harm fraction Bayfteid street Barrie Ontario may Emma m1 9The Teachers Federation Campaign Better English English teachers must accept more re sponsibility for school dropouts lym sponsibie for the gh dropout rate no OTTAWA REPORT Parliament Hill Summer Reflection ansarcs Nicaoisos Visitors to mum annual Prime Minister John Dieien mm cm bition ihrpnged to the exhlb ltl Iggy gdmflfmeflmflde Ind 15 midWIY in larger num Ihe returned home to Ottawa al bers than ever before while the tar winning our national helm sun shone Delighted boy crown He gave good my Mind their nts to takethcm to her court of Junior Board of 11 1° 9d Indian muse Trade omdals hm mm where to their delight they found inn tripped an normally facile trading Wat selling tucb boys MogueflYou have earned your l0 and ws Bu orig the men adios who have brought fame Governors of the Ontario Teachers Federation have launched fiveyear program to improve English instruction boys got home it found the Red indlan weapons to be moiseJteLH in all school grades There isï¬iiotbipg wrong iviili the existin Engliiib cuï¬icu lum the governors be eve that better teachers could not cure special commission lobe namedby the board of governors will be charged with improving this instruction be exact method of achieving the goal has not been decided but some proposals have been advanced The ultimate ob ac tive is to improve the standard of ag lish of graduates of the school system Willis rincipal of Ottawa Glebe Colie late titute and chairman of speci committee recommendin the rogram said that secondary schoo teac era and particularly inexperienced calied for greater em basis onï¬the streaming of students English and two different diplomas at the Grade 12 level At present everyone is poured into the same mold and geared for uni varsity Theymust have some Shakes pears Shelley Byron and Keats and as result many students get bored and dro out he said ew there are who could not use better command of English including high school graduates Languagoeis4he means of communication written or or al and its proper use can both save time and avoid misunderstanding Any move that improves the standard of Eng lish of our young people is worthy of commendation and support Holiday weekend Warning One person will be killed on Canadian hi hways every hour and half this La or Day weekend if last years rcord is duplicated warns the All Canada in surance Federation The last long weekend this year will be the most dangerous according to the records of the All Canadian Insurance Federation The Federation which re presents more than 220 Canadian fire automobile and casualty insurance com panies makes these safety suggestions which are articularly valuable to those contempla ng long trips over the holi day weekend Take ion trips in easy stages dont try to trave too far in any one day Avoid fatigue by ato ing often for coffee orb han Avoid ever possible where Down Memory Lane LOCAL STORE BURGLED From The Examiner of Augustzl 1936 was an item that burglars secured $500 in goods but failed to crack the safe at Zeliers Store on the previous late Sunday or early Monday heavy ironsafe was battered but not opene Entrance was by the Owen Street stair way to the offices From window there the thieves went onto low roof and thence to the ground Several windows there were barred but bucksaw was used to cut one bar and the window opened Unsuccessful with the safe they ransacked he store although police were called twice by residents who had heard en Street hear sawing Sunday night and called Constable James Case at 855 If ou are tired but cant stop over night pull to the side of the road and ca map until you are rested When travelling with children take plenty of books and quiet games so they grill not create noisy distractions for the var Study in advance the different driving rules of strange cities where you may be driving If you have ablowoutor othermachw snicai failure continue slowly until you can pull completely off the highway Set out flares when makin repairs on the highway at night dont lock other drivers view of your car lights Keep your speed within safe limits especiallyon wet highways Whéh in doubt yield the right of way to the other driver alarmed each time but boldly returned andflnflhedï¬fjobriater BEAUTIFUL BARRIE The Barrie Examiner August 21 1936 gave an item from the Toronto Star The view to Barrie from Allan dale across the water has long been regarded by train travellers as one of the finest in Ontario From the ONE platform at Ailandale Barria seems enchanted and when on get there it is an extraordinarily fine town with its busy public places and fine residential districts The writer went on to tell how minifr hometown of Ottawa be said Suzanne Cloutler now Mrs Peter Uatinov achieved stardom in the thcaire Anne Heggtvclt won an Olympic Gold Medal on her skis and Barbara Ann Skate recited her way to world fame RECORD FISH Trade Minister George Flea ls ably served by the smartest backroom boy in Ottawa the legendary and twiceasgoodvus gnld Mcl Jack who kby far Canadas most effective political adviser Recently George Hees was visiting northern Saskatch ewan promoting trade and good will Mel was with him and heardthrlocalgosstp that commercial fisherman had landed mammoth lake trout in his net nearly week earlier clearly stamped Made in Joe pan FROST IN THE SENATE The report ls strong here that Ontarios retiring premier Les lie Frost has ambitions to be uamcd to our Senate where vacancy was created Just be fore his retirement announce ment by