WHITE BOY ADMIRES INDIANS TOMlllIAWK Brian Sweeney la oi Bar rie examines Perry While Bears tomahawk Brian was wCottagess Vote one of manywhoenio ediibltion at Indian dancing yodTyasterday at Barrie Shopping BARBIE ACCIDENTS tau lTRE 3mm EXAMINER SATURDAY 161 MinOLLCollisions Keep Police Busy Last night was busy for Bar rias police patrols Ernen Mchesney 140 Cum berland Street and John Scheak 14 Ecoles Street were drivers of two cars in collision at In nism and Eccles Both veh icles received 00 damages McTavisb of Preston SULE NEWS BUFFALO AP Donald Glover was nbargcdwith first hgrermanslanghter Friday night in connection with the slaying ot Donald Moran Minneapolis chemist week ago Glover from West Rox bury Mass was arrested by Massachusetts police at his home The nude blood sputtered body of Moran zs was found in his sixthsfloor hotel room Glover admitted to two friends here that he might have killed man in hotel room Buffalo police commissioner Frank Feiicetta said Boy Drowns GANANOQUE om CPI Edward Mark Webb fiveyear old son of Mr and Mrs Benja mln Webb of Toronto was Man Charged was turning his car around in the Barrs Motel yard to pm reed onto the street whenho strucha hydro pole Damage was $125 to the car Mrs Francis Barnard 05 Na pier Street received bruised left hip and lacerations to the scalp when the car she was driving collided with one driv en by Edward Baltimore 19 of RR Strand Mr Barn ard passenger in tha Bnmard car and Dallimorovwera unln lured Hendricks VanBeek of Pains wick and Ralph Urry 66 Owen Street were the drivers of cars involved in rearend collision on Simcoe Street The Van Beck vehicle was travelling east on Sirncoe approaching Mary Street The Urry car was southbound on Mary and stop ped st Slmooe when Dfly look ed right started out looked left continued on out and col lided with the rear right ends or of the Van Beck car OTTAWA CPIThe current selsmalay program in Canada may go long way toward solv ing the problem of detection of nuclear tests scientists in close South Simone League ball championship by eliminating to know the risk of earthquakes in given areaa LITTLE DANGER SEEN Scientists here said by the time fallout from Soviet bombs STRQIID 95 was wm CHAMPIONSHIP Strand Peaweel won the Cookatown Member at club beam alter the victory From the left back row Canadas SeismOlOgv Plans May Help Detth ABlasts Jerry Sutton coach Gordon Sutherland Bruce Martin Stew Fisher manager Bob Small Bryan Fisher Harold Robertson coach Mlddlfl row Gordon Ayres Clair Ban ril Bill Franck Allan Rob ertson Jack Sutton Front row Ted Gardiner Robert Sutherland David Sutton Dennis Campbell Keith Rob arisen touch with the program said reached Canada it womd be Wasnt Allowed Drys Protest Wasaga Beach voters yester day went wet all the way in the village vote for liquor and beer outlets and cocktail bars and dining lounges But Claude Riseboro chair man of the drys committee for the vote protested today the vote was unfair To be eligible to vote he said person had to have worked in the village for two months prior to the vote and to have atablished wasaga Wanent residence COTTAGERS BARRED Because of this he said many cottage owners were not eligible to vote They come up hem with the family for two or three weeks but their ermanent residence is still In Toronto or some such place property These people as owners should have had vote 14 MilkrTruck Flips Local Driver Hurt Driver iim Quinlan was in Iured early this mommg when Lakeview Dairy milk truck know lady who owns six cottages who couldnt vote if these people had vote think itwould have been different story Mr Risoboro said he was not against cocktail bars but was against the liquor and beer outlets the undesirable elemean who come uphere on the week ends can now go to these out lets get their liquor or beer WEATHER Synopsis The southerly flow of warm humid air continues over most of Ontario with rain and thunderstormsCooler air covering the Prairie provinces is expected to spread over north ern regions late Sunday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Huron Lake OntarioNiagara Georgian Hallllurloniim agami regions Windsor Lon donToronto Hamilton North Bay Sudbury Partly cloudy storms today and Sunday Con omtlï¬countyroafnuindflamimdhumldewmdi at the 13th concession in Innis fil Township Wheels of the vehicle be oame caught in the soil shoul der of the road and the truck went out of controlrrandï¬ovcrr turned Constable Bob Thompson of Innislil police department esti mated damagearm tan was taken to Royal Victoria Hosiptal in Barrie where he was treated for minor lnjuriesranIL then released FARMERS MARKET Farmers Market was spart ing the vibrant colors of tall produce this morning Fall vegetables included peplt per squash at 10 cants each and vegetable marrow aha5 cents each other vegetabla included lettuce turnip and green and purple cabbage all at 10 cents head cauliflower at 25 cents head and ear rots and beets at 10 cents bunch Both baby and large beets sold for 40 cents per six quart basket Six quart baskets of wax beans sold for 40 cents new potatoes 35 cents and Spanish onions 50 cents Dills were