Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1961, p. 8

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DANCINGLL rflll9fllv rlnll Wehh Clerk mauyers from Need BackToSchool Mone lliE BARRIE EXMIINER FRIDA SEPTEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS bAutuln Ausu sud Marilyn lues Amllmnll are happy to an nounce ml birth their son rrenl Allen on Wedncldly August so INI st North York Bremen Hospitsl brother lor Alanna HAPPY OCCASIUN HII birth bl vuul ehllol To tell in good he to Menus sud neighbors The Barrio Ex mlner rlusllled stsll arr ss nee as your telephone The day or birth lusl dlel PA Held nl ntc ts enlv Ildo ADOPTION TlluAlumN Pm and um Roland Thes stun nu Eileen Prlnllo would like to lnnuluscl the rrlvsl ol their chosen drugh ter tKrlsty Lyn Eilssbelhi ulster Inr Bret DEATHS MACDONALDAt In noysl Vle Iorls Ilapllsl asrrie on Monday Aurusl ID Kennels MacDon sid in his 70th yur beloved hun bsnd Willow Dunen Resting sl lhl Siocllley runersl name so wanley amle for service on Prldly september at um interment ltllnerlng etery IN MEMORIAM nRrrNCLLIn loving memory ol de nlgther Florence urllnell who sued sway September so our hesrl yuur memory lingers Sweelly tender loud and true There is not day dur mother Thsl do not think you Audi misled by her Iona Charll Alby and Jim and lsmlilo MonnlsoNln loving memory or Gordon Morrison who passed sway Seviemher 52 page in the habit or memory silently turns todly We remember you in sllenc And make no outward ow And what it meant to less you No one will ever knew bveer remembered by wile Ann Ind family COMING avanrs BARRIE CHESS CLUB Will be meeting at the YMCA Every Tues be ginning Sept 12 II PM ADULTS PM JUNIORS FOR DETAILS PHONE YIlCA VISITORS WELCOME INSTRUCTORS PRESENT EVERY SATURDAY CApAnm STYLE collPlrs ONLY PINECREST sun Cotlpl ror tshla reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757m Mr and Mrs Welter Granthlm will be at home to their friends and relative en the secular br thclr mh wedding anniversary on Sund Septembé between and put sud and pm at Ihe lime or their son William Grillithlm so apthwvll Crescent IS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT loop AT PM Auction sale oi household turn ltura including many electrical appliances for ERNEST FOSTER AT 139 PENETANG STREET BARRIE ONTARIO Ilemberurasrnrsud District PROPERTY FOR CARSON RE 45A DUNLOP ST Next floor to lb aspenl Thetr PA 6548 Roll ulst Basra MOVING Dont larger to transits your INSURANCE sod il and utn caving allay SEE STEVENSONS PA seem lls Dunlop St ROSE RKAL ETA BROKER rlrrlN 5mm BARR CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at th and District El rd THE RIGHT FAMILY Will all in love with this extra large new three bedroom bung alow Lshaped living room and dining room iireplace builtIn china cabinet and oven and stove unit Attached garage Seo It at 56 Marion Crescent Gordon Spring Enterprises PA 85097 PA 66745 HENDERSON REALTOR Ill COLLIER srnEerr PHONE PA 82678 BEAUTIFUL LARGE FAMfllY HOME $19500 charming living room staratc diningroom twp baths Six bedrooms attached garage Terms can be arranged here as the owner will hold an open mortgage Telephone Rita Scundrctt MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW COUNTRY LIVING CITY STYLE Edge of town two bedrooms All conveniences landscaped large lot arteslan well aluminum storms and screens Requires substantial down payment Taxes only $119 Call Emerson Swain SMALL PICTURE HOM NEARLAKE Strand area conveniences bedrooms Only $3500 with small down payment Taxes only 564 Phone Emerson Swain REAL ESTATE morass FOR SALE ROGERSLE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalesForeman in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmCS CALL lull it MoonPA um nounsPA use CORNELLPA mu mam gARnll bmlcl hm ssrAn BOARD HAVE YOUR HOME CUSTOM BUILT ToYOURLIKING BARRIE VIEW Barribg N25 Subdivision Olieru