gt gt itmsmmaxnmxmnmn mu 1m woman AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY 311 111 $333623 GUTHRE HIMSD limo trauma MAY our moving to Midland he took 15 71 1° 000th person to visit the Cana In 80 In Mfl But 235 dlnn National mhibitioo this Mr and Mrs Lawrence Fra air and Mrs Lloyd Turner Amman my mm mm Wm and Equal May tiny owed only on Sat year because she was pubiictty Mm August ML at be Mr ltlcCiung was member Ihy Mrs Pan 01 Colllngvrood spent 19 Wgek sited towards the St dre on isnch had ra Frineiightiui trip rs end with LILMrs wruiam cï¬fï¬ï¬uï¬i iggugiijuDï¬ ma Wm rm wk gained 66 Swarmh 23mm gangs gï¬fn When cur Trclzsurcr Charles cent when they visited Upper Thompson which is children took part 509 Mroinais and week ska Wu berent at Knox Church Mldr Eighth 31 Canada Village Thousand Mr Miss Lynda Grange oLSturs The camp was situated on this Poul Rowot my 3am mm tons 200000 on tar mm and PM can any men week here farm 01 Alvin Greeniaw at the Mn yam nev Self conducted lunch gm he mom Mrs Riddel at North Battie Wilh Mr and MH Ran Thom bend at the Wye River Elm Wmm 555106 SM at service trorn Nicholls Fun at nwbyphmgrgm Md Md son vaie District Lions Club loaned The were vm memberm he at Home August 19 and bur mm ed ii tinvilsieflcrridtlriil at and Mr and Mrs Jamu Scottie Ihe tent for the cam alto 5mm gmï¬swï¬ familys three dauphin ial was in St Andrews Pres xgmm magsuxm M3 at no Blacksth and nth and family of Toronto visited supplied the daily milk which 1mg Iran 23 Annie 0mm bytcrinn Cemetery It Hillsdaie on womb on flnuy withiflrrlndgflfl the children wrightfled Camp 1min we Ed 30 Pallbearers were Fisher Gan mm Gm Howard orsndon director was Robert Bongo T3 9° ï¬g My mg cf ion Ernest Scott William Mo flupflï¬ï¬‚w Efï¬ in WWM WfloeiWa or or cum ww oldD€ibgflHaneyVRouAand gt me at the timer are spending ETING te tmwr 3an Karen Kay 1112 exccutive was com Wink Gdlmlrmdm7webbrvrnuuingm weeks with Mr and Womens Association mat uni13M ava mg Canes posts of hits Ross Ritchie Urry my at Toronto was Thu funeral on ï¬lesday Aug 2000001 ltlrs ltiason 1uesday evening Aug I6 atl Sh be chairman Mrs Ray Grenler be the home at Mrs Hamid ltlarlt Smgï¬i 33ï¬ secretary iirqurchront Cflaglwbggï¬n warm was 1mm First harm VBSIARGARETrnurmsrï¬f Muses Janet Camp Eng Wm Mm Robert MM mm mm Mm Jack Tm Isun our Church when Mrs Urry was On unday July so 1961 mam SP5 presiding Plait were made to AFRICAN THEME any in charge of the buddy WWW rum Melons member The 3mm 0m We Ileek Miss 41 CG Cami lam have fowl supper in October The theme was Atrica Con Board Games committee airs ï¬m WI 53 El cnnducgdlkiolmg by RagL Jillian ï¬uxlnt tiled mans DALI Service in the United Chwwwortnientrsnlcshareiheanlstructionsmnsistai ola ihladt Jrlmgheeders Bernard stone P051 man rdon or untoo inset nesua rt ALLA hert will revtrt in regular held Mrs McFadden and Mrs samba jungle 121 traiisé airsémkgbgrt Stroud Mrs msÂ¥$$flgol Winnh Jï¬hï¬gï¬wï¬wmum hour of on Sunday Sept lliartin live their talent money miniature ion vi ago an it was as ill SultJlday School preceding Next mEcting at the church on tomahawits spears and shields and tound T1119 DWZMIR Intermenbfolinwed in Barrie The funeral at the Jennett was reproduced over several union gamete palm Funeral Home in Barrie at 1145 Sept it at pm Meeting ciolt Other craits included the mak Hominy Us lm fit and with benediction Lunch was