ly the Rev ADVERTISING Jï¬idbpflwflrflpaï¬mflbfl 10 TEE BARRIE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ml ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS INTDUSTINO TAMILi mom can be writth navelleme afngmbiï¬ DDIGAGwIJsg and wcnomos Notices tor tassel out In Dilly 30 Brian than to the 2ch Ccunlu or let REAL ESTATE PROPERTI con sent Graydon KOHL Egan Till amt Examiner PA hm mar boom ll DUNLOP 51 EAST nounee ion Rich IREroNTsuddeniy at New To ronto 0n Sundu September 1061 Alina lretou clerk at in nisai TownLMP beloved husband or zeta sucrpe and dear lather ol belly Mrs Royal obmnal Lon Augeies CIlitnInla brother ol Wiuiaos and George lretoa ol Perth and hoiulor lre ton at Toronto Restins at the siechiey Funeral ilome so Weiv icy street mrrle untiirnoonr Vednesdny September Funeral service in St James United church Slloud at 250 711 Cu kct will be open in the church lrom prn until time at service Graveside hieronic Service eulpi ces Manitoba bod No no Ar and AM Conlutown CARDS OF THANKS KELLYWe wish to thunk our neighbors lriende Ind relatives or their acts or love and sympa thy during the recent ion or our beloved wile and mother Lillian Kelly 1ilichsei Kelly and lsmiiy GALuNngThc lrmily ol the late Mr Gsilinger wish in capital their sincere thanks to the many lricndl neighbors and reintlves lor the nesuutul llnnl tribute and messages or rymprthy during their rccuit bercavcincnt espeelri Newmsu tor bir consoling words COMING EVENTS NAVY LEAGUE COMMENCING WED SEPT 645 pm BARRIE ARMOURI ES All new recruits welcome Ages 12 to 14 years and approximately 85 Pounds Height 48 RUMMAGE SALE TRINITY ANGLICAN HALL FRIDAY SEPT 11 AM TILL PM SPONSORED BY WA CHRIST CHURC IVY MRANDMR8GORD NBmeLL or Edger will be at home to lrlendc and relatives on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER it mi non 10 pm on the occasion nl thclr 06TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Kingston Convict Stabbed InBack KINGSTON ICPI King ston penitentiary convict was stabbed several times in the back andchest Saturday in silent assault in the prison ex ercise yard gtAuarda Awaiching nveurec reattdn Deï¬cit ere unaware of the attack until they spotted convict Robert Smith of Tor onto lying on the ground bleed ing from multiple wounds Smith maintained he did not know who attacked him Goethrustinjured aspinnl nerve and prison doctors oper ated on the wound Other in juries were said to be super flcial CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE mascara Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the for one and two times ac per word for three four or five times and zinc per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it nbt paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 964 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION FAB4252 Recrcation room ï¬nished Large fully landscaped iot Driveway curbed and asphalt ed oï¬NHAmOTtSIEcTE cellent location owner trans ditolorpnio will sell at cost House tTvo years old Con Twp Flos 100 Acre Farm Good dag all workablc room house eat ed with turnace Water on tap Barn approximately 40 00 feet Good stabling silo drive shed and milk house Priced to sell GOHO Twp Flos 100 acre farm 50 acres work able 20 acres pasture good clay loam room house main burn 50x80 it hug pen 20x30 fcet hen house 30x60 feet Total price $10900 Call Bill Rawn at Eiral Eimvaia spe clsl farm representative ior Grnydon Kohl Real Estate Broker Barrie For farms call Bill Rawn 81R 31 Elmvnle EVENINGS CALL GnAYDON KDHL PA 04608 iIIILLIE COLE PA 00535 ROSE REAL ESTATE EROKER Tlï¬m 5mm BARRIE CENTRAL $2000 down payment Bunga low bedrooms bathrooms open fireplace utility room sunpordi