Arumpowers Russia and the May Alienate Harvest Is Delayed Neutral By ALAN HARVEY Cmadlan Press Ell Writer Nikita Khrushchcvs latest piece of theatrit is unlikely to win enthusiastic curtain calls from the uncommittee coun tries meeting at Belyadc In tact by biundering down the aisle and tossing bomb shel into lhtorchcstrn pit Just rasï¬be curtain was rising the Russian leader may have done much to antagonize an audience he once considered important For the two dozen neutrals are meeting in the capital of Yugoslavia with one basic idea to see whether unaligned na tions can do anything as group to mediate between the two United States By their blunt almost brutal announcement of their decision to resume nuclear testing the Soviets seem to be saying in el tect that they have lost interest in wooing the neutrals that the only thing they care about is force EMPHASIS CHANGED An Interesting evolution of opinion seems to be taking place At the last neutrallst meeting held six years ago in Bandung Indonesia there was dlilemnt emphasis With anti colonial sentiment In the ascendancy there was HURONIA be less ciearcutt from scanterest Nations exhibited strong oeutrallst bias against the West coupled with tendency to make errr cases for or gloss over any oom plaiat about the new imperial ism directed from Russia About that time the late John Foster Dulles based American foreign policy on the thesis that neutralier was immoral The US administration instine tively regarded non alignment as leftwardleaning II not down righlflnlï¬lmlsllLiï¬ Now though distrust of col onial powers is still powerful emotion the issues are seen fol Britains re treat from Alrica for instance has won certain admiration though perhaps not as much as deserved and the Soviets are seen as not always exempt N0 NEUTRALS By his abrupt gesture on the eve of the Belgrade conference Khrushchev has underlined his conviction that there are no neutral men This is unlikely to be appreciated by the Afro Asian nations who seek to re main aloof from the world power struggle The neutrals at Belgrade are rather like the Lilliputinns who sought to contain Lemuel Gui livers glï¬nt strength by on meshing Irn in tiny chains In seeking to fashion similar re straining bonds for the super powers the non aligned coun tries may decide to concentrate on Russia as the more dangers our of the two amvm Tacoma on ma TONIGHT MON AND TUES flotsamz IAIN SIIIIIIA Ill MIMI IIDHNIDOLOR PANAVISION mlwARNBR BROS MIDNIGHT INNISFILNOTES Canadian Dancer To Make Debut gt Again lifter Storm By ItoS Last nights rain which fol lowed couple of days of sultry weather which made harvest work impossible will delay for this week any chance 01 set ting at the overripe and telling grain much at which still in the fields At Stroud large field of wheat is still awaiting the com hine and unsuitable drying has made It impossible to handle The oatvcrop which has beam welltilled grain flattened only skilled work with combine when really dry con maltrmsalvaga the crop We can be tnriy sorry for the farm crs here who are suffering Irom over surplus of moisture those who In the west had insufï¬cient ROBERT WHITEWOOD DIES is so badly Word was received at Stroud on Friday night at thcrsuddea death of who was life member of the Minerva Masonic Lodge Whitcwood was also veteran of the first war some years was resident of Tomato Day Funeral Home in Tomato and it is likely some of the members from his home lodgc may attend service over the weekend HALL DONATION Robert Vhitewood Mr and for The body is at the Part of the funds accumulat ed from the bingo games held in tho Stmud Community Hall are used to make donation to some charity each month This Labor Minister Urges Students To Get More Technical Training UIIAWA CHLab ter Starr caiiï¬Fï¬day lo couragement to young people to get more technical training in stead of entering the ranks of unskilled jobless workers In Labor Day message Mr Starr said 1961 has been year of positive gains in the labor sector of the economy But progress had been accom panied by hardship for some With increased efficiency in production fewer workers have been needed in many industries large majority of Canadians have experienced rise in their standard of living and increased job security in recent years while at the same time many tain continuity of employment Many who have been dis placed hy machines are in the unskilled and semisidlled cato gory and unable to secure the re highly skilled and techni has offered today Many Canadians would need retraining to get jobs in de ern industries and young peo ple entering the labor force will requiro more education and training so that we will not have continuing group of sur plus workers in the unskilled category More employers should intro duce training programs instead of depending on others to train their workers or on going abroad to recruit them BEADS UN DELEGATION UNITED NATIONS AP Deputy Premier Froi Koziov ILheadtha Soviet deIEEafIln to this years UNGeneral As scmbly informs diplomats said Friday night He issome times called Premier Khrusn chavs No man MEI 1205 mm UNIT SHOW Iiiéiï¬irï¬ldér to have transpor lants Canadas leading male bal Wm the Festival Ballet of London Sept in starstudded gala performance to mark the com panys ma anniversary month the funds amounting wereIalrtllyuud In tbliinbetd or Point recommended to the board by the welfare oIIIccr PLEAD GUILTY Davidsbauls 19 of the Holly area and Stanley Rolls 20 of RR Barrie pleaded guilty in Magistrate Fosters court Fri day to charga ol breaking and entry of the premises oLtha McColgan Sand and Gravel Co on the 14th concession of Innis tilt They pleaded