Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Sep 1961, p. 13

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sales teats RTICLIS tor SAL MERCHANTS SALES TAX ACCOUNTING MADE Let us show you Cash EASY Register that will take Amount of SaloCIerkAmaunt of Tax all in one operation printed tape that shows full details of every transaction with one pull of the handle Priced from $27950 plus separate total for the Tradeins accepted STAR BUSINESS MACHINES 24 BRADFORD ST Doas or DEW coLLr PUPS black and while am Mr cattle don atartinl to work Tellphanl Ivy llNl aimrm Spaniel one and hail your old email can Dl trained as ou litre Could be rumored eiapnona PA aIm atler 030 pm BOATS do MOTORS nu BARDAIN 11 no3 1960 Deicralt boat In Johnson motor Telephone PA cAsrl Lama4500 at an er month Telephone PA as $915 finance Dunlop St Poor lites siolt day crullar hard top with loss Evinru at hp outboard motor tor nil Taiaphnne Walter Adair PA 15 Four Pm rhip Hurky model 19 56 ELF filnaun Javelin aor In or up celrl iprnant laphona PA DELcltAra is out at or 50 RP lulullon electric motor also trailer Excellent condition 271P equipped Telephone PA smut aTluP with 12 RP vitr otor tlberdiu bottom rom with auxiliary ru tank can and lire Jackets volt illhtinl war torn Bert altar take it PA 77 15 Manuel plywood post up holatorad aeail llllltl larpauiiri elm Johnson 35 ILP Illictllo atll with dual ianlu Trailer to match with winch 3900 Telephonl Hart PA Mm ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED Unulilli Pincus of claim briea brac oil lam oinatware clear or colored oi buttons toilet rota rurnlturo etc here prices paid Midhurst Antiques PA 82810 srAnlp caLLacnoNs Did letters and coin wanted aert prim paid Write Box 11 airrle Ont WE WILL PAY cAaR lor aoOd used lurnltura or any and need arlielo individual or content iota conditionyunto no more thln etl inches him an Wegnably priced Telephone PA 19 wANaaD used lumlture bedroom auitca dressers enerts eoucheiI ta cl chairl electric atavcs wa rerrlperrlerr and run Spnt cash or Die tradcin allownee Call PA ems 5FARMERS MARKET van Wlnku old Telephone an 513175 uitsulita lan about loo poundr priced at sin Taler phone ivy Hammond well started Apply Jim idweli Bhlnty Bay Phone Ora It PHONE com SFARMERS MARKET Livasroolr IS BIA Hal make all Tolephonl 1511161 llinvale sunr run nu rheartna promoted own and purebred sigma ram Telephone Ivy 11 POLLS HEREFORD bull Of all renatored lo rnoutha old Domino breedina Apply lVIn MetaIII RR Bradford telephone PRO pact Item POULTRY corona DEKALB PULLETS More and more agulrxuun are cheerinl DEKA uLurrs Started ready to lay and day old enleiu Order now lor nriy ordor dlrcounl rer service or one our poultry problems call untr HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 FEED SEED GRAIN rALL wrlBAT or aala Geneeeo variety Apply Roy Gaodllliow telephone strand ml to Acnus choice reasonably priced Mail or Ivy instill PASTURE FOR RENT WANTEDCattle to Future and winter lead Apply nattr an Shuin Ely or telephone Ora ll FARM slacthEny DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Milkers Wash Tanks Vacuum Pumps also gt Water Pump Ind lll Rubber Pull or any inliltei HANK BROWN an BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 Midsecisan Combine Specials zEnglne Drive Massey Clip PETS zPower Takeoil Massey Ciiplt pets on Ii Cornlick 110 SP110 Cockshutt No 127 McCormick sell propelled pull type Combines $250 and up International Harvester 66 George St Newmarke LLneEEIONLm2338ONTAR+OHAOTeR litmus rumow Mnsrey Harris tractor dlrc plow in Al condition animus