attached garage well kept home with central location 51500 down payment bed rooms large living room extra large kitchen lull basement oil heating garage large lot 72x2 $2000 down payment two storey brick rooms large lot as 105 garage owner will hold balance in one mortgage EAST END $14900 outstanding bedroom bungalow large finished recrea REAL ESTATE REAL ONE DUNLOP MK II MOOREPA lfl ROGEESPANm CE Emilia CmprnPA $7869 EArxul Olrv now no DUNLOP ST Pinsr isonTGAGI ruan JDSLoflltin PA 01740 Everett sheisweu are this Phone PA tlMlti siAnzl MARSHALLPA bush CENTRAL ONTARIOS price at $12500 Can we show it Norman REALESTATE BROKER 507 or vALUnNO Pans CHARGED Evenings Call PBOPEBT FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL TORS smnnrnnsr First in Barrie Home ShimForemost in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL POWERPA CONNflJrPA mu manna some nlsmlcr REA STA BOARD REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET HAW PHONESIPAWWIPA 6024 lamb of th Blnid Illa mm Hold Iona Lang PA 1617 eyPA nos HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR LIKING BARRIE VIEW Barries Newest Subdivision Offers ALL SERVICES SUPPLIED AND PAID FOR BY THE BUILDER GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GortD SPRINGPA 35001 armPA 891 Sheisweli PA 80901 PA 68742 AVAILABLE1 ma leek willson PA Leon Normkn Shulaon PA smt Hm llowcrd Norris PA IL CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlop St COREYPA sates me IONSPA E7937 SIouII Agendes Lid LARGEST REALNRS COLLIER STREET PA 05901 Members of this Elllio and District Real EAtate hoard SETILED Get settled in this very well kept older home in the King George School district for the new school term Seven rooms in alltwo of these upstairs rooms are rented at $55 per month Separate dining room toolwWe thinksitrtcrriiicvalileloiIheï¬vï¬hking to you today SCHOOL tionronm in mahogany plank lust around the corner or Steel Street on Nelson This lovely plywood double garage One oi the nicest landscaped lots in the east end Owner transferred to Toronto $160100 Bungalow shape liv ing and dining bedrooms aluminum storms and screens ï¬nished recreation room large ialitlsdflfeaibï¬Ã©itfbTh age 512500 Threebedroom bungn low plus one bedroom kitchen brick bungalow boasts 1175 so good sized bedrooms livi ngmomandmodamk1tchenlnuely fenced patio and well landscaped grounds Just little bit better feet of living space with three than its neighbours Balance of NHA Mortgage about $11500 with monthly payments of $10008 in for an appointment to see this FOR SALE OR RENT canoe unrurutrbed Ilv spsrtment Downtown location Private cntnnge bested Obilureu on corner ï¬uï¬lmmmm ActionwanledonHlis+bedroonrbriclrhn cluding taxes Why not call us better than new home now Vancouver and Steel Streets Best east and location BUILDERS Just outside Barrie city limits BRIGHT IDEA on the 10th sideroad oi lnnistii title and toilet in basement fully Y0 will in this Hashinle new idea home It has living room landscaped lot extra large gar age WEST END $10000 10 room two storey brick home ideal for the large iamily home $3000 down pay ment withibalaniceionjnc mort gage at 60 $10500 bedroom one and half storey home large living room oil heatinwclose tonew shop ping centre OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES Coxmill Road Painswick $11 800 bedrooms living and din ing room combination lull base coLair all heating double garage attached via breezeway Owner will hold balance on onemortgage Painswick three bedrooms liv ing room kitchen tiled piece hath tiled full hasemgnt lbrced air all heating Equipped with aluminum storms and screens garage This is the nicest bunga low that have