the death of Ontarios Senator Euler Once there he would like to be named Senate Leader with seat in the fail eral cabinet the report can tinues that when apprised of this Senator Aseltine claimed But am the Senate leader Sena tor Bnint now deputy leader protested But hope to be Senate leader and Senator Solly ihorvaldson president of the Conservative Association gwdghedrlm4mundg Me an asserted But should be Sen CAPTIVETBUDIENCE Ancient Legal Teehnicality By MARTIN TAYLOR Canadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER CWNo one can own piece of land in Canada This ancient legal technicality has been given real modern meaning which three provinces have submitted to close relt examination this year It is seen in the law of expropri ation under which thousands of Canadians are dispossessed every year of their land The issues at stake behind massive array of statutes and ConIuslng body of case involve the basic rights 17 individual in the modern prop artyowning democracy Investigation in Alberta has resulted in new Expropri ation Procedure Act which came into effect recently and covers all cases of compulsory purchase of homes farms and business premises by the prov municipa and other public bodies In Ontario is select com mittee under Highways Minister Cass is making survey committee might be formed to advo of expropriation procedures in This mat gt ings instead of the dull gray use now ter has been changed by andtheyinvestigated witbï¬fisshlightsvofscolored roofing materials In Quebec but noresult Later Mr Law beard saw ing again and called Constable Wally Rayner who on investigation could find nothing Evidently the robbers became it was stated the government pays for paint to be used by the peasants and villagers to make highways more pic turesque Other Editors Viest COULD IT HAPPEN HERE London Free Press to flee for their lives during these riots They had come from other parts of the whiteryouth wasfatally stabbed byWCommonwealth believing that in Eng colored man five hundred shouting rioters were repelled by police after mob ran berserk and smashed windows in twoday outbreak of racial violence toofamiliar story nowadays But the storywas not datelined Mississippi or Alabama It happened in England What price the legend of British fair play an Englands putsti for tol erance Is Middles oughYorkshire much different from any of its industrial counterparts in the Dee South Appar ently the tinder of hoo ganism and ir responsibility is iatent everywhere only is sparkisneeded tiniestroom on Notting Hill three years ago made many of us ashamed of our AngioSax on heritage Immigrants there Were bar rassed and mistreated siniplybecause their skin was dark As usual the in nocent suffered It is disturbing to learn that in Mid dlesbrough Indians and Pakistanis had The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second mu mu Po DIME Department Ottawa mun Sundays and Statutory Holidays ucepico KENNETH WALLIPnbllIh BRIAN SLAIGHT Glnlfll Mann is McPEEBBON Managing or chance wanna Huitnen Mural noaaar names Advertiflng Manager aonN amen CirculationManagIr smumpuup rate snipersmu Ibovweuklv run year Sin is so I100 year 00 won as Edd an Inn moutnx éuuid so new you own OUIEBI 25 DJ CHI emu if 82 year Laid 3533 outrun 1m 5s amnfdlrem an is Canadian mu and the millions addresses itse land they would find no bigotry or pre judice Cynics have said that tolerance non ishes best where it is never put to the test While in no way condoning what has happened in England let us not be smug Are we so certain that this could not have happened in Canada cm TALS BATTLE APARTHEID Milwaukee Journal In South Africa Negroes may not go into white cafes or open businesses in Ne row areas The two are legislat ively separated in almost every way un der the apartheid policy This is not true of Chinese or Japan ese Thedaw hasnt determined ju wherethey fit intothe stultifying ra cial categories Chinese can go into any cafe white or black They can have white or black girl friends They can belongto white or black clubs go to white or black schools associate with anybody as theyschooae The monthly ublication Drum which to Negro readers in Johannesburg discussed this ridiculous situation ina recent issue It summed it up Oh to be Chinese OR Japanese now that apartheids here Not to he Iong legislativelytoanyrace except the human one ParagraphicéllllSï¬Ã©ï¬‚lno The man who wrote Home Sweet Home must have done so returnfrom vacation Dont whistle pasta graveyard Save your breath for running if it hould seam suddenly tojbecome highly pe pressmglyrurgontr upon his LawrupsmkaonOwcatetbensHfrmorecolorron4hebuild6onadsandmeadwhueecon sideririg proposed Land Co pansation Act COMMISSION INQUIRY British Columbia is holding the most formal inquiry into the subject by royal commis sion which held hearings in July and August and then ad journed until midOctober The question is an especially topical one in 30 because of theimminenceofcxpropri of vast tracts of land which will be needed for the Columbia and Peace River hydroelectric pro jecis witness before the EC commission said that people who buy land today should realize that they take it with the risk that it may later be needed by the community if the land is expropriatedtbey should expect no compensation above actual market value lhisviewwives new aub stanco to the common law theory that land is incapable of ownership It can only be held of the Cro hold it simple other witnesses have asserted that compensation for expropri ated property should be more and those