Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1961, p. 10

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IIITHE amine EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS WHGHnIANAI uovu Virtue Hospital errIto on Tuesday Auxtut 22 ml to ur and Airs Wayne writhtmen oI Io DuIIertn Street Barrie Ion Ricky Wayne GOOD Nzws mar When out nnounca the birth at your child in The arm Examiner enpoirue the deuce no available ur by anon rrmil ne Records melt your nendr and rust than la nrvu pieces to gluea 15 ucmnlatcrmflhea Dawn chanced IA 51414 DEATH aAOIILBYIo the uranium Gen orri Hotpltcl on Saturday Sept omber ml hey Barulty eI Jen ceyville Ircllred CPR agent Em beloved husband at Daily Sim mons dear lather OI Mn Harold Noland Jean at Barrie Mn lachn Slryrield lllalYI at Waterloo in hit 57th year heating at tbo Hill and Robinson Ltd Funeral Home Nelrnn and Queen su nrnttord until Monday Service in tha en at pm Interment stellabo an Grounds Gren TAYLOR At his home In In my ml William airir Tay or beloved son or air and lire heir leyler pc yer denr brother oI harry Ban rule and Bruce nutlnd at the Sleekley Funeral Home so Worr Iey Slreel nerrie Inr tunerI arnlce on suurliy September at 110 pm lnlernient Grentel cemetery IN ME onIAIlI GILLEaPIItIn loving memory or our dear eon rid brother Johnny who passed Iv Scpi low tn his tweitlh yerr Please God Inrg silent tree lervent wlrb nur Johnny wu here There bro oIhen yes we Irnow but he dun we loved him Dear God take messRa To our loved one in hcaveb abovz Tell him how much We This him And give him all our love Seoly missed by Mom on Drum Sister CARDS 0F THANKS itieslllaluw We extend sincere thanks in ihe Nuteel ot Illa Royal Victoria Howitai Ier kindness and cm In the llluerr nd death at our our other the no Stephen lllcsbcrry to Dr Atkins Dr Farrlngtpn and Rev hreun Aim the kind expression or sympathy and the mrny beruti tui iibrol tributes IgtIughtcrr MOUNTAIN wlrb to exprm my rlncm thniu and nppeeclrtlnn to the Univerrrl Cooler Co Ltd Ind rtIt Iriendr and nelrhborr or their many rctr ot kindness llorai tributes and rymprihy cards received durlnlt the recent ber ervrrnrnt in the ion at dear burnrid and father Mra llouuleln rnd lamily COMING EVENTS NAVY LEAGUE COMMENCING WED SEPT 845 pm BARRIE ARMOURI ES All new recruits welcome Ages 12 to 14 years and approximately 85 pounds Height 48 RUMMAGE SALE TRINITY ANGLICAN HALL FRIDAY SEPT 11 AM TILL PM SPONSORED DY WA CHRIST CHURCH IVY air and Mr Walter Grantham will at hom to their triertr and relatives on the occasion at their 35th Weddinl anniversary on Sunday September between 1110 end one pm and end Thin rt the home at their re William Grantham 88 Bothwell CrcIcant EAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Mamba Mcmh Close and Ill Percy sled schools Percy iIIIA Recrea ed cost shed to sell condition PERCY FORD alulzltsmt SWAIN PA eases Member or BI is and District and Ontario ROSE REAL ETA BROKE TWIN mm am CALL DAY ON EVENING PA 82379 or the In REAITOR 15A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theu OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND See these heautilui tripleer at 42 and 48 Rose St Solid clay brick construction heating All heated by natural gas Landscaped Doors open at 10 am ALL WEEKEND Hot PA 66481 er or an and Di Bo rd HENDERSON REALTOR II COLLIER sTrlm PHONE PA 04678 LARGER OLDER HOME This line home is in excellent Newly decorated Garage to downtown conveniences Ford YOU WOULD an PROUD TO OWN This lovely landscaped proper ty and bungalow morth go and shopping Ford avaNmos CALL SCANDIIEII Lita Graydon KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER lla DUNLOP 51 EAST PA stzsz 500 Down Five room brick bungalow finished tlon room Analgunman Driveway curbed and asphalt 673 MIA mortgage cellcnt location Owner trans ierred to Toronto Will soil