in weeks old tor Apply to Leighton Henson uaonvaie Telephone elmvie Trotii is yoitusulua perlrom rEllstciu ock weaned $l0 each ert stone Pheiprton Eimvale 70mm with new disc Priced at slso Telephone Bill Rawn 81ml Elm Vail DARE iarlle harvester with in tiny and corn attachments also AyerllueonLlorapLonxAunn A1 cantil tion Toti rice also Dill llawn tainphona al Eimvele Tnoresnuual immunity CKLEY FUNERAL HOME GLADSTONE CURHIE QC LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Bnmflcfl Solicitors lea Public Conveyance etc alliesu Owen 5h earrie PA 511 Branch ofllco Elmvlll Out nowch mm Gordon Term CO DER SUGG BARR TERS nllLiclTOlts NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER EA SUGG JA 1294 Dunlap St Em PA 6397 COWAN cowAN BAREISIERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barrister and solicitora 13 Collier st Darrin Ph PA Ham WILSON MOORE EARRISTER SOLICITDR LAW OFFICF AT 102 DUNLOP ST PA 0235 AECOUNTANTST HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT aertlaea Punllc Accountant Toronto mu aarrle Barrie Ollicr wtlaoo ulda Fred Grant Square PHONE PA 83397 Naadhlm CPA Underhlil CPA Resident Partner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants TrusteeirW Samuel Rose CA 69 Collier St Phone PA 34349 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher or Plano stoma rheary Pupils pro area or examinations or the oyal Conservatory oi Mullc Toronto At non nd ARCI Modaln metno Studio landlord 5L PA 34m THE DAVIES or CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER ST EARRIE PA 66595 loo Mechanically sound lEngine Drive No 64 liloI FARM MACHINERY cm cilmm FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE can Nu uaiIand David aren Butt ruin enlnnunt 176 BURTOA AVE PA 5137 NEW EQUIPMENT 365 New Holland Balers 167 New Holland Baler 1430 Case lractor USED EQUIPMENT 1Swather lThreshin Machine zForage arvesters lBinder CASH lERlIIISFthADE aAlIrwonm comm Ella Silo la 11 16 For turther Eelauitaiephane Jlul Stroud 1711qu SFARMERS MARKET in machine inch cylinder In cutter 100d drive belt pa condlllon lib hinder tool aond eanveaea or tonrue Wilma Allen no Eehomberr AUTOMOTIVE moron cans non SALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER IllLLlIiAN AND LAND ROVER DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 56138 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH av sTANDAnD DEALERS LID Repairs to Ali Mum aiill and NAL Towinl Service 73 aAleELD ST aARRlE PA 84165 wrio ELSE WANTS NEW can Buy it Now With LowCost Lilmlnaurad scam PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA scorn oNE OWNER raoli NEW 1958 MORRIS OXFORD Oxlnrd 15W Sadan new Aulull white with red holata ll BID ta padded dn rlnh til min Electric clack block ed ruoNa PA More on sex amen manner To AnnANGErOR TRIAL oalvz use coNaun rear door rIdId in remed Telephone PA 355 me criavnoLsr in very and condition had tire and radio reasonable Telephone PA Hard or rurtnar lnlorlnatian Tm PLvIIiouru in very dead con dition All laud tires New pailll alien to be appreciated Telephon PA asam BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates Telephone and Condition no union in offal him he Is AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOB SALE me man ronr door ion radio and may emu mun arll due to ill health no reasonable allel filmed can be rteneed Cell Human 5m WCA dOlflXI Our door blur om mun uniteiii and iif él niiyniit pa for ACME ladle and unit to la Mapll Avenue lnflhsr filial im vourswmzir nines radio Sacrillre or run Reasonable POOH FA 05660 METEOR at body In Mr shape Good tire and