who are tenants in fee genarous and should take irito consideration the value to the claimant They say frustration of the claimants special plans for the land should be com pensated also Both sides appeal to demo cratic principles one speaks of the importance of the general good the other of respect for the individual ï¬i TWOWAY CRITICISM The commission presided over by lion Clyne for mer 36 Supreme Court judge and now chairman of the new incslsJeading forest industry copcern has heard as much criticism of the existing law from expropriating bodies from prospective victiinso ex propristion The ac Federationof Agrl nxpncr nv oclonnn ONDON AP Sources cl rmlhe Royal Family said Thursday that Princess Mar gareta baby is expected in late October butrthnt theplace some culture protested against pro visions permlttlng public au thorities to enter private land without consent or notice and in some cases to take lead with out compensation On the other handrmunlcipal ities and the highways depart ment say the present provincial statutes authorizing expropri ationthere are 24 of them often enable those with land which lies in the path of asseni tiai protects to make prodigious profits at public expense The highways department cites the case of piece of plead purchased in 1955 for $143 nonin ing year for the Bees island tbrougbway betweenYanccuvnr and the United States border WIDE DISCREPANCY An arbitration board under the Highways Act fixed com pensation at $442000 after gov ernment appraisers bed set the figure at between 5172900 loud 8280000 and the claimants ap pralscrs ad estimated the value at more than 3535000 Municipal spokesmen cite Vancouver case in which man urchnsed site for motel atr$10000fkandciuimedr$2000 000 when the land was require by the city for freeway soon after An arbitration board fixed compensation at $440000 There appeared to be general agreement witnesses Presents Modern Problems opinion on whether they should be replaced by judges per manent board or panel of experts enthusiastic freshwater and big game fisherman himself was quick to sense possible worlds record He moved fast brought the trade minister within hun dling distance of the already odorcscent monster and pho tographer snapped Mr fleas with the fiveday old catch esti mated to have lived is years in Lake Athabaska and put the name of fishermen Orton Flatt in the record book Mel Jack had stepped in smartly where the local experts had failed to recognize story TO SPUR GAS HORSES Is Mountie Mountle when he is cardriver The anach ronlsm of the historic spur in the MountiesI uniform was un derlined on Parliament Hill last week when one of our Finest rammed his accelerating car ate leader The story is of come npocrypbal DECENTLY CLAD notice in our Parllnman building says that visitors quite informal garb may yet ter the public galleries of our deoorous Parliament but it urges ladies in bright clothes to sit attha back and it does ban The Parliaments guards struggled with their on science through the humid sum mer sitting of Parliament bai fled by troop of Boy Scouts and the like Now however with Parliament not sitting tourists may follow the tour through the chambers even in shorts But one couple misunderstood and bewildered guard saw man and abortciad woman enter themens room The man shut himself behind door and soon There appears also to be mu commuting vehicleiofa hand passed out pair of meme Fem Wm civil servant Apologiaqu pro tremors The woman slipped landiisirto be upmfltdfiï¬lftbe radfaced radjaaket these over her shorts and left on should receive adequate ad vance notice something which is not always provided for at present IRIAL DP NECESSITY But wide area of disagree ment has been opened by the suggestion that expropriating bodies submit trial of nec easily uprdptiatedthe fcilow sThis proposal adopted As part in the new Alberta statute would allow man whose land is who expropriated to queslt explained that his spur had caught in the gas pedal the tour Meanwhile hubby re mained voluntary shutin arpoar mom UK ImpressiveLHydrorv tionihe need whichJï¬JL propriating body claims to have for it He could put forward alternative proposals for carry ing out the project concerned in Alberta it now will be pos bleï¬forr such aringsto be in the case of expropr ation by municipalities and pub lic utilities Commission counsel Nathan Nemetz and Ronald any are obtaining information from By MMcINTYRE HOOD London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner OBANhscotland The velopment ofa new hydro ectric power scheme at loch Awe near the summer resort town of Chen will be one of the most impressive of hydro electric engineering feats ye severalsates7oftheUnitedattemptedin4bï¬vnitedvxin States where the trial of nec essity is general require ment before exercise of the governments min out do main oven on vindividuals land Many authorities suggest the dom The main feature of LIIII scheme will be the construc tion of massive machinery hall the size of llstorey of fice block right in the heart of Scottish mountain Known asthe North of Scotland Hyd that the present system oprthisprucednrrofferrtbrbestrosidlectï¬cBoarda Cruanbamin bitration boards for compensalt tlon assessment is impractical and There is division of ahon QUEENS PARK Macaulay Ha Leaders Potentials By DON OEEAEN TORONTOOne mans opin DIJI Ii Robert Macaulay as potential leader abllity imagination and de sire Wererthe only qualities in volved you could name the next PC leader now It would be Mr Macaulay There would be few that would