Why you need yoiur SENIOR MArlucuuArIOM Statistics show that out of 10 jobs need SeniorMatriculation or special training Mien and women who lack education or trainilrg will ï¬nd themselves competing fora decrejs ing number of unskilled lowpaid jobs Wh cver your ï¬eld of employment Senior Mat culution will help you win promotions earn more money To getf your Senior triculation easily enrol in CIST5 special home study course which can start lroln any stage to suit your present education For more facts without obligation mail the coupon today for free 100 page prospecth II III IIII IIII an so or you unoIrIlnnglerl no ADDRESS cnunnrnu INSTITUTI or science nun TECHNOLOGY unrrran 724 Garden Bui nr 263 Adelaide Slml Well lnmnto Onltr ii III II IIIIIIII WHILE llU wmlt call uununr ruucnlsts OPEN run lawns luluan Ann ALL RURAL Anus LILY WHITE LAUNDRIES surrt 211 rouse min Manual CANADAS oaowrNG ELECTRON INDUSTRY lln One of Canadas young and most progressive lnduslrili ELECTRONICS Our current lamen Morlulrt Monitor deals with this rubies in detail For Your Complimenlary Copy Wrile 0r Phone 8le COIIOIAVION MHID Sunny uulm um um 1m lllu Utllln Sl lDRDKlO HJNll Home end In complimean ropiu ol your regular lenrella Mar el rr lx Cl arrow Mrs Osborne with part of her collection Two cards almost ery kind of article man has made th is collector wea pons glas chin coins stamps moustache cups Some coll ions are valuable some are beautiful an some are junk but dear to the heart of he owne nevertheless In some you can read he story of man through the ages of his ci ilized existence Buttons are one of these gt In the United States so many people are button bugs that there is National Button Society which has an annual Show held in cities acres the country In Canada the hobby flourishes more individually as yet but it does flourish Mrs Orville Osborne of Bowmanville the former Beatrice Down of Oshawa became interested fouryears ago and asked through letter in the Canadian Countryman to hear from others Friend ships sprang up all over and one day woman from Wellington Ont with whom shehud corresponded appeared at Mrs Osbomes door with button expert Mrs William Crawlord of Latham NY ELL launched by these and other col lectors Mrs Osborne was the insti gator for button collectors group of about dozen women living in the area from Pickering to Port Hope and Camp bellcroft Mrs Crawford was visitor at the April meeting bringing with her two suitcases lull of mounted buttons small portion of her collection Among the most beam tiful of those she brought with her were the painted enamel and porcelain buttons and the lithographs which may carry Cur rier and Ives prints or the bewigged heads of lgth century ladies and gentlemen In the 16th century buttons were lavish ly used on gentlemans clothes and were an evidence of wealth and vanity For this reason they were shunned by the Puritans and the Amish sect which spilt from the Mennonites and to this dayrthe Amish people in Pennsylvania and in Canada around Kitchener and Waterloo use hooks and eyes instead of buttons on their clothes HEN Queen Victorias beloved Albert died she had buttons made for her dreses of black glass with dull face With collectors black glassis one of the big and varied categories Another kind of mourning button than Victorias was made from coins When someone in the family died one side of the coin was erased of de sign and the name and dates of the de ceased put on These were worn on vest or waistcoat and could in time provide quite family history The yalue of buttons to collector can be anywhere from few cents to $25 or more for single button depending on its rarity The average person acquires col lection by the swap and donation method but connoisseurs may pay $150 or more for button from dealer When grandma was girl it was the fashion to collect buttons on charm string The number must not exceed 999 to reach the lOOOth button meant the owner would be an old maid Mrs Osbome treasures charm string put together by Corsina Elizabeth Parsons who was born in 1862 lived on the 5th Concession of Darlington Township and at age 19 mar ried William Roger Cole who had farm near Happy Valley Apparently the young lady stopped belore the 1000th button though Mrs Osborne hasnt counted to see by the relationsh betxveen the two islands nd fail to realise that they rm single territory Their se arate iden tities tend to vefshadow this fact though it merges in such names inidad it Tobago Tour st Board The Agricultural Society of Trinidad To g4 and The Historical ociety of Trinidad Tobag Prior to 1889 Tobago was depend ency of the Windward ls lands It was thin amalga mated with Trini ad and in 1899 it became ward in the Colony of Trinlclijl Toba go There are entynine other words all irï¬ Trinidad The term Trinida 65 Toba go is comprehensi and any separation of its rts usual For Information and Reservations for armor JAMAICA NASSAU BARBADOS SOUTH ERICA THE cm Write Phone mam nousr rsrs YONG sr TORONTO wa 54473 of the year those who li heat The average daytirE temperature is 78 degrees 1y hash local Slglllllcunce There is for instance Trini dad Ctiamber of Commerce and also Tobago Chamlber of Commerce The railway system confined to Trinidad is officially styled Trinidad Govemm Railways but the Guile ment is the Gov emmentl of Trinidad Toba go the aws are the laws of Trinidad 5i Tobago the same fur ever body in both islands The iland of Tobago lies Jpproximately miles Trinidad In shape Tobago embles fu fish 26 iles long in NE SW ireo tion miles across at the widest point with an area of 114 square miles Tobago tho gh tropical enjoys henllhp and videos ant climate Delightful Wen ther prevails during rue cool er months fromvjanuariy March and at any other warmth and suhshine will rarely experience opprek temperature is 84 degrees and the average at night degrees The annual me ture is often down to 70 grees For lower The meal relative humidity is about percent Rainfall averag about 64 inches at year Dur ing the dry season January to May the monthly average is 229 inches and in the wet season June to December 745 inches Days of inces sant rain or continuously overcast are very rare At night time the temperF orerarier TODAY 1e in the re Princ as Margaret and her handsome husband go ldr heir honeymoon the quiet charm or this island luddravm knowledgeable cationers from boll me at the Atlanlic Several great ms were made agalnst he lush backdrop at its breatht scenery and movie stars relum to it up and again Mr rest re xa tiun and enjoyment of its unspu ed beauty The climate is always pleasant summer and winter gentle trade winds will the balmy At night under Know go To the starstudded sky the subtle hm of sleel limls and the begu music at Calypso xert lh young and the yanngothelrt uTed and so the rates of hotels and guest horas Came lqtobagu tins summer and you too will ram and again See vour lrml Agent WRITE FOR FRSE LITERAYlRE TRINIDAD and TOBAGO TDURI Going to Toronto The only hotel in Toronto via FREE 24Hour fits PARklNG to all regatered guests Rates from $650 single Farmly lanchildrenun den 14 Ereo in room with adult For reservations warmed ree by 4jsecan¢ RESER ATE call any of these numbers TIMMlNS TH KING WARD SHERATON HOT nandlysenineilriendly or complele do by¢Iay schedule of all and do on rhrs law to Spain Portugal amen 12m Sherhrookd St Sultezoo Montreal Que MELcHsRS Distillers since l898 uuN gCABANA THE VERY DRY 16day holiday only 3499 complete SPAIN PORTUGAL Soar to Lisbon city of charm and romance Go down to the Mediterranean or luncheon by the sea Swing like the Spankh in Seville Tan at he Riviera in Torremolinos and dip in the beautiful blue water Explore gypsy cnvu in grand old Granada Snap your castanets in Madrid On this vaca tion you will feel warmed by thesun and nyee people you meet Lux New York olher transport hotels all locals htsee ing trips Jr tipsall for only 5499 Send this coupon us Swissar DCEl 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