ALL SERVICES SUPPLIED AND PAID FOR BY THE BUILDER GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA m1 DOUG nostril Hall Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 Flllsl MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 we or VALUEN0 ILts CHARGED SEE OUR PICTUREVON PAGE Evening Call Jo Longtill PA 34140 Jack Willson PA ml Everett sbelswell are me Norman sbelsweli PA lml llowsrd Norris PA In CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER POSTERPA as Dllnlop St CENTRALLY LOCATED Four bedroom house would make Iendid duplex Outside entrance in basement Four rooms and sunporch on main floor This older Pbpne PA lzno home is in excellent Condition inside and out Bus sérvice stores close Fine family home Close to schools SANDY COVE 0N PAVED ROAD Storey and hall with attached garage water under pressure beautqu trees Three lots on this property With this is garage opxerators licencevCiass Many potcntials Well worth the asking pr Ce NEW FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW Short distance south of Barrie Three piece bath tile floors modern kitchen forced airloil heating Low down payment with owner tholding balance on the first mortgage with only any inieres BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE HOME Built ior gracious living and entertaining Enjoying such features as charming oak pannelled reception hall giving entrance to spacious living room with log burning fireplace Also well ap pointed pannelled dining room den and powder room Large kitchen with many cupboards off this spendid kitchen is utility room Pull basement with large recreation room walkin refrigerat or and freezer storage and iurnace rooms Upstairs has our large bedooms with cedar lined closets and two tiled four piece bathrooms Third iloor nicely lurniehcd including cedar lined Closets Paved drive Into twwarigiiiafiLWFdfimul EDT scaped lotwith huge trees LOTS LOTS LOTS Choice building lots in and out of town Close to store Bus at door See us regarding building your home MABEL MARSHALLPA M450 COREYPA Mm owm JONESPA Him HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR st Roolll solid brick house gur sge paved drlvc patio sir eoudl tinned all heating 51 Letltls st corner bl Wesley Telephone PA asm slter p1n FIVE DEDROOIII home for is INTEREST REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARBIE Imith ClflanPA Ill rergos EnvoyPA UM Members ol the nust Rul Elull Board PHONES PA 50241 PA 60741 loan hugPA tom RENTALS mum in room spart mini will lulled ln Wut led an nerds Shopping Plus beln PA on or runner IOU I003 muted liner lplfl mat durumbed heated rel Contained upmtn Outrulu rel Icnlhil Hill Wu Did locltlou rslepabu PA 5000 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE EOR Consolidation of Bil repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFEWSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGE LOANS AN0EONUS To pay all all your Bills To pay all Mortgage Comblne 1st and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose You Pay Balance Borrow Monthly Insyrs 51600 3169 nil $2000 4712 nil 32500 5989 mi Lower monthly payments avail able it desired with up to years to repay For last cour leous service BARFRIED ENTERPRISES Barri residentl clli operator and ssk or 11 75540 N0 TOLL CHARGE others cull Guelph TA moss Member or Ontrib Mortgage Broker Association IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED To YOUR BUDGlrl IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debts Psy oII existing mortgages Dr mortlllcs cumin dun Home improvement Any worthwhne Caula Call today or appointment PA 60981 HMQRIGAGE FUNDING Over SimpsonsSears 12V DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE In and 2nd huuiht told and added Cnmmalclll and residential existing mortgages as gln BrnkoranAfiflol FINANCIAL $5OIOO ONLY 47c Poo mam TermHaflerorreaervearthc home is rented Mr