guilty of Jointly stealing gasoline from truck there and also for having entered the premises and stolen some tools and wrist watch Constable Al Chalmers who solved the case testified be traced the accused They had stolen the gas in order to ops crate the oitL igni owned by tativn to get around at nights and also to look for job The brenkins at the gravel com pany plant occurred on three different nights and were dis covered on the Monday when the office was opened By CAROL KENNEDY Press Stan Write LONDON CPI DavidAd th Wlnnipegborn Adams lithe Adams pucklshlcatured is on years leave ol absence from the National Ballet Canada He came over in May to study and was offered starring con tract soon alter his arrival Festival Hall debut was said to compare artistically with thako foperaanrgerdohr Vickers at Covent Garden or ac tor Christopher Plummer at StratlordonAvoo This Is not Adams first visit to Britain While still in his teens he won scholarship to the Sadiers Wells Ballet School later danced with the theatrea own ballet and the nowdelunct MetropolitanBallet of London lla has been with the National Ballet since it began in 1951 His wife Lois Smith whom he mar ried in 1950 Is of the company prima ballerina Canadian ballet has reached good standard said Adairis The trouble is its tending to With The London Festival Ballet uncriticaljust because its Ca nadian its great What we re aily need is same ï¬rst class ballet critltx Thgre are oneror two men in big centres Tomato and Montreal who know what theyre talking about But its not like the criticism you get here from people whove de voted their whole lives to ballet and who have seen the great dancers Iishing Boat Finds Marooned Girl 10 varvcouvca CPI A7li yeanold girl who spent two days and nights marooned on Friday by fishboat crew sted her father as missin and presumed drowned The ï¬shermen discovered Ev elyn Schimmel on the small is land pear Powell River about 75 miles northwest of Vancouver She told them her lathe Alvin Schimmcl rented small boat to retrieve an car and she drlitcd to the island and waded ashore Suffering exposure the girl was flown to hospital at Pow ell River where her condition is stagnoto now The publicis loo reported satisfactory STOLE PIGGY BANK Rolfe was faced with an ad ditional charge of entering the home at Morrow on conces sion is Innisfil and stealing large glass bank which eon tained some $28 in half dollar and silver dollar coins Con stable Chalmers recovered about 21 of the money Magistrate Foster lectured the accused about the serious ness of their crlmes lie re manded them until Sept for sentence SHALL FIRE lnnislil fire department re ceived call to fire on the llth concession said to be near the drivein theatre The chief and volunteers were unable to find any fire even though men tion had been made of stable full of horses in the nearby lo cation However they finally settled for smouldering gtumpi which bwas thought to ave cen set some nl children This was the second lira call In the week the other being the tree which blew overtho high tension lines at the 8th line and started fire which could not he touched until the lines were out At the fire on the 14th four pres representatives tum ed up about as soon as the fire trucks and the Barrie police car gt Fire Chief Owen will investi gate the cause of the stump fire and the report that horses were in danger SUNDAY iIIIIDNITE TIIE AFTER l205 am MAN In Color AdIIIt Entertainment THE WOMEN EATER Starring George Coulourls IIIWEiiIJIUIIIIIIIHB SiilliliiIIP EDISI COOKING Els fastercicaner best controlled Modern gas ranges leadin sty ling and automation Canadas leading chefs cook with gas SIEIIVIIMT Barrie Colllngwood Stnyner Midland Pcnetong Elmvala Angus Alliaton Doctor CL0T11ESV DRYING Dry your clothes any day weather minutes ahy iclofllEdefllflitthflllTr or Gasdried clothes come not soft fluffy and sweetvsmelling warren momch Fastest must dependable auto math times faster recovery than water heating other fuels gulf of Georgia Island was found TEE BARREE EXAMINER SATURDAYSZFIZMBB Cuban Exile Builds New Life In Nfld BELL ISLAND Nild ICE Danlel Kapel 36 defected Ol baa cattle and dairy farmer who once ocurpied high position in the moan revolutionary govern ment took up residence on this Conuption Bay island Friday with his wife and two children Mrs Kapei who holds doc torate in physlm and chemistry from the University of Havana where she was ours profes sor has accepted position as physlg and chemistry teacher at St Boniface regional high school here Her husband hopes to estab iii of livestock and fodder lish cattle and dairy farm on meme piece of land Besides owning directing and administering dairy farm va lued at more than £50000 Mr Kapei was also government ap pointed dlrector the milk sec tion of the Institute of Agrarian Reform and was Cubas supeb supply My post terminated at the and of September 1960 after had made clear my view against therjdcar of nationalisiogprivata enterprise and similar meth ods he said An Examiner Want its PHONE PA 2114 HELD overt MONDAY AND ms ancucuun Love on INAI mum mu mommaam MATINEE alum no pan cvaNrNos sox orrrca OPENS 030 pun ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING AT 730 SAT FEATURE AT 1200 400 300 mm IMPERIAL AIR CONDITIONED SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW ALSO MQNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ADULT SiliiJiihiiiiifiilï¬tAlï¬g anoca ransom RON RANDALL DEBRA mom IN MOST DANGEROUS MAN ALIVE éleanesi beat saves on redec oratiag costs Burns silently and is fuel best suited toautomotin control Payment after use or by 10 equalimd monthly payments 0d