deny that on shear ability the young minister of energy leads the pack around here Also that he is one the few men around with good imag inationa prerequisite of pro grossive leadership nuwmwï¬ommfliatnmé question of be has the desirelie has been more or less training himself as political leader for years Along with jhapo qualitieshe ï¬ns liiyiltyicourage he is not afraid of being wrong and the ability to pick good men DOESNT PLAY Why then is he not shopin One his temperament and personality lilstemparament is aggres sive He is on the go He can be abrupt And liecan be dis daiuful He does not playrllttle league politics with the purer members This means he is not popu iis Party members feel there fore hc Would not be good leader or go over at the polls They do not realizeyet at least that rarely in history have our goodJeadeil been pop prnï¬hellfeilowawellme security for individualrights in an area in which the common good must ultimately prevail sThe Two be Is Young40 The 40 years however cover lot of political background Not to say that he probably is fully ready yet to stepin and take over the reins But he prublt ablyis as ready as any of his potential competitors Also he can be tricky Schooled in politics from birth he knows the old school do not beat your wif techniques There probably is nothing wrong ith thincept that this par ticular observer doesubllke it Astrong mansbouldnt haveto resort to tricks And the public might sense this He could be too bright There his brilliance and this has led him into some unusual paths One such was his study of nuclear physics It re sulted as you probany know in long series of articles And when on project such as this derground pumped storage pow er station work on this project will be started in the near fut IIIE This station will be one of the largest projects ever under taken by the North of Scotland HydroElectric Board and will be quite different from any of its previous undertakings It will involve the excavation of 200 000 cubic yards of rock Con tract for the construction work has been placed with the Lon don Engineering firm of Ed mund Nuttall Sons and Co Ltd wbidi promises an early start Plan To Test Alert System WASHINGTON AP Daily tests of the new Conelrnd alert ing system will be conducted in Septcinlzer The Federal Communications System announced Wednesday that all broadcasting stations have been notified of the tests They will be conducted at 930 em EST each day of the month Beginning Oct will be conducted twice on Saturdays at 980 Sundays at 030 EST The teletype faci of The Associated Press and United and further tests schemeln Scotland When completed the station will be capable of producing 450 million units of electricity year INSIDE mountains The machinery hall which will house the turbines will be about 350 feet in length and 05 feet in width With an arch roof 120 feet above the lowest floorileve nside Ben machnn which rialt as to 3689 feet above Loch Awe As far as practicable the granite core of the moun tain will be left exposed where it forms the walls of the hall It will house four turbines each with capacity of mi 000 kilowatts TUNNEL UNDERROAD The power station will be connected to LocbvawaibyAa tunnel driven 3200 feet into the side of the mountain The dis ance between the lochmndihe mountain is slightly more than the Width of the Oban to Dal mally Road which passes bet ween them The tunnel 23 feet in diameter will bebuilt und er the road Two inclined shafts each 15 feet in diameter and approxim ater 1700 feet long will con ncct with the dam at the head of the Crunchan Burn Water will be pumped down the shafts through the turbine and out into Logh Awe Next to the machinery hall inside the mountain adds nnal accommodation will be provided and switchgear rooms and for highvoltage transformers combined venti lating and cable shaft will con nect the transformer chambers with mstition at the sur face near therdam BIBLE THOUGHT Jud Moaea hid hisJaceLfor he was afraid to look upon GodExodus 86 The fear of the Lord lathe beginningof knowledge No man he gets so dedicated be can be mess international will be used can know the love of God un almost singlevminded offsettingthis however in these dedicatedpursuits be is always trying to get at the bot tom ol things Not bad trait He is eccentricl He drives bicycle to work He furnished his own office You can call this erratic You also cansay that pelrhéips be just knows his mn SPEED AHEAD Consensus Government under Mr Macaulay would be progres sive It could behsrsh on the idle rings and aycophap might be too harsh to plea his twoparty for the test FCC Commissioner Robert Bartley said the conperation of the two news services has made possible the establishment on May i7 of the improved alerting stem Ultimately the new sys em will supplant the older tele phone alerting method Hartley said special control makes it possible for the com mander of the North American Air Defence Command to use the teletypa systems of the two news services to alert the broad cast stntlons in the event of an enemy attack or other national margin ill be has fear of God UIIGE FRIENDSHIP MOSCOW AP The So at government through newlyv organized institute for Soviet Amaricen relations sounded call Thursday night for friendship with the people of the United States Lending her prestige to the occasion was Mrs Nikita Khrushchev the premiers wife She sat on stage at Moscows House of Friend ship as Soviet professors an secondary officials read typ writtcp statements urging crand friendship Awillbeforrned