at House two years old Con Twp Flos 190 Acre Farm workable room house heatlt cd with luruaco Water on tap Barn approximately 40 00 feet Good stabling silo drive Good ad milk house with only Reasonable monthly payments Closo PA 84655 b7llso Baird water strict Phone to Call Ex lay all Priced REAL ESTATE ROGERS Need chkQToSchoolMoney Use PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS PA 85568 IL IOORBPA Hm ROGERSPA use CLIFF BARBER Opportunity to lease good busiu and equipment use cd Possession anytime Call this from Barrie Has larg loLs of cupboards pi METICULOUS tubs This home built by one of Bull CImeIlLJA 573 CENTRAL ONTARIOS COLLIER STRE ponds 68 acres plus room listed below to make your Ippoo Merv CouldOrb solo norlr NuttycomhoPA D7957 Edith GouldOrb 25in BARRIE AND PAID FOR DOUG HOM Norman DUNLOP ST Eventan Ina Longilh PA M740 Everett strenuou Din Iris Howrd Nerrlr REALTOR InclI smear BARRIE PHONES PA pow PA sow of basement Area 13152 This bedroom bungalow is perfect in living room dining room and kitchen wk piece bathroom Beaulliui oak floors 57x1 Carries or $71 monthly inter FARMS We have good selection of arms from 60 to 200 acres time or further Inlormatlon or inspection Number CI th Blrfll Rnl Rita Bolid Term Garve Members at the Barrie and FISHING FOR PRIVACY You could have both In this naturalist Barrie Want bite Call PA 85901 or soap HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA H007 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 60 0F VALUEN0 FEES CHARGE ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL POSTERPA 53 II CONNflnbPA H7 Imus annals DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD ROWN SHOP as In East Bid Plaza chairs $3000 terms arrang allies to inspect NO II HIGHWAY NORTH Radiant bedroom bungalow on very nice lot hams It 7InIlesl living room dining area kitchen with ece bath Pull l7 and pressure system This is beautiful home just years old usement with laundry tub BUNGALOW very detail Has nice plenty of cupboards Full basement with is Barries better builders Lot is est principal and taxes Call any Youl LOOKPA 5576 $7952 Sloull Agencies Lid LARGEST neurons as PA aissol illlICIlROII ratta Board paradise with trout Ten minutes from any at the salespeople to inspect bungan Intment EVENINGS CALL Harry sIeIIorPA H1671 Orc BrownPA L72 Frank ConxdonPA was HAVE YOURHOME CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR LIKING VIEW Barriea Newest Subdivision Otters ALL SERVICES SUPPLIED YTHE BUILDER ERPA New ShelsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89981 PA 88742 INTEREST Clll Jack Sixllllrpnu oil brmuu esWe We PA 463 RENTALS mania nouns ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK Oiled and up patients oliday guests OKInd carpTV lounge Ostauon wagon available tor transportation and outings ALCONA BEACH ROAD moon was APTS HOUSES T0 RENT aIODusN unrurniahcd three room lpaflmant with three ptecebotb Simted clone to downtown New reduhg Telephone PII axon Tm noon unturniabed rpm meal aiove Inppud Hardwood noon Telephone PA sun muman tour room apart ment lat contained laundry and parking facilities A391 51 Im ul EL Dorrie Ont non ltrd apartmnt with stove and dgc lint wotcr lup Cantrail alien Call PA UNPUILNISDBD three room aperi ment with private bath and eat rance $55 per month business people only Telephone PA Mllrl TIIILKE LARGE ronm Irtment with bath but wrter heated laundry room with dryor Tele phoue PA bone or PA use EMALL llIflNflIllD two loom apartment hall light and water supplied shared bath Aillndllo Telephone PA mu LARGE unlurnished live room oprlment Downtown lncIllnn Pd ale entrance heatld ChlldrIn welcome Telephone PA cm TwoThree room lplrtmunu un Iurnlrhed Immediate pnrtculou Telephone PA Hedi er Iurtber lnIormntion TWO nannoou cottage pr apart metal to rent iha year round part 1y relished Telephone