rm BARR exam FRIDAY KEPT11m Blitz Falls Short Dist nights Lions blitz was not the roaring success that had been hoped One hundred and 25 canvas ms blanketed the city from 615 to 11 pm and netted ap proximately 32800 lt about one EQUllLLY HS GOOD Mayor OptimiStic 1961 Tax sate Low Bsrries per capits tax for Additional figures released by the 40000 area within the dext 1960 was the lowest of any city in than maker $123933 mgdgnr 10 mg dei qualified the stat or ca ment in il lit pmvme mm me Rpm tion in Barrie including deben rate otygrowthg conï¬des of Owen Sound North Bay and Wu 3457 in 19 Sgdjmrv amniongfliih He said he fleemlzlor in Thu information was divulged crease WP an won com SHOULD IMPROVE as natural growth and thaw by Mayor Willard King at Wan undemxmwm gt new provuicia ree per were mm atrntmrssstsin fly who becomes ï¬liiiiiidlitf°ib loam alï¬lflfi £3 islaï¬iiï¬ illusami Tax mils my ng 3n13°vminiéliii°d mung out that whu some ad recently approved in the Ontario Wm city required for expansion ditlonal debenture debt will be lestdatum 3°53 mflgï¬ufflf $32 To mayor said um aim acquirodrbelore years end Under the Act municipalities calamarcmpomd industrial of the council was to attempt gyms will receive $5 per PNML rmwmm harming 55mm to attract as much industry of meat Will have taken lace 12 in tb nspnss ii Enaménpléi pupa mic Wm liï¬fflildfhiioo commit Ema miegzpnugzglmi third year Asked what would ma um pa me years atively low unemployment xrnlo the pram emu for an happen after that point Mr SEES 40000 EOPULAHON as being possible becauseof the communme 51 This also Glgg said no one is committed Mayor Klnue predicted ersificallon and expansion of camper with Metro Town beyond that point but that he population of Barrie as already here Minimum Education Rising Urge Go Back To School felt sure such asislance would continue since few governments took backward steps when it came to educational legislation Mr Glgg pointed out that ttreniooéy to be distributed to municipalities under the act will come from funds raised to make the final payment on the new community swimming pool Vicepresident of the Lions Club Vern Stewart said own emmLonethlrd of the homes called on were away on voca tlon andthal this was pmbdlily the reason for the poor returns Mr Stewart added that other projects will raise the deficit amount and any further contri butions will be accepted at the Bank 01 Montreal Residents 0i Barrio Bear Gills To City From Countries Toured the in MRS JEAN COTE dau ghter Brenda and Mrs Joyce Heels takes brushes in hand for Project Barrio Fair Lad gt ies are members of the Kin ettes who are giving their own time to paint refresh ment booth for use at the fair ANYBODY CAN get into this act Here ismonthold GaryCote makes the paint spots fly with liberal applic The city yesterday received number of gifts fmm the mayors of Prague and Lenin grad as well as gift from Dr and Mrs Harry Helm local residents The doctor and his wife have just returned from an extensive tour through Europe and Rus sly reports of which appeared in series of articles in The Examiner They took with them letters of greeting and friendship from Mayor Willard Kinrie which they presented to the mayors of many of the leading cities in countries they visited These included War saw Prague Moscow Lenin sud Riga Stockholm and others Leningrad and Prague gave Dr Holm gifts for the city to be presented to the mayor on his return The gift from the mayor of Leningrad was book and res prints of too world famous art mosterpieces From the may or of Prague Dr Helm brought back book and gold medal Go back to school say two men and studentwho know the results of lack of an edu cation ment by those infallible sources of experience and statistics They prove the state i7yermla pro can speak for the experleaod side of the story Paul has quit school twice and Sept Dr Holm and hi3 wile Wwmafl beginning 01 the city through the mayor decorative spoon inscribed with Swedish art scenes This was personal gift typifying the doctors native land Sweden in addition Dr Holm gave the mayor photo album con tainlng photographs of the many mayors and ofï¬cials he met during his extensive tre Paul anywhere in the world without an education so am going to take the North Collegiate with the event ual hope of becoming an elec trician Paul has learned the hard way Pauls third year in Grade All have is Grade said figure