been given the opportunity to sell for some time You must mjlige an 13 ultra modern kitchen and three bedrooms Carport on one side Extra deep lot with space for your own garden Call thLminute beï¬lï¬evalues like this selnast complete FILL Builder only asking $11 ER UP With children or animals acres excellent garden land with lour roomed frame bungalow rbuyTnoWT Merv Gouldwro 2515 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 93 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Member or nsrrie and District Real Estate Board WINGS CALL EMORYM1LLER rs com JOE PALMER PA eons KARL MARSHALL nouns mums HAROLD FORSTER 00 402 04455 sMQVING 19 For complete movln Lservice ruler and easier all PA 97Wlmfï¬p rs lgaruldLCall now see now EVENING CALL Harry SiessordA 0061s DorisNuttycombePA c7951 Orcaï¬rowu=1 Wtb Gould0rd 15154nnugnmnPA ems MOVING Dont Target to trunrler your INSURANCE and on need Extra Wants or lily 11d SEE STEVENSONS PA 05101 113 Dunlop St CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NEA c0ntmp0raiy walling REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONUS To pay on all your nun To pay oft Mortgage Combine lat and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose Wren hangBalanch Bolrow Monthly m5yrs $1600 3769 1111 32000 1712 all 82500 5989 nil Lower monthly paymenu avail able ll desired with up to 7W teous service nanmlcn ENTERPRIS Elm rcaldenu Clll operator Ind sale or 21 Two N0 TOLL CHARGE othlra cull Guelph TA non member or Ontsrln Mortg uroirers Association MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE immediately to eonsouuaic debtI Ely all curling mortgages home rovcincntl etc Rntmcut PA 5098 Hart ndlng over SimpronsSean nuniop Street East MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured mldunt sickness CRESCENT FINANCE 20 DuNLDP ST WEST BARRIE PA W205 FINANCIAL $5000 47 FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BILL SIMMS PA 60203 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT TRTIEE Rooni unrurnished apart ment stove supplied Hardwoed lioors Telephone PA 01971 UNFUBNISBED tour loom aphrt ment sell contained isundry nd parking lncliiiles Apply 51 bur cu 5L Barrie Ont ONLY noun heated srtmeui with stove and ridlc ut wnter rup Ccutrai action call PA THREE LARGE room apnrtmcnt with bath but water heated laundry room with dryer Tele phone PA 56224 or PA 05015 room TwoThree room spurtmenu un ltlinishcd Immediate pussaaslon Telcphonc PA $4601 in lurther inlnrmsuon THREE uEnnOOM house to rent Good loculity Close to bus sen vice and schools Telephone PA 7311 FURNISHED our ronmrnpartment central $75 per month Also single light housekeeping rnnnvwltb rang ctt Telephone PA 05002 UN Umsunn llvo room heated rtluent Private entrance sell contllned Available now Telee phone PA 02770 or PA 32341 UNPURNISIIED three room apart JWEW plied separate bath and entrance Garage Immediate possession Adults Telephone PA Mall MODERN four room unfurnished jPaflmgntJLQWHLSldmrJL contained heated New relriger ator and stove lupplicil $90 Avgll in Sept 15 PA 04001 UNPURMSHED apartment in East End house closn to plan and school Kitchen living room bed room and bath SePailte entrance mont Telephone PA 00012 UNFURNI UEn second floor large two bndrnnrn rtment Four piece butb modem 68 ClmP bell Ave Avaliabls September TelephonePA 60522 In Ideal LE sinrmlrwomhn Mnry Struct RENTALS ms HOUSES 10 BENT Emmi three room no mat militia IuPPLtza in cat Dd illr Elmo Shopping Plan cliï¬hcno PA mic or litrther IOU noose ground floor spart ment unturnlsned nested reir bullIile Plflln entrants senbi rent West End location Telephone PA cocoa ON AND no Bedroom Apirt mamL stove relrlgerstor isnnor