Juli Beach or details 1mm BEDROOM hour to rent Gpnd locality Close to bus Icrl as and schools Telephone PA Dlt FURNISHED Tour room apartment central $75 per month Also llnlle light housokecplnl room with rang ctte Telephone PA um KN UNFUKNISIIED Ive room heated rpartrnent Private entrance soil contained Available now Tele phona PA M770 or PA cuts RENTALS ans HOUSES 10 nanr mluum three room It lnent utilities supplied In ha nllr Barrio Shop In Plan Idle bone PA mill or runner aiio NHL unturouhed heated reu contInna repme entrrnre nnaba real Wert and location Telephone PA some mu loose unforde moat heated uIl contained gain leitemrélrote trill Igom named ape en un mired lfinhmr °F°el ep one or in Tune Cele am but Point ailrtcuvc clean winierlxed tour room cot tag All conveniences Including um htlly Iuralrbed Suitable or round couple or small lamiiy Telephone Struud seam cnlrlul Location Two bedroom unlurnlahld ballad also one bedroom Both In private antionce and bath Anil nble September Telephone PA Hal modern until R00 apartment heat water no and rchigerrtor IMP plied Sell contained Dont miss seeing this one Close to rhnppln Telephone PA 6477 ser pnrtie plrrr THREE ROOM heated unturaubcd apanmrut Private bathroom ouu entrance on around loonrrlvnie var do Washer and dryer nup pue Appuapces ntionIl rrcn Farkinl Telephone ml or 61037 III CONTAINED three room tarnished apartment Private en trance LIuIId Iacllliiel Near new hop ag pan Dunlop street fie anablellnmed Ila Pom Telephone PA Muz vl III In Alex McDonald uNrURNIaIusD APARTMENT Suldolu room apartment centre iy located ideal the married couple or couple with one child who like lots or room stove and retriller ator Iupplled $80 monthly Cell PA um evening PA Mail ALLANDALI Two bedroom un mrnirbed heated rprnnrent 37o monthly lncludlnr hydro rud water Washlnl Incilttter sieve nnd retrtgerntor rupnlled It delin ed Close ioburrtnp Ind school Available septembcr Io Telephone PA cuss or William Street ROOMS TO LET ROOM to rent tarnished linen su plied Use or rclrigerator App at Mary St Barrie UNFURNIsIIED three room opsrb ment stove and rctrigeratnr lisp pllcd plrata bath and entrance Garage Immediate possenlon Adultl Telephone PA Han 57250 PER month two bedroom apartment in downtown location not water heating included Aplt DI Roger and Cannon rtelion Telephone PA am UNFURNISHEII lower duplex across Irom air port modern kit chen heavy wiring separate bath room two bedroom Apply Harold Hickling Telephbnl PA D7630 IlIoDDIIN our room unlurntshed apartment on olvcn 5L clean sell citytunedi heatcd New1 IcIrignr or an avc rupp ed AveUane Sept in PA sebum UNFUILNIBHBD apartment in End house close to plaza and animal Kitchen living room bed mom and bath Separate entrance $55 monthly Telephone PA H011 UNPUBNISHBD second large two bedroom apartme Four plcco hath modern RCam hell Ave Available September Telephone PA $0522 llama Apartnl room edrooln dinette modern kitchcnfith stDVE and letrlgergt tor Central auelneII couple pre erred Telephone PA lB576 ent Large living FURNISHED bedroom to lot cell tnI Parkinl lacllitler Telephone PA H645 rumsnan bedroom to quiet home Err End Prrklnr facil ittes Avaliablu now Telephone PA M731 Pumassz brlrllt bedroom available August 1a In horpltni vicinity Telephone PA ham or apply poo Ron St ntter FURNISHED bedroom or rent in residential area on bus line Perk Ins Iacliltlcs Telephone PA 80014 or evenings PA 017 Rooai To 21 canteelly located occur to kitchen Business lady only need ap ly Reply to Hoax BanlaEx nor LARGE BRIGHT iurnlshed house kecpinil room to let stove and re rrtgerator Ample parking space Telephone PA Haul Ior Iartbur particulars BEDSIITING room nud kitchen tor rent Separate entrance Tel epbnro PA stuns FURNISHED BEDROOM in com genial home Wuulil prelni teach er On block Irons North Col Icglatc anrrd optional ieie