and automatic in with any other modern fuel CONVERT HOW Serving the happy people in the thri geommunities of Northern and Northwestern Ontario we uonrurlln omnlo mum ens ONTARIO TODAY II MOM IS GLAD Happy because gas is so clean she can keep her house spotless withso little Vfllk loves all her gas appliances that test test water heater the caol easy cooking with gas the waslfday wonder of her clothes drier that cost only penny load For heating cooking and drying clothes 5a is better manna Imam THE KID2 ARE GLAD Whe they dome in from outdoor play to warm corn fort Ideal for quieter indoor pastimes Their full days nd restful nights are happier with gas heating DAD IS GLAoul Content in the knowledge that his family is healthy and heppy with room Mmperqtum perfectly eon trollod that free raundtheelock service is as clote as the telephone that fuel supply is regular thal all this cost than heat llllllT WAIT Allll WISH YOU PAD icoMPANY LIMITED TWIN CITY GAS COMPANY LIMITED Builtin range boosts home value been equipped by the partment and will coevr all sec tions of the province his unit can proiid onthespot training of botha practical and an oral nature mebila unit other department officials eicplainedf will make orienight d5 throughoutthe province its operator will hold es on one topic and answer questions for all those in the natural gas industry in that area then move on to another community The unit will come back within month tci hold another lecture in each tm The department is also cooperating with the On tario Department of Education in sponsoring this fall 14week course for gap litters at the Piovincial Insti tute of Trades School at Nassau Stre in Toronto Weekly threehour evening lectures willibe given at cost of $20 for the cou Similar instruction is expect ed to be given in other large Ontario centres in the next few yea Un the new regulations only cert ed personnel can war on natural gas installations in phblic buildings The re ations have exempted for the time being one and two amin homes It is hoped entually to cover all gas pliance installations in Onia ment fel that persons installing appliances in buildings open to he general public should be certified first due to the la ge number of people affected by the installa tions Ind ual gas companies have also coiiducted training curses Throughout its area Noithem Ontario Gas Co td and Twin City Gas Co Ltdifor example have hel lecture series for employees mm the newest to the ost experienced These companiles have issued their es in pamphlet form for perrminent filing and study their staffs An er organization which has don staff haining is Cons ers Gas Co which established series of training hools for plumbers and gas appl nce dealers at1oro to early this year Classes were held for two week ods and extended also to the1 Georgian Bay area an Ottawa where th company opertates It held an exhibiti at Toronto in March to sho ts safety and training procedures lighting of the airport Gas SATURDAY sewn EER 1961 Clean and controlled in greenhouses Light With Gas may be trite to say theres nothing new under the sun but the natural gas industry is certairily demon strating that fact Gas is being used once more for lighting purposes and according to forecasters in this industry gas sheet lighting may be not so far away It takes real oldtimer to remember thatstreet lamps were using gas at the turn of the century On some streets in older parts of Ontario few lamp standards still re tain the fixtures used more than half century ago though elecï¬icity now lpowers the lights on the stan dards In number of new residential subdivisions in the Toronto area decorative gas lamps are being used on porches and lawns But the lamplighter who used to go around to light the eel lamps will notibe nece ry to light the 1951 varierof gas lamps They are turned on by an automatically oper ated clock attached to the lamp Natural gas iskbeing used by commercial concerns as well for lighting purposes Street name signs and adver tising messages are now being lighted at night irr some areas with natural gas giving soft effect when used with translucent materials At Goodwood Airport near Stouffville 94 gas lights have been installed for runway officials claim economic op erating advantages for such lights almost glarefree light ing and uninterrupted under ground service in spite of sleet storms ammo TODAY Niodern fuels for Canadas homes and industries The British Amman on Company Limited produces safe clean economical fuels from two natural gas processing plants and six reï¬neries for homes and industries across the nation growing nation must haveiabundant sources of energy and petroleum and natural gas are expected to meet nearly 70 per cent of Canadas vastly increased energy requiremerits by 1970 British American is planning pnd investing now for is contribut to and share inCanudas fulurT