ing of hirdcages modern art 0M5 or were six grandsons Walter conducled by the Rev 03 WNFERENCE served by the hostess ssistod masks heads in aturofarms Mr and Mrs aruoe Yarwoad was likely tiist of ts Um mm my Boyd Bannermnn assisted by Pastor Miss DOFDUY Mm Campbell by Mrs Bill McCiung etc Also clay moulding and and sons George and Ronald lid in orlh em Ralph mtg and Jack Ocun Graham of Barrie has ictumctl tmm tho Ecumen asbestos jars Sports music and returned tollowingohoildoy trip The late Miss Gugiiu was PRESCRIPTIONS ical Yoiiih Conference at Ann itll1 ndml£irrs iicwi nglféfl nature me was 8190 Enjoyed to NoWuirGflWBayy Pen Ah active In the church work and Arbor Michigan which was and ï¬nd 56 bum on his grogrnm 0n the final nsylvanla and New Yurk State fly OS Lug hm FREDEle MtcLUNG £50110 The yarns Sucnziltily mpeisvi Pm Mrs Amnld lin er and daui Fcn PP 39 Mrs Lloyd Fleming ot Lon mtdem or Midtana to the VETERINARY led an voted many varieties of lowers tn 1391059321 Fax 5921 ghter Delia of Syracuse New 915 and em don Ontario who is frequent past it years James Frederick bee guprlEs lMlorir were rcccnt visitors with VJeglnc csmgndwice 23 visitor to Elmvnie attended the momREAL cp Met Magnum died In st Andrew Beelaégrmm$zecf warnas REUNION Mr and Mrs Arthur llicllon glue ham an National CGlT Loadcrs Confcr 2th 53 wt died lung 0in Angus in his On Aug 27 75 descendnnts Mrs isaac Rowal of Barrio icty WE cocoa Bishop Univerllllt Len cancer Sunday two months bc ycnr Surviving in club rt of her ot its late Mr nnd Mrs Vil open the weekend with Mrs gï¬cflgsedlnb nomlle Quebec tore ho was to he tried tor mur Born in Hope County Dec famin two other My 10 LANDME iinm Va plos whose maiden from MacDonald Farley Ritchie la tier of his Wife and if children itm Mr McClung moved wtth of Mauve and Lou who 5qu STORE name was Mary Ann Cauisant Mrs Herhm Goddard spam PARENTS Vlsli Sunday to spend some time in was buried beside them in his family to thc Hillsdale dlst tn Cam and one 5m mm at Coulson gathered Spriniz my days in Tom as special singing group Coilingwood with relatives mm Qua Wednesdlw cl in he fame McCann of Coilingwood water Park itiidtiurst for al and Mrs George is number The tumbling group Mark The funeral conducted by on the Second Anal10 where Sher also madman by PHONE family reunion The oldest mom 39 added number The young hMrS me Influx tiev William Sniiwuod at St he lived until retiring to Mid ï¬ve mm Wm be nrcscni was Mrs group the Chipmunks perform SF EV 811m Chmh 35 In 1947 Burial was made In beaten up no 82823 ankEr of 0rd Station who wns Db Tum parentsheldyaisingJmmflr uncxpccledly advanced three lie was married in ion to run Cemme the youngest daughter of tho 1nd Spent days With Mr sung Gm Terry ms Mnnnlns hours mm the announced tune Edith turner oi lillisrioie who into Mr and Mrs William Vnp all r5 WW5 idont of Eimvala Home and mm THE friend of the torniiy said predeceased him in 1945 Stir lcs The youngest guest was lit Shad me ends School Association which spon this was done to avoid gathcr vivlng are daughter Mrs BEAUTY HINT um 5mm whmomb number People snrcd the camp addressed the Mk MEIE palm ing at cemetery of thc Robert Hudson Frcdlnal two In the time of Englands old daughtor of Mr and Mrs he 1mm ONE gathering and Laurie Burma onto hOSPlIEL Ga Makcurlous graiidchiidreliBnrhara and Paul Quegn Elizabeth recipe for Murray Struchan of Udney 