phone PA 84220 APTS HOUSES WTD SEkP CONTAINED spacious mod er central downstairs two bed room apartment Heat water laundry room included $90 Inunth QUIET FAMILY or our will pay good rent tor three or our bed roum home In nice location Ile quired as soon possible Write 21 TELEVISION RCA Victor in awo BOYI bicycles cclu Pacer and Racer curler erch ply to is aurton Avenue SPECIAL Canadian National Ex SPECIAL CrlIadlan National Dr CUSTOM RIIDIo Ior I956 Chevro xaminer Want Ads ARTICLES SALE FILL YOUR FREEZER oath the dam an and sum MEATS ETC Ioor ourrrnreed ouwtv Budxot Term on orden 000 and our complele Line at FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICE arc lulubi to than who Ilh troughlumen Cram duly ll YulIX KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us lIrIIN 57am Isluteun PHONE PA wool Free Delivery ODrD Friday Ill Pom STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20¢ CIearing at 9c ea PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FROM SEPT Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 ARTICLES tor SALE BOATS MOTORS nu nascent6mm mus Dclualt bolt and Johnson motor NIEDDOIIB PA WIS ll NOT loss nleu doy cruiser bum wit Ire Evlturslrdxa page eui rdmenr orne ec no Welter Adair PA Moon Poor Pneo chip Iltuby model loss as HP Johnson Ivelm motor Gator trailer tarp ecm plete equipment Telephone PA on ARTICLES WAN TRUTTT WANTED WGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE CaII McFaddens F03 PRICES PA 89233 PIANO wanted must be to loud condition and priced reasonable Telephone iIRI Ivy srAIIP COLLECTIONS aid lulua Ind entnr wnntrd one price peid Write box 71 Barrie out we WILL PAY clean or good IIer urnlturn or any good und article Individual or content Iota Pbone PA Mm rIaNo In rrir enndltlen ed no more then so Incber hllth nntI tcofitlably priced Telephone PA WANTED cud lurnlture bedroom rultes dreuell chests couches bin chairlr electric Iioves warh err rolrigerrtprs and run Spot cuh or big tradcin allowance Call PA 32843 5FARM ERSLMARKET LIVESTOCK es HEAVY Plus in weeks Telephone 752R Eimvcle YOUNG Yonflflulfliilmar about loo pounds priced at Mo Telr phone Ivy ill Hammond EW PIGS Yorkshire weeks Heretnrd bull reglrtered mnnlhr old Telephone PA Punlam Lacombo bnlrl ren Thornhury Ontario Telephone 600 Thornbury IIIIEP FOR SALE 17 IhuIlIll crossbred dwel and purebred sultan ram Telephone Ivy 11 R12 IIULLDDZINIJ and Grading Pence how and stumpr removed Tol upbpno Lee IInrt PA Misc GARAGE DOOR wooden over head out with hardware icie phone on my SPACE HEATER and oil Drum or rule in perfect condition sell ing reasonably Apply at 25 Dun lop Street West ELECTRIC RANGE ior nlc MI deluxe model Kenmore only used months vlil rcll Ior trim murt be old lmmcdlnlcly PA 68821 excellent condition Roby Carriage Thirile in cxccllent condition Tel ephane PA 57979 Priced $25 In excellent cnudltlo Ap PUMP HamlJIIp rcltprimind pump will pump ooao gallons per hour with 10 lent bore and Loan gnUon tank Phone no Taylor Stroud I7ilzl hibltiad Prices sinner round bob bin economy model only v50 Singer sewing Machine Company Is Dunlop Street West PA 07950 Intuition Prices $30 or on all slant needle modcls singer Saw Ing Machine Company Is Dunlap Street west PA 37060 lot or trade or radio for loss REGISTERED Yorkshire boar WI yenI old also thrre young about five months Did not Twist rd Apply Emma Stout Ptlolih Iton EOLSTZIN accredited dated and Vaccinated young cow and labile due middle at September Central Unit bncdlnt APPIy Cecil Bra thctt Thornton Tclephonl Ivy II 111 FEED SEED GRAIN 2° ACRES choice lilllll Sundrile reasonably priced Telephone PA 511 or Ivy 15R PASTURE FOR RENT WANTEDCattle to pasture and winter Iced Apply bolts RR Empty any or telephone Oro FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE case New Holland David brown aertty Farm Equipmant 176 