and the 11 em volume was 299000 shares compared with as 000 at the same time Friday Burlington Close PoolTo Allow hint statement by cf council and Barrie Hons Cl early today explained the rea son has the dostng the only open comm swimm ng goal fadtouallow iisa contrac rs an era In unity to finish necessary m5 The statement also pointed out PRODUCE TORONN CPI churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged Jodayr The egg market was steady with offerings light for light demand Country dealers ara quoted by the federal department of agriculture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre cas ammo 45 arnali as and cgradea no market Butter prlc Canada first grade Ontario tenderabla 63 nonvtandarabla amen in light tradln estern 62V nominal BAYCI IIPIIOLSTIIIING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Batime FREE PICKUP AND oeuvre er PEONE PA Emil BARRIE Dï¬oliliiln BusinessNot Just sideline that the pool was opened pre maturely in August so that citi tens would have the opportun ity of enjoying the pool during late summer weatheri The parks commiltee and the city will carry out landscaping and additional improvement pro tects prior to the opening of the pool nest spring NEED TWO MORE POOLS Meanwhile Ernest Petrlmouix simiann of the Barrie recrea tion commission has gone on record as saying there is definite need for two more swimming pools here Mr Petrlmoulx pointed out that the Johnson St beach and ALL FALCONH ALL ENGLISH MARKET SQ warrantslr BUILT FORDS Kinsman pond have had capacity crowds all snnuner and the new community pool has hosted more than 1000 persons day since its opening in late gust Before this mornings an nouncement liir Petrimoulx had recommended the pool stay open providing the weather GUARDS AVAILABLE Ha added have life guards available until thrioth of September to respect to the financing of the proposed new pools Mr Patrimoulx was adamant in sug gutter that the city should INSTALLED GENUINE FORD PRODUCT MUFFLER 4954 5558 59 GI as Cyl oar 1295 1050 limit 1150 £33151 500 1553335 FRONTENACS and comma 1250 1553355 1350 MERCURY MONARCE MUFFLERS AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS BAY CITY MOTORS LTD BARBIE yrs sssss Nmtlaturalï¬as vaoliap EFFECTIVE cos 1961 ossssssnersas offers another new service lAT RATE ++HiormsrALLA110N CHARGES WAT ER HEAT ER gheeds are moderateorewhoiwes IOWest cost NOTHING TO BUY NOsERVIcerEs month supplies theAuromaric Water and ï¬gys for the gas used mm f67 TsTrtifï¬WSTBlrr Janis to enioyihe benefitsyof uiomaiic water heating at Westedrih moro GAS FLAT RATE WATER HEATER