cant get technical course at Statistics regarding the on return the mayors of both vels NPlcm FeaturePacked Fair At Coldwdter SeptiTtUQT School Fair livestock judging Honorary presidents Ort wili be followed by the dairy on Andrew Dunlop George cattle show Pony and saddle Graham and Waltero Pres class nnd Huronla Call Club John Skelto is 0617qu thievemént Day Etlay hovering unwisepre The 230 trot on pace sident digraph Grati Sec atlon Examiner photos tional unemployment situation show that 535 per cent of the registered unemployed have grade eight or less education while the remaining 365 per cent have grade nine or bet ter SAME FOR BARRIE Although these figures are on national basis they are approximately the same for the Barrie office said Kramer manager of the local unemployment commission More and more employers and manufacturers are seeking polgraduates Grade becoming the mini mum education level that the animals to names The student usually leaves established commented Mr school because he resents the Bowman control held over him by his teachers and also the respon sibility of homework Although the student left school to cape this contrnl he is ag faced with it in the Working world Until he conforms and accepts this authority he will drift from job to job and meet with the same frustration he met in school life said Mr Bowman Harness horse races enter tainer Met Lavinga and his Blue Water boys lull midway colorful flower show parade led by Midland band and one of the best rural exhibitions for nlty in Ontario drosoï¬ered by the Hinoniaï¬g rleultursl Society atColdwater for $150purs held LOCALAND GENERAL GOES TO RAINY RIVER George Arnoldrassistantagri cultural representative for South Simcoe st Alliston office has gone to Emo near Forl Franc es in the ItoinyJZiverdistsictr as Ag Rep for year while Richardj Heard takes spa cial educational course nab lve of Kincardine Bruce County Mr Amochflmeiston in 1959 on graduation from DAC FORMER BARRIEITE Recent issue of Midland Free Press Herald showed the Rev and Mrs Lloyd Delaney with group of Anglican ciergyrnen and their wives who attended special course at St Augus tines CollegeCsMerbury Eng land this slimmer Mr De laney native of Barrie and iiormermember of Trinity Church is now rector of St Marks parish Midland STAYNER LIQUOR VOTE Stsyner liquor licence vote will be held Oct 16 town coun cil having approved the neces sary bylaw subject to the Ont ario LOB The last vote held in 1958 was negative to the wets This ballot will ask approval of government store honor and liquor dining tinge ment has been made for the September and In invitingthe public to the corn annual show president JohnSkdtonstn of striving for development of the fair has resultcdrthis year in irnproved accommodation more sstisfachiry arrange midwayde better parking fa cilities have been made avail able Thursday Sept is prepara lion day Judging of the school fair and genemLexhihitstakesiplacevrn day morning cnoon ARADE At pm Septfath there will be aschool paradejfrom the public school grounds with music provided by St Theres High School Band of Mid ooméi schoolsmarching will be judged on the basis of grad ed and upgraded schools CORINTHIAN LODGE CorinthianLodge No92 will hold its first regular meeting 4hr June in BarrleiMasoo Temple on Thursday Sept Feature will be visitation by Victoria Harbour Lodge No 470 whose members will confer the First Degree TD COMMUNITY HOUSE Service clubs will resume their meetings at Barrie Com munity House next week Bar feit Bay Kiwanis Cllih will meet jointly for luncheon iuesday Sept at 1215 pm Barrie regular meeting since June for dinner on Tuesday at 815 pm Rotary Club of Barrie meet for luncheon on Thursday at 1215 IconsCrousr Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday evenings For pro fessional services call PA 64561 Wasaga Beéitfchï¬mmmeres Hold The llnnuol Meeting it Bouquet AT THE PICKWICKLQDGES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5th at 630 11111 Dinner tickets $200 Guest Speaker MR Please get them early WILLARD KINZIE Mayor of Barrie Suban Lengtheningand Increasing The Tourlsl Season rie Kiwanis Club and Kempen Lions Club will have its first Prizes will be awarded for the best clown decorated bicycle childs wagon and tricycle in the parade rofficial opening of the fair takiu place at 130 Fifi day and the fair buildm Will be open at that time SPORTS PROGRAM