Alotdsympathylntmywi New Zealand Takes Advantage Of Expanding Canadian Market By GRAHAM median Press Correspondent AUCKLAND cm wmn the secret of Vancouvers fascin ation tor New Zealanderst Whatever it is its Influence is powerlul lor the proportion ot travellers returning here to sing the praises ol the British Columbia city Is remarkably high New Zealanders are cement Ing on the frequency with which recent arrivals from overseas tours have voted Vancouver the lavorlte city visited on their travels Several lately have said almost the same thing although in varied words Two were airline hostesses who were given comprehen siva insight into the Canadian way at llle while undergoing training courses Asked what Impressed them mostin Can Ida they replied Jean Anderson 28 lormer sir llne stewardess Vancouver most clean and beautllul city Natalle Bishop lormer secs rotary Vancouvorsnd Its chair lilt whereby skiers can swim in the morning and ski in the alternoon Top New Zealand model Shir ley Pater recently returned from world tour which took her to Diors salon in Paris London Spain Portugal across Canada San Francisco has An gelea Honolulu Tahiti and Fill TOP PICK Sheiand herhusband saldor Vancouver Our pick at all the cities we visited is Vancouver It has everything widelytravelled and eul hmd New Zealander who has lived in many countries wrote alter his lirst visit to Vancou Vet This is certainly one of the Gun Win revel Movie Sudden Fur lAlusurAY summer 140 To era JMImLflLthe eh 300 Outside Broadcast Bugs Bunny 100 AliStar Golf News Welthsr Sport ï¬t doll Pin most memorable cities have seen place at great charac ter distinctive and appealing great city in saying that am not speaking oi size Greatness In city does not depend on the sire oi the population Vancouver is linked some times by returning New Zea landers with San Francisco but seldom witb otherCanadinr cities One reason tor the appeal may be resemblance on some points with Auckland and Wei lington and hence the influence oI familiarity to the traveller in distant parts Likcvthcm Van couver is busy Pacilic seaport in some of the largest ports elsewhere ships are seldom seen since they are hidden away in dock areas behind high walls and remote mm the com mercial areas In Vancouver as in the New Zenland ports the ships are plainly visible from main streets The sight oi ia miliar vessels in port at Van couver makes strong link with home ior New Zealend visitors Tiéiddliarshai Asked To Visit Mao Tsetung LONDON Reuters Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery said Wednesday he has been In vited to meet with Communist partychiei Mao lsetungjdur ing lorthcoming visit to maln land China Montgomery leaves for China by air Friday Alter the visit be will travel to Japan and Can adat He said he expects to be in China about three weekssim ply lactlinding Dennis is Menace TEA En Elihu Sea Hunt Great Movies Grand Hotel can News Weatne News Sports Georgia Julia1va hill Gunning Targatt Moment MDiscrstloa IUNBAY surnames us Text Patter 1W Popeye and us News Weathe spam no Good Lila Theatre 500 Canada File 380 Country Cliendar 400 Holidl Edition 500 News Magazine sso Naked City can humor 01 the Yunlla 700 National Velvet no some or Those nay lW Ed Sullivan Slaw on GM Presents 1000 Bflnflnl Up Buddy ioso Mast MeGraw lilo CBC TV News 1110 News Weath ts In Movie Thats My For Man can CHANNEL Toaouro kozmémdi use Whlrbbuar 570 mm MomentI in Sports 00 New News Weather Outdoor ortnnan Leave It sun Theatre At Weather Sports Late gird NI at To in algal gt unan smnn surly Shortl ChlnnIl Nin Theatr Untamed Breed Saturday th ON list hint Ellball Wren 1015 Pall Men Into Space JUN Elam Show llstlLatellovls can Two Faces West 100 Niked City 1000 Fight or the Week do Essw Show Watsonsport 1130 SI Nilht Theatre standby for Action Loo Epilogue SUNDAY snowman 103 Youth and Religion atorisr lor suns Around the Worl News Pa ass Bravo Douglas Irbanks Presents Channel Nine Theatre Thou cam int League ariasu nu Tin rm Glennanon The Real McCoys The Donna Reed Show Academy Performance iiinu Ruckstars ntarmission Academy Pei10ml tam an 282 sass 822 Fgggay 5° 82 IL iloo News Weather Sports The Last Command Epilogue MISS iiih if yourearrier has her arrived by din please phone 82433 gt Add CopiWiliBn Dellvereil To Ipur grunts 0m No cusses soa THIS ssavrgs WHALLENI SIMCOE COUNTY WONDER VALLEY Miss Ann Rubridge was re eent visitor at McElrvys Garry and Barbara Strsnsg han returned to their home In Hamilton alter holiday with their grandparents here Friends are glad to know Mrs McGee Is improving al though she is confined to home alter her recent car accident Mr and Mrs Cloutes ol Rich mond Hill and William McGee riddaughter Donna at Aurora were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs McGee Best wishes toers Ads cock and Frank Perkins who married on Friday evening CBMGHURST Miss Ethel Wehber Mid land visited Mrs Hodgson Sr on Sunday Mrs Hilda Richard son oi Tomato visited Mrs Hodgson during the week Mr and litre Lewis Carr spent Thursday in Parry Sound number mm the village attended the Baldwins sale in Dalston on Friday Mrs Bert Carton and Betty are on trip to Ottawa and other points Miss Mabel Richardson rpent last week at the