selling at75cenu par six quart basket and 50 cents for six quarts cucum bers ABUNDANT HOME BAKING Home baking was on sale bread at cents lost and bran muffins at 35 cents dozen tea biscuits at 30 cents dozen fruit and oatmeal cookies at 32 cents and cup cakes at 50 cents adnzen Appleand pumpkin pies went for 50 com each Harvest eating apples and yellow transparentssold at 49 oIREEMfE theseNot southerly 15 to 25 gusty in thunderstorms Algomu Sault Ste Marie Cochrane regions Mainly cloudy with showers and occa sionaLtmederstoims today and Sunday Warm and humid be coming cooler Sunday evening Winds southerly 15 to 25 gusty day evening to northwesterly 20 to so Low tonight HighSunday Windsor 68 90 cents per six quart basket Six quart baskets of crabapples went at 50 cents Peaches were also on sale andwentrtor 80 cents basket Roasting chickens soldier 40 cents pound the average size being six and onehall pounds Golden liquid honey sold at 36 cents for lzounce jar comb honey at 50 to so cents and fourpound tins at $100 EGGS STEADY Eggs were steady at 60 cents dozen for grade extra large 55 cents for large and 50 cents tor medium Flowers were in abundance selling at various prices ac cording to the size Flowers comprising the bouquets asters snapdragons and straw flowers predominated the scene but the show was stolen by Mrs Morrow Holly who had four white orchids she had grown in her outdongaï¬En Pots of African violets were selling from 35 cents toslm according to llhe size oi the plantar IORECIIST with few isolated thunder in thunderstorms shitting Sun take it back to the wttaze and raise hell Voting was heavy on the it quor issue Returning Officer Kenneth Blanchard said that voting was well over 00 in all four categories Vote counts are beer stores as for so against liquor stores 279 for 76 against Dining lounges and for in against Liquor lounges 281 for 135 against London Kitchener Wingbam Hamilton St Catharin Toronto Peterborough Trenton Muskoka North Bay Sudbury npaaseseoss somaseassss ay THE CANADIAN rnass noulax LLCol William Bruce Almon aidedevcamp to the lieutenantgovernor of Nova Scotia for 23 years MontrealDr Mary Bird 91 one of Canadas ï¬rst women doctors MontrealPercy Searle 80 one of the View survivors of the drowned Friday oft Hay Island in the St Lawrence River Drowns In Pond DELHI CF tobacco worker who was ed Thursday while swimming in an irrigation pond nearhere was identified by police Friday as Alfredo Glola 20 of Montreal Japan Protests TOKYO tReutersJapan to day told Russia its decision to resume nuclear testing mer cilessly tramples on the worlds hopes for peace The protest was contained in note handed over in Moscow by Japanese Ambassador lllsa narl Yamada The foreign ministry here said Yamada bassinstructions to ask the Sovietgovernment if nu clear lest actually took place over Asia as reported from Washington and if it was con firmed to lodge strong verbal protest Youth Shoots Sell IESICK MIchCPi A117 emotionally disturbed Dearborn Mich youth fought gun bat tle with sheriff on the main street of this Michigan vil lage on Thursday then shot himself as he fled in stolen Gary Coskie of self inflicted wound mi utes after be exchanged shots with sheriff Paul Lancer Ccskie and companion Tha mas Stevens 17 of Detroit had been soughtin roadblocks set up by police They said the youths flagged down car near Mesick 1000 Boxer Rebellion robbing him srocx MARKET TOEONTOWJ The stock market ended onthe upside Friday after seesawing through the morning session Widespread fractional gains in foods utilities and banks and financial institutions led the market higherln foods Loblaw and filed the pack wibhgains of 27s and respectively in moderate to heavy volume Both reached highs of 49 and 50 at one point in the day Banks and financial institu tions joined in the upward swing Imperial Investment Industrial Acceptance Corpora tlon Bank of Montreal Roya Bank and Imperial Bank of The days poorest group was heij cm bucked the general trend and rose to new high of 62 On index industrial gained 25 to 59871 golds 25 to 3101 base metals 76 to 20553 and anosnsous Insurance acsucv PA EAT YOUR SERVICE ivournoar 0U AT YOUR HOME flaiéustrials Rise Foods Utilities Up Commerce all rose at lenstMJ papers as Bathurst slippedla let IL volume was 1423000 shares compared with 1483000 Thurs day the senior base metals list International 91 Falcon hridge teepRock and Hudson Bay Miningandï¬nelringrosr as much as Gold trading was light with McIntyre Porcupine down We Specialsizedtransactions in cluded 1675 shares of Algoma Steel at 44 1000 of Steel Com Canada at 76 xï¬end at 25 and forced the driver out after Friday Seismology is the study of earthquakes and earth trem 01s The problem has taken on added urgency in view of the Russian announcement that the Soviet Union plans to resume nuclear testing Twentyfive scismograph sta tions12 of them in the Arctic or subArcticara to be estab lished throughout Canada at 500mlle intervals Scientists say that at the pre sent time there is no definite method of distinguishing be tween nuclear test and an earthquake it is expected that this problem will