BURTON AVE PA 82378 NEW EQUIPMENT 365 New Holland Balers 107 New Holland Baler gt1530 Case Tractor Earrla CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE Box 76 Elirid Ex miner ROOM BOARD ROOM AND board available Tele phone PA 97853 AVAILABleroomaIIdi Lunches packed It derlred Te phone and Stroud ROOM AND board available or gentlemen Parking space avail able Apply to Box 17 arrrtr mariner Chevrolet Telephone PA bliss 41L Turtheriril mat on HEARING All genuine Acouslitton healing aid first class condition used very little Cost $250 wiu sell for film or heat offlr Tale phone PA 84674 OFFICE SAFE Iox11le high Nearly new Combination lnclr IIreprnnr On casters wardrobe walnut with lulllzflsthrmlrror in door Dropsldo couch Telephone PA New ATTENTION Stamp and coin USED UIPMENT Swather vlThreshing Machine ZForage Harvesters 1Binder CASH TERMS ITIADE Timon PIIRROW Massey Her ulctodelIcJImALc with new disc Priced Telephone Diu Pawn ai El vale Available tember streergtAPfT57FL FIVE Room apartment on furnished downtown location Fri vate entrance Laundry facilities Heated and parking Ice Tait phalib PA 82566 days PA 81943 eveninzb NEW AND hidden one and two bedroom apartments overlookinl scenic Kempenrclt any Bent we tar parking and Janitor lorvic included AutomntIc wash niiitiea PA 82702 Con IO Twp Flos 100 acre farm so acres work able 20 acres pasture good clay loam room house main barn 50x80 it hog ipiriqxgoi Iéet MAam linsmpa aIian OWEN JONESPA E7931 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR COREYPA 65653 HOUSE three large kitchen rmril dining area near schools and bus oil heated Reasonable Owner transferred Apply at Oakley Park Square suNNInALa ROAD xrer new NBA three Mdmerick bungalow nt ac relere stone ttreplree col henAh usfloxw iect Total price $10900 Call Bill fiawn at Blr3l Elmvele spe cal farmDIepresentativerr Graydon KohlL Real Estate PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion or one and two times do per word tor three four or five times and 292 per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERIION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advertiser rrll reminded ur all phone Inrertlon orders urn acca ed Sconvenlcnca to you unverurer Theretora tho cinrrioca Advertlslnf Department requires all advert son to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately alter first Insertion In order that any errors or ornlrrlrnr may be reported belorc aim in order that some may be rectified or the Ioliowlng days insertion order We wish to point out that The Ban10 Ibrrnuner rerpnnrlblr car only one Incorrectly mprinted Insertion on any adve remcnt and then only tetan extent or portion or an th involves the misprint areore which do not lersen the value or tho rdverlirr ment are not eligible tnr correl can by nuke cond Coming Events per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used per word extra 31 Elm For Biokér Barrie For farms call Bill Rawu vale EVENINGS CALI GRAYDON KOHL PA Moos MILLIE COLE PA BBSIIG THE RIGHT FAMILY Will fall In love with this extra large new three bedroom bung alow Lshaped living room and dining room fireplace builtin china cabinet and oven and stove unit Attached garage See it at 56 Marion Crescent Gordon Spring Enterprises PA 8SO7 PA 66745 MOVING moving Iarvlcl later and Caller III COOKE CARTAGE t3 STORAGE LTD your ALLIED VAN LINES complete AGENT t3 Essa Rd aerrle PArkway 35575 is asanwmrrsr4 PA salsa Member eraride and District Real Estate Board EVENINGS CALI EMORY man an was you PALMIm PA Hose KARL MARSHALL PA b9917 NORAH RAIKIE Oro 01 IIAnOLp rollst sues MOVING DontIorget to lilnlfer your INSURANCE all need em coverage and of In SEE STEVENSONS PA 85701 113 Dunlap St ored illed hath with vanity ltorml auteur Sodded 17 Shirley Street LOTS FOR SALE TWO ROOM furnished apart ments aiso 37 two bedroom mobile home