and Mrs Foster are leaving tow JERRY COUGHLI Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Complete Dispersll 55 Hole elnl Cows and Hello Iresh lull lo iPlIlIKIllK signed has received instructions Iron GORDON MONKS to sell by Public Auction at the premises LOT is CON ESSA TWP ltlllel strslghtNortl ol Alliston turn North at Jerrys Garage in Alliston THURSDAY SEPT Commencing at 100 oclock sharp All the lullnwlng name Ilolstclu cattle Holstein cow yrlu fresh Call at lootv Holstein cow yrs lull low bred lgain Holstein holler yrs bred to lreshcn Sept an Holstein cow yrs fresh cell at laut Holstein cow yrs milking well due Oct 25 Holstein belle yrs milking well bred again Holstein hciler yrs iresh Ind open Holstein holler yrs InukA ing well due in October Hal steln belles yrs old lrcsh and npen Holstein Cow yrl lllll flow bred sgsln Holstein cowl yrg bred to freshen Oct 2h Holstein hellel iyr lullrflaw upon Holstein cow yrsmllk lug well due In January Hoi steln cow yrs trash cslrut loot open Holstein cow yrs and upon Holstein cow yr brcd to reshell Septfl Holstein cow yrs to lreshen by all one Holstein cow yrs to freshen Sept 14 Hal bteln Cow in shell SUN 13 Holstcln cow yrs old rush Ind upon Holstein cow yrs to lresben by one curls Nolrieln ebw ll yrs fresh and open Hal ltein Cow to Ircshen Ont Holstein an yrs lull law Herelordvlloleteln irash Call It IBM cow yrs fresh lrld open lHolstcin cow yrl lresh llld upon Holstein butler yrs lull flow bred sun pounds hell rlslns due by date of Holstein heifers rising to lrcahen Int wcek of Sep ember Holxteln heifers your old Holstein hlferl lllllll fl Ind open Holstem holler cl vs months old Holstein bull IR months chulcc block hull renlus CAsn ne£lnltely no re serve as in Mnllka is going out or Holstein and has changed over Cuemseys distance must yerIve thnlr identification with thl athlnl to he nor wlll not be respon ble ny accidents day of Sale Auctloneers RefilHK Galina men the above cattle are all vac C1nltud snd tree to go to any replayed until Municipality They are dtronlnhll COW lrld heifers Anyone dollrlnl and milk cows and hell would well advised to attend thll Dis ZVENLNGS CALL RITA SCANDRETT PA 34855 PERCY FORD PA 8700 EMERSON SWAIN PA solos Member or Barrie and District sud Ontario ncel Eslsls bassd Real Estate Broker 0Wen Street Barrie $10950 FULL PRICE or Stone Front liveraom bunga low pn nicelyv landscaped lut Codringlon St areaI close to Public School and Collegiate Ternls arranged Cali Walter Coutts $5000 SUMMER COTTAGE south side of Orr Lake 50 water front and over 400 feet in depth 10 bevel siding cottage 20x30 beautiful grove of 30yearold pines Sandy beach good ilshin ED 521 VILLAGE OF STROUD well lmldscaped and attractive llve roombungalow Ideal home for retired couple Ternls ar ranged Call Coutts 31 592 Member or BIrrle lstrict Resl Eltalu ab rd PHONES LOllicaPAJ2485 Cyenlnge GORDON counsneaiel SANDY COUllSPA Hm Keith rs ha REAL ESTATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE EARRIE PA c2592 DAYS on EVENINGS Listinll Invited Rcsldohtlu Member Harrier snd metric Hopi Estate aosrd Lor oli Queen st lor sale it lap For runner srtl pbon blown up rl rwo erll live new fully decorted Wltit aluminum for $9905 principal and taxes per month age on lotfiaxllla feet mfmrpr muflemnfiblefofie $15 per month Including Inter HAROLD PORSTER NewLulu contemporary wellllig Twlth csrpurt room large ill lu room large kltebm dlulng bunwnm Mglmleegucllflgrth Phone ldeul forAnllrslng home or large lsmily on Iulusce hot water modemly equipped Apply to ssmlesnncrcemu Ont NORTH COLLEGIATE sses seven room brick bungalow second washroom $2990 down carries lur 116227 per month Telephone PA 98 BA YEIELD ST PA 68453 DOWN PAYMENT ON tYfisoofi New homes in Angus Close to schools and shopping Solid brickthreebedrooms four piece bath living room kit chen and utility room Forced large bedroom li dining