road motor Telephone HIM AhDy liar atLvEll nAwrCnaa or lull um Her in or fifrnfiiii From In load condition power menu and brakes aut omatic nun ion H000 nliiel al1oo ephpne PA um dayr mans 1m To lullam and up nrealrinr alml All able Sprnula suprrtet no mfle anutl nornlvn telephone ivy llltll CABS WTD TO BUY Barries Newest Car Lot Urgenin Requires Used Cars TRADE UP OR DOWN We will lend you money On your present car ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 84272 cAsn Foil your ear Liana eald on We trade up or down Al landaie liolon al Em hand an rle PA easel TRUCKS TRAILERS gt yin or over Apply in pmon LOST Ev FOUND D00 WIT leotsh Collin Ln lhl Bil Cedar Point Inn on Wm event Anna Ia Clout aaflnx roll tau Revere Phone all my 01 pin To ronto between on and IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP CARPENTERS Three good finishing car penters Good Wages Steady employment APPLY MARTIN RR BARRIE no 11 soura TRUCK DRIVERS Truck driven wanted Hurt be only ID TIFFIN STREET BARRm Forum view bowl on Blake street Hr Conan II PA Sim and was it LEGAL MoiIces TRIASURERSSALE or LAND FOR TAXES Township innull Clultl Ilium ID Wit By virtue or nmpt tuned by Reeve or the Tenrnlp MM Mud Ilia band and the coal Cl In twenties Dealt SIM the ill day at ol had in mun Tami Bl tunnel will be held at la coinrnunlty lull Btrwd It the hour 01 two oclock la the can an ID Ill flu el September Ilcl union the run and can no wonsr paid Notice amoy Inn that the at or lead or all tor arr at lane am published in The on tarlo matte on the 1rd day or luae loci and that copies ol the uld list my be had at my um ilnd In not Ill acid on September an Idiomnod rail will DI lid on September lltnreHlaem hour and pliee mum Olnce ml 5th day or runs Ian Thomas Gallop Deceased Myrtle married daughter ol the above named is believed to live in or around Barrie We have lotorrnation at advantage to her Lena Lam SOLICITORS is KINGSTAELI wrsr WILTON DNrAiuo nor on PENsroNlll wanted to help In market Jud by the day or month heavy work vexing gal lugscurse 151 are ran phone nulllo mru FEMALE HELP EXPERIENch weitrmaa re ulrea or day Ihllt Restaurant Eon Plan WAlmlll wanted axntrlelicod lbr d1nlri roam lull tin Talk Dhunl PA Neil CAPABLE llrl wanted IIId work Apply Thompsons mo and White strand no EXPERIENch aeiallady wan or Illl time work Five day steady position Apply 17 Dame Examiner nELlAuLE wnmerl lor iiaht noun keepinz duties and cooklna Alteri noonr only six days week Tel ephone PA H118 no our crawler with heavy duty root end loader Priced In sell Seliaphone Bill len IlRSl Elna PERSONALS unnatural no my rid Ia and ram brand no one PA rem DRIVINE ro or the Ti itilnea trill rid Student naeda transportation and will help drive and or ex enm Phone PA 55 WOMENS COLLMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING haml now in Nil anvemmant clllfllfld school will you Ill thomuahiy trained in all branches all beauty culture For Inlormatlon write DEllWlN ilAlilDrtEssiNo SCHOOL la COLLIER STREET 0R PHONE PA as uEAUTt allup lnldwa by certiliad heirdrerser own home Phone Bernic at PA aaelz or PA N557 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 SERVICE DIRECT©RYL4 By Month or Year PA 84414 maunANcE sALus rapreuntatli DEPENDABLE yeupa lady re ceptionln sslatlllt in dental ol rice in write rtaUna are education and experience In to Box 15 Barrie Examiner MALE on racism sxrenruNcao Enohlea er eulrad main orleln or local bualnanualn quali flcationa and car at anrrla Ex CLERK PUT mill or tulle or moral om work unit have experience in nemrlna tale phone and nor typlat