melee and Irundry sellium nesting mun too monthly Tliv shamLJAacb can mil CENTRAL three room runs Reuonchie Telephone SXCmlUNALLY clean three room td apartment Lois ol closet ground floor three puking immed ai pollen per month Telephone PA c1310 MODERN unfurnished threa room apartment lnur piece tile bath rout Ind back minis Partial and laundry llcllillu including drill North Owen Immediat ouesllon Tallplaonn PA or 5531 POUR Roux unfurnished apart cell contained Cen Aisn three room unlurniabad sell contained No objection to child Telephonl PA 306 or PA 55013 ism BAY Point attractive modern cicau winterized lour room col tag Au conveniences including furnace hilly iurnished Sultahln or retired couple or smell lsmliy Telephone strand 58am CENTRAL Locatlo Two bedroom unmlnhhed lyntmcnt also one bedroom Both ha private entrance and bath Avail gglouscptembcr Telephone PA nnts R0011 apartment be watcr stove and relrigeraior out plied Sell contained Dont mlsl seeing this one Close to shoppi Telephone PA Will lnr partlo uilrs Tm Rooil heated nlurnuhen apartment Private bathroom and entrance 0n ground floor Private veranda washer and dryer supr piic liancu Hana Free arklrig elephone 60081 or 51031 snLP CONTAINED three room mmished apartmcnt Private our trance Laund lucilitics Nesr new upping pun Duuiou Street West Reasonbio Immodlatc pop session Telephone PA osm UNFURlenED APARTItiENr Spacious Groom apartment central ly lncated Ideal tor married coupia or couple with one chud who like lot nl rnouI Stove and rnlrlgen ator supplied 30 monthly Call PA 05 evenings PA 01311 ALLANDAIE Two bedroom uh lurnlshed bcglcflclln apulntnécnt $70 month ucu ro water Washing lacillticr stove and refrigerator suppUed Ir dcair cd Closc to hit amp and school Available Scptcmhcr 20 Telephone PA 56 or so Wlllihm stree UNFURNIBHBD SUI twn room spnrunent with place bath but water bested In resi dential area hsil block lrom down town stove snd bridge optional mum apartment lormann for business coupie 0Inmt Avnlleble Och1 Phone PA 02554 ROOMS TO LET Room to rcpt luniislicd linen sup plied Useot relrigerntor Apply 01 Mary St Barrie tral Parking lacllltles Telephone PA 34W thNISHED bedroom in quiet homo East End Parking facil ltics Available now Tulcphnnu PA M737 nIsDRooM 521ch vcry 12atralr sridrrr es Pp Telephone PA 01142 lor further iulormution FURNISHED bright bedroom available August 25 in nospnsi vicinity Telephnnb PA 05000 or apply 60 Russ St utter FURNISHED bedroom or rent ln residential area on bus line Park ing facilitie Telephone days PA 50014 or warnings PA 51027 Room To LET centrally located access to kitchen Businesrlady only need np ly Reply to IIqu at Burris Exam ner LARGE niqu surnlshcd housc keeping room to lat Stove and rc rrlgerstor Ample parking space Tole hone PAr 06301 or lunher Part till1s PunNIsHED BEDROOM in con genial nome Would preler teach er One block lronI North Col legistc Board optional Tele phone PA 24210 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND hoard lvlilable Tele rooms Ing room large kitchen dining area master bedroom cerunle Lich bathroom with colored Iix ruling andflvanlty Lots oreup b01131 atoms and screens lugs Sndded Int good location corner ERRORS OE CORRECTIONS Advertiser no reminded that ILI phone insertion orders are accept ed al convenience to you the advertiser Theron LhB Classiï¬ed Advertising Dcpartment requires severusers to kindly recheck that advertisement immediltei after ï¬rst insertion In order Lblt any errors or omissions may he reported before Bm in order that slime may ha rectiï¬ed or the following days hilltion order Wu Whiz to point out till Th5 barns Examiner Is ruoonuble or my arm incorrectly