area near schools oil heated Reasonable Owner translerfld Apply st as Oakley Park square AslltIORA MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FORBILL SiMMS PA 60203 air heating Large lot 7Ux230 feet Your choice of colors in brick shingles floor tile inter ior and exterior paints Only $8500 carries for $75 includ inginterestuagg pritllllcipal an esmau wi on proper ty every afternoon and even 1mm Esme ing also over holiday weekend CAII Karl Marshall PA 88911 ROOM 12 STOREY HOME Situated close to downtown gas heated house in good condition Well landscaped Total price $13000 will take reasonable low down payment Call Joe SUNNIDALE ROAD sres new NBA three bedroom brick bungslow st tsehed garage stone lirepluca oi urell Illcd bath with vsulty gttnrms screens seddcd sblrlry res Jtrectmlttuched gc stone rlraplsce aluminum storms and screens patio lot an no get months old slow with NHA term PA MM LOTS FOR SALE TWO Lora uu BerczthxCBLInx esie Clam to schools Surveyed nu services sldewal priced at $2300 escb Telephenl PA H059 BUS OPPORTUNITES six ROOM brick bungalow custom RENTALS NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSDIGJIQME BUILT FOR THIS WORK Iliad and up patients IHnliday guests CKind careTV lounge IStat wagon available for runmman luremm TH JaundwmnncludnL 390 month naneys loaned ou Mus4 ea victoris RENTALS am nausea TORENT meal sullsbi lbr business glrL On bus route Telephone PA execl Two nxnaooll cultn or Iplre meut to reut the yclr round part 1y lurnlarled Telephone nan gs Beach or dotllil ml nznnooll boon to re Good locality Close to bus lt £8 and schools Telephone PA one mom lumbhsd spsrb meat bested private eutrsnen seer llve paints Apply in Bly neia at Impunmdnxn three room lplfl Irsnce Gsssge lmmedlsl pop geniall Adult TIlIPthu PA FURNISHED srtment bodsit Ilug roam sud Iteheu Plenty ol gwrlgorrlnd elant spun Tale phouu PA M745 mmallzp our room spsrtmenl centul $75 per month Also Ilnlle li Lhmuekgeplng mom with rug mepbopa PA um uNlUlLNIanlzn live room as ed Iplllmenl Pslvslu entrance sell euutslned Avsilsbie now rele phonu PA 54710 or PA Gnu UNPURNlSllED three room sput ment slave sud rclrigerstar rulr plied sepsrsle bath and entrsner Gsrsge immediate possession Adults Telephone PA Men as CONTAINED duplex Queens Pllk ares three large rooms with built in eupbosrds and closet spsces Telephone PA used lor dell null PER mouth two bedroom apartment In downtown location but water heating included Ap ply Rogers sud Connell Re Ion Telephone PA Mm uNruansllzD duplex across lrom Air port modern kit chen heavy wiring separate asth loonl twa bedroom Avpiy Humid lllckllug Telephone PA Mud ImpURNlallEn apartment in East End home close to plug and school Kitchen llvan room bed room and bstll Sepsqu entrance $55 monthly Telephone PA HI UNFUILNIIHBD second noor large two bedroom apartment luur piece hath modern ea CImP bell Ave Available septcmber Telephone PA will lower Ewan Apartment Largo Uviug room bedroom dlnotlo modern kitchen with stove and reingarm tor Central Business couple pre erred Telephone PA 57¢ tle ANDU Two bedroom apart meals rulrlgenlar1sultur aerviu and lmndry reclulle Reut ing Irnm $8000 monthly Telephone Leech PA 82670 aELP coNrAIsz spulbus plod ern rcntrgl downstairs two bad laflm Iplutlnnnt Hut wstzr ly Available September street Apt me Roolvl nplrtment un lurnished downtown location Pri vste eutrpnce Laundry lecllltlcs Hentcd snd parklnfl space Tele plinllls PA 82566 dayl PA arzm evenings Peel new AND Modernnna ndtwii bedroom Ipnrtmcnts overlooking seeulc Kempeplelt Bay Halt ws tsr parklng sull Isultor serviu Included Automatio washing Ir elutch PA 32902 TWO ROOM furnished apart mcnts Inn 17 twu bedroom mhlmmfitflmrnfir Lcouonlences Apply street or telephone PA 53474 UNPURNISIICI three room spsrt sncnt two blocks from downtown Private entrance stove relrlger star but sud electricity suppued Available