Apply to 50X 10 Barrie Examiner SALES HELP AGENTS RELIGIOUS MINDED Wanted active church nun to re present or sell in hia dlrtrlet Ina mart IIIIIDHI best known reiilluua pctun eccipted in all chriruenJiompn ant ruralIncl eararttiai To an it SALESMIIN or menaromont con ilina llrni exciuiive lerritortes rralaht coinrnluiona unlimited earnlnar nrlwlna account all weekly Phone Waterloo ant or write Box ll Barrie Examiner Ale Zita ya Prafluaiva Sultry DD1WD lid altar training Procontract tra nine to llva you time to make decision bola you leave your present position Ad vannulnent opportunity Sllu ax allenu hllvllli but not eucntla cpllea conlldentinl diva lull ticulan to Box 11 Barrie Ex Apply to it my Aucrlou SALES oN PAGE mfi Try An arming Want Ad raoNE PA Mm TE 11AM EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER III WORLD NEWS IN BRIE SEES TROOP BUILDUP LONDON iReulers The roI viet delcnce minist paper Red Star aei US armed areas In Far East lod we To strengthen their combat rcadlv near as part at Pentagon Dims to create another world daorcr spot The Soviet ncws agency he Tea quoted Observerconsid ered to be one the most authoritative pseudonyms in the Soviet press or drill the us planned to increase ills 7th Fleet in the Far East REPORTS MORE CEOLERA HONG KONG 4APl Eight ircsh cholera cases were re ported in the lastZl hours oi Home sold Marni Mount the number at confirmed cases to lot The disease has killed 12 people in Hong Konfi aioco it broke out fortnight ago PLANS POWER STATION MOSCOW AWRussia dil ciosed today It has drawn up plans or an electric power ata tlon to be operated by ocean tides Dear Murmansk on the Barents Sea it ia to be linilhed by 1960 FIR NIKE WHIT SANDS NM AP The army successluiiy lired Nlne Zeta unllvmlssu in test Thursdr 02 usJ peilant The firing also wo or the purpoa atuJyl structure and ground equpmcnt mahne tho ona hommrlid guidence tern SEARCH FOR PROTZETiON BALTIMORE tAPt Sufi vey at major buildings In Ill 30 statesthe ilrat step in cov ernmcnt program designed to provide tollouL protection nr 50000000 personswill xct un do my ncz moiv Michal oillclais announced Thursday REAFPLtI TAND WASHINGTO MP Con glass in reaiiirmed Thursday its opposition to US recognition oi Communist China and membership lot the Red Chinese In the United Nations By rolicall vote at £95 to with two members abstaining the Home of Representatives adopted the resolution pre viously approved by the Senate expressing the sense at Con nau or continued support at the nationalist ovemment on ForInca intiunte the White quires no action by Home SEPTI2nd MONDAY SEPT 41h We are proud to open for your inspection homes In Pratt Rd arrows from St Vincent St and Marion Cm Salesman will be on duty at the lite all day Saturday or your convenience $987 DOWN bedroom brick bunniowfluil LEAGUE aer lnléfilcfirifielthla rervice an so raovacIAL REPRESENTATIVE ViC WILDIIIAN PHONE Plt HS APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE jERVICEi Service to all makes of appliances I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6i 142 CAMPING EQUIPMENT if BARR GOVERNMENT SURPLUS ROSS ST Seellstocall our huntin supplies We uy and se firearms PHONE PA 60622 DIAPER SERVICE mamas FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Niamwackl iokll do dille ll FRANCIS 7T REALl PAS8551 Lear than Duck clllrlltol day DRAIN CONSTRUEIION LL GETHONS CONCRETE AND DRAIN caNsTaucrmN seplie Tanks weeping beds In stalled repaired Concrete work trenchinl excavatlnl THORNTON ONT lvir Imus PA ezaia MASONRY residuumsum AND REPAIRED CEMENT AND ELOCK WORK REASONABLE