Printed Dilution on any advertlscmnni hind than only to this uxtunt or portion of ad thlt involvhl the mlSPrint Errors which do not lessen EIIfl vnlilc 01 1h dillartisa meat or not eligible ul corrccv limit by EEK gonda Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 if verso used be per Vword extra annvnehnlrER mung lnlormntion regarding advertisers using nuns Letter Box Numbers 101 Replies it held strictly canild ennui Replies to Letter Boxer will be held only in tiny alter lest cry or publication Clossified advertisements and for these pages must assltied Display advertisements which must be in by 12 00noon preceding day 11 type otylu tor and ed any in nn ï¬rm lrï¬rï¬xminoridf dansrtment pointment to see it now it you are in the market for this type of home Down payment $2000 and the balance on one mort gage bedroom bungalow living room and kitchen piece bath room oil heating garage locat ed jUst on the outskirts of Bar rie immediate possession Bal once on one mortgage payable $6000 monthly including inter est and principal Taxes about $0500 Full price $6000 Down payment $1000 FRM I00 ACRES 100 acre farm located in Cm Township Large barn and drive shed room brick hnuse modern kitchen allroois in good repair Make otter with 04000 dnwn payment and the balance on one mortgage CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at the Barrio and nIruIot Reai mute Bo HOUSE three ilrl bedroom llxgu kitchen small dining are our schools and husoli heats Reasonable Owner transferred Aer em Oskleyrerk Squnrh EIXJIOOM brick bungalow custom hunt on residential strcutattnchad msge atone firsplacc aluminum storms l1 11 months oi with NUA terms COOKIE CARTAGE CT STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES Essa no name PArlrwly a5575 PA 08125 REALTOR PHONE rPA 32678 flGENTJMMMWithflumim HENDERSON la COLLIER STREET builder Es ALLEN PA 84281 TWO NBA fiva room bungalows WMnumMmreenmirmnsie HETED Apartment Large living room bedroom dinette modern kitchen withstove and relrigern JunCmmljusma erred Telephone PA 08570 SELF CONTAINED aclous mod room apartment light water laundry room included coo month ly Avaliubis September Pool street Apt Run 1200 apartment sble rembeck floor as Barrie 2x5 11mm nouns AND board available in gentlemen Parking specs uvsli Apply to Edit 17 Barrie minar APTS HOUSES WTEJ dung FAMILY ol otlr will an gond lent lor three or tour bad home in nice Incstlnu on Write uuired as soon possible ner and Tom ecerdnaer ARTICLES for SALE FILL YOUR FREEZER with tho Ant RED and BLUE MEA i5 ETC 100 Guaranteed Quality LBndgct1annasnnnrnuc 55000 and over Compch Lino or FRESHMEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are suuable to thou who nut to pinch their omen daily at your ï¬tEERPAK FOOD STORE Ml ilnm smart tIAtuun PHONE PA moi Free Delivery Open Friday till Pm CLARKS TRADEIN ANNEX BAYFIELD STREET It the smart pilcn to llad used home furnilhlnla It pricey you can pay FURNITURE RUGS APPLIANCE Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM stereo The Best in Sound MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG 51 PA 09288 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20 Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 BULLDOZING and Grading Fence Rows arid Stump rcmovcd Tel ephone Lee Hart PA H159 GARAGE DOOR wooden over bead foot with blldwlro Tele phone PA 05231 WmIuclmCMNMenll 1M1 dcluxo model kenrnore only used months Will sell or non must be sold immeuistniy PA coast TnssvrsmN rtcn Victor In excellent condition nsby csrrfsge Thistln in excellent condition Tel ephone PA ems TWO BOYS bicycles CCM Pacer each In excellent condition Fly to 163 Burton Avenue SPECIAL Canadian Natlonci