immediately Telephone PA user 0ND unnnoolu modern kltcheu living room bathuniurnlshed nested Avsllnble lmlnedlstely Close hus Atoll like residential district Apply lne Puget or telae phone PA Moll THREE large rooms nicely lum lshcd apartment central iacstluu Suit business Couple Tclepholla PA 85172 alter or anytime ast EAST END One bedroom heated vuniurnilhndalpafimed entrance Avsllsble September Telephnnl PA mas unolu Apsruueut soil contended Available September sea pllr mouth East end lucstlon Telephone PA erase ror toruser you 00M unmished apart mest bested sell costumed Cele Lrsllififlcs ed Also Ibrurodm basement IplflnCnL uplurulsbea uu contained No objection in child lelophonl PA woe or PA ism BAY Point attractive modern club wlntzrlnd WP mm cob age All conveniences including lurnsce Polly nilcubed Suitbio or mind couple or smsll lslrluy Telphone stroud Maui mm Location Two bedroom unturntshed bested spsrtme silo onl bed am both prlvs eutrsoro sud til Avlllr sbl September To phone PA sun nntn noon spsrtment best rates stove and nlnglntor sum plieds all contained Dont mus ualnl this one Clan to Ihoplllnl Tlrlapbuno PA mill or partic am What APAITMINT Spacious broom lplrtmonl Clntrll located Ideal or married gnu of Couple with one Child who lkg lots at room stove and eelsIgu stor luppum up monthly Call PA Mons evenings PA will ALLANDALI Two bedroom un ftlrilllhrd huud abutment no monthly including bydro and ruler Washing lsclllues stove and Hunter lllpplled ll delin ed close to bus stop end school Avllllbla September so Telephon PA $1456 or William Sinai ROOMS TO LET noon to rent lurnlsbed linen su plied Use dl relrigsrslos App oi llsry st Earrll Punmellzn bedroom in quiet home East End Psrklug IICll litu Avsllsbls now Telephone PA Mm Punivlsillzb bedroom lor rent in quiet home Gentlemen prelerred Telephone PA 518 lor lurtller Particulars Punmanzr burntreamed svsllsbls Ausust 2a in has ltsl vlclulLv Toluvhonn PA NW or IPPIY d0 ltou 5L Alter summit bedroom or mlt in residentisi arcs on bus line Plrk lng llcllltieg Telephone ys PA 500 or avenlnll PA 610 ONE completely Illrnllhed worn and kitchen Rclrlgerstor and no sepsrste entrance down town location Apply PA um ROOM TO LET centrally located across to kitchen Business may only need Iprly Reply to Ban 14 Harris Exam Laban amour lumlshed hou keeping room to let slave and re lrlgemor Ample psrklns spsee rele bane PA 56301 Iar lunher psrlculsr BEDeElnlNG room and kitchen for flat Sepsmo eutesuce Tel ephbre PA 17 FURNISHED pllootvl in can genial home would prelcr tescn er Ono block lmm North Col leglste Board apliunsl Tele phone PA 84220 APTS HOUSES WTD qular FAMILY ol lour will my land rent or three or lour bed room home In nleu location Ile Qulrcd as soon possible Writ flux 25 Barrio mamlner TWO bedroom lplltment pllVlti entrance Tuudd IIdlir If pnulllle Quennl Park Are Quiet lullbbib pebple wsnled by September Telephone PA $7101 ROOM BOARD ROOM Ann bosrrluveilebiev usury le epbbne PA Hogs ROOM AND thrd lvllllble lnl gentlelnen Parking up cc mll Ihle Apply to flux 17 HAITI Examiner ROOM and board sllsble or gentleman private room Will do light laundry and pack lunches ll desired Central Telcphollo PA 84757 Use Examiner Want Ads News ARTICLES for SALE rams OSLLEPLNG BAGS OBAKBICUES ORADIOS DOMINION TIRE STORE no BRADFORD sr BARRIE Complete Plumbing Outfit Tools Equipment and piping fitings FOR CASH APPLY 100 DUNLOP ST PA 5274 FILL YOUR FREEZER with th linen an end BLUE MEAIS ETC low Gmrlntced Qualiw Budnl Telins on olden Complain LInI or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Ari availbin to lifes who rm to purehm their orders only st your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE Me rlrrlN sneer EAKlun PIIGNE PA moi ofiehffilefy STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old tech COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROMNJZC to ZOCHi