completely ruralb ed with all conveniences Appk In 99 Vletaria str re can TWO LOTS nn Dorczy street or role Close to choolrrmnere All services sidewalks priced $2800 each Telephone PA H050 ans OPPORTUNITIES FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY can be yours with fins Canadas most phenomenal growing Indul tiiu NuLTIBio or Canada Ills openings in this arch Fnrmnn women For further details wrt 60X 15 nAIIRIF EXAMINER GENERAL contracting busincath RUEXVIII CLAPPEIIEIQIITOIST BARR mom PA ellu WANTED Have client with cash Iorsmall farm Must be south of Barrie with good buildings SUMMER COTTAGE to highway All conveniences Sickness in family forces sale 50 ACRES JWNWHIEHWBY nofth of Barrie room home with furnace and all conveniences Good barn Creek through pro perty Priced at $850000 for quick sale BLDG LmElI REPLIES Information regurtiinfl advertisers uIlng blind Letter Box Number or Refill Is bald ltrlctly Confld entio Replies to Latter boxes will held only In days alter Illt day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex eptio classified1 Display advertisements which must he in by 1200 hoon precedtrlg day Rhine and type Itylce or semi display classifieds may btl Db In through The Examiner Id VH1 Inldcpartmant 155 storms THREE Plus lcui built on Parade storms landscaped no feet months with NblA terror PA6H95 LOT on Queen St or Sale For further phone PA 001M TWO NIIA live room bungalows lully decorated particula nd rcreens Telephone PA adrnnm brick bunrnIoTv On Torontostreet including DI and ECIEILIOII room in bus tinned For Illithe telephone PA sons aDrRDOM briélr gale residential street Itorle replace and screens puma With nit completely Il tele mlpum 845W oment lot 10 $10600 Jtmleson Croomnrcfont Evenings CRII NELLESPA 66696 Moose emu Member Toronto and Ontario Ilenl Eltnta nearer SIX ROOM solid brick hall Ear Ire paved drive patio air condo uonednil hantln 51 Letitia St corner or Werlcy Telephone pa c9274 alter FIVE DBDROOM home or ideal ulnin Oilmrnlchhotwilu modamly equipped Apply to NORTH COLLEGIATE hr Hbrick bungalow lecond broom noon dowry earrlel tor 07 armnrlth Situated on rSevernr Riverclnsr firmly oll exis elm as In the Barrie vicinity Well Apply an 19 Barrie Examiner established huainesl monroaons IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Toconrnlldrte debts ting mortgaltaa or morl Emprovemcnt Any worthwhile churn Call today for appointment PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING Over SimpsonsSears 110 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured scrim accident ricknoesrdelltb CRESCENT FINANCE IA DUNLOP ST WEST BAREIE gt PA 60703 MORTGAGESlit and Ind hflulht rain and errbred Commercial loaned On art UNPUHNISHED llamaKO Aintlien we bl Private eht star Available Immediately PA 585 0er BEDROOM modern kitchen living room bath unlurnirhed bested liable immediately gage gu fitofda tag Ifaidential pp or phone IPA Mold THREE large rooms Isrhed mmeni¢r=ltnlfiiwntiour us or con eeb PA can liter on urday EAST DID One bedroom unlurnlahed entrance Adults pre 7102 ncka rrom downtown rance stave relrlger Telephone heated apartment private Available September erred Telephonb PA three main Iplrtmenh beavyduty wiring on 665 monthly Tulaphona or apply 10 noylleld BRIGHT oil heated mrnlshed 57 UNFURNISHED relt one bedroom lpartmbnt Suitable for couple or two bus iness girls Available September Telephone PA 56536 MooartNuv rurnlrbed hervy uty equipped three room Ielrcooirln ed apartment clean storage space heated pnratng space or corre see Paono PA stool Available Sept za and bath Set contained Private APARTMENT centrnt three rooms entranna Heat lights water Ind parking rupnllen $75 monthly Tlelcphona PA ezsso tor partic obtained heated valtv CENTRAL three room lum ished apartment completely deli clean end Irerb slut ncrronnbln Telephone