an hihitlon Prices singer round hob biii economy model only $7950 Singer Sewing Machine CnmPInYr 20 nunlop Street West PA 000 spacial Canadian National an hibluon Prices are all on all slant ncedio models Singer Sew tdg lieeblno Company an D1Inlop jtreathtgstPA avian PEWTER bought snl ed repaired student rental rates Ark hnut nur Rent Try then Buy Plan stnr Typewriter Cm 24 Bradford Sh PA 66555 ATOIIS cleaned repaired re cure Plow points rebuilt Ham iltoli Radiator and Lawn Mower Service Tel phone PA 34170 or 14 Fuderick root ounce SAFE AP idxllxl21 llilgk Near new Gomblusion ue FireplEoof On eusterr Wardrobe walnut with tun length mirror in door Dropside couch Telephone PA moo ATTENTION no coLu ccllectors All your needs suppued at the new Stamp and Cain Stnrn st 17 Bnylield Street hatrie ant 01101 at present Friday 111 all day Ssturds sreclar cm Prices The Furious Singer StylcOhlauc zigng Me SE see them to Ill your trig 13 Dunlap Strut Wert aIseu or Sewilil Cori PA storms and screens completely isndscapcd Telephone PA 02530 NORTH COLLEGIATE urea seven room brick bungalow second washroom $2990 down carries for $108 per month Telephonn PA San LOTS FOR SALE nor on Queen St or 44 isa For lurther partied rs tele turnlshed downtown locutlon Pri vate entrance Laundry facilities Heated and Parking space Tele phone PA 560 days PA Mm evenings claw AND Modern one and two overlooktn may arising and innltor nrvlc ed Automatic washing ctllttas PA c1901 Two ROOM rurnlsned meatsmiso MNINGSGm RITA SCANDRm PA 805 PERCY FORD PA 111030 EMERSON SWAIN PA 50505 Member nanme snd District and Ontario Real Estate Boards phonePAaOzod mo was on below Strcct tor gain Close to schools surveyed All services sidewalks priced at $2300 each Telephone PA More gtBUSE0PP0RTUNITIES Daobilimholï¬e completely turning conven 09 glctorla street or telephone UNPURNIsuIm three room upsrt ment two blocks tram downtown Private entrance stove Iretri er JUMMEEJOHLLGE VLE SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To nnNr ed bedrooms Reach Reasonable or remnlnder olaeason PhonePA ML ratxHwocedroonyHKTIGEEMrSA LE Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store RDr CARSON on 45A DUNLOP ST Next dour to Lb Imperial Theatre PAD648 WEEEFFEIHIHII Ind Real Emtc Board SPLIT LEVEL HOME Three beatnoun ilnlshed den double grrsg deep lot In excel FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY can be yours with on or Canadas mostphenomenal growing indus tries NutrInlo or Osnudr has npeninfll in this sres For man or women For turther details write box ELEARRIE EXAMINER GENERAL contracting busineu and eqqumeutror rain tyTWEliEltEbflahcd businnsd Applynnx 10 narrla Examiner MORTGAGES MORTGAGESlet and 2nd bought qu sud arrange Commercial and residential Wnnn loancd on existing mortgagee nrrie Mm rage aroirm PA 635 TryLAnExamluor WantAsl PHONE PA 82411 ator heat and eftrlee city sllpp is Available immediately Telephone PA Basal more large rooms niccly turn isth apartment central location Suit business couple Telephone PAd oszn alter or anytime Eat in EAST END One bedroom heated unfurnishld apartmnnt private entrance Available Septmher lcnhonnJéJ UNrunmsnnn reir cantsln One bedroom epsrtment heath suituble tor couple or two bu iness girla Avnllablu September Telephone PA cocoa hionnnNLY rturnlshcdrhcavyedltt equipped thrcs room scltcontsin Id apartment clean storage spec heated parking space or garsg so 04061 vaiiahle so DUNLOP ST wgsr PHONE PA curr NEWSPAPER MATS llzea auxin men or lining hen hound attics curgel etc Del£ch inruietm 25c PER DOZEN ly nsd nurric usminer pp Barrie Ontario ALL non RSSALE AT DOMNION TIRE STORE 110 BRADFORD STREE BARRIE rule ran sPIscrInrCauad