Clearing air9c ea PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FROM SEPT Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 645537 CLAaKs TRADE1N ANNEX EAYFIDJ STREET Is the enler place to llnd used lurnlshlnxl LamaJan esp psy FURNITURE Rucs APPLIANCES nuLLnoZING and Grsdlug rebe Raw and stumps removed Tsi epl Leo lumpl N139 sPA HEATER and oil Drum lurrsle ln perlcct Condition Sell lngmauuushtyxaply at 217am lop Street We BzAnY electric washer wringer not sutemstlc working Condition ones and Good 510 or but Telephone PA 64015 ELECTRIC RANGE for sale ml LJdeAKunmouponmused months Will scll lnr 3200 must be sold immediately PA beam Two noYe bicycles Och Pacer and Racer Glider Priced at us each In excellent condition Air ply to Burton Avenue MOST modernbvarhund garage doors Sale price $3000 and up one Itshlug hunt and motor Also esbin trailer Apply in lldlry at telephone PA on SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT LAKEFRDNT cottage at Mlncta Point Iol rent Iuliy lumllhed sll Conveniences winterized Telclt phone PA bean AJARTJCLESJOI SALE HAVE YOU TRIM Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store fransporlitlou and outings ALCONA BEACH ROAD smoun selu APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Palmer PA some $3000 DOWN PAYMENT Lovely five room home in new district Attached garage Well kept lawns with patio Carries including interest FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY can be yours with one of cloudss lpnst phenomenal Prpwlng lsduc tfles NIIIHABIC or Clnndn llll openings In this are re men or Women For further details write BOX 25 EARRIE EXAMINER GENERAL contracting business and equipment for sale in the Bsrrle vicinity Well established buslnem can PA Applymnx lo BanIE Examiner TIFFIN STREET Five room bungalow with gar says Is Not $6500 Serving Right Ilim with 515 down payment or CALGARYiCP Carrles or Thompson national leader of the Social Credit party said Thursday labor has come un der the control of organizations1 to such point that these or ganizations no longer serve the aims of the people Speaking to 150 persons at picnic he said these organizal films are destroying the found ations oi the democracy in lwIiICIl we live Mr Thomps said unions in veepeatedly as lug If fighbr wages forget that democracy is tgovernmeut by one class but government by all the people tor the good at the people eat and principal Call Joe Palmer PA 60863 alember er assus sudDistrict eel Esta aura EVENle CALL EMORY MILLER PA Mm 102 PALMER PA out KARI MAksnAu PA slam NDRAH RAIKES Ora 1m ems CONTEMPORARY HOMEv ONE ONLY Iron master bedroom tiled bsthreo with colored lls tum Ind ty Lots cu busrus gtonril sod screens isrg abdde lot loud locatlo corner Tryr All Examiner £3Id gt Jerry Coughlln Aucuonecr Pha completely JAEcu lzlll ADJOIN NG PARK Beside Lake an and two bedroom apartments complltb wllh nova and Ridge ltor Use ol washer and dryer Reducerted annually PA oiuea mas LARGE rooms and three piece bsthruom built in cupboards heavy wiring bested For lur merrdatulll telephono 51 Zverelt MODERN unfurnished thre rbom apartment with three piece bsth situated Clou to downtown an renting Telephone PA 32043 TmEEROOM unturnlshed spsrl ment gtavo supplied Hardwood floors TelephonePlumb UNFDBNISEED Your mom spart must all eontslned laundry rld plrki facilities Apply lens BL Esme Out Room hcatsd apartment with stove snd fridge Hot wster sup plllgli Central location Call PA UNPUILNISEED three robin upsrt lnent with private bath andent rsncu 555 per month business people only Telephone PA M307 umsvnanen room with hath not wuter laundry room with dryer plume PAoem or PA Esals MALL FURNISHEII two room fluent heat lights and Water suppued shsrcd bath Allaudale Telephone PA Dull Lands unrurnlshed live mm apartment Dawntnwn location Prlvntl untnntc hgatcd Chlldlan welcome Telephone PIA 33533 Try ls Ex int PHONE