axcarmombu clenb three room heated apartment Let closet space groundiloor three blocks iroru ort olrice lood parking lmmc nte possessioai10 per month Telapllnna PA 61320 Dmuflplflr beat and electricity supplied SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 RENT summit COTTAGE well nrrnlsh ed onardf TBeacb Reasonable tor remainder of season Phone PA 84497 ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST Lfrnonc MATS one axis tool Iar ItnIngben boures ntttce rgueIDAIEJ persectInnluotnr 95 PER DOZEN The Barrio examiner LY arrrt Optrid Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL JinnahM ldarsl MW $172 550 gallon septic tank $0250 625 gallon septic tank $9250 Sidewalk slabs 24 30 $175 Gautlkflump COME NtCOMPARE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD PHONE sTRDuD Iorli CLARKS TRADEIN ANNEX BAYPIELD STREET Ir tb mm ol cu Ito ilnd uacd homo mnnlrblnr at prices you PM wartime BUGS APPLIANch MODERN unfurnisth three room apartment four piece tile bath trout and hnclr rntrnncc Parking and laundry IacilltieI lncludlnl er North Owen Immediate Allan Telephonl PA 463 or About SPECIAL Canadian National Ex hibltlou Prices SINGER Floor CIcaoetr and Polishers Special discounts during the Exhibition Singer Sowin Machine Co In ggnnalop 5t eat Taleplaonl PA and save On our anaconda stoclr es and shotguns Ammunition My VEGETABLEL Pm Tgpn or Catlin dogs starting to collectors All your need Iuppiled at tin and Cain store at 17 aniield street Barrie Ont Open at present hidly nllllt and all day Saturday sPncIAI cNI chinenow sisaso see them to day at your Slndcr Sewing Cen érfsaoza Dunlap Stret west PA SPECIAL Canadian Notional Ex Several good used Singer Sewing Machines from $1950 up singer Solving Mach the CO 29nunlop Street West Telephone PA 87960 molt SportsmenBuy now fishing tackle band guns and live but see our new fluorescent no ovenlngr for your convell ence Robsons Bar all hurrie rr epbnnn PA sense cucimmlms all sizes and omel vegetables Morrow hit Barrie No 77 Highway South across from lilacsayJcrguson APPLES Duchess and Tramplin ent self picked In own contniner use bushel Also battery radio and tubes 55 not sundry Howard Gill Mldburet telgph PA ems COLLIE Pups lac work Telephone Ivy lzrsi BOA TS MOTORS DONT PASS UP THAT BOAT BARGAIN buy It Now with LOW C0 LIT Insured scam PLAN LOAN THEBANK OF NOVA SCOTIA CASH LOANSshoe stumw or month Telephone PA so In amnion Finance 25 Dunlop St es DELCRAPI to loot boat ior sale 10 IIP Johnson electric motor also liar Excellent condition Edgy equipp Telnphonl PA Pomm minEamon Siunet Styleodllutlc ZlgAZag Mr caste forage harvom bay and com nttncbmenrr one lore box all All In AI Cond tlon To price 5350 Bill Rawn telephone slim Elmval MOTOR CARS FOR SALE morons LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 1LGQWANSIEEEET PA 65488 ONE OWNER FROM NEW 1958 MORRIS OXFORD Oxford 1500 Sedun new August 53 hit with Ted upholstery beach padded dash Elushinl turn Ir elnctrio Clock block heatri original tires all good 24200 miles Carefully used second car PHONE PA cease on BOX EARRIE EXAMINER RRAEW DRIVE lo CONSUI our door radio in good Condition no reasonable drier reiused Telephone PA 55355 MHLWDWII dition All good tires New lob Mechanically sound Inuit be seen to be appreciated Telephone PA New Isls PACKARD sedan 42000 miles Radio and whitewails $455 Apply to Maple Avenue Barrio 1dr Iurther details 1556 VOLKSWAGEN bla radio Sacrifice tar cull Iteraonabi Phone PA 84166 1957 SILVER HAWK motor Just rebuilhgond tires Best ollel In cash Tole hone PA Coats for Iuither part uuIars Ponns last no lss7 Also wrecking aama Eart available SprouIr superim lgin way 27 one mile south Thornton Telephone Ivy mill TRUCKS 85 TRAILER Ema crawlmh heavy du IDlll end Iflldll HR to lo Telephone Eiu KIWI IIMI An vale

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