GI VIEW foods are cooked in half 323331 timeuxet this heat up to 1650 degr is always under thermostatic control Th results in cooler cooking since radiant heat travels in straight line like light and is concentrated on the obiect to be cooked For infrared cooking incidentally it is claimed that it retains natural juices gives even browning and keeps mhat tender THER new appliances fbr home and cam mercinl establishments ilndergoing laboralt tory research and testing or1 different types of gasJired refrigeration systems direct gas ï¬red baseboard heater for Flames andpublic buildings builtin double ove with upper sec tion for roasting and broiling and lower for gcond room with ammo mow hoursfthe ontrol keeping the heat at 140 de grees This also permits quicker thawing of frozen Recently approved are variety of incin erators which permit automatic odorfree gar bage disposal These gasfired incinerators can be installed almost anywhere inside thehome where there is an air outlet thus doing away with some garbage cans Being tested are adiant heat cooking sur faces for kitchen rang These use ceramic burner perforated wit hundreds of tiny heat outlets When heated the ceramic surface gen crates infrared rays so intense that even frozen Natural Gas With tural gas theres no need to sci aside basement space for fuel storage no need toicramp your plans pr really big recreation room downs airs den games room or any other basement project Natural igas furnaces are spacesavers too just about the size of an ofï¬ce fith cabinet and available in harmonizing ï¬nishes Have thit second room Make your baseinent wide open for new deas See your local gas company if AnscANAoA PIPE LINES LIMI ED your basement Automatic light baking and fuel cells for con verting the chemical energy of natural gas into electricity With regard to this latter de velopment some gas officials explain that in future years fuel cells may power the blowersv in home heating systems making natural gas forced air heating systems completely independent of electric power interruptions Natural gas furnaces even now provide at least some heat in the case of electric power failure The approvals laborator ies are part of the gas indus trys safety policy to make the use of natural gas as safe as humanly possible the Canadian Gas Asy sociation annual meeting at Eanff late in June Wiksbom of the American Gas Association stated that there were about one half million gas lights in existence today more than ever before He forecast that in the next decade dependable high in tensity gas street lights will he in use in towns cities and villages throughout North America Looking to the home of 1971 Mr Wikshom pointed tliaf gas lamps for the home will give us the warm nos talgic softasmoonlight glow no other type of light has ever duplicated If you want brighter light for arriving guests for example these lamps will give us almost double the illumination with the mere flick of switch Other features of the 1971 home which he prophesied in cluded kitchens which will vanish from sight bathroom mirror which will never fog swimming pools which can be used all year round and wide use of infrared gas heaters which now receiv SATURDAY sane BER 1961 automobile thory in the Toronto subur ban area opened early this year and uses natural gas for htiating and to assist in 98 per cent of the processing operations In Northern Ontario researbh is ing con ducted on the us riatural gas in deh drating potatoes and forage ciops in compress rig saw dust into fireplacj lo and vegetable canning Paper mills in th re Can use natural in the drying of newsprint pr uction Throughout the Ontario muni ipalities turaI gas from western Canada by the tr so ntinental pipel and more industries turning to thi heating and proce in There is as yet no end in sight for the be of industrial app ications for natural gas used by commercial bakeries SERVING 163111331 my nrdllr mm We began supplying ourï¬isl customcrway back inl9lIandsincethenhavccontinuallyexpand ed our service Today we and our subsidiaries bring blueflame beneï¬ts to over 234000 resi dential industrial and commercial consumers The past ï¬fty years have been good to this area and we are pleased to have contributed our share to the gene prosperity We hope our service will help yo even more in the future Be it in the home industry or in business the blue flame can light your way to better News Uses In Industry futuLc for natural gas offers so many advanlt ages no delivery worries no fuel storage re quired precise temperature control inslant automatic operation complete cleanliness Andourhugesupplyand storagcfacilitiesensure adequate gas service at all times UNIONGAS OVER 12341000 CUSTOMERS ilN SOUTHWESTERNVONTARIOWITH iiilimit We at Union have been serving the peopleof Southwestern maria for almost halfa century As matter of fact well be celebrating our Golden Anniversa later this year on December 19 IN THE HOME Thousands lhnflyhome owneissave money and beller serviaefultr wiih naluml gas nadas most modern fuel ll heals homes and water cooks dries clothes friztrales and indmics IN INDUSTRY Natural as is flexible source ofenergy and raw materials well Countless industrial products such assymlieiic ï¬bres rileials automobiles glass and plas cs owe much to natural 515s veisa IN coMMERce The most modern mslaumis hotels and motels rely on nalurzl gas in cook ing water healing space heating and incincmlion Institutions such as schools and hospitals also depend an incomplete and economy of natural gas COM IiAN OF CANADA LIMITED HEAD OFFICE CHAT AM ONTARIO PHON EL 23IDD