CNE Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodgson spent Saturday and Sunday in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn lcit on Monday to visit in Ham ilton EDGAR Gordon shelsweil spent Iew days with relatives in Orillta Sympathy is extended to Mrs Crittcndon in the loss of her mother who passedaway at Midland and also to the Kerridge lamin in their berea vementt Mr and Mrs Ockenden ol Hoxdale spent the past week at Strachons Mr and Mrs Coylo and lnidy oi Sudbury Mr and Mrs French and iamily at Bar rie end Mr and Mrs Tub BTJAY You are South both sides vul nerable The bidding has been North East South Well Pass Pals Pass Whatwmudympwhldwiui each the swaning ï¬ve hands 15 UN WP mam 6762 arson aqan vol use 51sz AQJMZ 1083 14 318 one 97 amass Three notrump An open ing bid lacing an opening bid means game There is no ques tion thatwe belong in game with this band and the indica tions are strong that the best game contract is in notrump ll partners hand is such that he prefers to play in suit contract he is welcome to bid again over three notrump of two notrump or three clubs neither of which is forcing though both are encouraging These bids would show about 11 points No hearts We have very little more than our lirst bid indicated and we therefore show willingness to play at two hearts ltls far hotter to part scnrecontractbybidding bid two hearts than pass since partner might have hand big enough to produce game and it is also better to bid two hearts than three clubs which is more lorwaid step in the direction of game CONTRACT BRIDGE 4lhrtrflptoavoldiisabifiï¬ourcluhrmexcellenf 01 Cooksvllie Wt Mom with Mr and Mrs tleodea Ray and Bob Huston and children at Atwood visited at milsM during the week Mi idd1lfrs 11 James vE ited relatives in Oshawa during the weekend TO MEET IE Womens Institute will meet at the home at Mrs Dail sy Wednesday Sept at pm Topic Home Economics Program Mrs Howell Mot LARRY IBMNNON to Blessed lsthe man whose wile can cook and can m7 Sheardown nail How beattn usemr time lunch Mrs sy HOLLY uraaaanamuamramngmmninn lbe Iamily oi Mr and Mrs Morrow held their Iirrt lamiiy reunion at Springwster Park Mldhurst on Aug 21 with 53 members pruent Lun was served and games played including races and ball games ELMVRLE new and Mrs John Bell cl Montreal renewed acquaintance here in theviilage recently Mr and Mrs Ross Hutchin son snd daughters spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Louis Hodgson and sponsored the baptism oi KerryLoulse In St Margarets Church West Bill also visited Mr and Mrs Vev Boston Mrs Elwood Bone ol Thorn ton was Wednesday guest ol Mr and Cooper Russell DEath oodhridge spent Sunday with Mrs Bell JULIET JONES BLONDIE Mr and Mrs armour oi Welland visited tor law vsy Pawley thmot Black is home alter spending several weeks in the hospital at Penetang on Amelia Street and Bill Trace took out the building permit tor the new home and the pouring cement is underway BECKER it is true that the quality ol the clubs is hettarvthan the quality ol the hearts but this is minor eonsideratinn in choosing the trump suit There Is good chance that partner has greater length in hearts than clubs Three clubs The raise in clubsshowe possibility nl gnms inns openerm moie tliana minimum opening it is not forcing two spade bid while it wnuld show good suit would not be as encour aging lor game purposes as raise In clubs The three club bid just about represents the values held Three hearts It is clear that game must be under taken and the jump preference Iorcing to game tells story It is not necessary to re id the spades since heart lit is al ready established club lit and line distribution re quire that game be underv taken The lump raise Is lorclt lug Our 11 highch points op posite an opening bid put us close totbe game zoneand the days with Mr and Mrs Har distributional values and club lit are more than ample to just ity insistence on game Jwetner becomes slam minded alter the jump raise he has the opportunity to use Biackwood to learn how many aces we have This weakness in our handZno acesis easlly discoverable Tomorrow DAILY caosswoao ACROSS 1Clergyman Country or wickedness Eth 11 Fragrance 12Liabie 136lria name 1Boasted 1535 ems 1812am 111orrnnr government adminis tratlfln aber 18 and eatbarad 215ellowed 28 On this 19 Mind up ocean 20Arrican IL Laurie upon 29recbnleal proficiency 290mm so demand abroad an goods smitirclamav tion of rise 3322 81Subside Metal Regular Wine vessel 58m god vane au awnanus HIIII flllllï¬ï¬‚l II linenIll noww LWeatbee 181ndep5ndm IIIIIZI an gyhunnnnenllll n=nuoulnaaa HalonIona onuunnnnaaa grain simian possJ Milan 85 mm We GRANDM BUZ SAWYER AND SKEETER muses borne Rance purchased alot BOYSDATES panama THATS ALL SHE THINKS CPI GO TOTHE GOING OUTGF THIS Hons SMK SHAK mwou CLEAN HIM ML ABOUT WWW meme YIESIKITMTPTME I14 615 es mi MED EM EVEN IF GRANDMA DlD PROMISE CAKE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY éilmtllAS OPEN lliilR Alflclt Wm WRAE OF NOISE SHE HAS MEMORY qFANVUNE INTOWN WE SAVED FIVE MINUTES BY comm THIS EASY WAY LOQrAT DONT WANT ANY clam swanmon wwoesvuaeewouum OF SIAM REHADIOSVWDUYTHE sues mmcsemnmms WI IPIIN MD 96 GWN selfifélfl iWKéli m5 no mlOlz EWING BUT CORNV JOKE5