PHONE MINESING PAINTINGAND PAPERHAPGING EDWARD aller AND anN Punting and Paper Hmlillx aprny Palntlna servira Since mo RR BARRIE PA aaade RUBBERSTAMP RUBBER STAMPS MADE TO YOUR ORDER BY MARLYNN SPECIALTIES EST 1175le 151 GLOUCESTER Sln MIDLAND PHONE 3266753 saNraaaiz DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL hDISPOSAL ACT been honored to remove your on and crippled lam enl mlia under the above An FREE REMOVAL PhoaaCOLLEl BARRIE PArkway D3617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICEN ai DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRiE Pr 57751 or ask or ZENITH 91130 COLLECT nanru day1 day week NICKJSTDEADS OCIC iner EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK IIllllldrefl Isiy own lIOmG liver Telephone PA sisal Ringworm lune requi lull plil tin employman hilly experienced Apply Box it Barrie Examiner wounn any Barrie halr atylirt consider tekinr Lll preneleer Please write an is lrrle Exg miner WlLL DAB or one or two chlia dran company or JV year old lice Referencein relt phone PA Maia SALEOF LAND THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FORARREARS OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list of lands liable to be sold or arrears of taxes in the Collin ty of Simcoe has been prepared and was published in Ianadver tlsemeht August 1961 lottle Ontario Gazette Copies oi acid list of lands oladyerilamnenle can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon maliLou lit tion or same erdefault oi pay ment of taxes as shown on said AlstAonorbcioreTuesdayNn 11851 at IllahallrAIJW SMITHI McLEAN Emu Arthur McLean Bruce Dwell Barflatefl solicitors etc in Owen st Phone aarrlrtai and Solicitor Law mum at wuron Buiidlna Fred aunt Street aarne Ontario VTeiapltfinol PArlrwx um FUNERAL HOMES ANGDSWI ROSS BA Reaiatered iiduaiA Teacher instruc tanPlI Theory coaching in sun other rehuoi aub on Road El Barrio PA alive OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO Optometfln to ISO Cloud Woones DuniagAstb NOEL Illelnoun Ilnll amnion answer MODERATE cases CO TERM relay at Elltin PA can vOlItDFHIISt EXCAVATING RR Foalmeaii Ontarfo LicenseeNo 139661 FILL GHAVEL WP Hull SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Gradlnl Watsr Delivery Crushed atone Ell Yard Enekhoa tor hire DENNIS MORAN 10 Anna street PA um FOR SHOVEL WORK EchVAlrNG BACKHOE CLAM DRAG LINE CEMENT wound on RAISING sTEEi tili BOOM SEOVEL FRONT LvoNtl Luv ELLlNG on naéKrlLLlNa D02 EReworIKrAeHONEw STEW AIlT pa sauce in No ANswlm CALL Ill wait LAWN nownna Earrla STEPHENSON Ro inunro at rat sun none PA Lani WELL quotNG WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLEES FREE ESTIMATES CouplandDFii Ing RR BARBIE PA 7646 WELLSBLASTI NG owe IDllCHES eDEEPENiNG esruMPs eRErAlRlNG CALL BOULDERS oclock ST in the alternoon shall at that time in the Council Chamhe iiew County Building Barrie 0nt proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears to gather with charges thereon if land not all sold on Tuesday November 1961 an adjourn ed sale will he held on Tuesday November 1991 at two oclock ST COLEMAN Treasurer County of Simcoe Treasurers Oliice County Euilding Barrie Ont Eliot day of June 1961 Its wonderful thede Classified suitsl Phone PA 82414 decorated Attached aarau Lot luliy landscaped Lam livinxdinliil REAL ESTATE BROKER FURN ISHEDBYCIthKSFIOMETFURNTSHING NORMANE SHELSWELL cAliSON SREALESTATE Exclusive Agents OPEN ALLWEEKEND SATSEPT 2nd 10 am DOWN PAYMENT FULL PRICES $23600 44ROSESt One BIockam Complete Gas by era NORTH COL eatihg

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