9k T°r°° also spoke Mrs Torry expres mg cm Vnsburgh was the sale survi ludson and brother Edward attaining beautiful complexion Emu CNE sed the thanks of the Day AM We vor of Dec 29 tire that do McCiung of Elmvnle was to take very hot bath FAMILY GATimmNG Lockhm was cho Camp Committee to all who so new General Hmn strayed the familys one room An avid fan of baseball the andfoliow it up by washing 0n TuesdayAug 29 another ffommï¬msdare Home generously gave their time et Hm 915° shanty in Noyun 35 miles south late Frederick McClung helped the face with plenty of wine family gathering was Mid to club to lake their mt fort and material towards mak Pane mm of Montreal and took the lives to organize club in Hilisdale to make it tuli and ruddy ac honorMrs Walkers 35th ECNE last wgek for we ing the camp so successful Mrs Herb Kellynnd children of his Wifc Mariano ta and ti in 1908 and played on the team cording to the Encyclopedia Erit birthday Her ch children were rt took Lots dawn and ot Crcemore spent the week of his 15 children for number at years After nnnlca pies mind BIL 2cm CLUB PLEDGES ICE mother Mrs Wallace HIT Theclub200whichiust synirATilY EXTENDED Ilust nhoul comp eted on recently started has full Mrs Hammcll and girls This community was deeply sellout ADmTloN quota at 209 members who pled of Toronto spam aw day5 shocked to hear of the sudden The pipes are an lam the geld to raise $5000 for art Wm he paramm Mr and death by motor accident of Dcn water and the new mom is iiiclul ice in the arena next Maurice ald Staddarl at North Bay last tust about completed on Hlils year At present they have 31 Sunday night Donald was the date public schaoL we hope mast $590 in the bank towards second son at Mr and Mrs this Wm be ready rm opening their ohyectlve The committee RuySloddnrrrtboth at whom or theschoornnsept This members are receiving goodco FOR axrawr grewup in Guthrie of Tim win he big improvement or operation Each week some REPAIR WORK mlnsSympathy is extended to ngdate village the caved family rind also to Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh We are sorry to hear Glen lKY EXAMINER warn Ans es mwwwï¬umnrygce rim or on station and Murdnv Mk Penelans rhons 32414 You viisum Mr and Mrs Lloyd Crawford H°SP amount Donal oi aortic in the loss at their CAMPBELL um siMCA RENAULT ZIPPER CAsss REFILLS PENS PENCILS math he pramnrg ANCIENT Furniture Moving and Storage VAuM 93553 away in BamEt Decorating graves with flaws cummpJpmt Warehousing DEALER AND RING BINDERS nspital on Monday era is an ancici custom dating Agents or North American 15 Bradford St SPRINGSERVI rAr back to tho Ereuk and Roman Van Lilies FDNEIA 35 Dunlo PA 85128 Seqrngmu rwl ï¬rm pt6891i160VESPRASL ti fljjl iiiimi ddzans enjoy Donald Lamont rack become the second author other than Shakespeare tLhave his play performed at the Strmrd tout Festival when his mus ical comedy The Canvas Bar ricade opened at the Festi val Theatre in August iia tive oi Manchester Mr Jack came to Canadain 1951 He was 35 when he wrote the play in 1959 Married with one daughter he took up real ldencc at Oakville Qnt There is only one WELCOME The taste of goodalejspcakSfoitscifff Jointheycopiewirocaymoisonfs Ex andvrsée for at years of experience fostering good Will in business and community gt Avemge daibtcommptioo af standafdplnl 12 62yboztleii 1H tilts6302 yourself Why its Canadas largestisclling ale