National Er hibition Prices SINGER Floor cleaners nd Penshers Special discounts during tho Exhibition Singer Sewing Muchtuo Co as nunlop St West Tcicpbune PA hibiiinn prices Several good used singer sewing Msehines from fill up Singer Sewing Mach Ite Co 25 Dunlop Street West Telephone PA D7060 MENTION Sportsmcn uy now Wanvammn stock at rltles and shotgun Arhrnunition lisblng tackle hand us and live bait See our new fluorescent hunting bats Open every do and evenings for your convnn crice IInbsons Bar RR Barrie lci ephone PA $6154 FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES 11 sizes and other RAJ 5e barrio No 21 Highway south across tram MerseyFerguson FLOWERS PLANTS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Dliph iniums Lupinl Weeping Willows tor sale daliyexcspt Sundays Flowers in bloom Row Knapp Holly Highwa ephone PA 02111 DOGS Bz PETS coma ours black nnu white 8000 or cattlo dolls starting to work Telephone Ivy ilrti airy An Examlner WWnnt Ad Poona PA rem Email ARTICLES for sale BOATS £5 MOTORS nu lARGAINGrul recur Em DEICYIR boat In Juhnlun motor Tclephono PA 53915 r00 lsu Egloll day cruiser hard top with loss miurude hp outboard motor lor sale Telephon Weiler Adair PA 0029s casn LOANSL500 at no month Telephone PA bogs grainII Finace nunlop at 15 Poor Pace chip Husky model 1m HP Johnson isveUh motor Gator tulle lam com Vpiiii rdulpmintfie cphon PA 00 ARTICLES FOR RE RENTALS Public Address System mm Projector 10 mm Protectors ITciaviatanl Record Players Earliertor Movlnl Trucks McFADDEN Appliancé 120 Penetang at St Vincent PA cm ARTICLES WANTED WET Unusual pieces chinl brlcvl brat pli illllpl liasswa clear or coloredoid buttons toilet sets lurnllun clc Bolt price Paid Midhu rsl Antiques PA 82810 PIANO wanted must be in guod condition and priced reasonbio elephone mu Ivy srAIIlr contnmoNs old letters and coins wanted but prich pud Vritn Box 311 Buril wan PAY cAsE lor used ntrnitilra or any nod article ludividunl or content 1o Phone PA 421 Tclcphonn 752K Eilnvlln YOUNG YORKSHIRE hear about lilo pounds priced at an leir phano Ivy 1311 Hammond 11 P103 Yorksblrc weeks 011 Hominid bull rciliatarad in months old Telephone PA 35331 rasrtlrtn magnum rooming CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS M011 Ind more pnuitryman In choosing DEKALB PULLEIS Slartcd ready to lay and day all chicks Ordor now tor only order discount For scrvitl or hel your poultry problem all Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoUD PHONE 71 FARM MACHINERY ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS 100 AMP $15500 COMPLETE HAN DY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE srnovn Ionic DELAVAL on rail Milkers Wlah Tunic Vseuurn Pump Wster Pumps bimbo Rubber Parts tor any mllker BANK anowul RR BARRIE HOLLY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES tr SERVICE Case Now Holllnd David Brawn Ecltty Farm Equipmunt 176 BURTON AVE PA 04378 NEW EQUIPMENT 365 New Holland Balers 167 New Holland Baler 1530 Case Tractor 1Swather 1Threshing Machine ZForage Harvesters Animisde CASH TERMS TRADE COMBINE AllisJChaimdrs modal 60 PTa Completdwith pickup straw spreader and windrow spreader in Ari condition Ap pgyulgiichlel Yurknw Strand phon AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN sun LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET IPAWIIB LTD WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR any It Now With Lowcosh Liitlelnuflod SCOTIA PLAN THE BANII Oh NOVA SCOTIA HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes oMI and NAL Towing service PA 84105 LIVESTOCK 25 nava pros 11 week old SFARMERS MARKET SAtESGSERlZIC PA 60338 USED EQUIPMENT HJAYFIELDSTJABARRIE