Results of judging the school parade will be given from the iudga stand followed by sports program sponsored by the Goldwater Legi RlRDRER our pharmacy Often we YOUR D0 0R CAN shopping nearby or we us with their pres ptio yours CALDWELLS DRUG STORE rhialixurlr RGRRRURORER Cor Owen and Donlop sts PohceCraok The midway features ferris VARIETY CONCERT Friday eveningin the rink the promenade variety concert fea tures Mel Lavigno and his or chestra On Sa ay stei horses are to be jodgedon the track tradition is to he parade of livestock Sultry raceson one half mile raceway will be for 225 TORONTO CHEleven Me tropolitnn Toronto morality of linersone with phoney south ern accen posedas offalo Jnisincssmenjo breakupwhat they described as an extensive cellgirl ring One officer using southern drawl called asuspecied tele ernployers will accept 1949 to 1959 caHGnl ngrskifledï¬obswrusmwiznt whereas skilled positions only rose 17 per cent tion of Metrnpolitanr Toronto daily showed the number of Walit Ada to be 143 This fig ure was broken down as fol lows 88 demanded grade 12 or better education 43 trade or experience Officers of the 1961 fair are Do YOU LIKE FRIENDLY SERVIGE Arent you tired of trying to save few cents and getting the poor service pricecutters usually give ls anyrpossrblosaviiigworththeaunoyanca of beingwaited on by overtired clerks whoehava ni the time to takea personal lnterat in you Then get your medicines nndheslthaids from us and we promise you will enjoy your visits to money for whilewe have nobait prices to in duce you to come in we also have no over priced unknown hrands toaverageup the pro need medi ne Pick up your prescription if without extra charge great many people entrust andmmvclassvanditiiwDJ 7mg mhwmmmt Woon Memorial Gentl sns Road Race an additional track event The Ed Hawke Memorial Trophy willbe presented for the fastest heat of the day Ginsu included in the oath lair are heavy horseglight horses catfiesheep and sw grai vegetables and frui flowers needlecraft domes MACHINERY DISPLAY There will hen display of farm machinery ontlie grnun and numerous commercial dis plays are to be featured in the rink building The school fair amounting to izeahle junior fair in itself be is notable attraction Mrs Brown is againiLs dnector Carman Robinson heads the trka events committee inoadaiaoa can actually save you PHONE US when you will deliver promptly its May we compound PA 5209 lanadaioo and asked for four girls Then he and 10 other officers gath ered in downtown hotel room took off their jackets andplayed businessmen man and two girls arrived Marked money changed hands Then suddenly the business con ference turned into police op eintion onto wag ch ged unti of Now in addition to tlksahngs being given to Ontariolianners in the form of cash and bulk discounts your 60013 is offering you the modern laboursavingservice otBULK SPREADING fertilizeron your fields and free soil ampling lentoop can you thlsoqnptde fall fertilizer ngian BULKSPREADING SERVICE GENEROUSVCAS BULKOISCOUNTS FAST CHANGEOVER that student who school in his grade nine or 10 year will hold as many as three or four jobs during his first year of employmen Mrlrarner added that from the number of semiskilled and un survey of weekday edi the remaining 17 dnotyhsvredncation email It has been my observation leaves said Bowman principal rict Central Col He added that laziness is the main reason it is not so much the lack of ability slitho lack of application Another reason he pointed out is the students choosing too ard course for his cap shiliti Whldlgmdlï¬7ifl drop outs at the grade and 12 level This is one of the reasons for the new Ontario secondary school systems being 1055 am 1050 am Daily FALL TIME TABLE Effective September 61h 1981 LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY DAILY 3110 pm 73410 pm 745 pm 01010 pm 215 am To Bracebridge only to Drillia only exrnrss éoiuiLo€TGIUiVEFfliU51w 1040 am DAfliY 745 pm gt no TORONTO DAILY 850 am 1050 3111 545 pm 945 pm 800 pm Friday Sundays or Holidays Trip illpnot run Sunday October 8th EXPRESS SERVICE 350 mm Except Sun Hal 21a pm Daily 745 pm Daily 545 pm jand 945 pm Fri Sat Sun H01 74M ro owrstsouub DAILY on To COllillngOd only Sat Sun H01 pm exSatNSun ll p111 ToCoilingwoo Sa Sun H01 pm Sun TO MIDLANDIy PENETANG pm SatSun Hol 4smpmfl5amun or H013 Trip will not run Sun October 8th To suoauaijb nplve and Si liylla PA 85571