PA lzm inlermetlu BRIGHT three room lplflmenh all heated heIVY duty Wfllflfis llll rurulruea 55 monthly Telephone PA 84571 or IPPU 210 Elylluld St UNPURNISHB sell eauts all one bedruhm lpaltménfi he tid suitable tor couple or two bun Ines girls Available September Telephone PA 5363 VERY CENTRAL thrc room turn lshnd apartment completely sell Contained clean and lresb sult sble Ior two adults Reasonsbie rent Available now Telephone PA 101 EXCEPTIONALLY clesu threw room he led apartment Lots 01 closet space ground Denim blocks lrom past alllce gnarl parkllll Immediate possession no pci month Telephone PA olazo MODERN unrumlsned three room apartment musJim tliabnth rant and bell nCe Psrklug snd lsundry Isclnues including dryer North Owen lmmedlsle possession Telephone PA more PA nasal BRIGHT furnished lplllIllilnl to rent bcdalttlng room and HL Chen suitable or two Centrl location Private entrance Par ng ls lltlu Telephone PA ll WEEKLY or monthly Completely rumlrhed bungalowmbed rooms all best nu nreplsce and washing chine ver mau ern snd rcssnnublel reepbone Stroud 6r4 THREE noon nested unrumlsbeo psrtmeut Private blithrauln and entrance On ground floor Private vernnd Washer and dryer sup plied Appllsnees tlunal me parking Telzphnno Ham or PA LID ADVERTISE IN THE ARRIE EXAMINER sovnuxlaoPSTTW5L PHONE PA E2427 NEWSPAPER MATS lai lfllls slzes ml houses ututl perfect lumls ZSOPERDOZBI Examiner IIIlo etcA USED REFRIGERATOR $9500 jrv SETS $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS liSPENETANGST PA 89288 Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL lncoln Arc Welders 180 amp $172 550 gallon septic tank $8250 GE gallon septic tank $9250 Sidewalk slabs 24 30 $175 Gauth Pump COME IN LCOMPARE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD PHONE srRouD tom TCLIVIEK RCA Viétnr excellent condition Baby carriage Thistle In excellent Condition Iel ephune PA New PUMP Homellte sellpriming pump will pump aollo gallons per hour with 10 feet husc sud Loop gallon tank Phone Ed isylur VSllDud 7M1 sPEclAL Censdluu Netionsl hlbltlon Prices singer round bab blrl economy model only Vino singer sewing Machine Cadmium 28 nuulop street West PA Niall SCHOOL nouns lur ssle lo Central Collellllte Mostly 1nd ii some grades sud in For grtber dotlill telephone PA SPECIAL Clnadlnn Nltional Pax blbltlen Pric 310 all on all slsnt pecdle models singer Sew ing Machine Company ZBDlmlflp street West PA Milan TYPEWIIITBBS bought sold relate ed repsired Student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try then buy Plan Star Typewriter Ca 14 Bradford St PA H595 Mamas nrepiace dining round table and Chairs three chutes field chairs tables jars guns ulockl mirrors other articles Scull It 96 Worgloy 5L Apt WTFXWX Elfin Nearly new Camhlustlon luck Flrepruul 0n casters Wardrobe wslnul with run length mlrsbr In door Drnpsldcnuuth Telephone PA New Amigasols Stamp coin collector All your nee supplied at the new Stamp and Chip star at 11 Bnyileld street asrrie Ont Open at present Psldsy night sud sll day Saturday aPzClAn cNE Prices The Famous slnger Stylcollletlc ZIlle ills Chlnknuw $15550 see them tlr day at your Singer Sewing Cen trcdsoza Dunlap Strat West PA as SPECIAL Csnadlan Nsuunai Ex hibition prices several good used Singer Suwln Machinel from snap up singer sewing Much the cm nuulnp StreetwuL Telephone PA 37980 aPEClAI Cuuadlsn National Ex hlbltlun Prlc SINGER Fiunl Cleaners and Polishers Special gt discounts during the Exhibition slngcr Sewing Maclllne Co 2a nunlup at west Telephone PA Mesa ATTENTION Sportsmenally new and save on our proseason stock OI rifles and shotguns Ammunltlflll flailing tackle hand gulls and Ill halt see our new nuaresce hunting hats Open every ds evenings or your canven en lIahsons Bar RR asrrle re lie PA z= Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414

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