eventually be overcome though it may never be possible to distinguish small underground nuclear deton ations lhepractical uses pf seismol ogy involve rnvire than military factors dian engineers looking into the feasibility of big projects like power dams want Stayner Man Sees Beet Price Steady TORONTO CPlRoss Bea tie at Stayner vicepresident oi the Ontario Beef Cattle Produc ers Associ on disagreed Fri day night with Agriculture Min fore Christmas Mr Hamilton speaking at luncheon of ONE directors Fr day said cattle shortage might necessitate importing from the United States causing prices to rise about 10 cents pound Mr Beattie said there is no shortage Were ping just ahead of the demand with slightaur pluseach year George llavies CONSTRUCTION urn Barrio PA 34135 Its alvvays ZFAIRljtime at CIA Every year Shout this time farm people are busy getting Anlsibits ready to so to the lam Bllt its FAIR time Ill year round at CIA get FAIR last iriendly claims and insurance service with CIA automnblie OI accident and sickness farm tarnily protectlnn For full details about CIA insurance just call SWILBUR WALTON 52 Newton St PA HMO TIM CRAWFORD 155 Penetang St PA 64791 on Wm Inglllanoa Association pretty weak Altairs Minister Green is that the fallout caused by any nu clear explosion no matterhow small is dangerous tests period he has said on more than one occasion maintained that this view can flicts with plans to acquire the Roman anti aircraft missile which can carry nuclear war head Such warheads had to be tested at stations at North Bay and La Macazo Que will not be prac ticefired in Canada with or without nuclear warheads se nion RCAF ofiicér said However the view of External Canada is opposed to nuclear Liberal leader Pearson has Bpmarcs soon to be installed MSTRWTM CU LTD 28 Candles Rd Basil Barrio Midland Pcnetang Elmvale Phone Zenith 11130 No loil Charge PA 84021 lster Alvin Hamiltons prediction police car do autopfsy shï¬ivedTWhat tfeetpriceswvonldns CIA policyholders know they EXAMINER AK PRINTING can help yoTlTiTusineSS Planned prlntlng as necessary to your business slxlsnneo log It is to your advantage to consult merchandis ill Your printer as to the most suitable forms and stock for your pm titular niremnntl The staff the Frau or The Barrie Examiner well experienced in the needs of local bullnessal 3hreavet1hkistfliamw ya THE PRESS OF THE BARRIE EXAMINER in well ul ped to glue you fast el flctent prn ng service at fair price Every eflert is made to see that the Iobsiillslhï¬ne on nurrcprnmuuve is always available to call on customers and talk about YOUR Individual problem QUALITY PRINTING INDICATES YOUR PRIDEVIN YOUR BUS INES LETTERIIEADS INVOICESWQJ As your latterbssd often In introduction this well nuion Admlnlmitlv prospectus customer It in manual that planned and as tractlvo as 777 asalblnï¬ Wountulp4nu 1le the tint costs can on cut account in tornis are tailored to you special needs We can assist you lnereasu your ofï¬ce as cleanlwlth tnvntcgsinnd blghnds Inadn to unlit your buntnan statements In essential where monthly credit account no concerned We can print to suit your rri vculo nrdl STATEV ENTS OFFICE FORMS CHEOUES We print forms to dtitorant lystemsYnu can arrange with your Bank to ship Hnwnvcr some forms require specialized msynur cheque stock it to ill and we can nhlrlery whlcnwo do not have cascl we have useful franchises with snv out large munulneturen and can quote attractive prices EXAMINER SERVICE GIWS YOU GOOD JOBAT FAIR PRICE DIRECT MAILING PIECES we have camldersble experience wltn direct mall can fold the pieces to Post omen speciï¬cations cases arrange payment or postal charges on your nanl In these prim your cheque gm way vou wmtrtbem we print for many large organizations and give quick servlcs on this business folders and pamphlets Lt youwish tva bundle Into postal walks and to some ROCKETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANNUAL REPORTS manual Rnporta Church Reports and ndvertlstng booklets are entrusted to In Lrom sh over the Previous and we glva carclul attention to these Important publications For many years tonal organizations new he as rint pm um and catalogues or their annual events an we can fairly any that few printers have had as much ex parlance in our type or work an the mm or the arm or The Barrie Examiner School year books have become an Imuononr lfla work Most of the Year Books your runsml ru some from their High Schools ossi the Examiner moiint and many student mndiraternalorianiaatlonolnSimooe County send us their work TYPOGRAPHY AND ENGRAVINGS Because at the facilities necessary to produce daily news larger and more varied than most nflnt agentl tabs Our omen ulck repro notion of hair too pie typographical range ls and we can usually find type style to suit arnving plant enables us to make tures in plastic save you money In speed up the job PRIZE LISTS YEAR BOOKS per our shops ALL TYPES OF INVITATIONS COUNTER SALES BOOKS RUBBER STAMPS FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS CALL The Commercial Printing Department THE BARRIEEXAMINER lsrBAYFIEL PA 66537 ST BARRIE billing machines 01 other spe